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TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA TONOPAH, NEVADA, SUNDAY. MAY 15, 1010. F0N0PAH DAILY BONANZA Pablished Every Mormn. Monuay Excepted, at Tonopah, Nevada W. W. BOOTH. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. KENNETH J. BOOTH Associate Editor. NMiiher of AKHOi-iated Prtws ' TERMS OP Que rear 112. 0j Nine months 10.00 Six months 6.76 $10 REWARD. A reward nf $10 will be paid for information that will lead to the ar rest and conviction of parties stealing The Bonanza from subscribers. Subscriptions by mall Entered at the Postofflce In No advertslag cuts, one inch squ are or smaller, wHl be accepted unless made of metal. No wood base cuts of this size will be used. Wood cuts are dangerous to forms and press. KOMICAL KUSSES. Our funny friends up the street, who edit a paper that occa sionally causes a congestion in the sewer pipes, are worrying where the Bonanza is, going to secure the $15 to be paid to the nearest guesaer concerning the census of this city. In fact they have spent several sleepless nights wondering if we were going to try the samo dodge they "did iln their alleged $1,200 contest. Nev er fear. We are mot soliciting subscriptions in this contest, and if we did, we would continue to give the subscribers a daily paper, which is Just a little bit more than the aforesaid comical fel lows are doing. We are not built on the false pretense line; nei ther are we conducting a bunco game. It may suit some people to solicit subscriptions and then, in the vernacular of the streets, "welch from covering the bet." That is a style peculiar to ome people and foreign to Ne vadans. Of course, there are several other styles that would not look well In print, and out of courtesy for the profession, we will kindly omit them. While the reference by the sheet that is alleged to be the size of an adult, was evidently composed while the editor was in a jocular mood, we would recommend a trip to Hot Springs where that brand of mirth can be easily extracted from the system. Furthermore we will state that we always pay our bills, espe cially to our employees. The practice of giving' employment and paying with promises is a good one for people of that ilk, but we prefer to do business in an honorable way. COMEDY GALORE IS IN STORE FOR BUTLER PATRONS X)D AND INTERESTING FILMS VILL BE SHOWN AT TODAY'S ( PERFORMANCE. One of the largest crowds of the orsdson attended the Butler theater last night and- as usual enjoyed a very good show. The pictures wero the best ever shown in Tonopah. "The Tenderfoot's Triumph," a Biograph comedy, was ' the feature picture. "The Merry Widow Takes Another Partner," was equally as good a comedy. Earle Clement , Nevada's sweet singer, will close a -very successful week's engagement tonight. Mr. Clemens has ar ranged a splendid program, in cluding "Because I Love You Desv." ty Hawley. Mr. Clemens and thi management will consider It a favo for anyone to request any song in his large repertoire of songs. Th pictures for tonight and the mati nee will be the same, as our ship ment failed to arrive In time to change. Matinee at 2- Evening , Tformance at 7:15. r t'ER REWARD FOR MISSING WOMAN A reward of $1,000 is ' offered 1 the sheriff of Los Angeles -mnty, California, . for a woman lio is believed to be de mented and may be In this city. Her name Is Mrs. W. H. Pittman and she is a resident of Los Angeles, from which place she disappeared on April 26. A circular received by Sheriff Owens describes a num ber of articles of valuable jewelry and diamond ornaments, which she is said to have worn when she was last seen, carrying a new suit case. HOTEL ARRIVALS MIZPAH HOTEL. J. Willard, E. G. Wheeler, George W. Barnet, U B. Blumberg, San Francisco; Thomas S. Csrnahau, Mberty; ' E. Kennedy. Rhyollte; J. r. Davidson, Round Mountain; It. T. Weum, Moorhead; George B. : M rbank. New York City; H. W. Klsen. Reno; Robert W. Sawyer. ngor. Maine; Robert W. 8awyor. (a 'bridge, Mass.' PALACM HOTEL. P. H. Peterson. Carson; H, WHte, Manse; Walter Kermeen, rs-Ut: W. R. Dunbar. Millet; fii- e UwU, ciW. SUBSCRIPTION Three months One month . . One week ... 8.60 1.25 .3o TO SUBSCRIBERS. Parties who do not receive their papers, or who have any cause of complaint, will oblige The Bonanza by notifying this office. must be paid in advance. Tonopah as second class matter. IS SUCCESSFUL IN ATTEMPT TO HAKE FORTUNE FOUNDER OF 'JESSUP WILL HE TURN TO OLD HOME AFT ER' LONG ABSENCE. Having made a fotune in thi mines of Humboldt county, Nevada, H. S. Jessup, founder of the min ing camp of Jessup in Humboldt county, is going to return to his family at La Port, Indiana. His wife and children have for five years believed him dead, but In all that time he has been trying to win the fortune he came west to find and now that he has suc ceeded he is going to return to hk home. Five years ago H. S. Jessup tired with the quiet life of La Port, In diana, where fortunes are only earn ed by years of toil and perhaps not then, announced to his aged parents and his wife that he was coming west and ended by saying: " will not return until I have made my fortune." He then disappeared. A Ions search was made for him by his lonely wife and parents and at last his father and mother died broken hearted, believing that he had died as no trace of him could be found. His wife lived on, caring for hia children and always hoping that some day she would hear from liim. In the meantime he was digging away in the hills of Humboldt coun ty seeking that elusive fortune. He has at last won and only a few days ago his wife received a tele gram from him reading: "Have made my fortune in Ne vada. Am coming home to you and the babes." This telegram was dated Lovelock, Nevada. PROGRESSING IN HIS AMBITION. F Joe Mannlx, youngest son of F. P. Mannlx, Nye county's esteem' ed treasurer, and who formerly re sided In this town, has entered the law firm of Stark & Martin, In Denver. Mr. Mannix will gradu ate from the Denver University lav school this month. He will at on;o assume the activity of his profes sion. All we of Rhyolite wish him pleasure, profit and prominence Rhyollte Herald. Fresh buttermilk at the Tonopsb dairy. S--tf. THE PIONEER STORE ESTABLISHED XMAS 1900 lofiirop-Oavis Company, Inc Call in and get our prices before placing your orders elsewhere. Our goods are Always Fresh and of the Standard Brands. Phone 262 prompt delivery Phone 262 personal H, W. Edsen came down from Reno yesterday. Johnnie O'Keefe, of Goldfleld, was visiting in Tonopah yesterday. Miss A. C. McSorley leaves Mon day for a two months' visit with her folks at Mokelumne Hill, Cali fornia. Thomas S. Carnahan, general manager of the Liberty Mining company, is in town attending to business for the company. Colonel E. G. Wheeler, presi dent of the Tonopah United Water company, and Major Geo. B. Bur bank, of New York, arrived from the coast yesterday and will spend some time in thins ciity. Ed Wheece, the local merchant, will leave for San Francisco to day. During his absence he will visit the Mount Tamalpais Military academy where his son, Ed, is a student, who will graduate on May 19th. J. F. Davidson, the Round Moun tain mining man, who has been at Goldfleld for several days In at tendance on the district court, where a case is being tried in which he is interested, came over from the southern city yesterday. Robert W. Sawyer Sr., of Bango; Maine, and Robert W. Sawyer Jr., of Cambridge, Mass., who have been looking after mining Interests in the Round Mountain district for the past week, returned to Tono pah yesterday and will soon leave for their eastern homes. STOCK MARKET The following quotations are fur nished by the reliable brokerage firm of H. E. Epstine: Tonopah District, Tonopah Mining ...$8.50 Montana 1.00 1.02 .31 .31 .07 .51 , .30 .25 Tonopah Ex. ...... 1.02 MacNamara 30 Midway 30 Belmont 4.00 North Star .06 West End ........ .49 Rescue .03 Jim Butler 29 Mizpah Ex , .23 Goldfleld District.. Goldfleld Con 8.15 8.20 Booth 13 .14 Blue Bull 04 .05 Atlanta 13 .14 Florence 2.1T 2.20 Comb. Frac. .47 Kewanas .05 Jumbo Ex. ,19 .48 .06 .21 .70 .03 .05 Miscellaneous. Pittsburg-Silver Pk. .68 Manhattan Con. .... .02 Manhattan Dexter . . .04 " Sales. 1,400 West End, at 50. 2,500 West End at 50. 100 Belmont at $4.02. 200 Belmont at $4.02. 700 Belmont at $4.00. 1,000 West End at 49. Temperature Report Yesterday's hourly temneratnre record at the weather Bureau offlce was as follows: 6 a- m. 48 7 a. m 52 8 a. to 57 9 a. m 60 10 a. m 63 j 11 a. m ..,.69 1 12 (noon) 67 1' p. m .69 2 p. m 70 3 p. m 71 4 p. m 76 6 p. m. . Highest 41. . a year ho. 66; lowest. $3.50 Recipe Cures weak Kidneys, free Relieves Uainary and Kidney Troubles, Backache, Straining, Swelling, Etc Stops Pain in the Bladder, Kidneys and Back. Wouldn't it be nice within a week or so to begin to say goodbye for ever to the scalding-, dribbling, strain ing, or too frequent passage of urine; the forehead and the back-of-the-head aches; the stitches and pains in the back; the growing muscle weakness; spots before the eyes; yel low skin; sluggish bowels; swollen eyelids or ankles; leg cramps; un natural short breath; sleeplessness and the despondency? I have a recipe for these troubles that you can depend on, and If you want to make a quick recovery, you ought to write and get a copy of it. Many a doctor would charge you $3.60 just for writing this prescrip tion, but I have It and will be glad to send it to you entirely free. Just drop me a line like this: rr. A. K. Robinson, K120S Luck Building, De troit, Mich, and I will Bend ft by re tifrn mall in a plain envelope. As you will -see when you get it, this recipe contains only pure, harmless remedies, but it has a great healing and pain-conquering power. It will quickly show its power once you use it, so I think you had better see what it is without delay. I will send you a copy free you can use it and cure yourself at home. JOHII GREGOVICH DEALER IN FANCY AND STAPLE ..Groceries.. KRUITS AND VEGETABLES, FISH, POULTRY, ETC, IN SEASON. fONOPAH NEVAI ...SPALDINGS... BASEBALL, TENUIS AND- .ATHLETIC GOODS. We are the Sole Agents for TONOPAH Our 1910 Stock is Arriving Call and Receive Our Latest Catalogue FREE ROTHOLTZ BROS., INC. Leading Stationers Bonanza Ads Bring Results UP-TO-DATE RULING AND BINDING PLANT We make a specialty of LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS and guarantee every one turned out ESVAB. INL BREAD 5c LEADING CONFECTMMIBRS irppnn mc Per I AJlf We wish to announce we will sell the Largest Town tor FIVE CEINTS RECEIVERS SALE The undersigned will dispose of $7,300.00 of shelf and heavy hard ware, together with the buildings and ground occupied by J. E. Green & Co., in Rhyollte, Nevada, on the 25th day of May 1910. The property has been divided into lots or parcels. Bids are so licited for all or any of the lots. An Inventory will be furnished on request. Address E. P. Miner, re ceiver, Rhyolite, Nevada. 4-28, 5-1. 8, 12, 15. Office Supplies and Stationery OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Fresh Candles Received by Express. Cigars and Tobaccos. "Heach's Sporting Goods. Tonopah News & Stationery Go. POSTOFFICE BUILDING. H.E. EPSTINE STOCK BROKER Quotations received from San Fran cisco Stock Exchange board. If you are interested in southern Nevada securities, write me. TONOPAH BLOCK BLDG. TONOPAH - NEVADA "It's The Spring" When neat Btyles are desired. Drop in and order your snm mer suit. It is every day when our work speaks for Itself. SCHMID&C0. THE GERMAN TAILORS St. Patrick street. In rear of Tonopah Club building. PALACE HOTEL ROOMS 75c, $1.00 AND Ufc ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS. Free Bus to and from nil trains. of all kinds are being turned out in the Bonanza's The Nevada Bakery BREAD 5C Per Leaf a im thai on and after Jan , 1010, and Best Loaf of Bread In BANK SALOON WALTER DRYSDALE, Prop. My Aim is to Give the-Best of ' Service and Attention ONLY First-Class Goods HANDLED A Popufor Place to'Meet Yoar Friends. Butler Theater The Popular Show H-nse. Motion Pictures AND illustrated Songs MATINEE EVERY AFTERNOON ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM EVERY NIGHT, EXCEPT 8UNDA1 Admission 10c Tonopah Sewer and Drainage Company ALL BILLS PAYABLE AT OFFICE Room 24 Tonopah Block Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company COAL! COAL! COAL! BUILDING PAPER, ROOFING PA PER FOR YOUR OWN PRICE 'PHONE 1062 MONTANA CAFE Up-To-Date in Every Particular Open Day and Night Service the Best