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rONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TOXOPAH, NEVADA FRIDAY, APML 8, 1910. ... - z MjiLV7a i i ww . ' ' -. --a ' ir r ' W v . - jiff -sm o AFTKR RENO BLACKMAILERS. The postal authorities and citi zens of Reno are stirred up over the fact that a large number of threatening obscene and blackmail ing letters have been received, most ft them being written in the city of Mteno. The United States district attorney is endeavoring to put a Atop to the practice, and with the assistance of the United Staes se cret service people will probably land -me- malefactor in the cooler. Our want ads bring results. .SPRLDINGS... BASEBALL, TENNIS AND .ATHLETIC GOODS. We arc the Sole Agents for TONOPAH Our 1910 Stock is Arriving Call and Receive Our Latest Catalogue FREE ROTHOLTZ BROS., INC. Leading Stationers QERSONAlT W. M. Veith, the Manhattan min ing man, came in from the north yesterday. General Manager S. H. Brady, of the West End, returned yesterday from a business visit to jthe coast. Ernest F. Hall, who has been visiting here for several days, re turns to his home at Manhattan to day: - H. Dohrman, who has been vis iting in the extreme east for the last five weks, returned to Tonopah yesterday. Senator T. L. Oddie, who is op erating mining property at Lucky boy, arrived in Tonopah yesterday after an absence of nearly a year. Judge J. C. Campbell, of the law firm of Campbell, Metson and Brown, arrived here from his San Francisco home yesterday and will spend several days here. James S. Wood, one of the promi nent ranchers and cattlemen of Smoky Valley came in yesterday to attend the funeral of his life long friend, W. C. Humphrey. Charles A. Humphrey and wife, and Frank G. Humphrey and wife, who dame in from Manhattan seV' eral days ago, to attend the funeral of their father, leave this morning for their homes. STOCK MARKET The following quotations Turn ished by H. E. Epstine, broker: Tonopah District. Tonopah Mining ...$6.75 Montana .84 .85 Tonopah Ex 85 MacNamara 32 Midway .30 Belmon.t 2.70 North Star , ... West End . 33 Rescue 01 Jim Butler 20 GoIdnVld District. Goldfield Con 7.92 7.95 Jumbo Ex 31 Booth 13 Blue Bull 04 Atlanta . . . . .14 Florence 2.05 Comb. Frac 46 Comb. Frac.shrdlushrdlushrdluhrdlu Kewanas 07 .08 Red Hills 04 .05 Miscellaneous. : Pittsburg Silver Pk. .70 ' .73 Manhattan Con 02 .03 O SCHMID & CO. THE GERMAN TAILORS We have purchased the inter est of Chris Stauss and will continue to turn out work that will speak for itself. Spring Styles Now onlDisplav St.' Patrick street. In rear of Tonopah Club building. Location notices, both in book form or by the dozen. For sale at this office. Tonopah Sewer and Drainage Company ALL BILLS PAYABLE AT OFFICE Room 24 Tonopah Block Nevada Theater TONIGHT Farewell Engagement Aylesworth Stock Co. Change of Bill Every Other Night Same popular prices and a first class show. 25c, 35c, 50c (no higher.) .33 .32 2.75 .01 .34 .02 .22 .14 .05 .15 2.07 .47 HOTEL ARRIVALS M1ZPAH HOTKL. E. S. Blair. E. Luitherm, H. B. Garrett, Los Angeles; W. H. Eard- Jley, Salt Lake City; Beverly Bo- gert, New York City; George Hale Brabrook, W. M. Veith, Manhattan; Lee Cochrane, H. Y. Dickman, J. C. Campbell, F. Cacciatore, San Fran cisco. MANHATTAN HOTEL. Mrs. D. Jordan; Round Mountain; James Dolan, Goldfield; F. M. Fitch, Los Angeles; John Andrew, Reno; H. McDow, E. Green, Mrs. A. L. McKay, San Francisco. PALACE HOTEL. Albert Smith, Salt Lake; J. A. Murphy, San Francisco, H. M. Rore thy, Los Angeles; S. A. Wood, Min neapolis; C. H. Trainor, Goldfield; J. L. Patterson, Carson City; F. E. Woodbrldge, San Mateo. . SCRAM ULK FOR CONTROL OF COUNTY RANK HICKEY IS PROBING STRIKE .SITUATION RENO, April 7. Assistant Super intendent Hickey left yesterday for Mina to look over the strike situa tion, which has not affected the Southern Pacific shops. The Tono pah and Goldfield company is, how ever, using the Mina shops for re pair work since its own shops were burned, and this makes the situa tion rather delicate, as there Is a possibility of the Southern Pacific shop men declining to handle the motive power brought in by the strike breakers. Temperature Report Yesterday's hourly teninerature record at the weather bureau office was as follows: - 5 a. m 42 6 a. m 40 7 a. m 44 8 a. m 47 9 a. m 47 10 a. m .50 11 a. m - 55 12 (noon) 56 1 ,p. m 58 2 p. m 59 3 p. m i. . .60 4 p. m 60 5 p. m 61 BANK SALOON WALTER DRYSDALE, Prop. My Aim is to Give the Best of Service and Attention ONLY Pirst-Class Goods HANDLED A Popular Place to Meet Your Friends. HX1) FREE QUARTZ ON ROOTH LEASE Four feet of the best looking Quartz yet encountered in the Booth Leasing company's workings has besn opened during the last few days in a raise fromv the 150-foot level near the Red Top line. It .is the typical dark gray quartz that usually leads to ore in this district and is very promising as a forerun ner for a pay shoot. Assays now show from $4 to $6, which is en couraging, considering that the quartz zone is just being entered. If pay values are not found in the raise more depth will be secured by sinking, to further prospect the quartz. , Following the death of State Bank Examiner Van Fleet there has been a lively scrimmage for the posses sion of the Eureka county bank and its assets. Van Fleet had appointed Charles Gorman as custodian. Upon the death of Van Fleet the county commissioners and Judge Breen im mediately got busy , It appears from the telegrams that as soon as the state bank examiner died Judge Breen advised the county commis sioners what could be done and they took the matter in their own hands and have virtually thrown the cus todian out of possession. They, with the sheriff, held a meeting Monday evening and by resolution passed de clared the bank in their own hands. The next morning they took the bank over and now the custodian and the governor and the district attorney general are busy at the supreme court getting out an in junction, restraining orders and any old writ that will sustain the state in the law and place the bank in their hands. ATTENTION EAGLES. Tonopah No. 271, Fraternal Order of Eagles, meets tonight at Elks hall at 8 o'clock. Visiting brothers cordially Invited. ED M ALLEY, W. P. W. L. MOORE, W. Sec. SEVEN YEARS FOR CONBOY. By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, April 7. Seven years in San Quentin was the sentence imposed today on former Captain of Police Michael Joseph Conboy, convicted of manslaughter for the killing of Bernard Langan A ten days stay of execution was granted. BASEBALL. Coast League. ' At Los Angeles Vernon 5, Port land 2. At Sacramento Los Angeles Sacramento 0. At Oakland San Francisco 3. Oakland 1. (13 innings.) State League. At San Francisco Oakland 6, San Francisco 5. At Fresno San Jose 1, Fresno 0. At Stockton Sacramento 4, Stock ton, 3. HARTFORD, Conn., April 7. For the first time in six years the democrats elected a mayor today when their candidate, Edward T. Smith, defeated Edward W. Power, the republican candidate who was up for re-election, by a majority of 360. License carried by 4,579 majority. ORAL HEARING GRANTED. By Associated Press. WASHINGTON, April 7. An oral hearing on May 18 has been granted by Secreary Ballinger to representa tives of the city of San Francisco on the question of the revoking by the interior department of the per mit granted to that city authorizing the contingent use of the Hetch Hetchy valley as a source of water supply for the city. KEO, Ark., Aipril 7. A mob com posed entirely of negroes overpow ered Constable Mallory of Keo, four miles north of here last night and seized his two negro prisoners, one a woman, and shot them to death, and hanged the bodies. - The victims were charged with killing the hus band of the woman and wife of the man. SAN FRANCISCO, April 7. In response to numerous complaints that have been made about the ex tension of the tenderloin district in this city, the grand jury decided to night to conduct an investigation into the conditions existing there. I IS PASSING AWAY. Hank Blanchard, who is now in the German hospital in San Fran cisco, where he has been taken from Bodie, suffering from an attack of blood poisoning, is slowly passing away and his demise is expected at any moment. Mr. Blanchard has many warm friends in this city who will be sorry to hear of his suffering. ENJOINS NEVADA COMMISSION. CARSON, Nev., April 6. Judge Van Fleet issued an injunction to day against the Neva I t railroaiJ commission to prevent t.v enforce ment of an 18 per cent red -etion in freight rates in S'evada. Argument on the Injunction will be her.rd on April 9. The trial of the case on its merits is set for May 9. WhyfSend Out of Town for Your Printings- When you can have first-class work done right here, by first-class union printers. The business man who sends out of town for his printing injures his own business as "well as that of others. While on the other hand the man who patronizes home institutions increases the town's pay roll, and thereby builds up his business The printers and book binders in the cities of surrounding states do not come here to spend their money Do You Know That theBonanza"has an up-to-date Job Printing Plant and one of the best equipped Rating and Binding Plants in the West ? Patronize Home Industry, S Build Up Your Own Town. 8 T