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TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TONOPAH, NEVADA, TUES JUNE 1, 1910 d2P SAYS WOMAN HAS NO RIGHT TO COLLECT FUNDS MISSIONARY FOR CRITTENDEN HOME IS DENOUNCED BY PRESIDENT. TONOPAH WILL INVADE liil, III IN II DURING W I K LOCAL KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS WILL ATTEND GRAND LODGE MEETING. jack deupsey has womd his last shift Mizpah lodge No. 25 is makin preparations to visit Goldfleld on Thursday, Friday and Saturday to attend the grand lodge meeting died yesterday afternoon at the which will convene there on the: Miners' Union hospital from tuber dates mentioned. culosis. Mr. Dempsey had resided The local members of the order in Tonopah about six years and will attend in a body and it is pos sible that a special train will be se cured to carry the delegation. Tonopah company No. 4, of the Uniform Rank, Knights of Pythias, will also attend and engage iff a competitive drill with the Goldfleld survived by a wife and a seventeen company. The local company has ; months old child, who reside here. been drilling for the last six! About two years ago a young months and can be depended upon daughter died and this sad happen to give a good account of itself in ' ing was a heavy blow to the fanii the drill. It was expected that . ly. companies would be In attendance Mr. Dempsey had the distinc from Eureka, Ely and Yerington J tion of being one of the first trus but late reports announce that their 'tees for the Tonopah Miners' un attendance is not assured. ion and since that time has filled There , will be delegates to the ' several other offices. He was about grand lodge from every subord!-U8 years of age and a native of nate lodge in this state and Gold-' Canada. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon from the Reno, Nev., June 4. Tonopah Bonanza, Tonopah Nev. ' Do you know of a Mrs. McNa mara soliciting and collecting mon ey in Tonopah for Crittenden home of Nevada; if so warn the public as she has no authority to collect money or get subscriptions. She la not turning the money over to home. M. R. WALKER, President of Crittenden Home The above message was received here Sunday and yesterday it was learned that Mrs. McNamara had been canvassing Tonopah since Mon day, soliciting funds for the Crit tenden home for girls, located at Reno. When asked concerning her right to represent this Institution Mrs. McNamara announced that she had a perfect right to do so and that every cent collected would be turned over to the controlling board of the home. "Dr. Walker attempted the same practice," said Mrs. McNamara, "when I was canvassing Elko and Ely. He is angry because I will not turn all funds that I collect over to him. Instead I will give the money to the controlling board so that it will be expended in a wise manner. "I have been engaged with the Crittenden home for. four years and have never met with anything like the treatment afforded me by Dr. Walker during my experience. This is my chosen work and I was com manded by God to go forth and aid unfortunate girls. If such a thing happened to a missionary in a for eign field the troops would be rushed immediately to their assist ance." Mrs. McNamara was unable to produce her credentials authorizing her to solicit for the Crittenden people and stated that she had left them with Attorney McKay at Ely, who is representing her. She showed certificates of deposit on an Ely bank for $205 and also a cer tificate on a local bank for $54. These, she said, she woold endorse over to the controlling board and had no intention of keeping the money for her own use. Just what the exact status of the matter is, the Bonanza is un able to state. It would appear, SMALL FIRE CALLS however, that if the lady intended DEPARTMENT OUT to turn the subscriptions collected Fire from an unknown cause at Ely over to the home, she should summoned the department yesterday have done so at Reno on her re-1 afternoon to the old Edwards home turn from the eastern part of the.on gouth street, near the site where PIONEER PASSES AWAY YES TERDAY AT MINERS' HOS PITAL. Jack Dempsey, one of the pio neer miners of Tonopah, who has been employed at the Extension TONOPAH WINS BALL liAMt fKUM MANHA HANI ItS VISITORS SHOW BETTER TEAM WORK THAN THE LOCAL ORGANIZATION. MISCELLANEOUS BLACKSMITH wants work; wife can do cooking; willing to go to camps near by. Apply at this office. 6-3-3t. WANTED Woman cook; inquire of Harding at Auto. Co. office. 6-l-5t OR RENT Furnished 3 and 4 room houses. M. A- Williams. was exceedingly popular among his fellow miners. About six months ago he was taken quite ill but his condition did not grow serious un til a few weeks ago when he was removed to the hospital. He is to entertain the visitors. The ses sion will be started with a grand military ball On Wednesday evening while on the last day the Dramatic! Order Knights of Khorassan will rule the city. A big bunch of can didates will be initiated into the mysteries of this order and the hot sands are now being prepared. Of course, there will be zem zem, a mysterious Arabian concoction, that tends to enlighten the journey of the poor unfortunate tyro, and which also tends to make the votar ies set up and take notice. The grand lodge will be callel to order by Grand Chancellor W. W. Booth of this city on Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock a. m. Caholic church. COUNTY DADS APPEAR DEFORE GRAND JURY VERY LITTLE BUSINESS TRANS ACTED BY COMMISSIONERS YESTERDAY. TO THE PUBLIC. Tonopah Aerie No. 271, Fraternal Order of Eagles, wishes the general public to know that the F. O. E. had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the smoker held at the Ne vada theater Friday night, June 3rd. , EDWARD MALLEY, Worthy President. W. L. MOORE, Secretary. state and before coming to this sec tion of the country. Her lack of the proper credentials is also against her. It would appear that if she had no right to take sub scriptions that the officers of the home would take legal steps to prevent her doing so, but from the information at hand, no action of this sort hr.3 been taken. Mrs. McNamara says she will prosecute President Walker of the home If he continues to persecute her and that she goes to Goldfleld Thursday to continue her work that God has sent her forth to accom plish. STOCKHOLDERS OF MAN. DEXTER HOLO MEETING ANNUAL SESSION STARTS YES TERDAY AT OFFICES IN THIS CITY. the Eagles' pavilion formerly stood. The conflagration was in the attic and was easily extinguished with a slight loss. Nye county's honorable board cf county t commissioners met yestei- day at the regular monthly session but transacted very little business during the day. In the morning the board was requested to meet with the grand jury, which was done and the entire forenoon was spent in this manner. Just wuat .ras discussed could not be learned. The afternoon was consumed in going over the regular routine ivisi- ness and looking after minor af fairs. None of the county or town bills were taken up, but this ;jait will be under consideration eiUie today or-tomorrow. It was known that the kivi.,1 jury desired to confer with the fvr-i- missioners before the body made a report, which now will probably be forthcoming some time this week. Fresh milk and cream Tonopah Dairy. tf. COME TODAY mam The fans who turned out to see the baseball game last Sunday be tween Manhattan and Tonopah were not disappointed 'in the least. The local boys are putting up a good brand of the national game and a couple more games should see them in cendition to give any team in the Etate a good, run for the hon ors. It looked as though Tonopah was doomed in the first inning when Prout was found for three hits in a bunch which netted the visitors only one run. With a man on second and one on third Eddie put on a little more steam and struck out the next two men up. ' In the second the timber boys, by a bit of maneuvering succeeded in bringing in one more run with only one hit to their, credit. In the last half of the second the first man up for Tonopah was Agnew who beat out a bunt very cleverly, made the second cushion on a steal and scored on Prouts hit. The next two men up proved easy for the visitors and retired Tonopah with the score 2 to 1. v In the third Manhattan failed to score, while Tonopah, with one man down secured threee passes in suc cession. With the bases full and lonly one out and every one with their eyes on the batter a signal was given for Sietz ' to go to sleep on the initial sack. This he prompt ly did and drew a throw from Herd. Seitz was put out between first and second, but on the put out Hatton scored, making it 2 and 2. In the fourth, fifth and sixth the timbertossers failed to get a man further than second, while the Tonopah boys slipped one over In the fourth and two in the fifth n a double by ' Peck, a single by Seitz,- a fielder's choice. In the fatal seventh the fireworks started for Tonopah. Three errors in suc cession by Tresize netted Manhat tan as many runs and it looked pretty bad for the local boys when their were Bhut out in their half. The visitors brought in another run n the eighth on a lone hit. With the score 6 to 5 . against them at the beginning of the last of the ninth Tonopah decided to do or die. O'Hara, first up, proved an feasy out to third. Hatton next made the initial sack on the second baseman's error. Peck gets to first on Herd's error and Hatton advances to second. Both men ad- ance on Quillici's sacrifice. Agnew broke up the game by coming to bat and slipping in a nice little bingle oyer second which scored Hatton and Peck, making the score 7 to 6 in favor of Tonopah. From the spectators' point of view It was an Interesting game, but with a little more practice the home team could show a great improve ment as their work was ragged at critical times. OR SALE Large, first class "Diabold" safe, $160; and me dium "Victor" safe, $3.5. C. P, Jensen. Goldfleld. 5-31-6t -OR SALE One new two-horse yuwer Wagner KO-cycle. slngi phase, electric motor; starter and fixture;, complete. Address B, Bonanza office. tf PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. A. SANDERS Attorney-at-Law. Will practice in all courts of th State. Office: Tonopah Block. KENNETH J. BOOTH t NOTARY PUBLIC TONOPAH BONANZA OFFICE Tonopah Nerada W. B. PITTMAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practices in all the Courts of the State. OFFICE STATE BANK GUILDING, TONOPAH, NEVADA. BANK SALOON WALTER DRYSDALE, Prop. My Aim is to Give the Best of Service and Attention ONLY First-Class Goods HANDLED A Popular Place to Meet Your Friends. CAMPBELL, METSON & BROWN ATTARNEYS-AT-LAW. State Bank and Trust Co. Building. TONOPAH, NEVADA. C. H. McINTOSH H. R. COOKE Mcintosh & cooke ATTORNEYS Offices Tonopah Blk., Tonopah, Nev. NOTARY IN OFFICES. KEY PITTMAN, Attorney-at-Law, State Bank Bldg., Tonopah, Nevada. STEVENS & VAN PELT, Associates, Rawhide, Nevada. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Manhattan Dexter Mining company was held In this city yesterday but very little busl- ness was transacted as the commit tee on credentials required the ma jor portion of the day to complete their labors. They will present their '. report this morning and then an ex citing time is expected, A proposi tion will be voted on that means the .consolidation of the Dexter with several other Manhattan prop erties,, which will end litigation that now exists. This matter will come up following the credential com mittee report. ; ; j Pure, fresh apple ciir ty the ,LTAeyJrcica JrTront" Will be demonstrated and fitted in our Corset Departmen t bv Mrs. M. H. Miller. an expert ccrsetier, and the special representative of The II. W. Gossard Co., of Chi cago. She will be pleased to explain to you the improve ments, emanating from the New School of Design and Construction of Cora-try, created an used for the first time by the manufacturers of these famous front-lacing corsets. We have a Stock of the Newest Models, representative of this New School; and, it you nave tnougnt a corset comiortaoie; it ever you have felt a gratifying sense of satisfaction in the mirror reflection of your corseted figure, we say Come Today And allow the manufacturer's representative to explain to you the Im provements in the Gossard Models; and fit you with the MODEL de signed especially to your type of figure. Come and see the classic back the convenient front lacing levice the beautiful lines learn how Gossard Corsets gently and naturally support the abdomen and how comfortable they are. You owe it to yourself to investigate the new Gossard Corsets. We'll be expecting you. Shop of Swelldom CECILE MUNN THE TONOPAH BANKING CORPORATION CAPITAL FULLY PAID $250,000 Exchange bought and sold on all Cities of the World. We are pre pared to furnish all accommodations to patrons which come within fund backing rules, and we solicit your business from this stand point.. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. George S. Nixon, President; F. M. Lee, Vice-President; Eugene Howell, Cashier; R. C. Moore, Assistant Cashier; H.' C. Brougher, R. B. Govan, W. J. Harris. OUT OF TOWN ACCOUNTS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. NEVADA FIRST NATIONAL. BAINK ....OP TONOPAH.... United States Depositary MINING MACHINERY & SUPPLIES WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF HOISTS, CABLE. CARS BUCKETS, ETC. GET OUK PRICES. WIRING SUPPLIES, FIXTURES AND LAMPS AT COST. TELEPHONE OUR OFFICE AND OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. 1 THE NEVADA-CALIFORNIA POWER CO. Automobile Fare (PT Kfl TO MANHATTAN in .UU PARROTT & RENNIE Phone 1782 PLEADS NOT GUILTY TO MURDER CHARGE The demurrer which was entered in the White murder case last week to the insufficiency of the in dictment, was withdrawn yesterday and the defendant, through his at torney, J. S. Sanders, entered a plea . of not guilty to the charge. The case will now be called on June 27 when the date for the trial will be set which will proba bly be about August 15. White in the meantime remains in tl'.e county jail. Tyocation notices, both in book form or by the dozen. For sale at this office. Fresh milk and cream Tonopah Dairy. , tf. BIG VARIETY SHOW T BIG CASINO ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM EVERY MONDAY NIGHT ADMISSION FREE The Famous! Schlitz Beer on Draught Received by Carload Direct. GOLD MEDAL FLOUR - A NEVADA PRODUCT FOR NEVADA PEOPLE Every sack absolutely guaranteed to consumer. To be had at all stores. . Ask for it and insist on getting this. Accept no other as a substitute. McLEAN & McSWEENEY, Distributors. FRESH MEATS FISH - and - POULTRY We Handle Only First-Class Nevada Beef TONOPAH-GOLDFIELD MEAT MARKET r -) TIT Anheuser Beer on Draught at 4J1 the Nevada Club. All Key West Cigars Handled...... i auart or gallon at the H J. Hat-1 T.mnr comnany. 19ttl