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TONOPAH Daily Bonanza THE METAL MARK CI SILVER 52 7-8 VOL VIII. NO. 103 TONOPAH. NEVADA, SATURDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS. URGES FOOTOTiON OP THE PANatiA CANAL '" .V'v;.,!., ; m Roosevelt in Omaha Speech Says the Power of the American Navy Would be Doubled THK WKATHKII FAIR FRIDAY . APPORTIONING THE DliCKWATER CREEK WATERS WATER COMMISSIONER ENDEA VORIXG TO SETTLE MATT ERS SATISF ACTOR V ' 1 Efficiency of Navy Is Also Praised by Ex-President Who Speaks of Wonderful Trip Around the World. BODY OF 'CANDIDATE , FOUND IX RIVER 1 Claude L. Smith, who a number rot months ago was appointed water commissioner for the Duckwater dis trict In an attempt to settle . the long pending dispute in that section over the rights and quantities of water to be appropriated by . the rftnchers in that section, has in formed Judge Mark R. Averill that matters are proceeding, favorably and a satisfactory ending may yet be reached. When Mr. Smith was Jn Tonopah about a month ago this paper printed a story in which he yr&s Quoted" as saying that ' the springs had not been affected when the waters were turned in . Duck water creek. There was evidently : a misunderstanding for Mr. Smith Jn a communication states that as yet it Is too early to determine whether the springs are affected. :Several t the springs are drying up, but whether it Ms a result of t turning out the water or a yearly occurrence, he Is unable- to state. The rights to the waters of the Duckwater creek have been in the courts for the last twenty-five years ' and were practically settled about a year ago by Judge Mark R Averill after a' bitterly fought case. By Assocl-xicd Press. OSHKOSH, Wis.. Sept. 2. Doubts are entertained -as to the cause of the death of Frank T. Tucker, as sistant attorney general and candi date for attorney general before Tuesday's primaries, .whose body was found in the Fox river, said he was in poor health:' It is FIRST NORWEGIAN SAENGERFEST OPENS By AssociPted Press. EUREKA, Cal., Sept. 2. The first Norwegian Saengerfest ever held In California opened here to day. The chorus consists of 250 voices, formed from delegations from cities west of the Rockey mountains. The Saengerfest will continue four days. Hearty Welcome is Extended Former Chief Executive Who Is Wined and Dined by Many Dif ferent Omaha Clubs. OYER LOSE LIVES IN THE JAPAN FLOODS "HOUSE WITH THE CLOSED SHUTTERS' IS THE FEATURE SPECIAL 1JIOGKAPH FILM TO BE RELEASED AT THE BUTLER THEATER TODAY. By Associated Press VICTORIA, B. C, Sept. 2. The less of life in the Japanese floods exceeded one ., thousand, according to advices brought by the steamer Antilochus, which arrived from Yo kohama today. The official list for fifteen prefectures shows , that the drowned and missing total 1,113 while more than 1 80,000 : houses were wrecked and flooded and 3,953 swept away. More than fifty thousand acres of land were flooded and two million homeless people are receiving relief. The floods were followed by storms at sea in which several' Japanese steamers were wrecked and many drowned. By Associated Press t "' OMAHA, Neb.. Sept. 2. The peo ple of Omaha gave Roosevelt a comparative rest today. AH the colonel did was to attend a break fast given by the reception commit tee, ai luncheon at the Field club, a dinner at the Omaha club, an entertainment given by the board of governors of Ak Sar Ben, which is the official boomers' club of Omaha, an automobile ride through the city, made three speeches, talked with the political leaders and old friends whom he met here. The colonel also found time to speak a good word for Senator Burkett, who is in the midst of hia present campaign for re-election. He went to - bed earlier than usual tonight. In the morning he will attend a breakfast at the Omaha club, and leave for; Sioux I Falls, where he 'will speak. It was at the Auditorium where he made his principal speech of the day that the colonel commended the work of Senator Burkett. Under the Ne braska law the people vote for senator at the fall election, and members . of the legislature are pledged to elect the candidate who receives the highest number, of votes. Burkett, introducing Rcosevelt, described him as "the man who was once the first citizen" Of the nation and is now the greatest man in the world." After a few extemporaneous re marks Roosevelt proceeded with ONK BANDIT SLAIN BY THE ENGINEER his speech, in which he spoke of the Panama canal and the navy He said the trip of the American fleet around the world had greatly increased the prestige of this coun try, and that the work on the canal was the one stupendous perform ance of the age. He took sharp Issue with the plan to neutralize the canal zone, and In the strong est terms declared that this country should fortify the canal. After Roosevelt concluded his speech there were cries of "Doli ver!" "Doliver!". The Iowa sena tor said it was a great pleasure to sit on the platform and listen to the patriotic utterances of Roose velt. Continuing, he said; "There have been three men in American history who have stated the essen tial doctrine of our institutions so all could understand. ' Thomas Jef ferson gave us the doctrine of equal rights for all, and special prlvi leges for none. Abraham Lincoln restated this doctrine. It is good providence that in our time that doctrine has been stated again the doctrine of a square deal." Mention of "a square deal" brought the people to their feet. At a' luncheon of the Field club the colonel spoke of various kinds of millionaires, some of whom he liked and others of whom he dis liked, and of the feeling cf delight with which Europe receives stories of graft, scandal and niob rule, as evidence that the government of the people must fall. Cy Associated Press. LEAQVILLE, Colo., Sept. 2. Passenger train No. 3, westbound on the Colorado Midland, was held up at Divide last night. Engineer Stewart was shot in the side after he had killed one of the robbers. It is stated here that the robbers secured nothing. Details- are lack ing except it appears that several men were in- the gang. No. 3. car ries the Wells-Fargo express. LOCAL DRILLERS SHOULD WIN PRIZE SPARKS CONTEST JALIK AND' VUCAXOYITCH ARE IX FIXE FORM FOR DRILL ING COXTEST. VIRGINIA CITY HAS THIRTY TYPHOID CASES Ry Associated Pres VIRGINIA CITY, Nev., Sept. 2. Thirty cases of typhoid' fever are reported in this city.. Several deaths have occurred'. The epidemic is said to be caused by the- water. SEES DANGER IN RE-ELECTION OF ROOSEVELT The management of the Butler theater wilt show a special biograph release at today's matinee and even ing performance. This subject is one of the btograph's best and lat est productions. The title of this picture is "The House with the Closed Shutters." It is a story which deals with the civil war, ghewing the difference in bravery in r ( family, showing the bravery oi one and the cowardice of another. The other pictures are "No Man's Land" (drama) ; "No Rest for the Weary" (comedy) and 9. 1,000-foot Lubin comedy entitled "Wlfey'a Mamma." This is absolutely the beat program ever shown at the Hitler and every one shpuld visit the Butler today. MAKING PLANS TO RAISE WRECK ' OF THE ODDIE RECEIVES GREAT OVATION IN THE ELY DISTRICT By Associated Free NEW YORK,. Sept;. 2. William Barnes, Jr., the' Republican state committeeman and leader at Al bany, issued a statement tonight In which he declared: "Hysteria has run riot throughout this country. and the question to be decided' at the coming Republican state con vention at Saratoga is, whether the Republican party will fight disease or succumb in'' the interest of poli ticians seeking office." ' " "The character of the recent ad dresses of Roosevelt in the West," Barnes said, "has startled all thoughtful men and impressed them with the frightful danger which lies in his political ascendency." Mike Jalik and: John Vucancvitch again entertained quite a crowd at the big rock on; the vacant lot be tween, the Palace hotel and Butler theater last evening, when they practiced for the drilling contest that, is to be held at Sparks qn Labor day. Both men showed bet ter form than on the previous night and sent the steel down at a fast clip for. nine and one-half minutes, wheni they drilled into another hole and were forced to suspend opera tions. At that time they were down twenty-eight inches and at the rate they were going they should have had' a hole over 45 inches in depth, had they been allowed to drill the required fifteen minutes Both' members of the team are confident- of winning the prize at Sparks, and: it Is understood that the Butte team that has entered! has been greatly overrated. Jalik it will: be remembered, captured thy prize a year- ago at the Fourth ofl July celebration and later won atf Gold field during the mining con gress celebration. His partner oil both occasions was Bobble'. Burns who is now in the eastern part o the state. PASSENGERS FROM WRECKED STEAMER LANDED SAFELY By Associated Press. SEATTLE,, Wash., Sept.. 2.- Ninety-two passengers of the steam ship Watson, which went' aground on a-reef off Waddah island, seen miles east of Cape Flattery, last night, arrived in Seattle aboard the Steamer Buckman tonight. The rassengers in a hurry to reach their destination were refunded the pass age money and will make the trip by rail. The others will go south on the Buckman on September . 'v Associated Pivhk. WASHINGTON, Sept. 2. Ar rangements were made by the war department today for Captain Har lev Fereuson. a member . of the board of army engineers, appoint ed to remove the wreck of the Maine in Havana harbor, to super intend the Investigation of the present condition of the wreck. Since the last meeting of the board It developed that at least some of the members look with fa vor on the O'Rourk plan of raising the battleship. One member ex pressed his belief that the plan will give the board an opportunity to determine whether the Maine was blown up by an explosion from without or within. The O'Rourk plan provides for raising the Maine, by placing cables underneath the wreck and lifting her bodily out of the water. The army engineers are said to favor the construction of caissons around the wreck and raise it by that means. Southern Nevada Candidate is Con ceded a Handsome Majority From White Pine County. DAMAGE FROM HEAVY RAIN NOW BEING REPAIRED ANOTHER TONG WAR BREAKS OUT IN SAN FRANCISCO (Special, to the Bonanza.) . ELY, Nev., Sept. 2. Hon. T. L. Oddie and J. A. Buchanan received an ovation upon their arrival last night. They were taken in. charge by the county's most prominent Re publican, Dellahigh Billings and many others. Tonight they spoke to a large crowd at McGill, receiv ing a great ovation there. Tomor row another open air rally will be held from the Hotel Northern in Ely, which promises to be the big gest Republican event of the year. It is conceded here that Oddie DIRECTOR OF BUREAU OF MINES APPOINTED SAENGERFEST PRIZES AWARDED TODAY Rv Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 2. The festal concert of the uiov to Pacific Saengerfest was given this afternoon, and repeated tonight he ro a-reat audiences. The prize singing contests will b? held to morrow afternoon, Bv Associated Press. BEVERLY, Mass., Sept. 2. Pres ident Taft tonight announced the appointment of Joseph Austin Holmes of the geological survey as director of the new bureau of mines at Washington. BRITISH OFFICIAL IS ACCIDENTALLY SHOT will carry White Pine county with a handsome majority for his friends have been in evidence ever since he announced his candidacy. Prac tically every Republican in the county has announced allegiance to Oddie, while the Democrats aver that should he secure the. nomina tion he will receive fully 75. per cent of the Democratic votes at the general election. W. W. Booth will also receive a heavy vote for state printer because of his many friends in this county,, all of whom are working hard in his behalf. tendance at the royal hunt near Balmorai castle today, but his in juries are -not serious. . RECALLS BANISHED HIM TO NICARAGUAX HOME By Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 2. An other tong war broke ost in China town tonight. While the streets were filled with a party of tourists a Hop Sing tong man stepped from the darkness of Ross alley into Jackson street. A shot rang ' out and he sprawled on the sidewalk with a bullet in his back. He was Yee Mee, one of the principal owners of the Sierra club, a gam bling Institution which was .recent ly raided by the police and is no.w the basis of the investigation being the charges made that the police have been receiving money for pro tecting the Chinese quarter. His assailants escaped. Twenty minutes later, Haw Je- ung, a member of the Suey Sing tong, was shot in his restaurant on Washington street. Ah Foon, a Hop Sin man, was arrested on sus picion. LARGE FORCE OF TEAMS AN1 MEN AT WORK REPAIRING THE STREETS. i As a result of the big lightnin and rata storm Monday night th Tonopah streets have been in condition that might be describe as somewhat dilapidated. This true especially with the Florend avenue and Erie Main thorougl fares. For the last two days ChU of Police Ed Malley has had a nun ber of teams at work filling ij the ruts caused by the rush waters and Inside of a day or tv. the work will be completed. ' C Florence avenue the havoc wrougfl resulted in the street losing a resemblance to what it really w: and the majority of the work h been concentrated in this distric Bryan, avenue and several oth intersecting' streets also suffer from the miniature flood. NEVADA NOW SUFFERING FROM FOREST FIRES By Associated Press WASHINGTON, Sept. 2. The new Nicaraguan ministry, selected by General Estrada, has been approved by conservative members, according to United States Consul Civaros at Manauga. Dr. Gardenas, former leader cf the conservative party. has been recalled from exile, having BID FOR HIGHER FREIGHT RATES I been banished by Zelaya. By Associated Press. ABERDEEN, Scotland, Sept. 2. Lord Kilmarnook, second secretary of the diplomatic service, was struck by several small shot while in at- By-Associated Press RENO, Nev., Sept. 2. The forest fires which have been burning for two days three miles north of Glenbrook, in the direction of Mar lette lake, and causing apprehension lest the water supply of Carson be cut off. The fires are all on the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe, but none of the resorts are In danger. HOKE SMITH IS BEING TOUTED FOR PRESIDEXT By Associated Press. ATLANTA, Ga., Sept. 2. Hoke Smith was nominated formally f6r governor today and thesame ' action was taken on the other candidates chosen at the primaries. The Dem ocratic convention then passed a res olution endorsing Governor Smith for president In 1912. By Associated Press CHICAGO, Sept. 2. Testimony relative to the operating cost and revenue of the Rock Island occupied the stand throughout the morning when several clashes between the shippers occurred. The afternoon session was taken up with the introduction of statis tics relating to the financial condi tion of the road and cost of op eration. Statistics were Introduced by Frank Nay, comptroller of the road. PITCHER FOR PORTLAND TEAM MAKES RECOR Bv Associated Press. PORTLAND, Or ., Sept. 2 Portland won 'today, 2 to 0, agai) Los Angeles. Gregg's pitching the feature. He walked five m eight in a row in the sixth, sevei allowed no hits, and struck and eighth innings. Gregg, acco lng tovUnipire Van ' Haltren 8 local authorities, established world's' record in striking out el men in succession with a total fourteen strike-outs in a no-hit run game. . The Bonanza's ruling and binding plant Is Bt'U running. Bring In your orders.' Judge J. A. Sanders last even received a telegram announcing serious Illness of Mrs. Sanders Reno, and will leave this morn for that city. He had inten leaving tomorrow to Join his and accompany her to Tonoi ' but the dispatch necessitated change of plans. j - 2