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TOXOIMII DAILY BONANZA, TONOPAH, NEVADA, FRIDAY, J VIA 15, 11)10. HISTORY OF EARLY DISCOVERY OF ATHENS BRIEF TALK OK HOW A IXJXE PROSPECTOR DISCOVERED TIIK RICH VEIX. IRATE WIFE TAKES A FALL OUT OF HUBBY WANTED HIM TO EXPLAIN LONG ABSENCE FROM HIS OWX FIRESIDE. TONOPAH TEAM TO PLAY GOLDFIELD NEXT SUNDAY SERIES OF SEVEN' (JAMES AH. RANGER WITH SOUTH ERN' CITV. Now that the mining world has the proper and authentic news of the new camp of Juniper, or Ath ens, as it is better known, the facts of its early discovery and location are. coming to light. It was in 1905 that John Martinez, driving a bunch of cattle from the Bell roundup, found some likely look ing float, which, upon panning, pro duced sensational results. It was not until May, 1910, that any defln ite attempts were made to prospect for the vein, and then Martinez, in company with J. B. Stott outfitted in Smokey Valley, and after a short hunt located the ground that is today attracting the attention of all southern Nevada. However, it remained for James Herald, of Tonopah, to discover the ledge from which the picture rock originated. Herald, who had heard o the strike, quietly dropped into the camp and started prospecting on the Sorrel Top No. 1 claim. He worked industriously and diligently prospecting: the entire length of the known mineral belt, and one evening, after a long day in the grilling sun, a day of disappoint ment from endless pannings, found a piece of float, which from his long experience, he knew to he from the 'mother vein itself, for the tiny piece of time worn quartz was covered with little clusters and globules of gold. Fired with the fever of the gold seeker Herald for eot the fading twilight and the long tiresome day, and prospected the entire side of the sloping hiii until .he flnall uncovered, what, beyond question, will prove to be a bonanza, and promises as a reward to make him rich beyond his I dreams. For days afterward Herald at tempted to secure a lease upon this find and it was not until July 5 that the necessary papers were drawn up and the discoverer of the ledge afforded the opportunity to extract the gold bearing rock. His lease is near the original find; this spot Martinez and Stott will work for themselves and it is known as the reserve section. Contrary to expectations yester day, the rainfall, which was intend ed to cool the ardor of those who are hot-headed, had a contrary ef fect on one of our citizens. The citizen in question, a lady, was real wrathv and provided amuse ment for a number of spectators. The side show happened last ever.- ing and the place was in front of one of our thirst emporiums. Or, to be truthful, we should say it was in the rear of the buildin From what could be gleaned from the utterances of the irate lad-; (irate is correct ana then it sounds more polite than the word "mad") it appeared that her lord and mas ter had failed to show at his re spected abode since payday. Wifey desired an explanation for his ab pence and when neither were forth coming she made hubby look like Jim Jeffries after his meeting with Johnson. It was a real animated discussion and urged on by the cheers of the audience, the disciple of Johnson landed lelt hooks, right uppercuts, avoided clinches and ended the bont by grabbing, her be loved by the ears and marching him in the direction of home. If the battle was continued on their arrival home, deponent sayeth not, but it would be safe to presume that the man of the house listened to a curtain lecture before he was allowed to sleep. But such is 11 fi in this desert section Chief of Police Ed Malley, who is also manager of the local base ball team, announced yesterday that he had made arrangements with the Goldfield nine to play a series of seven games. The first will be played on the Tonopah diamond this coming Sunday and the re mainder will be played on each suc cessive Sunday, the scene of the battling ground to change alter nately between here and the south ern city. The local team is con 'fident of winning each game al though they may allow the south erners to win one, or maybe two games, just to encourage them. HLIT1CA L ANNOUNCEMENTS. T.O'CONNELL N Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of COUNTY COMMISSIONER (Long term) of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. REPUBLICAN'S ARE IN THE HARNESS The following announcements were handed to the Bonanza last night, and 'which can be found this morning in another column of this paper. As it was too late to enu merate the qualities individually, the same will be done tomorrow morning. Sufficient to say that all are dyed in the wool republicans and will be in the running when the final votes are counted. The new candidates are as follows: For assemblymen E. G. Os borne, E. P. Wilson and Dr. A. H. Elftman. For county auditor and recorder M. P. Shepard. IS A STRONG ADVOCATE FOR UNION LABOR ORE WASHER AT THE WEST END IN OPERATION TONNAGE AND VALUES OK SHIP MEXTS WILL BE GREATLY INCREASED. RALPH WARDLE Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of SHERIFF AND ASSESSOR cf Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party, at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. J. A. BUCHANAN of Round Mountain hereby an nounces his candidacy for the re publican nomination for ASSEMBLYMAN' subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the pri maries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. GEORGE FOLEY Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, (Short term) of Nye county, subject to the will of Hie voters of the democratic party at the primaries to he held on the Gth day of September, 1910 The Bonanza's ruling and binding plant is st'll running. Bring in your orders. MISCELLANEOUS LOST A bunch of about 30 keys; return to this office. V-lO-tf FOR RENT Furnished 3 and room houses. M. A- Williams. 1HMJTICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. NEW TODAY. E. P. WILSON Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of ASSEMBLYMAN of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party, at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. ROBERT G. POHL Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of COUNTY CLERK of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. A. H. ELFTMAN Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of ASSEMBLYMAN of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters or the republican party, at the primaries to be held on the Gth (Jay of September, 1910. E. G. OSBORNE. Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of ASSEMBLYMAN of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters ot the republican party, at the primaries to be held on the (ith day of September, 1910. T. L. ODDIE Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination for GOVERNOR of the state of Nevada subject to the will of the yoters ot the re publican party at the primaries to be held on 6tn day of Septem ber, 1910. LOST Baby pin; engraved "Irvin.1 office. Reward. plain gold bar Return to this 14-lt. WANTED A younj eral housework, office. girl to do gen Inquire at this 7-14-tf. J. A. BUCHANAN OUT FOR AS. SEMBLYMAN OX THE RE PUBLICAN TTUKET. Yesterday the new ore washer at I the West End was placed in com mission and was hard at work throughout the day. The washer and Crane ore picker worked to perfection and fairly exceeded the expectations of . the managemnt. This machinery was ordered several months ago by General Manager S. H. Brady, but the last consign ment only arrived a snort time ago. Everything was in readiness to in stall the plant and the final work was completed Wednesday. .Just what the capacity of the washer K cannot be determined for a ti days until it is woming smoothly. It is known, however, that the ton nage and values to be shipped, will be greatly increased, for the wash er Is intended to aid in the sort ing, and from reports of the Bel mont company, which has had one in use for nearly six months, the contrivance increases the value of the shipments about 20 per cent. CARSON' ATTORNEY IS OUT FOR CONGRESS E. E. Roberts, the popular Car son attorney; has announced his intentions of going before the Sep tember primaries and asking for the republican nomination for con gress. Mr. Roberts is a well known resident of the capitol city and is exceedingly popular in that section of the state and is well known throughout Nevada. He is a prom inent member of the Nevada bar and has achieved quite a success in his practice. As an orator of note he is able to mane a strong M. P. SHEPARD Hereby announces his candidacv for the republican nomination of AUDITOR AND RECORDER of Nye county, subject to the will f the voters of the republican party at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. James A. Buchanan, of Round Mountain has announced his candi dacy for office of assemblyman on the republican ticket and that he in a winner goes without saying. For many years he has been interested In mining throughout this sonther.i section and of late has been operat ing a lease at Round Mountain. In cidentally he was one of the pio neers of the hydraulic camp, and is known to every miner and pros pector in this county. He is a strong labor advocate and if elect ed to the assembly will be one of the staunchest supporters of all measures relating to the working man Mr. Buchanan's early training at Washington, D. C, will be of great benetlt to him in the legislature. He served for eight years on the floor of the house as secretary to his father who was representative ; Klks whu.h was h(1,d from New Jersey and also his father's successor. His father was a member of the committee on la bor during his different terms and was instrumental in passing many measures realting to labor. Mr. Buchanan will receive every vote in Round Mountain. while Manhattan and other ramps have assured him of their the. backing of the party his success is assured. leaders, THE KENDALL Large front rooms, 2 beds; beautifully fur nished rooms with running water. Rents reduced for the summer. 6-14-tf. FOR SALE One new two-horse power Wagner 60-cycle, single phase, electric motor; fetarter arid fixtures complete. Address B Bonanza office. CLEVE.H. BAKER Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination for ATTORNEY GENERAL subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the pri maries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. J. STARK, M. D. Specialty Appendicitis, Asthma nml Rheumatism. 1410 Eighth St., Oakland, Cal. r, PER. CENT RECOVER. BREAD 5C Per loaf ESTAB. 1001. The Nevada Bakery I.KADING COXFECTTOKEUS. VPPER MAIX STREET. We wish to announce tbat on and after Jan. , 1010, we will sell the Largest anil Best Loaf of Bread in Town for FIVE CENTS BREAD 5c Per Leaf THE TONOPAH BANKING CORPORATION CAPITAL FULLY PAITJ f250,000 Exchange bought and sold on all Cities of the World. We are pre pared to furnish all accommodations to patrons which come within P'niDd backing rules, and we solicit your business from this stand point OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. George S. Nixon, President; F. M. Lee, Vice-President; Eugene Howeli, Cashier; R. C. Moore, Assistant Cashier; H. C. Brougher, R. B. Govan, W. J. Harris. OUT OF TOWN ACCOUNTS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. EIGHT NEW MEMBERS ADDED TO ELKS ROSTER GOAT WAS KEIT Itt'SY AT TIIK . REGULAR MEETING TIES- ! DAY NIGHT. ! NEVADA FIRST NATIONAL HANK ....OR TONOPAH.... United States Depositary At the last meeting of the local Tuesday even ing, a squad of eight candidates were taught the mysteries of the order. The teachers knew well their parts and be! ore the session was half over the candidates were looking somewhat the worse for wear. The royal goat was in ele gant condition and acted his part northern !to perfection. At the coming meet ing the scene will bt duplicated for FOR COOL SUMMER BREEZES Get an electric fan. For thirty days we will sell 12 inch desk fans at the low price of $13.50 each while our present Btock lasts. To those who prefer to rent a fan for the summer months, we have decided to make a rental charge of $1.00 Per month or part thereof which places them within the reach of all. If you are interested, e will be glad to advise you fully as to condition of rentals. THE NEVADA-CALIFORNIA POWER CO. . I support. lie Is equally as weu;a alKe number of candidates are known In Tonopah and the sHh-oll tnf. waiting list. Those who re-' ern district. II is one of t lie ' (-(.Vtl the i ilht to wear antlers! MroiiK-Kt " that could be " j Tuesday were as follows: Thomas I cured to represent the republicHfi j s Marshall. W. It. Williams. K. J. j putty mid his election Is assured. j Kelly. I. J. Fltwi nld. F. I.. Sell-j Fritz J. Mewrmier nnd W . 1. 1 i BIG VARIETY SHOW AT THE BIG CASINO ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM EVERY MONDAY NIGHT ADMISSION FREE The Famous' Schlitz Beer on Draught Received by Carload Direct. ED. WELSH Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of CONSTABLE of Tonopah township, subject to- the will of the voters of the demo cratic party at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of Septem ber, 1910. PUCDY GRIMES . Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of AUDITOR AND RECORDER of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. L L, MUSHETT Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of COUNTY TREASURER, of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party, at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. CHAS. J. ENQUIST Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of SHERIFF AND ASSESSOJt of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the renublican party, at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. J. C. PECK Hereby announces his candidacy fot the republican nomination of CONSTABLE of Tonopah township subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. GEORGE SPRINGMEYER Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination for ATTORNEY GENERAL subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at t:.e pri maries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. MARK R. AVERILL Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of DISTRICT JUDGE of the Fifth Judicial District of Ne vada, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party, at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. SAM F. LINDSAY Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of AUDITOR AND RECORDER of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. E. A. HARMER Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of CONSTABLE of Tonopah township, subject to the will of the voters of the republi can party, at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. JAMES HAYWARD Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of CONSTABLE of Tonopah township subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. Tli limit 1st Sun.lin school Klv II nutilar mM-lal this evenini;. SthiilatH Mini parent me requested to he prcHeiil. 7-H-2L i st to 111, w, Schilling. Fr-nli Dairy. tn I Ik and cream- Tinopali! tf 1 GOLD MEDAL FLOUR A NEVADA PRODUCT FOR NEVADA PEOPLE Every nark absolutely Rtiarunteeil to consumer. To 1 hail at nil Motes. Ask for It and lnlst on KHtln;; this. Accept uo other ns u tiihfctltutp. McLEAN & McSWEENEY, Distributor.. C. L. MILWARD Hereby announces his candidacy for- the democratic nomination of COUNTY COMMISSIONER (Long term) ot ,ye county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. J. A. TIMLIN Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of COUNTY CLERK ot .Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic puny at tlie primaries to he held on the Gth day of September. 1910. KEY PITTMAN. Ileieliv announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination fur U. S. SENATOR subject to tho Will or the voters of the deiiiiiirittii- parly ut the pri maries to be held mi thu Gth day of S ptemUT. II0. CHARLES G. SMITH Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of CONSTABLE of Tonopah township subject to the will of the voters of ,the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. J. F. M'CAMBRIDGE Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of AUDITOR AM) RECORDER of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. W. W. BOOTH Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination for STATE I'll INTER subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the pri maries to bo held on the Gth day of September, 1910. THOMAS S. MARSHALL Hereby announces his candicacy for the democratic nomination of COUNTY TREASURER of Nye County, subject to the wih of the voters of t lie democratic parly, at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. ED. MALLEY I Hereby Kinmunreg bis candidacy for I the democratic lintiiiiiiiili,., ..t SHERIFF AND ASSESSOR r e county, subject to ht will f thu voters or th,. democratic ratty at the primaries to t, het.l on the tUli day ul Seplemliei . 1UI0.