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TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA. TONOPAH, NEVADA. TUESDAY, 4ULY 19, lIO. TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA PIONEER STORE Published Every Morning, Monaay Excepted, at Tonopah, Nevada :ESTABUISHED 1900 W. W. BOOTH, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. KENNETH J. BOOTH Associate Editor. Member of Associated Press TERMS OF One year f 12.00 Nine montba 10.00 Six months 6.75 10 REWARD. A reward of $10 will be paid for information that will lead to the ar rest and convtctioi of parties stealing The Bonanza from subscribers. Subscriptions by mail m ust be paid in advance. Entered at the Postofflce in Tonopan as second class matter. No advertising: cuts, one inch squ made of metal. No wood base cuts o are dangerous to forms and press. LATEST COPY OP NEVADA REPORTS IS RECEIVED CONTAINS RECORD OF CASES DISPOSED OF BY THE SU PREME COURT. County Clerk Robert G. Pohl yesterday received a copy of the Nevada Reports, No. 31, sent out by W. G. Douglass, secretary of state. The volume contains the re ports of all cases determined in the supreme court of the state of Ne vada during the January, April and July terms of 1909. The book which was issuea by the state printing office, contains the reports of a number of cases appealed from the local district court, the prin cipal one of which is the case of Frank Golden versus the fifth ju dicial court, in which the matter Jof the writ of prohibition Issued by the supreme court, which pro hibited Judge M. R. Averlll from appointing receivers for the de funct Nye and Ormsby county bank. A large portion of the volume is devoted to the State Bank and Trust company case. In reality the book appears to be a rehash of the different suits against the two defunct Nye coun ty banks, for there are. several oth ers of which no mention is made above. MURDER CASE POSTPONED UNTIL AUGUST FIRST COUNSEL FOR FRANK WHITE ASK FOR CONTINUANCE OF TWO WEEKS. The case of Frank White, charg ed with murder, was called before Judge M. R. Averill yesterday morning and on motion of counsel for the . defendant the matter was continued until August 1 when the case will be set lor trial. White, in the meantime, will remain in the ofounty jail, not being able to raise the necessary amount of bail to secure his liberty. He was repre sented yesterday by Judge J. A. Sanders, while District Attorney Cleve H. Baker appeared on behalf of the state. White, it will be remembered, shot and killed Charles Black at Manhattan several months ago fol lowing a quarrel over the right to use a stable, both men having been partners prior to the killing. HA1 HARD TRIP. Hon. T. L. Oddie and J. C. Skuse who arrived from Liberty on Sunday had a strenuous trip, the route being marked with collisions with stumps, punctures and other ills which befall the autoist. The worst accident was when the car hit a stump which twisted the steering gear and broke the coun tershaft, thus necessitating the coming Into Tonopah entirely on the high gear. J. G. Lindsay, who accompanied Senator Oddie on his trip declared that the roads were the worst he has encountered in a long time- Mrs. P. E. Keeler left yesterday for a vUM to Los Angeles. fresh milk and cream Tonopah Dalrr. tf- SUBSCRIPTION Three months 3.50 One month 1.25 One week 36 TO SUBSCRIBERS. Parties who do not receive their rapers, or who have any cause of complaint, will oblige The Bonanza by notifying this office. are or smaller, will be accepted unless f this size will be used. Wood cuts j - . TO SUPERVISE WATER RIGHTS OF DUCKWATER NEW COMMISSIONER'S APPOINT MENT APPROVED BY JUDGE MARK. R. AVERILL. Claude L. Smith, who was ap pointed water commissioner for Duckwater by the state board of irrigation, subject to the approval of state engineer and also subject to the approval of the fifth judi cial district court, arrived yester day from the north and will leave in a few days for the Duckwater district. He appeared beiore Judge Averill during the afternoon and was granted letters of authority, the court having approved the ap pointment. The appointment of . Mr. Smith follows the recommendation of Judge Averill in a decision handed down on June 15 in the case of J. C. Togninl versus Louisa Irwin et al., over water right at Duck, water valley. The case w-as decided in, favor of the defendant, and the court urged the appointment of a water commissioner for that sec tion, to supervise the distributing of the waters, over which litigation has resulted for the last twenty- five years. Mr. Smith will serve- during the remainder of tills month and also for September. The new commissioner is a grad uate of the Nevada State University of the class of 1905, and is well qualified to undertake the duties demanded. For a number of years he was connected with the state engineer's office, serving principal ly in the Fallon district at the time the new irrigation project was completed. (LEVER JUVENILE TEAM AT BUTLER THEATER The Butler theater program for today is one that occasions more than ordinary interest. "By the Faith of a Child"' is a thrilling pic ture emphasizing the power of a child's plea. "The Forest Ranger" is an ex citing story of a gang of timber thieves who are despoiling govern ment forests. "Ito, the Beggar Boy," is a Vi- tagraph child picture. In addition to the regular per formance, Myrtle and Fonda, a clev er juvenile of young lady perform ers made their initial performance last evening and certainly are clev er little girls. They will be at the Butler all this week at the evening performances and will also appear at the Saturday and Sun day matinees. Temperature Report Yesterday's hourly temperature record at the weather Dureau office was as follows: 5 a. m 59 6 a. m ..57 7 a. m 62 8 a. m 69 9 a. m 72 10 a. m. 76 11 a. m , 79 12 (noon) 80 1 p. m 82 2 p. m ..83 3 p. m 84 4 p. m 78 5 p. m 74 Highest a year ago, 87; lowest, 59. Squabs for sale. Tonopah Dairy. SOLE AGENTS MOSES BEST FLOUR Fresh Fruits and Vegetables DAILY BY EXPRESS Fancy and Phone 262 fPERSONAlT C. W. L. Stevens of Goldfleld was in Tonopah yesterday. Perclval Nasti, the Manhattan mining man, is spending a few days in Tonopah. Walter C. Lamb returned yester day from Manhattan where he has mining interests. W. M. Veith, the Manhattan mill man. came In from the northern camp yesterday. C. O. Burkett, the Manhattan attorney, was transacting legal bus iness in the district court yester day. Vail Pittman. returned yesterday from a few days' stay at Manhat tan and the northern section of the county. Horatio Dohrman, who left about two months ago for an extended business trip through the east, re turned to Tonopah yesterday. John Banford of Round Mountain who has been ill for some time, left on Sunday's train for the north in company with his brother. County Commissioner S. F. Lind say returned yesterday from Man hattan and Round Mountain where he spent several days doing poli tics. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stevens have taken the Roy Richards cottage near the Nevada theater, where they will be at home In a few days. Mrs. A. M. Gillespie, court re porter of the fifth judicial district court, returned yesterday from San Francisco where she spent several weeks visiting. J. C. Skuse, the Licky Boy min ing engineer, who arrived Sunday in company with Governor T. L. Oddie, departed yesterday for his home stamping gronnd. Dan Quinlan returned yesterday from San Francisco where he has been at the bedside of Mrs. Quin lan. who is an inmate of St. Luke's hospital. Mrs. Quinlan is now of danger and on the road to a speedy recovery. Harry Hillhouse, the engineer who installed the compressed air plant at Cobalt and who has been looking over the Round Mountain district, left on Sunday's train for a fortnight's vacation in Califor nia. J. G. Lindsey, president, of the Liberty Mining company, left this morning for Philadelphia. It is Mr. Lindsey's intention to return in about a couple of months, dur ing which time active development work will be carried on by Manager Nenstadter. JAKE EGGERS WILL RUN AGAIN FOR CONTROLLER Jake Eggers has announced him self as a candidate for the repub lican nomination for the office of state controller. Mr. Eggers is one of the best known men in the state and one whose friends are numbered by the thousands. He has filled the office for which he now aspires for the last term and during that time has proven to the public that he has ability of no mean order and the stability to execute his duties, without fear nor favor and to the interests of all. Jake Eggers has no promise to make as to his future actions and lets his record for the past speak for him In all matter. WADSWORTH BOOMING. Reports from Wadsworth are to the effect that the place Is no longer a village of empty houses but that every structure Is rented for the first time since the Southern Pacific main line was changed, leaving Wadsworth two miles away. Staple Groceries Lothrop - STOCK MARKET The following quotations are fur nished by the reliable brokerage firm of H. E. Epstlne: Tonopah District, Tonopah Mining ...$8.50 Montana 98 1.00 Tonopah Ex 76 .77 MacNamara 31 .32 Midway .23 .25 Belmont .. 3.92 4.00 North Star 06 .06 West End 55 .57 Rescue 02 03 Jim Butler Zi .26 Mizpah Ex 31 ' ... Goldfleld District. GoldSeld Con 8.50 8.55 Booth 12 .13 Blue Bull 04 .05 Atlanta 11 .12 Florence 2.02 2.05 Comb. Frac 49 .5-0 Kewanas 05 Jumbo Ex 24 .06 .25 Miscellaneous. Pittsburg.-Silver Pk. .60 .62: Manhattan Con 05 .06 Manhattan Dex .04 Nevada Hills 2.30 2.35". Forenoon Sales. 200 North Star, 6. 1000 Rescue, 2. Afternoon Sales. 400 McNamara, 31. 200 Belmont, $3.90. 500 Belmont, $3.95. 900 Belmont, $3.97 V2. 300 Belmont, $4.00. 1000 North Star. 6. 1500 Jim Butler. 25. Pure, fresh apple cITt oy the quart or gallon at the H .). Hai: Liquor company. 13 tt Juniper Lodging House Good Accommodations JUNIPER - - NEVADA Athens Miniag District J. STARK, M. D. Specialty Appendicitis, Asthma and Rlie-umatism. 1410 Eighth St., Oakland, Cal. 1)5 PER CENT RECOVER. PRIMARY REGISTRATION NOTICE. NOTICK 1-S 1IKUEBY GIVEN,, that Hit: office of the registrar of voters for Tonopah township is open until and including August 20, 191", for the registration of persons whose names are not upon register and sup plements thereto used at the last general election in the year 1908 in the township of Tonopah, and who are entitled to register In or trans fer their registration to the sup plemental register to be used at the primary election to be held Septem ber 6, 1910. Those persons whose name appear on the register and names appear on the register and supplements used at the general election of 1908 - are eligible to vote at said primary election without fur ther registration. Persons who were registered at the last general election of 1908 in some other township than Tonopah and who have gained a resi dence in Tonopah to entitle them to vote at said primary election In Tonopah township, must before they can be registered for said primary election obtain a transfer registration certificate from the registry agent of the place or town where the said person was thus registered and pre sent the same to the registry agent of Tonopah township. Registration will be conducted In the justice court rooms on the third floor of the State Bank building, Tonopah, Ne vada, between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and f o'clock p. m. on every day except Sunday up to. and Includ ing August 20. 1910. H. Hj ATKINSON, Registry Agent Tonopah Township. 7-l-6tf: Refrigerators, , Ice Cream Freezers, Ice Picks, Water Coolers, Etc. Davis Co. Phone 262 mam The Bonanza's ruling and binding plant is still running. Bring in your orders. Fresh milk and cream Tonopah Dairy. tf. MONTANA CAFE Up-To-Date in Every Particular Open Day and Night Service the Best NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING OF THE TONOPAH CRYSTAL WATER COMPANY, Office of the companv, Tonopah, Ne vada, June 27th, 1910. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a special meeting of the stock holders of Tonopah Crystal Water company, a South Dakota corpora tion, engaged in business in and about Tonopah, Nevada, has been called by the order of the president, and will be held at the office of the company. Room 314, State Bank and Trust company building; corner Main street and Broueher avenue. Tnnn. ' pah, Nevada, on the 30th day of July, 11910, at 3 o'clock p. m. The purposes for which the meet ing is called and the several items of business that are proposed to be transacted by the stockholders are as follows: To receive and act upon the resig nation of the Dresent board of directors and to remove at pleas ure any airector whose resignation may not heretofore have been tendered; to elect a new board for the unexpired term of the current year, or until their suc cessors shall be elected; to amend the by laws in sundry proposed particu lars; to amend the articles of Incor poration so as to establish a busi ness office of the company outside of the state of South Dakota. at the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and at the city of San Francisco, California, in- addition to the pres ent office at Tonopah, Nevada, where at any or all meetings of the direct ors and stockholders may be held and all corporate business be transacted, as provided by the statutes of South Dakota; and such other business as may properly come before the meet in ir. By order of the president. HENRY F. STITZIiUj. As secretary of the company. First publication, June 2., 1910. Last publication, July 30, 1910. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. A. SANDERS Will practice in all courts of the State. Office: Tonopa'v Block. KENNETH J. BOOTH NOTARY PUBLIC TOXOPAH BONANZA OFFICE Tonopah ... Nevada W. B. PITTMAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practices in all, the Courts of the State. OFFICE STATE RANK GITLDING TONOPAH, NEVADA. CAMPBELL METS0N& BROWN ATTARNEYS-AT-LAW. State Bank and Trust Co. Building, TONOPAH, NEVADA. c. h. Mcintosh h. r. cookk Mcintosh & cooke attorneys Offices Tonopah Blk., Tonopah, Nev NOTARY IN OFFICES-. KEY PITTMAN, Attorney-at-Law, State Bank Bldg., Tonopah, Nevada. STEVENS- & VAN PELT, Associates, Rwhido, Nevada ...SPRLDINGS... BASEBALL, TENNIS AND .ATHLETIC GOODS. ROTHOLTZ BROS, INC. Leading Stationers Marino's Orchestra MUSIC FURNISHED FOR ALL OCCASIONS.... Any Number of Pieces, Any Time, Any Place. PROMPT SERVICE. Call up the Butler Theatre P. O. BOX 353 Andrews Camp NEAR Bishop, Inyo Co., CALIFORNIA "The Gem of the Sierras" fishing, hunting and BOATING. Board and lodging or furnished ed tents at reasonable rates. Stage fare from Bishop, $2.50. For particulars write to F. K. Andrews, BIstiop. California. Mizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel where very Reasot, able Tariff Prevails. Hot and CoM Pawning Water in Each Room. Rooms with or without privat baths, single or en suite. COMMERCIAL BATES Butler Theatre The Popular Show -nse. Motion Pictures AND Illustrated Songs- MATINEE EVERY AFTERNOON ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM EVERY NIGHT, EXCEPT SUNDAY". Admission 10c Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company COAL! COAL! COAL! BUILDING PAPER, ROOFING PA PER FOR TOUR OWN PRICE 'PHONE 1062 Tonopah Sewer & Drainage Company SERVICES PUT IN AT cast See F- A. Bum ham at. the Office of TONOPAH UNUSED WATBR. OOt