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PERSONAL . Arthur J, Aylesworth left yester day for his home at Reno. Mrs. J. T. Williams came in from Hot Creek yesterday morning. Frank Haekley and Charles Pet erson have gone to Catalina for the summer months. Judge J. F. Dennis and wife re turned yesterday from the aorta after a week's absence. Key Plttman and wife are ex pected to return this morning from Reno where they have "been Visiting since Monday. Edward Hadley of San Rafael, Is In town visiting with his brother, who is night operator at the West ern Union office. H. L. Holland, who Is managing the southern end of the Aylesworth theatrical circuit, eame over from Goldfleld yesterday. Jack Myles, deputy assessor, who Southern California Seaside Resorts $31.30 TONOPAH TO LOS ANGELES AND RETURN rUNOV-AU has been visiting the northern and western portions of Nye county, ha3 returned from (hls trip. Mrs. Henry Millett and daughter, who have spent the last two days in Tonopah, leave for their home at Smoky Valley th'ia morning. District Attorney Cteve H. Baker and wife returned yesterday from Reno and Carson, where he ha 3 been transacting official :business. Raymond Robb, who has "been at tending the state university at Re no, 'returned to this city, yesterday to spend tie summer vacation With his folks. Attorney' George B. Thatchar who has !been attending to legal litm'""-- . Reno and Carson, re- tf"ni the north yesterday nj Jelling, postntaster at v ""1 id, ho has been looking af . , ,,..-fs at Hawthorae, passed tb 0n Ton'opah yesterday after noon on his road home. General Manager F. G. Water- .,. BONANZA, TONOPAH, in tu'i"iiuiii """"mminn mu house yf the Nevada Telephoner Telegraph company, is expected to return this morning from the coast where he has spent the last month. HOTEL ARRIVALS MIZPAH HOTEL. U. L.. Holland, Bessie Anderson, J. 33. Humphrey, GoldQeld; O. W. HaJl, St. Louis, Mo.; G. Dorey, San Francisco; O. H. Dannals, Los An geles; Mrs. J. T. Williams, Hot Creek; Mrs. Mosely, Rye Patch. PA LACK HOTEL. Oscar Azman and wife, Los An geles; Mr. and Mrs. McKay, Man hattan; Charles Shay, San Fran cisen; M. Kearns, Millers; Ed Ge ragihty, Lucky boy; George W. LHes and wife, Rhyolite. MUST 1AY TAX FOR LIQUOR SALES CHICAGO, May 26. Three thou- NEVADA, FRIOAY, MAY 27, 1910. ftiifmTniimnn.i nn sand Chicago societies that sold liquor at dances last year will have to pay the United States govern ment the internal revehue tax of $25, according to a decision of the Washington authorities. Temperature Report Yesterday's hourly temnerature record at the weatner uureau office was as follows- 5 a. m. .., 5t 6 a. ni. ,.5 7 a. nu 54 8 a. m. 56 9 a, ni 5S 10 a. m ..63 11 a. in 67 1 2 (noon ) 72 1 p. si. ,' 73 2 p. m 76 3 p. in 78 4 p. m. ..: 80 5 p. m. 80 Highest .a year ago, 75; lowest, 53. KEEP KOOL EVERY MONDAY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY um imii nun mm Iilll IIHI I II AND TONOPAH EAGLES TO CROSS BATS DKH KENT OVER FROM SOUTH KRX CITY IMMEDIATELY ACCEPTED. Chief of Police Ed Malley yes terday received a challenge from J. G. Thompson, of the Goldfleld Eagles, to a game of ball with the team of the local aerie, to be play ed on the 5th of June. The defl was immediately accepted and the boys will go into training right away. The challenge for. the con test is as follows: The members of the baseball teams of the Fraternal Order of Eagles of Goldfleld hereby chal lenge the Tonopah Eagles to a base ball game to be played on Sunday June 5th,' either at your grounds in Tonopah, or on our grounds here, the visiting teams expenses to be paid. 1 Rules to govern the game: that all players must be Eagles, or their application must be passed by the order; game to be a seven Inning game. Hoping to hear from you as soon as posible, I remain. Fraternally yours, J. G. THOMPSON, Chairman of the Baseball Com mittee. It has not been decided as yet where the game will be played, but it is possible that it will come off in this city, although that matter will be arranged later. NEW RECTOR AT ST. MARK'S CHl-RCIl Commencing on Sunday, May 29, regular morning and evening ser vices will be conducted at St. Maik's Episcopal church by the Rev. James J. H. Reedy. Morning service at 11 o'clock; evening ser vice at 7:43 o'clock. Music and offertories by the vested choir and soloist members. Mr. Reedy comes to Tonopah from Oklahoma, arriving here on the 27th to assume the rectorship of St. Mark's for the ensuing month. He is highly spoken of and is recommended as an earnest, efficient and most entertaining pul pit speaker, and a cordial invita tion is by the church extended to the people of Tonopah to attend the services to hear and become acquainted with him. GUILD MEETING. St. Mark's Episcopal Guild will bold their regular meeting in th3 guild room Friday afternoon. May 27, at 2:30. LILLIAN HERRING. Sec. Our rant ads brine remits. mwwm ACTION' WILL INSURE TRIAL FOR MURDER,; Judge Somers of Goldfleld yes terday ordered J. H. Miller at Haw thorne to assemble the grand jury next Tuesday or as soon after as; possible. The purpose of calling' the jury together at this time is to pass upon the cases of J. and Dominic Antoninl, charged with the: murder of J. H. Clark. HAD TO DIG UP $100. Mrs. Flanningham, a witness oni the stand in the district court at Virginia City with Judge Averilt on the bench was fined $100 for contempt of court Monday even ing. for neat printing try the Be" I nanza lob department. Nevada Theatre ALL THIS WEEK. LEWIS & LAKE MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY ENTTRE CHANGE OP PROGRAM! EVERY OTHER NIGHT.. TONIGHT. "The Rollicking Girls." Popular prices 25c, 50c and 754- NOTICE. In the district court of the fifth judicial district of the state ot, Nevada in and for the county oK Nye. In the matter of the estate of" that Sophie E. Williams has fll;J, NOTICE IS 11ERHBY GIVEN, that Sophie E. Williame has flldct with the -clerk of said court, a pe tition praying for the admission to probate of nn instrument purport ing to be the last will and testa ment of Joseph T. Williams, de ceased, and for thf hearing 'ot the application of Sophie n. Wil liams for the issuance to her ot letters testamentary thereon; ant that Tuesday! the 3m day of Ma.'. A. D. 1910, at two o'clock p. m the same being a day of the regu lar session of sal court, at th court house, and in the ourt room thereof, in the towa ot Tonopat county of Nye. t siam f Nevada bas been set by the court for th . hearing of said petition, when ant where any person interested ma appear and show auo why gal petition should uot n : granted. In witness herfcf. 1 have her unto set my hand and affined th seal of said court. ?bH Hth d of May. A. D. 1910.. 'Seal) ROBERT U, POHL. Clerk o' eourr rty ijowell dan:elb.. nepnv P. H. Keeler. .Htlcmey r ptl 'tonvr. .. .- ,;.; tt, 27 Inn