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TOXOPAH I-iAILY ItOXANZA, TOXOPAH, XEVADA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17 ,1910. TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA Published Every Morning, Mon iay Excepted, at Tonopah, Nevada W. W. BOOTH, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. KENNETH J. BOOTH Associate Editor. Ti:.X r.Y MAII .Vine im-iifli Six !iv-i' : Dr.ily ii r. I in ndvaiuv. terms of si'iw.iii: Jl 2.0 J Three months 10.0H i me ni.intr' . 0 . 7 o ; One v . . . ,Huaf .iv man ra-ssi ! paw 1 i ami San I ran i ; l( Daily Rulh 3.50 1.25 .3o aovauee. ti. i:- , y.. I to si A reward of iUt will be pai.1 for Parties who no not loceive their nforination that will lead to me ar-i papers, or who have any cause of ret and oonviotio-i of parties stealing j complaint, will oblige The Bonanza The Bonanza from subscribers ! by notifying this office. Entered at the Postofflce in '.' onopati n second class matter. No adverNsIng cuts, one inch square or smaller, w 11 be acceited unless made of metal Nn , wood base cut. of this size will be ued. Wood cuts are dangerous to forms and press. STATE UNIVERSITY OPENS AT RENO ATTENDANCE AHOUT SAME AS LAST YEAH ACCORDING TO ESTIMATE OF REGENT. The stafe university at Reno op ened the fall term yesterday, which is about two weeks earlier than us ual, and it. will clcse two weeks earlier than usual next May. j The ut tendance this year will be about the same as last,, when there were about 300 students. Six courses are studied, including ag- r'.cnlture, mecnanicai engineering. mining, civil engineering. uuerai aits and general science, which can be followed by the normal course. The next meeting of the regentl will be held in Reno Saturday, Au gust UO. Regent a reel Williams of Goodsprings, who is temporarily residing in Goldfield, will go to Reno to attend the meeting. MRS. LONGWORTH AND CIGARETTES. Ther is an old story of a man who rode all day Id story vay, tin in l - . . . . J -. . i . . . .. .w..iiiiii,i run n r .i mnv on a Georgia railway, uie uuiy umci unuimui. - . a car There was no smoking room in the car; it was winter and too com to stand outside to smoke, and S3 the poor man suffered all day for a smoke. About 5 p. m. the car stopped for dinner, or sup per, at a wayside station.' The meal was not an attractive one, being mostly bacon, com bread, beans, and black coffee. Returning to the car, the desire to smoke finally so overmastered the man that he approached the lady and said: "I beg your pardon: madam, but would it greatly discommode you were I to smoke a cigar? The answer was assuring, as follows: "Not a d d bit, stranger; I chaw myself." When the wires brought news of the petitions being showered upon Mrs. Longworth,' by her sister women, begging her to give up cigarettes, the first thought was that they all ough to ake railroad journeys in Georgia in the winter. That obtuse provincial ism of the east makes one weary. We wish that Mrs. Long worth had replied: "I have giten up cigarettes; I smoke noth ing but a cob pipe now! Mrs. Long worth is a private citizeness now. Whatever she does that is not unlawful does not happen to be any business of her sister women. Under the constitution of the United States she has a right to do any legitimate thing. Under the declaration of independence she has certain inaliena ble rights among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of hap piness. Her ather Is no longer president; her husband is not so conspicuous in congress as to cause 'all eyes to be turned upon him all the time, and moreover, she is an American woman and has a right to do anything within the laws that she pleases to. Goodwin's Weekly. BROKER VANISHES WHEN FRAUD FOUND MEMBER OF IX)S ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE CHANGED WITH STEALING $1,000. By Associated Prers LOS ANGELES, Cal., August 16. A. warrant charging C. B. Miner, a young broker, and member of the Los Angeles stock exchange, with having obtained ?4,uuu ny ii and. was sworn out today by James II. Ulagge. also a broker. When an attempt was made to serve the warrant on Miner lie could not lie found. Several banks were said to be among the number of persons and corporations that sustained losses. People living near his home say the broker and his young wife and child disappeared Sunday morning. PRIMARY ELECTION REGIS TRATION. Notice is hereby given that regis tration for the primary election will close August 20 at 9 o'clock p. m. Registration books are open daily at the Justice court. 3rd floor, State Bank Building from 9 o'clock a. m. until 6 o'clock p. m. On August 20 registration books will be open until 9 o'clock p. m. All "whose names appear on the ofiicial register of 190S need not register for the primary election. Other citizens who have been in the state cf Nevada six months and the precinct SO days prior to Sep tember G are entitled to register. II. II. ATKINSON, Registry Agent, Tonopah. 8-13 to 20. MACHINERY- A Kill YES FOU MARBLE QUARRIES ...SPALDINGS... BASEBALL, TENNIS AND .ATHLETIC GOODS. ROTHOLTZ BROS., INC. Leading Stationers . RENO. August 16. A carload of machinery, purchased by Superin tendent George S. Hall of the Ne vada Marble company, passed through Reno Saturday en route to the quarry, which is situated near Luning. The consignment con sisted of boiler, hoist, derrick, drill ing machinery and a quantity of tools. As soon as the machinery is in stalled men at work at the quarry will be Increased. Recent work has shown the marble deposit to be much more extensive than was at first believed. It is literal ly a mountain of marble of many varieties, all choice. The Nevada Marble company has decided to practically donate $6000 worth of Marble to the Y. M. C. A. COL. YOUNG WILL SOON SMASH THE ICE TRUST Colonel Carl Young, particular prominent heretofore in Nevada politics, will probably not appear on this scene this year for reports come from Los Angeles that the erstwhile mining man and politician is about, through an inventon, to ; attempt to do away - wth the ne- j cessity of using ice in refrigerators.! An iceless refrigerator is the thing j that Young and his associates have, undertaken to put in "every home! in the land." They guarantee that I the icemen will soon be far fewer! in number. The Los Angeles Times, in part, makes the following reference to the invention: ' "The invention is the Invention of Carl J. Young, a Los Angeles man. and is a modification of the old California olla. It is construct-! ed out of a .patented material simi lar to that used in the olla, and works on the same principle. In stead of putting ice inside, all that is necessary to keep the tempera ture down is to throw a generous supply of water over the box once a day, is the claim of the inventor. According to Thomas W. Wamp ler the president arid general man ager of the company, experiments have demonstrated that the tempera ture of the interior of the refrig erator never rises above 60 de grees, even when the box is stand ing in the sun, and at night will fall as low as 48 degrees. "We have demonstrated that but ter will keep ten days and stil be as nice as when placed in the re frigerator," said Wampler last night. "We also experimented with whipped cream, and found it would keen four days. Other provisions will keep as long or longer than in an icebox, because the temperature Is almost uniform. "The regrlgerator will sell at about the same figure as first class Ice boxes, but, according to Wamp ir that ends the expense. The refrigerator! are asserted to be ab aolutely aanltary In every respect." Temperature Report Yesterday's hourly lemneratorp record at the weather bureau office tts as follows- 66 65 63 67 68 70 72 o a. m. 6 a. m. 7 a. m. 8 a. m. 9 a. m. 10 a. m. 11 a. m. ( noon I 80 p. m 81 p. m 82 . m 82 1. in. . . . .83 Highest a year ago, 86; lowest, JEFFRIES AFTER DIG GAME. .Former Champion Jim Jeffries and party are scheduled to arrive in Big Pine about August 15th or lat er. They will come in auto via Mojave. It is planned to spend several months in the high Sierras near Big Pine hunting big game and fishing. Reservations have alraady been made for a pack train rnd seven animals and several of t' e best guides in this section of the country have been engaged to steer them right. Fish and Game Commissioner Ch er win also start tne journey in the mountains for them an 1 accom pany the party until they get the swing of the thing. Owens Valley Herald. (personal) W. B. Ligon, state auditor, pass ed through Tonopah yesterday en route to Goldfield. j J. B. Giffen and family of Man hattan, arrived in Tonopah yester day and will leave this morning for a visit to California points. Theodore Tobish, a well known mining man of Goldfield, is spend ing a few days in Tonopah ' J. E. Hall, a former well known resident of this section, but now of Reno, is a visitor in Tonopah. W. T. Cuddy, is about the streets again after an illness which con fined him to his home for a number of days. R. S. Scheney, who has been i the employ of Piercy's drug store for some time past, leaves this morning for Reno. He will be ac companied by his wife. A. M. Murphy, of the White Mountain Water company, will leave this morning for Denver, and oth er eastern points. Provided, how ever, that the deal he got last night, on the occasion of his initiation into the Elks, will permit him to do so Frank Ward of the Bonanza force, was one of those who enter ed the antlered herd at last night's meeting of the Elks. If he fails to show up fcr work this morning the reason can well be suspected. Mizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel where very Reaso. able Tariff Prevails. Hot atl Col Running Water in Each Hoom Rooms with or without pHvat baths, single or en suite. Juniper Lodging House Good Accommodations JUNIPER - - NEVADA Athens Mining District COMMERCIAL RATES H. E. EPSTINE STOCK BROKER Quotations received from San Fran cisco Stock Exchange board. If you are interested in southern Nevada securities, write me. TONOPAH BLOCK BLDG. TONOPAH - NEVADA High Grade Restaurant MEALS AT ALL HOURS Special Attention Given to Mining Men. J. MILTOX SWIFT, JUNIPER. XEVADA. Central Market Under New Management. Harrv Slimier Proprietor. We Raise Our Own Stock an Slaughter Here in TONOPAH COLD STORAGE PLANT In Connection. MAIN ST. - - TONOPAH Butler Theatre The Popular Show Fnse. Motion Pictures AND 60. CHANCE TO SECURE A GOOD DICTIONARY Gunner Let us wait and hear Harker tell his funny story. Some tone is bound to set up the cigars. j Guyer Oh, in that case Harker will set up the cigars to get us to listen tn the story. Chicago Daily News. We would like to call the atten tion of our readers to a splendid offer that the Success company is making through its agent, A. J. Baker, a student of the University of California. He is offering with the Success magazine for three years an up to date dictionary, Webster's Inter collegiate. The publishers have succeeded in gathering into a han dy-sized book whose scope satisfies the users of high priced, unabridged dictionaries. This has been done by a new ' system of paragraphing and typing and by using a very flue grade of paper. Although it has 1 224 full sized pages, it weighs but two pounds and is less than two in dies in thickness. It has a mo rocco ledger binding, thumb index' and is illustrated with colored: plates. With possibly one excep tion it is the only dictionary that has been buijt anew in ninetteen years. It contains the latest coined words. Mr. Baker is seeking to get 1000 subscriptions before he returns to college. He has so far gotten 880 and expects to get the rest in Tono- pah. The company is offering spe-j clal inducements to reach that mark. Anyone desiring to get a, good dictionary or magazine can get In touch with Mr. Baker by leaving a notice at the Bonanza office. "In choosing his men," said the Sabbath school superintendent, "Gi deon did not select those who laid aside their arms and threw them selves down to drink; he took those who watched with one eye and drank with the other." Herald and j l'ltvbyte.v TO THEV0TERS And to All Candidates for Demo cratic Nomination on the State Ticket. "Why have ycu broken your en gagement to Billy Stillwell?" "Oh, I couldn't stand Tor his slang. I tried to put him wise that father was sore on the phoney talk, but he he couldn't seem to get hep, so I pushed the skids under him." Chicago Record-Herald. . . ESCAPED FROM HOSPITAL. Tom Brown, the spieler, who was taken to the county hospital Mon day night, suffering from the effects of morphine poisoning, escaped from that institution Tuesday morning, and is supposed to have taken the', train for Goldfield. ! I have engaged the Miners' Ex- j change hall for Thursday night, the 1 8th, and at that time will open my campaign for the democratic nomination for United t States senator. It is my earnest desire that all candidates for nominations for state offices on the democratic tick et come upon the platform and address the voters, whether you fa vor me or not. No one who par ticipates will be construed as fa voring me. Yours sincerely, . KEY PITTMAN. 8-17-1 1. BIG BARGAIN Complete Newspaper and Job Printing Plant tor Sale at a BARGAIN FOR CASH Large number of job and ad series, ranging from 6 point to 72 point. This type is all the '.atest faces and accompanied by plenty of "sorts." Also largo quantity of leads, slugs and metal furniture. One cylinder press and two job presses, with gasoline engine and all piilleys, shafting and fixtures for power use. Also large paper cutter and oth er traicies necessary in a wen equipped printing plant. Ail ot the above is practically new and in good condition For Particulars Address TONOPAH BONANZA, Tonopah, Nevada, Illustrated Songs MATINEE EVERY AFTERNOON ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM EVERY NIGHT, EXCEPT SUNDAY. Admission 10c MONTANA CAPE Up-To-Date in Every Particular Open Day and Night 0 Service the Best JOHN GREGOVIGH DEALER IN FANCY AND STAPLE ..Groceries.. FRUITS ANT) VEG ETA I1LES, FISH, POULTRY, ETC., IX SEASON. fONOPAH ... . NEVADA t PIONEER STORE 1 ESTABLISHED 1900 Sole Agent MOSES BEST FLOUR Fresh Fruits and Vegetables DAILY BY EXPRESS Fancy and Staple GROCERIES Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Ice Picks, Water Coolers, Etc. WHY NOT HAVE THE BEST? DIG SALE STILL ON. The big sale at Ryan and Sten son's is still on and is attracting j rtel't and hw,h i'nce company The Continental Casualty com pany Is the largest exclusively acei- Fresh milk and cream Tonopah tf. unusual attention. And there is reason for this phase, as the bar gains they are offerings are phe nomenal, therefore irresistible. Do not fail to be on hand and take ad vantage of them before they are all gone. I i cream T tnopah I I Fresh Dairy. milk and in the world. It i.-sues the most liberal insui anee j lielts and is the most prompt and liberal in settlement of claims. For full particulars leave word at the San-la Clothing company, or phone Tonopah Mining company, :-2i. .1. W. STOTKSBl'RY, Agent. 8-17. 18, 19, 12, 21. LOTHROP-DAVIS CO. J PHONE 262 ! FOR COOL SUMMER BREEZES "How can you go around," de manded his wife, "with tobacco! Juice all over your face?" "This Isn't tobacco juice," responded the candidate mildly, "It's molasses. I've! been kissing babies." Washington Herald. Get an electric fan For thirty days we will sell 12 Inch desk fans at the tow price ot $13.60 each while our present stock lasts. To those who prefer to rent a fan for the summer months, we have decided to make a rental charge of $1.00 per month or part thereof which places them within the reach of all. If you are Interested, e will be glad to advise you fully as to conditio of rentals. THE NEVADA-CALIFORNIA POWER CO. THE H. J. HALL LIQUOR COMPANY HIE FINEST OF WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS KEPT IX STOCK RING UP PHONE K12 AND YOUR ORDER WILL HE DEHVERED IMMEDIATELY. FAMILY TRADE SOLICITED LOWER MAIN STREET TONOPAH. .... NEVADA. The BONANZA for First Class Printing iry. V'.