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TOXOPAH DAILY BOXAXZA, TOXOPAH, NEVADA, TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1910. TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA I" a PIONEER STORE Published Every Morning, Monoay Excepted, at Tonopah, Nevada ESTABLISHED 1900 W. W. BOOTH, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. KENNETH J. BOOTH Associate Editor. Member of Associated Press TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One year '. ..112.00 (Three vontna t 3.50 Mine months 10.00 1 One month 1.25 Six months 6.75 i One week So S10 REWARD. A reward of $10 will be paid (or information that will lead to the ar rest and conviction of parties stealing The Bonanza from subscribers. TO SUBSCRIBERS. Parties who do not receive their papers, or who have any cause of complaint, will oblige The Bonanza by notifying this office. Subscriptions by mail m ust be paid in advance. Entered at the Postofflce in Tonopan as second class matter.- SOLE AGENTS MOSES BEST FLOUR Fresh Fruits and Vegetables DAILY BY EXPRESS Fancy and Staple Groceries Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Ice Picks, Water Coolers, Etc. INO Rflvensinj? cms, on1 inL'ii stju Hre or suiiuifr. win uc .-i:c-h.tu uunroa made of metal. No wood base cuts o f this size will be ued. Wood cuts 1 1 are dangerous to forms and press. Phone 262 Lothrop-Davis Co. Phone 262 ONE OF THE SQUEALERS. There is au interesting article in Everybody's Magazine for July, the burden of which Is anathema against such men as float worthless gold mining projects and induce suckers to buy shares In them. This" is a timely caution and we do not care to criti cise it, eave to ask . Mr. Hough, the author, why he picks out mining frauds especially to inveigh against. Why not assail the advertisements which cumber the eastern papers, offering worn out farms at a bargain. Does Mr. Hough know what it requires in time and money to recreate a worn out farm? When a shrewd, industrious, careful, thrifty Yankee farmer abandons a farm, what is left on such a place for an investor? Which is the more hon orable to awaken a man's hopes over a prospect which may be come a bonanza, or to sell him a worn out farm on which hope died years ago, and which would make a good theme for a painting of one of those noiseless tragedies of which so much of the history of the east is made? When president, General Jackson went with Dauiel Webster to Webster's native state. New Hampshire. Looking around upon the bare granite rocks Jackson, recalling, said: "Webster, what do men raise here to make a living?" and Webster replied with a proud humbleness, "We build school houses and raise men." We cite that merely to call Mr. Hough's attention to the fact . that there are other men who sell gold bricks beside mining pro moters. He says in all milling promotions there is a mother vein of gold. He is mistaken in that, but, nevertheless, there are mother veins. There is surely one in California. It is three hundred miles long. It is not mineral bearing through its entire length, but it has many ore chutes, and not one of these has over gveniout, and so it is legitimate for a miner who has a pros pect that shows paying values on the surface to assume that he may sink and drift as much as he pleases, but his ore body will never fail. And that vein extends from Kern county to Nevada county, and thousands of fortunes have already been taken from it. But Mr. Hough says, "Once a dollar was spent to mine a dollar, now two are spent." How does he Know? And does he keep in mind that after the dollar was spent and a dollar was obtained, then there were two dollars instead bf one? The first dollar was not lost, it merely changed hands, and in the mean time a new dollar was added to that kind of wealth which is indestructiblv. But he admits that we must have gold, that there is no other word that means quite so much, and we must have it. Then he describes it as "mailable, divisible, indestructible, rare; it is the indispensable medium of exchange." That is true, .as financial systems are arranged at present. It is the medium, -of exchange, but it is no longer a fair measure of values, because the thieves who possess most of It, put a new valuation upon it every day when that valuation Is measured by anything else - that men can produce. Silver has every attribute that gold has excepting only dens " ity. It held its own side by side with gold for centuries, and never varied until by men's legislation it was dethroned. Now, measured by gold, it has fallen in value more than 60 per cent. That is, gold is inflated by legislation to that premium. ' Who Is the man to be most assailed, he who sells shares in a " prospect hoi which may turn out to be a bonanza, or those who ' forced that legislation upon this country, and by the act caused every man's property to be weighed on those gold scales, and "thereby had their fortunes reduced 50 per cent, or If they were a little in debt, lost it all. On Monday $101,000 was put up on a prize light between & white man and a negro. Those who fur nished that money believed the- would get it all back and a ; little more for seats from which the crowds could see the fight, - from men who would pay more for seats than they would for two years rent of a pew in any church in the land. Do they need ; special sympathy when in the same spirit they buy some stocks in a mining prospect? Of course, there are mining share fakirs, but will Mr. Hough tell us of any occupation or business that has no fakirs? And we will keep in mind what he himself says that "gold is the measure of civilization and human success." Goodwin's Weekly. personal J. E. MacNamara came over from Goldfield Sunday. William Parker has returned from .Lake Tahoe where he spent several weeks. Father Butler of St. Patrick's church, visited Goldfield Sunday and returned yesterday. C. H. Mcintosh returned yester day from Carson where he tran sacted legal business. Malcolm L. Macdonald arrived yesterday from Bakersfield where he is interested in lands.1 Mrs. A. M. Meyers is. expected to arrive tomorrow from Indiana for a visit of several weeks with her sister. Miss .Mae Kind. It. S. Cheney, a registered phar macist of Los Angeles, arrived yes terday and has accepted a posi tion at Piercy's drug store. Judge Theron Stevens of Gold field passed through Tonopah yes terday on the noon train en ' route to his honiei iu the southern city. Harry Epstine, the local stock broker, returned Sunday from San Francisco, where he spent a month with Mrs. Epstine, who is visiting there for the summer. Mrs. E. B. Paxson and son and Miss Vera Depew, left yesterday morning for Davenport, Washing ton, where they iwill spend several months visiting with their parents. Mrs. E. J. Erickson and Mrs. John Erickscn leave this morning for Virginia City and after spend ing a few days they will continue on to Santa Cruz for the sum rz ' n . sr am u uearance saiei WE are not Overstocked or Forced to Raise Money. Just having our customary Mid summer Clean Up Sale. And during this sale we will offer some Amazing Bargains in HIGH GRADE SUMMER GOODS Ladies', Misses and Children's Ready Made Wearing Apparel and Furnishings. Gent's, Furnishings, Hats, Underwear, Etc WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR Ladies' Men's and Children's Shoes and Oxfords at LESS THAN FACTORY COST. We quote no Prices. . Come in we will show you. McKIM'S STORE STOCK MARKET The following quotations are fur nished by the reliable brokerage firm of H. E. Epstine: Tonopah District. Tonopah Mining ... $ Montana Tonopah Ex 75 MacNamara 32 Midway .2 Belmont . 3.92 3.95 North Star 07 .08 West End 54 Rescue 03 Jim Butler 26 Mfzpah Ex 30 fioldtteld District. Goldfield Con 8.85 Booth 12 Blue Bull ..04 Atlanta .10 Florence 2.17 2.20 Comb. Frac 54 M Jumbo Ex 24 Misrellant'oiiH, Pitfcburg-SIlver Pk . .65 Manhattan Con Manhattan Dex Forenoon Sales. 1000 North Star, 7. Afternoon Sales. 1000 MacNamara, 32. 300 Belmont. $3.95. 2000 North Star, 7. 500 North Star, 8. 500 Montana, 92. 100 Tonopah Mining. $8.72 $8.75 .93 .33 .25 .55 .04 .28 .32 8.90 .13 .05 .12 .26 .70 .05 .04 MISCELLANEOUS LOST A bunch of about 30 keys; return to this office. 7-10-tf FOR RENT Furnished 3 and 4 room houses. M. A. Williams. 4k FOR SALE 3-room house, furn ished. All conveniences; cheap, will take monthly payments. In quire this office. 7-10-3t. THE KENDALL Large front rooms, 2 beds; beautifully fur uished rooms with rattning water. Rents reduced for the summer. ( 6-14-tf. FOR SALE One new two-horse power Wagner- 60-eycle, single phase, electric motor; starter and fixtures complete. Address B., Bonanza office. PIGEON STOPS WATER FLOW AND MILL CLOSES BIRD STOPS MAIN FEED PIPES AT THE EXTEXSIOX MILL YESTERDAY. The Bonanza's ruling and binding plant is still running. Bring In your orders. Fresh milk and cream Tonopah Dairy. tf. MONTANA CAfE Up-To-Date in Every Particular Open Day and Night Service the Best NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING OF THE TONOPAH CRYSTAL WATER ...SPALDINGS... BASEBALL, TENNIS AND .ATHLETIC GOODS. ROTHOLTZ BROS., INC. Leading Stationers Marino's Orchestra The desire of a pigeon to learn to swim was the cause of the Ex tension mill closing down for about four hours yesterday. The pigeon it appears, had alighted in the huge water tank to the east of the mill and being unable to swim just drowned. The remains entered the main storage pipe, and became fast. When the supply of water began to diminish a hurried seaucn was made for the cause and in a short time the mill was forced to close. It was about four hours before the body of the bird was discovered and then, after the pipe had been joint ed again, the stamps resumed and everything proceeded as before. Temperature Reporj Yesterday's hourly temuerature record at the weather Dureau office was a follows: 5 a. m 69 6 a. m 69 7 a. m 72 8 a. m 74 9 a. m 76 10 a. m. .' ...80 11 a. m 83 12 (noon) 85 1 p. m 88 2 p. ni 90 3 p. m 91 4 p. m 92 5 p. m.' ..90 Highest a year ago, 91; lowest, 63. GRANTED A LEASE OX THE SVXXYSIDE Five dollars for the biggest score this week. Dodd's Bowling alley, under Tonopah Club. It. Fresh milk and eream Tonopah Dairy. tf. James Cushing of Round Moun tain, who spent the last few days In Tonopah, has returned to his home district. Mr. Cushing has just secured a lease on the Sun nyslde property in a section that gives every Indication of being able to produce pay dirt from the start. He will immediately Btart operations. Oliice ot the company, Tonopah, Ne vada, Juno 27th, 1910. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT li a. special meeting of the stock holders of Tonopah Crystal Water company, a South Dakota corpora tion, engaged In business in and about . Tonopah, Nevada, has been called bv the order of the president, and will be held at the office of the company, Room 314, State Bank and Trust company building, corner Main street and Brougher avenue, Tono pah, Nevada, on the 20th dav of July, iiu, at o ociock . m. 'rue purposes for which the meet ing is called and the several items of business that are proposed to be transacted by the stockholders are as follows: To receive and act upon the resle- nation of the present board of directors and to remove at pleas ure any director whose resignation may not heretofore have been tendered; to elect a new board for the unexpired term of the current year, or until their suc cessors shall bo elected; to amend the by laws in sundry proposed particu lars; to amend the articles or Incor poration so as to establish a busi ness oince of the company outside of the state of South Dakota. at the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and at the city of San Francisco. California, in addition to the pres ent office at Tonopah. Nevada, where at any or all meetings of the direct ors and stockholders may be held and all corporate business be transacted, as provided by the statutes of South Dakota; and such other business as may properly come before the meeting. By order of the president. HENRY F. STITZELL, As secretary of the company. First publication, June 28, 1910. Last publication, July 30, 1910. MUSIC FURNISHED FOR ALL OCCASIONS.... Any Number of Pieces, Any Time, Any Place. PROMPT SERVICE. Call up the Butler Theatre P. O. BOX 353 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. A. SANDERS Attorn ty-it-Law. Will practice in all courts of the State. Office: Tonopah Block. KENNETH J. BOOTH NOTARY PUBLIC TOXOPAH BONANZA OFFICE Tonopah Nevada Fresh milk and cream. Tonopah Dairy. , tf. ESTAB. 1M1. BREAD Thp Npvndn Rnkrn BREAD Q LEADING CONKECTlOSiBHS. f Per Leaf LEADING CONKECTlOSiBHS. ITFEB MAIN STREET. Per LflSf w wt1 aoBooose Mill on and after Jan. . ICIO, l VI HJUI , vn Ml, tba Lar(Mt Ml Bmt Loaf 0r Hn d la Twb tot RtVB CRMTS W. B. PITTMAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practices in all the Courts of the , State. OFFICE STATE BANK GUILDING TOXOPAH, NEVADA. CAMPBELL, METSON & BROWN ATTARNEYS-AT-LAW. Stat Bank aud Trust Co. Building. TOXOPAH, NEVADA. c. h. Mcintosh h. r. cooke Mcintosh & cooke ATTORNEYS Offices Tonopah Blk.. Tonopah, Nev NOTARY IN OFFICES. KEY PITTMAN, Attoroer-at-Law, State Bank Rklg. Tonopah, Nevada. STEVENS VAN l'ELl, Associates, KawUdv, Nevada. Andrews Camp NEAR Bishop, Inyo Co., CALIFORNIA, "The Gem of the Sierras" FISHING, HUNTING AND BOATING. Board and lodging or furnished ed tents ' at reasonable rates. Stage fare from Bishop, $2.50. For particulars write to F. K. Andrews, Blsnop, California. Mizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel where very Reason able Tariff Prevails. Hot ud Cold Running Water in Each Room. Rooms with or without private baths, single or en suite. COMMERCIAL RATES Butler Theatre The Popular Show Bnse. Motion Pictures AND Illustrated Songs MATINEE EVERY AFTERNOON ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM EVERY NIGHT, EXCEPT SUNDAY. Admission - 10c Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company ' COAL! COAL! COAL! BUILDING PAPER, ROOFING PA. PER FOR YOUR OWN TRICE 'PHONE 10412 Tonopah Sewer & Drainage Company SERVICES PUT IN AT COST See F. A. Burnham at the Offices of TONOPAH UNITED WATER CO.