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TOKOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TONOPAH, NEVADA, FRIDAY, J VIA 8, 1910. NEW OFFICERS FOR ODD FELLOWS AND REBEHAHS PUBLIC INSTALLATION IS HEIJ) WEDNESDAY XIGHT AT BUTLER HALL. CASH FARES WERE DEMANDED ON LOCAL ROAD PASSENGERS AXGRY RECAVSE TICKETS WERE NOT HON ORED YESTERDAY. will transmit to the county clerk a list of primary candidates nomi nated. This the county clerk will publish for two successive weeks. Twenty days before the primaries the clerk will publish twice the sample ballot to be used at the! primary election. A joint Installation of officers was held Wednesday night by Bel mont lodge No. 24, I. O. O. F., and Desert Queen lodge No. 22 of Rebekahs. The ceremonies were held in the Butler hall and a large crowd was in attendance to wit ness the iniprossive services. Fol lowing the installation a sumptuous banquet was served and everyone present proceeded to do justice to the edibles. Speeches and talks were also served by a number of the' banqueters and following the feed dancing was indulged in. The new officers of the Odd Fellows are as follows: P. E. Keeler, noble grand; John G. Gallagher, vice grand; George M. Rose, secretary; R. H. Dalzell treasurer; John E. Beltz, warden Sam Finley, conductor; John Valo vich, outside guardian; Charles E Long, inside ' guardian; John Duns- don, R. S. N. G.; Branch H. Smith, 1,. S. X. G.; Earl S. Xorris, R. S. V. G.; A. G. Larson, L. S. V. G.. The installing officers were aB follows: Phillip A. Lee, district deputy grand master; Earl S. Xorris, dis trict deputy grand marshal; C. E. Long, district deputy grand war den; M. W. Johns, district deputy grand secretary; J. Bergstrom, dis trict deputy grand treasurer. Following are the new officials in the Rebekahs: Noble grand, Miss Louisa Baw- den; vice grand. Miss Ella Xicol; secretary, Miss Valencia Bawden; treasurer, Mrs. Anna Worthington; warden. Mrs. Anna Warburton; conductor. Mrs. Mattie Trabert; outside guardian, J. W. Beltz; in side guardian, Mrs. Christina Rich ter; R. S. N. G., Mrs. Mary Davis L. S. X. G., Mrs. Anna Bodinna; R S V. G.. Mrs. Anna Owens; L. S. V. G., Mrs. Emma Gregovich chaplain, Miss Lena Gregovich. Officials Installed by District Dep uty Anna Warburton, assisted by Deputy Marshal Mary Davis: Dep uty warden, Emma Gregovich: dep uty secretary. Hazel Perry; dep uty treasurer, Lena Gregovich; dep uty chaplain, Mattie Trabert; Her ald, Anna Bodinna. It was an indignant crowd that arrived on the south bound train yesterday morning and many were the curses and maledictions hurled, not only at the .train crew but heaped on the heads of the gen eral management ot the Tonopah and Goldfield road. The fast wan ing popularity of the road and its officials was helped on the decline for it appeared that an order had been issued cancelling all tickets that had been purchased to Reno and return, which contained the proviso that they vere good for 30 days. The tickets were honored on the Southern Pacific train but when the crews changed at Mina the conductor refused to accept them and demanded a cash fare, Naturally the holders of the pasteboards put up a strenuous kick and refused to pay. An an gry crowd gathered around the con ductor and demanded an explana tion. None was offered but the ticket puncher called -a deputy sher iff of Esmeralda county, who hap pened to be aboard, and demanded protection. He evidently feared the wrath of the southern Nevadans but the presence of the officer did not prevent them from calling him all sorts of choice names in which the word "scab" ai-.peared to pre dominate. From the reports of the passen gers, after their arnval here, it is understood that several of the' pas sengers paid their fares, while some refused. The ticket holders said they had purchased their round trip tickets with the understanding that they were good for thirty days. In fact an additional sum was paid for this privilege. It would not be a bad idea for the state railroad commission to look Into the matter and if there proves to be grounds of a violation of the interstate commerce laws, the guilty persns should be dealt with accordingly. However, the rapidity with which the state com mission handles affairs of this sort, is of common knowledge In this section, and the members can be ex pected here in about two 'months to start their investigations. WILD CAT LAW ITERPRETED BY SUPREME COURT it to be, that is, either "promotion or treasury stock." . . A full text of the decision will be published in the Bonanza in a day or so. ATTENTION ODD FELLOWS. i ONLY ORIGINAL ISSUE OF CER- TIF1CATES WILL HAVE TO BE STAMPED. All Odd Fellows are requested to meet at Butler Hall Friday, July 8th, at 1:30 p. m., to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lillian Sawle. P. E. KEELER, Noble Grand. Rebekahs are requested to meet at Butler hall, Friday, July 8th, at 1:30 p. m. to attend the funerrl of Sister Lillian Sawle. LOUISA BOWDEN, Noble Grand. Fresh milk and cream Tmopah Dairy. tf POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. SAM F. LINDSAY Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of AUDITOR AND RECORDER of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. JAMES HAYWARD Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of CONSTABLE of Tonopah township subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910 The supreme court of Nevada has just handed down a decision in which certain of the involved sec tions of the Kendall wild cat law are clearly Interpreted. The espe cial feature of the decision has ref erence to and clearly sets forth the opinion of the court as to section 6. This section relates the neces sity of stamping as "Promotion or Treasury," those certificates issued in lieu of others sent in for trans fer, and relieves the companies thus transferring from the necessity of so stamping such certificates. It was clearly the intent of the fram ers of the law to have it apply only to such certificates as 'were ori ginally issued by the companies themselves, and for which the com panies received the proceeds. This matter was taken np to the court on the complaint of R. C. Moore, against the Manhattan Verde company. Moore presented certain certificates to the Verde company for transfer and demand ed that they be stamped in accord ance 'with the provisions of the wild cat law. The company re fused to so stamp them, taking the position that they were not re quired under the law to stamp "transfers." The Verde company was repre sented by the local firm of Mcin tosh and Cooke, while Moore was represented by Judge .1. A. San ders. This interpretation is strict ly in accord with a common sense view of the case. Had it been held otherwise then every certificate presented for transfer to a com pany not selling any stock and even though such company was a dividend payer and had not sold any stock for a ter mof years, must have been traced to its ori ginal issue and stamped according to what that chain of title showed Xo prizes given away but w print all the news, both local and foreign. Daily Bonanza and S. F. Bulletin, $1.25 per month. MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Furnished 3 and 4 room houses. M. A- Williams. THE KENDALL Large front rooms, 2 beds; beautifully fur nished rooms with running water. Rents- reduced for the summer. 6-14-tf. FOR SALE One new two-horse power Wagner 60-cycle, single phase, electric motor; starter and fixtures complete. Address B Bonanza office. C. L M1LWARD Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of COUXTY COMMISSIONER (Long term) of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910 POLITICAL AXXOUN CEMENTS. ROBERT G. PQHL Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of COUXTY CLERK of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. T. L. ODDIE Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination for GOVERNOR of the state of Nevada subject to the will of the voters of the re publican party at the primaries to be held on the 6tn day of Septem ber, 1910. J. A. TIMLIN Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of COUNTY CLERK of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. For neat printing try nanza job department. the Bo ALL THE BILLS AGAINST COUNTY WEREALLOWED AUDITOR'S QUARTERLY REPORT PRESENTED TO COMMIS SIONERS YESTERDAY. MANY OFFICES TO BE FILLED AT THE PRIMARIES .1. II. ATKIX. W. S. McRAE. The auditor and record's ofllcs yesterday presented the quarterly report to the board of county com missioners. The report is for the three months ending June 30 and shows the condition of the county treasury. The balance on hand on April 1 amounted to $30,419.61. The receipts during the quarter amounted to $73,890.04, These two sums total $104,309.65. Ex penditures amounted to $64,005.75, which leaves a balance on hand July 1 of $40,303.90. Reports were also presented to the board by the different town ship officials of the county. One of the most important mat ters decided during the day was that rescinding the order made on June 13. dispensing with the ser vice of one member of the paid fire department. The order was made " the recommendation of the grand jury, but it has been proven that this Is liable to result disastrously to the property holders of Tonopah for the reduced force proved inadequate to handle serious situations. The reduction was made ou the first of the month and to day the vacancy will be lill-d by Chief W. J. Sinclair. All of the town and county bills have been approved unci allowed and now the hoard Is ut liberty to ve its full attention to all mat ters that Hi' i brought Ix-for it. Ptir. fresh u) tl'r quart r gallon at tn H L'quor couipanv y 'h I. lint' 13 if T. ftounnr hl h nnt ,M ruling ?.' Miidtnsc I !" 'x ,h COUXTY CLERK PUBLISHES LIST OF OFFICES TO BE FILLED IX THE COUXTY. The first publication of a notice in compliance with the primary law is made this morning In the Bo nanza in the form of a list of of flees to be filled at the fall election for which candidates are to be nominated at the primary election in September. The notice will 'i; followed by others of like eharae ter up to ten days of the primaries, including the sample ballots to be used at the primaries. On July 2 County Clerk I'ohl re ceived from the secretary of the state a list of offices for which nom inations will be made in Nye coun ty and from that he prepared the notice for publication. It will be published each week for six weeks beginning today. The state and district offices to be filled include United States sena tor, congressman, governor, lieu tenant governor, justice of the su premo court, secretary of Ktute, state treasurer, state controller, suiveyor general, attorney general, state ininter, superintendent of pub lic instruction, two university re gents fcr long term and one for short term. Inspector of mines and one district Judge for the fifth judi cal district. ' For county and township offices j the nominations will be necessary j us follows: ! I Seven members of .tin assent-, Ihlv, sheriff, clerk, treasurer, record-1 l er and auditor, district attorney, 'comity i-umlnlshio'.HTK I loiiK audi j short ti l m. olio iaclw. county mir : vi'M'r. pub IV Hil'oit.l-iintior mid Jus-j tire ol III peace mid collHtill'le ! for nil townships. Tiiiv-tlvf ilit t Iiv i'i- pi'l-j liiitrv t let lion ilie si in t.u v of .!; TONOPAH ASSAY OFFICE ASSAYKKS AND CHEMISTS Mining Engineers tind Metallurgists Thoroughly equipped for all man ner of analysis. Properties exam iued and reported. SAMPLES BY MAIL WILL RE- CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Foot of Itroughcr avenue, Tono pah, Nevada. Phone 23. P. O. Box 910. J. STARK, M. D. Specialty Appendicitis, Asthma and Rheumatism. 1410 Eighth St., Oakland, Cal. 5 PER CENT RECOVER. THE TONOPAH BANKING CORPORATION CAPITAL FULLY PAID $250,000 Exchange bought and sold on all Cities of the World. We are pre pared to furnish all accommodations to patrons which come within fnind bat'tlng rules, and we solicit your business fron this 'stand point. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. George S. Nixon, President; F. M. Lee, Vlce-Preside.ut; Eugene Howell, Cashier; R. C. Moore, Assistant Cashier; H. C. Brougher, R. B. Govan, W. J. Harris. OUT OF TOWN ACCOUNTS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. ED. WELSH Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of CONSTABLE of Tonopah township, subject to the will of the voters of the demo cratic party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of Septem ber, 1910. PUBDY GRIMES Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of AUDITOR AND RECORDER of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910., L. L MUSHETT Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of COUNTY TREASURER, of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party, at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. NEVADA FIRST IN ATI O IN A L Li A INK ....OP TONOPAH.... United States Depositary FOR COOL SUMMER BREEZES Get an electric fan. For thirty days we will sell 12 inch desk fans at the low price of $13.50 each while our present stock lasts. To those who prefer to rent a fan for the summer months, we have decided to make a rental charge of $1.00 per month or part thereof which places them within the reach of all.' ff you are Interested, we will be glad to advise you fully as to condition of rentals. THE NEVADA-CALIFORNIA POWER COl Automobile Fare flJT Kfl TO MANHATTAN $1.1)0 PARROTT & RENNIE Phone 1782 J. G. PECK Hereby announces his candidacy fot the republican nomination of CONSTABLE of Tonopah township subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. MARK R. AVERILL Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of DISTRICT JUDGE of the Fifth Judicial District of Ne vada, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party, at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September. 1910. E. A. HARMER Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of CONSTABLE of Tonopah township, subject to the will of the voters of the republi can party, at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. Central Market Under New Management. Harry Stimler Proprietor. We Raise Our Own Stock an Slaughter Here in TONOPAH COLD STORAGE PLANT In Connection. MAIN ST. - TONOPAH BIG VARIETY SHOW -" BIG CASINO ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM EVERY MONDAY NIGHT ADMISSION FREE The Famous Schlitz Beer on Draught Received by Carload Direct. CHARLES G. SMITH . Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of CONSTABLE of Tonopah township subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. GOLD MEDAL FLOUR - A NEVADA PRODUCT FOR NEVADA PEOPLE Every sack absolutely guaranteed to consumer. To be had at all stores. Ask for It and insist on getting this. Accept no other as a substitute. McLEAN & McSWEENEY, Distributors. J. F. M'CAMQRIDGE Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of AUDITOR AND RECORDER of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to he held on the 6th day of September, 1910. FRESH MEATS FISH - and - POULTRY We Handle Only First-Class Nevada Beef TONOPAH-GOLD FI ELD MEAT MARKET I I EVERYTHING COLD AS IC wlT The Nevada Club E I W. W. BOOTH Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination for STATE PRINTER subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the pri maries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. THOMAS S. MARSHALL Hereby announces his candicacy for the democratic nomination of COUNTY TREASURER of Nye County, subject to the win of the voters of the democratic party, at the primaries to be held on the tith day of September, 1910. ED. MALLEY Hereby announces his candidacy lor the democratic nomination r KIIEUIM- AND ASSESSOR or Nye county, subject to the will of the voters or tUl. democratic imity at the p. i.uaii. , ho ft0ll, ou the tith day of September. it(i.