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TONOPAH 1 1 AIM BONANZA, TONOPAH, NEVADA, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1910. rONOPAH DAILY BONANZA Published Every Mornine. Monuav Excepted, at Tonopah, Nevada PIONEER STORE :ESTAB1LISHED 1900 W. W. BOOTH. EDITOR KENNETH J. BOOTH TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One year fl2.0j Three months . 3 50 Sine months 10.00 1 One month 125 Six months 6.75 i REWARD. A reward of $10 will be paid for information 'h' will lead to vne ar rest and ooiiviotio-j of parties stealing The Bonanza (rom subscribers Subscriptions bv mail m Entered at the Postofflce In ""onopan is second class matter. No adver-islng cuts, one Inch squ made of metal. No wood base cuts o are dangerous to forms and press. , GOOD VALUES FROM ASSAYS ON ATHENS LEASE O. B. NAY RECEIVES ASSAY RE PORTS SHOWING ARE TO UK HIGH GRADE. O. B. Nay, the Juniper or Athens leaser, who arrived several days ago to have a number of samples taken from his lease assayed, re ceived returns from the assayer yes terday and they were indeed grati fying. The allotment that he placed in the hands of the assayer was a general sample taken from the dump and from the ledge. Great care waa exercised in that the collection ,6t re should be a good average. The returns show that the rock goes- $92.56 per ton. Of this $90.40 is. in. gold and $2.16 in stiver. Mr.- Nay has 100 tons of thil ore in sight. He has run a cut into the ledge for a distance ol eighteen feet, and the ledge at the Bottom, which is eight feet from the surface at the deepest point. shows up good and strong. The outlook appears ' that the lease is able to go on a shipping basis with tit any additional development. Mr. Nay intends to return to the camp today. Reports show that mining men- are rushing into the new dia trict via. Mina, THREE FEATURE FILMS FOR TOOAY AT M BUTLER STANDING ROOM AT A PREMIUM AT LAST NIGHT'S PF.RFORM . ANCE. Only standing room was the greeting received by those who did not get to the Butler 'heater in time to witness the first perform ance:. "The Fire Chief? Daughter," as clearly the feature of the evening and accompanied by tha orchestra made one feel as if they were present at a serious conflagra tion. The program for today con $ists of two reels of the popular In dian series. First, "The Uprising of the Utes," which portrays a graphic battle with that famous tribe. Second, "Red Hawk's Last Raid," which is shown in seven dif ferent scenes, and portrays the treachery of the Indians in a cow ardly attack. Red Hawk, the lead er, is mortally wounded and by his loss the Indian, war is settled and peace restored. "The Parisian," deals with, a man who thinks the world is against him and as he is afcout.'to shuffle off this mortal coil Be becomes infatuated with a flow er seller But, as the old saying, s"true love never runs smooth," finds its way-into this couple's life. The nesult is very appalling. Venice, the famous Italian city, built upon the water, is shown in all its splendor and from an educational point of view it is an exceptionally good picture. Leo McXameo of Lincoln county, U ' who is now 21 years oi a&e, "irAsiXO PROGRAM COM recently passed the bar of the states or California and Nevada and has .a himself as a candidate for the republican nomination for district attorney for Lincoln count AND PROPRIETOR. Associate Editor. One week 3o TO SUBSCKIBEKS. Parties who do not receive their papers, or who have any cause of complaint, will cbligo The Bonanza by notifying this office. ust be paid in advance. are or smaller, will be accepted unless f this size will be ued. Ti ood cuts ALL CANDIDATES SHOULD FILE BOOKS AT EARLY DATE - CERTAIN BOOKS MIST REACH SECRETARY OF STATE BY AUGUST 6. Nomination books for candidates seking state offices, which Includes the office of assemblyman, must be filed at the county clerk's office not later than August 4th, for County Clerk Robert G. Pohl yesterday re ceived a dispatch from the secretary of state that all the petitions should be in his office by the evening ol August 6. It will be well for the candidates to file their books as early as pos sible in order to avoid a rush at the end when it may happen that several of the candidates will be kept off the ticket owing to the business of the clerk. Additional books were filed yes terday by the following candidates'. R. D. Heywood, democrat, justice of the peace for the Manhattan township. Cleve H. Baker, democrat, attor ney general. J. A. Sanders, democrat, district attorney. J. A. Buchanan, republican, as semblyman from Round Mountain. Joe Farnswprth, democrat, state printe.. P. E. Keeler, democrat, district judge. fPERSONAD L ... J Joseph C. Piercy, after spending several weeks in southern Califor nia, returned to Tonopah yester day. R. B. Govan, of the Mizpah ho tel, has returned from Reno where he spent several days looking after business matters. Frank Tait, of Goldfield, was in Tonopah yesterday looking after business for the Nevada Armour Packing company. V. V. Keith, the Goldfield agent of the Tonopah and Tidewater rail road, came over to Tonopah yester day morning on business in con nection with his road. F. M. Jenefir, of the Tonopah and Tidewater railroad, with head quarters at Los Angeles, arrived from the north yesterday. He leaves todav for Goldfield and the south. Temperature Report Yesterday's hourly temperature -ocord at the weather oureau oflice wHt a follows: 5 a. m .60 6 a. m ....' 59 7 a. m 64 8 a. m .67 9 a. m 67 10 a. m. ' 71 11 a. m. . . . : 74 12 ( noon) . 78 1 p. m 80 2 p. m. 81 3 p. m 83 4 p. m 83 5 p. m '. '. 81 Highest a year ago,, 81; lowest, MENCTXG MONDAY. JULY 2.1 The "Six Mandy Lane Girls" will appear at the Casino. Don't fall to gte them. The best yet. 26-4t. SOLE AGENTS MOSES BEST FLOUR Fresh Fruits and Vegetables DAILY BY EXPRESS Fancy and Staple Groceries Phone 262 GOOD REPORTS FROM ATHENS (Continued from Page 3.) as last week's report according to close estimates and the two feet of ore wi'l closely approximate values of between $50 and $75 per ton. The ore now being hoisted is being saved and placed on a new dump. F. H. Hall visited the shaft Tnesda afternoon and expressed himself as well pleased with the decided im provement in the values and size of vein and the prospects. Fulkerson, Stevenson and Auxler lease on block 2 of Sorrel Top No. 1. Operations in sinking a shaft by above leasers was started last week and the hole Is now down 10 feet. Timber is now being cut and placed in position for a windlass and no time lost in getting down to the pay streak. APPORTIONMENT OF THE STATE SCHOOL FUND A statement, showing the semi annual apportionment of funds foi the schools of this state has been is sued by Superintendent Orvis Rins. The moneys ave for the 1910 term, and are bnssd cn $8,553' per cen sus child.' Following is the apportionment: Counties. Children. Amount. Churchill 497 $ 4. 250. So Clark 637 5,448.30 Douglas . 320 2,73.7.00 Elko. 1,087 9,297.10 Esmeralda 1,313 11,230.10 Eureka 312 2,688.55 Humboldt 754 6,449.00 Lander 301 2,574.50 Lincoln 500 4,276.50 Lyon 578 4.943.65 Nye 1,104 9,442.50 Ormsby 515 4,404.80 Storey 506 4,327.80 Washoe ..2,953 .25,257.05 White Pine 934 7,988.50 Total 12,311 105, 296. 20 Amount apportioned to emergen cy school fund, $3,000.00. Total apportionment, $108,296.20. SOCIALIST TICKET. FALLON, July 28. The Social ists of Churchill county have nomi nated the following candidates for the coming election: Senate: M. Barker; assembly. Dr. J. E. Wor den; sheriff, G. H. Williams; com missioner (short term), Fred San ders; (long term), Ed Smith. It Is said that Churchill county has more socialists than any other county in the state.-' A young lady over in Chico, Cal., has raised an awful fuss because a school professor tried to hug her. It is hardly probable that she is a California girl, or she would have been used to anything like tiiut ere this. Who ever heard of a Cali fornia girl raising a rumpus because someone tried to hug her? Bonanza Ads Bring Resubs Lothrop-Davis BASEBALL NOTES NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Cincinnati Pittsbur.g, 4; Cin cinnati, 2. At Brooklyn Brooklyn, 1;' Bos ton, 0. At New York Philadelphia, 8; New York, 1. At St. Louis Chicago, 3; Louis 0. AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Boston New York, 3; St. Bos- ton 4. '. At Cleveland Cleveland, 2; St. Louis,. 1. At Philadelphia Washington, 6; Philadelphia, 5. At Detroit Detroit, 2; Chicago, 0. COAST LEAGUE. At Oakland Portland. 0; San Francisco, l. At Sacramento Sacramento, 2; Los Angeles, 0. At Los Angeles Oakland, 8; Ver non, 3. CASINO PROGRAM COM MENCING MONDAY, JULY 35 The "Six Mandy Lane Girl" will appear at the Casino. Don't fail to see them. The best yet. 26-4t. Fresh milk and cream Tinopah Dairy. tf JOHN GREGOVICH DEALER IN FANCY AND STAPLE' ..Groceries.. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, FISH. POULTRY, ETC.. IN SEASON, f NOPAH ... - NEVADA H. E. EPSTINE STOCK BROKER Quotations received from San Fran cisco Stock Exchange board. if you are Interested in southeri. Nevada securities, write me. TONOPAH BLOCK BLDG. TONOPAH - NEVADA Central Market Under New Management. Harry Stimler Proprietor. We Raise Our Own Stock an Slaughter Here in TONOPAH COLD STORAGE PLANT In Connection. MAIN ST. - TONOPAH ATHENS TOWNSITE Official townsite plat approved bj board Nye county commissioners. Lots now on sale at low prices. For terms and full information regarding the latest gold camp in Nevada, address; LESTER C. BELL, Sale Agent, ATHENS, - NEVADA Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Ice Picks, Water Coolers, Etc. Co. Phone 262 CASINO PROGRAM COM MENCING MONDAY, JULY 33 The "Six Mandy Lane Girls", will appear at the Casino. Don't fail to see them. The best yet. ' 26-4t. MONTANA CAPE Up-To-Date in Every Particular Open Day and Night Service the Best NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING OF THE TONOPAH CRYSTAL WATER COMPANY. Oflice of the company, Tonopah, Ne vada, June 27th, 1910. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a special meeting of the stock holders of Tonopah Crystal Water company, a South Dakota corpora tion, engaged in business In and about Tonopah, Nevada, has been called by the order of the president, and will be held at the office of the company, Room 314, State Bank and Trust company building, corner Main street and Brougher avenue, Tono- pah, Nevada, on the 30th day of July, 1910, at 3 o'clock p. m The purposes for which the meet ing is called and the several items of business that are proposed to be transacted by the stockholders are as follows: To receive and act upon the resig nation of the present board of directors and to remove at pleas ure any director whose resignation may not heretofore have been tendered; to elect a new board for the unexpired term of the current year, or until their suc cessors shall be elected; to amend the by laws in sundry proposed particu lars; to amend the articles of incor poration so as to establish a busi ness ortire of the company outside of the state of South Dakota, at the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and at the city ot San Francisco, California, in addition to the pres ent office at Tonopah, Nevada, where at any or all meetings of the direct ors and stockholders may be held and all corporate business be transacted, as provided by the statutes of South Dakota; and such other business as may properly come before the meet ing. Bv order of the president. HENItY F. STITZELL, As secretary of the company. First publication, .Tune 2S, 19U. Last publication, July 30, 1910. PHOFF.KHIONAL CAKI J. A. SANDERS Attorm--at-Lnw. Will practice in all courts of the State. Oflice: Tonopa'x Block.' KENNETH J. BOOTH NOTAItt PUBLIC TONOPAH HON A NBA OFFICE Tonopah Nevada W. B. PITTMAIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practices in all the Courts of the State. OFFICE STATE BANK GUTLDING TONOPAH. NEVADA. CAMPBELL, METSON & BROWN ATTARNEYS-AT-LAW. State Itank and Trust Co. Building. TONOPAH. NEVADA. C. H. MCINTOSH H. R. COOKE Mcintosh & cooke ATTORNEYS Offices Tonopab Blk., Tonopah, Nev NOTARY IN OFFICES KEY FITTMAN. AttoruoT-at-Liiw, : State Bank Rldg.. TomipHli, WvuuU. STKVFNH .V VAX PKI.1. AaMrialt-, l.'atvhiile. Nctntln ...SPRLDINGS... BASEBALL, TENNIS AND .ATHLETIC GOODS. ROTHOLTZ BROS,, INC. Leading Stationers Marino's Orchestra MUSIC FURNISHED FOR ALL OCCASIONS.... Any Number of Pieces, Any .Time, Any Place. PROMPT SERVICE. Call up the Butler Theatre P, O. BOX 353 Andrews Camp NEAR Bishop, Inyo Co., CALIFORNIA "The Gem of the Sierras" FISHING, HINTING AND BOATING. Board and lodging or furnished ed tents at reasonable rates. Sta.fje fare from Bishop, $2.50. For particulars write to F. K. Andrews, RMiop. California. Mizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel w here very Reasow able Tariff Prevails Hot and CoI4 Running Water in Kah Room. Rooms with or without private baths, single or en suite. COMMERCIAL RATES Butler Theatre The Papular Show P"nse. Motion Pictures AND Illustrated Songs MATINEE EVERY AFTERNOON ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM EVERY NIGHT. EXCEPT SUNDAY. Admission 10c Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company COAL! COAL! COAL! ' BUILDING PAPER. ROOFING PA PER FOR YOUR OWN PRICE PHONE 10a Tonopah Sewer & Drainage Company SERVICES PUT IN AT COST See F. A. Burn ham at the Offices of TONOPAH UNITED WATER Co.