Newspaper Page Text
4 TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TOXOPAH, NEVADA, SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1910. t ?A0 WANTS THE G6 FIGHT rot gtGKA&Q j v rot y . H Iff XV COQGAH A) WAI SF 7" PR.QHOTBES THROUGH of an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament ;oI J. 5FW ADVERTISEMENT. SUMMONS. ,v- wf. inSTUiCT couui ur V " Brogan, for Issuance to h 1' Fifth 'Jud'c,nd frthe county of. Uers testamentary thereon; wifl that yl iwi .Pla.inant Monday, the 27th day of Wil'm Walter Boj i.trai fourt D 1910, at 9:30 o'cto .Kifl ounty of Nye, u -:- "i'rnrk of said aicj.vr "Vhe State of KXdcfendan to WllUara yaltr Boyle &ppear y,ou aim '10,Lh against you in an action bro"B" ,a,tif In the district court of the r Ncyndtt n district tl1" ot Nye, nd to and for the comity " med therein, answer the -con 'Pf,, f tUe day within ten days 'u;'7vlre an you of service) after the fl ,w.ltin of this -summons, if d out of this county;hll?lin "hi district, with this county, but in ti" j -within in twemty days; other i se fauR forty days; or Jff eOI1, Vcordine will be taXen -aKa'Mt 5 0 o lnt to the Fy t C m K,lt to The said a f 13 nd docrae of obtaim the'nte0Srt, dlslvlnK the above enttth id existing bonds f trlSf tatatltt. VWta between yo ap(Jneupn the grocml Boyle, aijowe namea, up fl o S r tm. disregarding the May, .y0";. ,r marriage " Bolemnlty ,'f1lty"a,.se deserted the whoy without V Jf , ,eon- plaintlff "f fr " J abandon platn- .tinued to nd apart from tiff, and ve Bl'P"r.emcient cae, r her, without any u?t,e,r will and ,any reason. ad "ftlnst.dr plaintiff without her consent. Boy is, .prays the cW. ?, f said mar Jhe minor child, issue prtie- iage. All (4'"B1iear from the tarly.a" "ftf in tbisactlon, a compin"" -- t ...uich wm " . . 1 mo'is- u . ulUa..'.i, ucLcaacu, auu .til ing tne iappiicauon 01 -wary taue Brogan, for Issuance to her ot let ters testamentary thereon; tnfl that Monday, the 27th day of June, A. l D., 1910, at 9:30 o'clock r.. in. i- the same being a day of the .reg ie "lar sesAion of said court, at the court house, and in the rourt :mmhu thereof, ia the Town of Tonopali, county oi Aye, state oi Aevaaa, nas 'tiiAs,i ant l,v the pnnrt fntr the 'Tiear ing of said petition, when ;and sv'hero an;,- person interested jnay jippoar show cause why 'said .petition should not be granted. Tu witness whereof, I have 'lK;re umto set my hand and affixed the sual iof saitl court, this 15th ;fia? of June, A. D. 1910. ROB15RT G. POHl, County Cleric of Nye county, Sww ilia, and tex-officio clerk -ot ctbe iistrlct court. Ey LOWELiLi DAN1EL.S, deputy !Ehompson, Storehouse & "Tbonii son. attorney tor petitioner. 1-16-17-1 6. Miznah Hotel A moaern tiocei woere very djcwwu" t. I . n 1 IT A astineu - py oi t" Abie larin rrevaws. nm u And yon ore iur",' nd answer " If oU tail to aM"eBra)jove required. Rooma with or wifehout prirat MM complaint. detauit d flall iPlhe court for judgment an 3aIB8 BlaCiB r Cu &lrc. If .oU ,l . 'J, above reii""'" tuuuni-s wiiu ui n"' !? ;Stin win k- default J en 6tttte. Affear COMMERCIAL SATES IV.-. .rtiaintiff, ni of said SUE Sf ;n in and tor the to"nV ,.elir of our aeaird nl hundred Seal) jwu. vipt,? Peputy Clerk Tok numATK OF W ,n the dlBtri.d .ourt of the .M jial district of the state of ,n and for the county of vafla in anQ ,ur gtate of I the matter of the j. J. Brogan, deceased. . ..! v clven that AiaiJ1 - 18 beitB iled with the ,ane; Brogan. h clerk of .aid ru. . - ; To -J. J. Owf-ns, sheriff of Kye eeunty. state of Nevada, and to the board ot county comnlissioners of Nye county, stata of Kevada.: i'ou and 'ur!i of you will iplease take notice that on the 7th day of June, 191W, '. Li. Berry, lor and in behaif of the United States Fidelity and Guaranty company,, .a corporation, Hied with the clerk of tile board of county commissioners of Js'ye county, stiiw; of Nevada, a eta-tcmcnt and its desire to withdraw as surety from the offlcial lmnds. t J. J. Owuu as shraili and as assessor of Nye county, strive of Nevada. ttuA objects of and eowents of raid statement as stated tluirvin. beins as followR, to-wit: Timt J. J. Oweina was un the third lay of November, 1908, duly elected to the otlices of sheriff and ot as sessor of the county of JNye, State of Nevada, and that on the (fourth dy Of March, 1!K8, the said United States fidelily and Guaranty 'Com patiy, a corporation, executed as sur ety to the state f Nevada an .offi cial bond on hehalf of ald .1. J. Owens as sheriff of KTye county, etate of Nevada, fur the term which he wan elected as aforesaid in the penul sum of forty-live thousand doltors, Uisited States gold coin, and also an official bond on behalf of Raid J. J. Owens as assessor of said Nye county, itate of Nevada for the terra for -which he was -fleeted as aforesaid in the penal sum at ten thousand dollars, United States gold coin, both of which laid bonds were duly .accepted, ratified and approved by the board ot coun ty commissioners of Nye .countjy, state jf Nevada, suliseciiueirt to itlte fourth day of March, 1809, ad prior to the llrst day of January, 1S11Q. You 4ind each of you are hereby notified that the United State Fidel ity and Guaranty company, & corpor ation, does hereby withdraw nd does hereby cypres its desire to withdraw from saiid official bonds as surety tliereon. F. Li. BE RUT, In behalf .of the United States Fidel ity and Guaranty company. Respectfully yours.. F. It. BERRY. In behalf .ot the United States Fidel ity and Guaranty company. Tonopah, Nevada, June 7, 1910. First ' publication June 8, 1910.. Lat publication July 1st, 1910. POLITICAL, ANNOUXCKMEXTS. J. F. M'CAMBRIM Hereby announces his candidaty for the democratic nomination of ACDlTOlt AND- IJECOUUEIt of Nye county, subject to the will af the voters of the democratic party at the larimaries to lie held on the 6th day of September, 1910. W. W. BOOTH II III lWIIH Ml lllll II H II 113 Wfc. PERSON AL! PALACE HOTEL UOOMS 75c, $1.00 Aii I t. Aiiii oursiwi'; uoous. Free Bu to .wid from all itaiiins. Jlir-eby announces his candidacy for the .republican noniijjation for STATE P1UXTEJ5 subject to the will of the .voters of he republican party at. the pii niaries to be held on the -Cth day of September, 191Q. Butler Theatre TtuS PopiiUr Show f -se. Mm Pictures AXJ) H. E. EPSTINE STOCK BROKER Quotations received from San Fran cisco Stock Exchange board. f you are interested in southern Nevada securities, write me. TONOPAH BLOCK BLDG. (lliisfraiei! Songs MATINEE EVENT AFTERNOON ENTIRE CHANGE ' M!.'GKA.M EVERY NIGHT. iKXCKI'T . ' Sl'XOAY. Admission 10c THE H. J. HALL LIQUOR COMPANY IMMEDIATELY. FAMILY TRADE SOLICITED LOWER MAIN STREET TnvAD 14 - - - NEVADA. "It's The Spring" When neat styles are desired Drop ia and order yaur sum mer suit. - It is every day when our work speaks for Itself. SCHMID & CO. , THE GERMAN TAILORS St. Patrick street, in rear ot Tonopah Club building. Bonanza Ads Bring Results THOMAS S, MARSHALL Hereby announces his eandieairy for the democratic nomination of COUNTY TREASURER of Nye County, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party, at the primaries to be held on the tith day of September, 1910. Jack Longstreet is in from his property to the east. J. C. McDaid of Manhattan Is in town for a brief stay. "Larry Flynn leaves this morning for Millers where he will sojourn a few weeks. Ex-State Senator Thomas J. Bell of Cloverdale is in town helping out in the political discussions. Mrs. Walter Moore of Berkeley is spending a few Weeks in Tonopah as the guest of Mrs. II. N. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Llewellyn and daughter of Round Mountain, came in from the hydraulic icamp last evoising. J. B. Tregloan, - who left for lone several days ago to look aft er mining interests, returned to Tonopah yesterday. Office Supplies and Stationery OF EVERY DESCRIPTION'. FrfJu Candies Received by Expi. Cigars and Tobaccos. Reach's Sprting Goods. Tonopah News & Statio ery Go POMOKFICE DUILDIXG. MONTANA CAFE Up-To-Date in Every Particular Open Day and Night Service the Best Tonopah Sewer & Drainage Company SERVICES PUT IN AT COST See F. A. Burnham at the Offices of TOXOPAH UNITED WAT EH CO. FOR SALE On new cwchor . power Waguer 60-cycle, clngie phase, electric motor; starter tod fixture:, complete. Address B, Pat Carney, the CoHfield attoi- ney, was transacting legal business in Tonopah yesterday Irr several hours, having made the uip o thru city in his .auto. M. T. Rowland, ho interested, in the Golden Arrow district, re-, turned yesterday after an absero of six months, which timo lie spent -principally in Arizona. W, M. Christian, one oi the pro inent men of Pioche, anived from the south yesterday and will con tinue on to Reno today where tie will attend the grand lotfyc of the Odd Fellows. AT THE BIG CAMNO. The Do Lorraine sistf-n. in thetr, double buck and wing Oance; alf?i coon shouting, novelty dancing and comic song. Their last week. , Fresh milV nnd ereanv Tonopah Dairy. tf. -mm : m Mm4 mm mm Shook Itself Like an Angry Bulldog Ever experience the above ever fight a "muskie" for a full hour before you brought Kim to a gaff perhaps after you had him almost licked he made one mighty leap and shook the spoon ? Tired out, weren't you? Kind of sweaty and mad weren't you? After such a fight nothing in this world equals a cool bottle of udweiser It is alive with the strength of the finest barley grown in the NEW WORLD and the tonic properties of the finest hops grown in the OLD WORLD and it's brewed in the finest brewery in the WHOLE WORLD Bottled only by the Anheuser-Busch Brewery ST. LOUIS, MO. Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Co., Dist'rs., Tonopah, Nev. M a.- i I I I v.. 1 U11UI f I Bonanza office. tf