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TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TONOPAH, XKVADA, FRIDAY,' JULY 15, 110. TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA Published Every Morninn, Monday Excepted, at Tonopah, Nevada PIONEER STORE U N I O N (Btfl L A B E L ESTABLISHED 1900 W. W. BOOTII, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. KENNETH J. BOOTH Associate Editor. Member of Associated Press TERMS OP One year 112.00 Three snonths S.BO Nine months 10.00 One month " 1.25 Six months ' . 6.75 One week 3o 10 REWARD TO SUBSCRIBERS. A reward of $10 will be paid for Parties who do not receive their Information that will lead to the ar- papers, or who have any cause of rest and convictioi of parties stealing complaint, will oblige The Bonanza The Bonanza from subscribers. by notifying this office. Suberiptions by mall m Entered at the Postoffice in !so advertsing cuts, one inch square or smaller, will be accepted unless made of metal. No wood base cuts of this size will be ued. Wood cuts are dangerous to forms and press. AWAITING THE FIREWORKS. "Well, how Is politics?" is the customary salutation nowa days and he who says that the political situation is not becoming real lively, is mistaken. It is poliitics for lunch, politics for break fast, and then politics for a night cap. Indications point to this becoming a banner year and according to the oldest inhabitant, the political thermometer has not yet reached the blood heat mark. If this is so the next few months will indeed be some what warm. In Tonopah talk ranges from the highest office down to that 'Of public administrator, and it is a poor office for which not less than three candidates have announced themselves. We mean democratic candidates, for the republicans never did relish the idea of "hogging" it all. But then, the more democratic candi dates when that era arrives. ' The main topic yesterday was concerning the United States senatorship, for which Key Pittman, C. H. Mcintosh and Jimmie Sweeney have announced their candidacy on the democratic tick et, with a half dozen counties and a few precincts yet to be heard from. On the republican side it is believed mat George' S. Nixon will be the only contestant. Mcintosh was the first to throw his straw hat into the rin'r and was closely followed by little Jimmie from the supreme court. Only a few days ago Key Pittman made both the aspirants hunt the tall timber by say ing that he intended to wear th? senatorial toga. In the matter of the governorship, the election of T. L. Od die is conceded. Dickerson is out for re-election, while Captain Nicholas is also in the game. Tlie contest between the two will be interesting for it is expected tV.t a great display of antique cutlery will be placed in evidence before the war ends. Both are adepts in the art or throwing th hooks into one another, and when the primary election returns are made Denver and the Captain will each resemble one of those warring trout of the Truclcee; one that has fought a dazen battles and always escaped with the hook and a goodly portion of the line. But then, the old saying of "the more the merrier," seems to be the battle cry of democracy and the next few weeks should witness the advent of more candidates, who are believers of the office seeking the man, and have been urged to run by their many friends. At last we hav discovered why to Reno on the special train and attending the fight. They went to Joke. MINING CAMP LIFE PORTRAYED 1 THE SCREEN SEARCH FOR GOLD OX THE NE VADA DESERT IS TRUE TO LIFE. The Butler theater program last evening was one of the best seen in the popular little playhouse for some time. The Selig drama, "The Long Trail," was clearly the fea ture and was of exceptional in terest. The program for today is "Sisal Industry in the Bahamas," showing how sisal fiber Is woven into rope; which is said to excel the Manila in strength. "Away Out West," an Essany drama dealing with the mining camp life of the Sage Brush state, Nevada. It pic tures two young prospectors with their outfit looking for gold aud the misfortune of one who is left to die on the desert by his part ner, who in his greed for gold imagines he will become wealthier by leaving his comrade to die. The subterfuge "is a love affair from start to finish. It deals with a young man rather bashful, becom ing enamored with a young milli ner, and his extraordinary troubles In securing her consent to be bis wife. "The Brave Deserve the Fair," is another of the Lubln com pany's high class dramas with plen ty of love, sympathy and remark able coincidences running through out the play which makes it very Interesting. milk md cream Tonopah tf. for sale. Tonopah Dairy. Dal nr. Try Bonanza want ? SUBSCRIPTION ust be paid in advance. Tonopan as second class matter. so many Tonopah people went who on their return denied Reno to become Reno-vated. Temperature Report Yesterday's hourly temperature record at the weather Dureau office as as follows: 5 a. m 59 6 a. m 58 " a. m 58 8 a. m 58 ..9 a. m ; 62 10 a. m 66 11 a. ni 70 12 (noon) 71 1 p. m 72 2 p. m 78 3 p. m 75 4 p. m 77 5 p. m 66 Highest a yead ago, 92; lowest, 6G. MASOXIC NOTICE. Tonopah lodge No. 28, F. & A. M, will hold a stated communica tion this Friday, evening, at 7:30 o'clock at Butler hall. Important business. Members are especially urged to be present. Visiting brethren cordially invited. By order of W. M. H. II. ATKINSON, Sec'y. HAS TO ADVERTISE. Just because she sought Reno as a field in which to pursue her liter ary ambitions, Miss Leslie Curtis has been compelled to publicly ad vertise the fact that she is not a divorcee, that she never has been married, has no Intentions of in flicting herself upon the sterner sex and in the following words makes the announcement: Miss Leslie Curtis announces to Mrs. Grundy and her son Dow Ting Thomas that she has never com mitted matrimony and has no evil designs on the happiness of the op posite sex. All surmises, suspicions, discussions and bets can now be settled without delay. It requires greater courage to be a spinster in Nevada than a collector of surnames. SOLE AGENTS MOSES BEST FLOUR Fresh Fruits and Vegetables DAILY BY EXPRESS Fancy and Staple Groceries Phone 262 Lothrop DICK DAVIS WAS HERE WHEN CAMP STARTED SOUTHERN' NEVADA PIOXEER ENTERS RACE FOR LOXG TERM COMMISSIONER. R. B. Davis of Lothrop and Da vis has announced his candidacy for the nomination of commission er for the long term on the repub lican ticket. Mr. Davis, or as he is better known. "Dick," is one of the pioneers of Tonopah, having conie in on a freight team in 1900 and has always been looked upon as one of the most substantial citizens we have. From the day he arrived Davis always Vas a great believer in the future of Tonopah and shortly after his arrival he opened a store in a 12 by 14 shack and many a miner and prospector has had rei son to bless Dick Davis, as he never turned a hungry man away from his store. Not only is he a pio neer of Tonopah, but he is looked upon as one of the oi dtimers, hav ing come to Nevada in 1878, and from that time until the present he has always had the welfare of the state at heart. Mr. Davis' qualifications as a business man should entitle him to the vote of every man who desires the affairs of the county conducted along business like lines. Key Pittman returned yesterday from Goldfield. Judge J. A. Sanders left yester day afternoon for Manhattan where he was called to attend to legal affairs. Sam Davis, the state humorist, with headquarters at Carson, came over from Goldfield yesterday where he spent a day or two. R. G. Steele, of the forest ser vice, with headquarters at Austin, came in from that district yester day and will spend a few days here. Ernest F. Hall, who spent the last few weeks visiting with rela tives in San Francisco, returned yesterday with the announcement that he was not sorry that he miss ed the big fight. Clearance Sale! are rmt Ovoi-stnflrkrl v Cr...J t D a mMf . w. u .viv4 vr a uiwcu iu idlac " Money. Just having our customary Mid summer Clean Up Sale. And during this sale we will offer some Amazing Bargains in HIGH GRADE SUMMER GOODS Ladies', Misses and Children's Ready Made Wearing Apparel and Furnishings. Gent's, Furnishings, Hats, Underwear, Etc WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR Ladies' Men's and Children's Shoes and Oxfords at LESS THAN FACTORY COST. We quote no Prices. Come in we will show you. McKIM'S STORE L NOTICE OF PRIMARY ELECTION Notice is hereby given that at the September primary election, to bo held on Tuesday, September Cth, 1910, party nominations of candi dates for the following state, dis trict, county of Nye, and Nye town ship, offices, are to be made: STATE AND DISTRICT OFFICES. Choice for United States sena tor. Representative in congress. Governor. Lieutenant-Governor. Justice of the supreme court. Secretary of state. State treasurer. State controller. Surveyor general. Attorney general. Superintendent of state printing. Superintendent of public instruc tion. Two regents of state university; long term. One regent of state university, short term. Inspector of mines. One district judge of the fifth judicial district. COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP OF ' FICES. Seven members of the assembly. Khpriff County clerk. Treasurer. Recorder and auditor. District attorney. One commissioner, long term. One commissioner, short term. County surveyor. Public administrator. Justice of the peace, Tonopah township. Constable, Tonopah township. Justice of the peace, Rhyolite township. Constable, Rhyolite township. Justice of the peace, Manhattan township. Constable, Manhattan township. Justice of the peace, Round Mountain township. Constable, Round Mountain town ship. Justice of the Peace, Beatty township. Constable, Beatty township. Justice of the' peace, Pioneer township. Constable,' Pioneer township. Justice of the peace, Johnnie township. Constable, Johnnie township. ROBERT G. POHL, County Clerk. 7-8, 15, 22, 29-8-5, 12, 19.' Fresh milk and cream. Tonopah Dairy. tf. - Davis Co. The Bonanza's ruling and binding plant is still running. Bring in your orders. Fresh milk and cream Tonopah Dairy, tf. MONTANA CAPE Up-To-Date in Every Particular Open Day and Night Service the Best NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING OF THE TONOPAH CRYSTAL WATER COMPANY. OIMce of the company, Tonopah, 'e- Vtlil-l Lii.a 07H, t II i ' - uv.u., U UUU la I 1.11 1 1J1J. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a special meeting of the stock holders of TonoDah CVvstni Wat company, a South Dakota cninnra. lion, encaireil in l,,,ui,,..,. i j about Tonopah, Nevada, has been called DV the nrI..r nf h . and will bo held at the office of the " state Bank and Trust company building, corner Main ieeVr and BrouSher avenue, Tono- , urougner avenue, Tono- I Pa I; Nevada, on the zoth day of July, 13: al.3 clock. P- . The Durnosos fnv whtnii , ins is called and the several items Of btJSlnOSS that nin r,..nnr.n.l i. . . i i upuocu IU U transacted .by the stockholders are as To receive and act upon the reslg nation or tlie present board of directors and to remove at pleas ure any director whose resignation may not heretofore have been tendered; to elect a new board for the unexpired , term of the current year, or until their suc cessors shall be elected; to amend the imvs in senary proposed particu lar, iu mncnu me articles of incor noration so n to octaKiici. n i...i ness oflice of the company outside of " omiB ni nouin uaaota, at the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and at the city of San Francisco, California, in addition to the pres ent office at Tonopah, Nevada, where at any or all meetings of the direct ors and stockholders may be held and all corporate business be transacted, as provided by the statutes of South Dakota; and such other business as may properly come berore the meet ing. By order of the president. HENRY F. STITZELU As secretary of the company. First publication, June 28, 1910. Last publication, July 30, 1910. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. A. SANDERS Attorm-y-at-Lnw. Will practice in all courts of the State. Oflice: Tonopah Block. KENNETH J. BOOTH NOTAIt PUBLIC TOXOPAH UOXAXZA OFFICE Tonopah . . . Nevada W. B. PITTMAN ATTOP.NEY-AT-LAW Practices in all the Courts of the State. OF PICK STATE RXK GUILDIXG TOXOPAH. NEVADA. CAMPBELL, METSON & BROWN ATTARNEYS-AT-LAW. Stat Bank and Trust Co. Building, TONOPAH, NEVADA. c. h. Mcintosh h. r. cooke Mcintosh & cooke ATTORNEYS Offices Tonopah Blk., Tonopah. Nev NOTARY IN OFFICES. KEY PITTMAN, Attoruey-at-Law, State Bank Bldg., Tonopah, Nevada. STEVENS & VAN PEL1, Associates, Rawhide, Nevada. Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Ice Picks, Water Coolers, Etc. Phone 262 ...SPflLDINGS... BASEBALL. TENNIS AND .ATHLETIC GOODS. ROTHOLTZ BROS, INC. Leading Stationers Marino's Orchestra MUSIC FURNISHED FOB ALL OCCASIONS.... Any Number of Pieces, Any Time, Any Place. PROMPT SERVICE. Call up the Butler Theatre P. O. BOX 353 Andrews Camp NEAR Bishop, Inyo Co., CALIFORNIA "The Gem of the Sierras" FISHING, HUNTING AND BOATING.. Board and lodging or furnished ed tents at reasonable rates. Stage fare from Bishop, $2.50. For particulars write to F. K. Andrews, Bishop, California. liizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel where very Reason able Tariff Prevails. Hot and Cold Running Water in Each Room. Rooms with or without privats baths, single or en suite. COMMERCIAL RATES Butler Theatre The Popular Show Pise. Motion Pictures AND Illustrated Songs MATINEE EVERY AFTERNOON u-mifu i-haauh OF PROGRAM EVERY NIGHT, EXCEPT SUNDAY. Admission - 10c Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company CO A Li! COAL! COAL! BUILDING PAPER, ROOFING PA. PER FOR YOUR OWN PRICE 'PHONE tO2 Tonopah Sewer & Drainage Company SERVICES PUT IN AT COST See F. A. Burnham at the Offices of TONOPAH UNITED WATER CO.