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11JMHMH .DAILY BONANZA, TONOPAH, NEVADA, Hill) IV, AIGUST 12, 1910. r POLITICAL ANNOUNCE M E IN T S. J J. J. LYDON Of Tonopah hereby announces his andidacy tor the Democratic nomi .ation for INSPECTOR OF MINES, subject to the will of the voter? of the democratic party at the prir maries to bo held on the 6th day of September, 1910. WILLIAM L. HACKER ,of Round Mountain hereby an- counces his candidacy for the dem ocratic nomination for i ASSEMBLYMAN of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. C. 0. BURKERT of Manhattan hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomi nation for i ASSEMBLYMAN of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the republican par ty at the primaries to be held on the 6th v day of September, 1910. FRANK P. MANNIX ' Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of COUNTY TREASURER of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party, at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. GEO. B. SWASEY Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of CONSTABLE of Tonopah Township, subject to the Will of the voters of the re publican party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of Septem ber. 1910. J. P. BRISSELL Hereby announces his candidacy for . the democratic nomination of JUSTICE OF THE PEACE of Tonopah .township subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the Hlh day of September. 1910. W. P. "BILLY" ACKERMAN Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of COUNTY COMMISSIONER (Short term) of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. GILBERT C. ROSS of Tonopah hereby announces his candidacy fbr the democratic nomi nation for LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR of the state of Nevada subject to the will of the voters of the dem- ocratlc party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of Septem ber, 1910. R. B. " DICK " DAVIS Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of COUNTY COMMISSIONER (Long term) of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of Ue republican party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. T. O'CONNELL Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of COUNTY COMMISSIONER , (Long term) of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of '." the democratic party at the primaries to be . held on the 6th day of September, 1910. RALPH WARDLE Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of SHERIFF AND ASSESSOR of Nye county, subject to the will of i he voters of the republican party, at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September. 1910. V GEORGE FOLEY of Round Mountain hereby announc es his candidacy Tor the democratic nomination of COUNTY COMMISSIONER (Short term) of Nye county, subject to the will of ih voters of the democratic laiix 'it lb" primaries to be held on ili .! day of September. 110. J. A. BUCHANAN of Hound Mountain hereby an nounces his candidacy for the re publican nomination for ASSEMBLYMAN of Xye county, subject to the will of the voters of the republican par ty at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. f n w l r. niLOUi Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of ASSEMBLYMAN of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the republicau party, at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, ,1910. A. H. ELFTMAN Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of ASSEMBLYMAN of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters ot the republican party, at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. E. G. "TEDDY" OSBORN. Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of ASSEMBLYMAN of Nye county, subject to ,the will of the voters ot the republics party, at the primaries to bo held on the 6th day of September, 1910. M.P. SHEPARD Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of. AUDITOR AND RECORDER of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the primaries to be held on the Gth day. of September, 1910. CLEVE. H. BAKER Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination for ATTORNEY GENERA L subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the pri maries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. CHAS. J. ENQUIST Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of . SHERIFF AND ASSESSOR of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party, at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September,! 1910. GEORGE SPRINGMEYER of Goldfleld hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomi nation of ATTORNEY GENERAL subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the pri maries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. SAM F. LINDSAY of Rhyolite hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomi nation of AUDITOR AND RECORDER of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. JAMES HAYWARD Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of CONSTABLE of Tonopah township subjact to the wiil of the voters of the republican party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. C. L. MILWARD x of Rhyolite hereby, announces his candidacy for the democratic nomi nation of COUNTY COMMISSIONER , (Long term) of Xye county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September. 1910. J. A- TIMLIN ' Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of COUNTY CLERK of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to- be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. KEY PITTMAN. Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination for U. S. SENATOR subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the pri maries to be held on the 6th day f S ptemher. 1910. ROBERT G. POHL Hereby announces his candidacy for tha republican nomination of COUNTY CLERK of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. T. L. ODDIE Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination for GOVERNOR of the state of Nevada subject to the will of the voters of the re publican party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of Septem ber, 1910. ED. WELSH Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of CONSTABLE of Tonopah township, subject to the will of the voters of the demo cratic party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of Septem ber, 1910. PUDDY GRIMES Hereby announces his candidacy for tha democratic nomination of AUDITOR AND RECORDER of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. L. L. MUSHETT Hereby announces his candidacy foi the republican nomination of COUNTY TREASURER., of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party, at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. KENNETH J. BOOTH Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of ASSEMBLYMAN of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party, at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. MARK R. AVERILL Hereby announces his candidacy lor the republican nomination of DISTRICT JUDGE of the Fifth Judicial District of Ne vada, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party, at the primaries to be held on the 6tb day of September. 1910. E..A. HARMER Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of CONSTABLE of Tonopah township, subject to the will of the voters of the republi can party, at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. CHARLES G. SMITH Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of CONSTABLE of Tonopah township subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. J. F. M'CAMBRIDGE Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of AUDITOR AND RECORDER of Nye county, subject, to the wiy of the voters of the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1 910. W. W. BOOTH Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination for STATE PRINTER subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the pri maries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. THOMAS S. MARSHALL Hereby announces his candicacy for the democratic nomination of COUNTY TREASURER of Nye County, subject to the win of the voters of the democratic party, at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. ED. MALLEY Hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomination of SHERIFF AND ASSESSOR of Ny county, subject to the will of the voters of the democratic party it the primaries to he heid on the fith day of geptemhei. HID C. A. HUMPHREY Of Manhattan hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomi nation of COUNTY COMMISSIONER. (Short term) of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters . of the democratic party at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. CHARLES S. SPRAGUE of Goldfleld hereby announces his candidacy for the democratic nomi nation for REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS of the state of Nevada, subject to the will of the voters of the demo cratic party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of Septem ber, 1910. ARTHUR H. KEENAN Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the primaries to be heid on the 6th day of September, 1910 J. F. DOUGLAS of Goldfleld hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomi nation for REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS of the State of Nevada, subject to the will of the voters of the re publican party at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of Septem ber, 1910. WALTER I. SHILLING Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of ASSEMBLYMAN of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the republican par ty at the primaries to 'be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. H. H. ATKINSON Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of JUSTICE OF THE PEACE of Tonopah township, subject to the will of the voters of the, republican party at the primaries to be held on the Gth day of September, 1910. HUGH H. BROWN of Tonopah hereby announces bis candidacy for 'the republican nomi nation for ATTORNEY GENERAL tof the State of Nevada, subject to the will of the voters of the re publican party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of Septem ber,' 1910. JOHN J. BARKER of Rhyolite hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomi nation of SHERIFF AND ASSESSOR of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the primaries, to be held on the 6th day of S?ptember, 1910. P. M. BOWLER Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of DISTRICT ATTORNEY of Nye county, subject to the will of the voters ' of the republican party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. GEO. S. NIXON Hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination of UNITED STATES SENATOR subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the pri maries to be held on the 6th day of September, 1910. E. E. ROBERTS""" of Carson City hereby announces his candidacy for the republican nomination for REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS of the State of Nevada subject to the will of the voters of the re publican party at the primaries to be held on the 6th day of Septem ber. 1910. F. H. NORCROSS of Reno hereby announces his can didacy for the republican nomina tion for JUSTICE OF SUPREME COURT t bject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the primar ies to lw held on th Uh day of September. 1910. WONDER WILL SOON HAVE QUARTZ MILL Power Line Now Being Built, Water Supply Provided, and a Hurry Order Given for Machinery. It now seems as if there is to be no further postponement of the resumption of active mining opera tions at the Nevada 'Wonder. For a long time the officers of the company have been working on various details preparatory to the building and operation of a mill, overcoming obstacles, and now their efforts seem to have reached the point where the next step will be to commence using picks, shov els, drills and powder. As was told last week in the Mining News, as a rumor, the com pany has decided to purchase its electricity from the Pacific Power company. This is the company whose line is now being built from Mono county, California, by way of Lucky Boy, Schurz and Rawhide, to Feirvlew and Wonder. The ma chinery for the great generating plant has already begun to arrive, and the pole line has reached a point between Luning and Lucky Boy. This, for a time at least, cuts out the line from' Fallon. According to a circular letter sent to stockholders over the sig nature of Ferdinand II. Graser, sec retary of the company, a contract has been awarded to the Mill and Smelter Engineering- company o( New York, and "the company has stipulated with the contractors for RESUME DRILLING AT SULPHUR ILL AFTER A WAIT OF SOME WEEKS BORING IS RESUMED ON BLACK ROCK DESERT. During the past ve,k there has been a revival of activity at the Sulphur oil fields. Yesterday the option of the High Gravity United Oil company on the property of the C. O. D. company would have ex pired had work not commenced, but Wednesday a small force of men was put to work cleaning up and getting things, in shape for resum ing drilling, and a telegram was received from President J. E. Kerr that he had shipped a carload of material from San Francisco. It is reported that George Noble has organized a company and that as soon as the charter Is received drilling will be commenced. It is also said that a New Vork company of ample means has taken over the property of the Sitting Bull com pany and will begin active opera tions within the next thirty days Silver State. BIG STRIKE ON ELY PROPERTY By AKHuciated Press. SALT LAKE, August 11. Ac cording to a dispatch received from Ely yesterday one of the biggest strikes in that country has just been made at the Ely-Calumet prop erty in which A. D. Myers of Los Angeles is the controlling factor. The dispatch says that the company has struck 11 feet of ore that runs 25 per cent copper and the com pany is now taking out 40 tons of ore per day. The same veins that traverse the Calumet also run through the Ely Centennial ground. The Grand De posit claim of the' Calumet, has been a great shipper in the past, much gold and silver ore having been taken out of the claim. It will be some time, we fancy, . in. iuiu,iiib ui hi, mi if, rates will cut much figure In poll- i tics. WM. MM LAN of Reno hereby announce his can didacy for the republic: ii nomina tion for STATE TREASURER subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at tli prl- marlt-a to be held on the 6th dart of September, 1910. the greatest possible sped in eom pleting their work." Tne pipe line from Horse Creek is to be completed by the company, and. now that the building ot tha mill and furnishing power to run it are arranged for, no doubt the work will be carried on with great er regard for speed than hereto fore. While a very important Job, involving a great deal of labor, there are no difficult engineering problems to be solved, and by tha time the mill is ready and the power line finished, the water will doubtless be on hand. The traction engines are again In service, and with the wagons fitted with new and larger wheels, are said to be handling much heavier loads of pipe than heretofore. During the week a team laden with picks, shovels, drills, a large range, tents and other camp equip page, arrived from Fallon and was unloaded here, to be used in con nection with, the laying of the pipe. It is said to be the intention.' of the management to resume opera tions at the mine in the immediate future, and that the new superin-i tendent has been engaged., With these three jobs going on at the same time, the business out look for the next few months' in this camp is good. Wonder News. NEW RATES TO BE IN FORCE ON OCTOBER FIRST Thtjre is now assurance that the Reno rate case recently decided against the Southern Pacific com pany, by the Interstate commerce commission, will result in the low ered rate going into effect October 1st, when the back haul charge will be eliminated. There is a possibility that the railroad company will take an ap peal to the interstate commerce court, although that body is not yet fully organized. ' In the event that the organization Is not complete be fore October 1st,,' the appeal may be taken to the federal courts. But it is understood that this is not the plan of the company. It Is now compiling data on gross and net returns on freight Bhlpped to and from Reno during four repre sentative months, selected' as Octo ber 1909, and January, April and July of this year. The Gazette's information, which is high and unbiased, gives this paper to understand that there is little possibility of such an appeal being taken and that there is a strong probability that the city will shortly possess a number of large wholesale houses, making this the distributing point for a large sec tion. It is also said, but not fully confirmed, that an option has been taken by a large wholesale company In the Van Buren building at Lake and Second streets, and that two stories will be added to the build ing and the entire structure will be occupied by this wholesale house. There are other moves being made to house the new firms, who will be able to do a large and profitable business as soon as the rate ques tion Is definitely settled. Reno Ga zette. Temperature Report Yesterday's hourly temnerature rppord at the weather Tu r pan office was as follows: fi. a. m 63 7 a. m 67 8 a. m 69 9 a. m 72 10 a. m 74 11 a. m 79 12 (noon) 80 1 p. m 82 ? 1- ni 83 3 p. in 87 l: m 84 5 p. m. , gl Highest a year ago. 85; lowest, 60. Fresh milk and cream. Tono pah Dairy, tf