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THE lOXOPAH DAILY BONANZA. TOXOPAH. NEVADA. TfESDIY. Y'VMM. AltV 2t. 1U. Ruling, Binding & Commercial Printing Mizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel where ery Reasou able Tariff Prevails. Hot and Gold Running Water in Each Room. Rooms with or without prlvatt baths, single or en suite. COMMERCIAL RATES ALL SUBSCRD3ERS TO THE BO NANZA WHO ARE IX ARREARS ARE REQUESTED TO SETTLE AT OXCE. OCR REPRESEXTA- TIVE WILL CALL. PLEASE PAY HIM PROMPTLY, OTHERWISE IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO PLACE SUCH ACCOUNTS IX THE HAXDS OP A COLLECTOR. Fresh milk and cream at Palace Market. 12-12-tf Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company COAL! COAL! COAL! BUILDING PAPER, ROOFING PA PER FOR YOUR OWN PRICE 'PHONE 10(12 APPLICATION NO. 1936 NOTICE OP APPLICATIO FOR PERMISSION TO APPROPRIATE PUBLIC WATERS OF THE STATE OF NEVADA. BIG BARGAIN Complete Newspaper and Job Printing Plant for Sale at a BARGAIN FOR GASH Large number ol job and ad series, ranging from 6 point to 72 point. This type is all the latest faces and accompanied by plenty of "sorts." Also large quantify of leads, slugs and metal furniture. Also large papsr cutter and oth er tralcles necessary in a well equipped printing plant. One cylinder press tnd two Job presses, with gasoline engine and all pulleys, shafting and flxturtw for power use. All ot the above is practically new and in good condition For Particulars Address TONOPAH BONANZA, Tonopah, Nevada Notice Is hereby given that on the 93rd Hnv nf Jan. 1911. in accordance with Section 25, Chapter XXXI, of the Statutes ol 1U9, one wnuam k'oriisnn nf Pni-rant. Countv of Nye, and State of Nevada, made applica tion to the State Engineer of Ne vada for permission to appropriate the public waters of the State of VmnJi 9nrh nnnronriation is to be made from Little Meadow Creek at nninto in sw lA of the SW. Vt of Ssctlon 5, T. 5 N., R. 57 E., by and reservoir and four cubic feet per second is to be conveyed to points in me v. iz vi n, ox; i. f Sec S. also the N. V-i , . v. ' - of the SE. of Sec. 6, and the S. is of the NE. 14 of Sec. 6, the E 12 of the NW. of Sec. 6, all 1.. rp R XT I? K7 V.. M. D. B. & M. Ill 1. o ' ' ' " urvn,i hv means of ditches, and there used for irrigation. Water not to be returned to steam. Date of first publication, January no 1 Q11 Date of last publication, r tunic ary 25, 1911. T IkJIRIlUJ JJUim". State Engineer. Don't Kick Yourself in case you get in bad Temperature Report Today s hourly temperatare as re corded at the Tonopah weather of fice was as follows: PROFESSIONAL CARDS. HORATIO ALL1NG LAWYER TONOPAH BLOCK J. A. SANDERS Attorney-at-Law. Will practice In all courts of the State. Office: Tonopah Block. CAMPBELL METSON & BROWN I ATTARNEYS-AT-LAW. State Bank and Trust Co. Building, TONOPAH, NEVADA. n tt. MelNTOSH H. R. COOKE Mcintosh & cooke ATTORNEYS Offices Tonopah Blk., Tonopah, Nev NOTARY IN OFFICES. Important Notice to Secretaries of Foreign Corporations ".. . . 1 .nrnnratinim dolne: business In the section 1. ah iuic.&u - ,..ii !,.io. tr,Q mnnth of May this year, 1901. state 01 wevaua suau, - - ni,Hah and in each succeeding year In the month of nuary publish a statement of their last year's business n " "Ly nnnpr m the state of Nevada for the penoa vi nublishlng the state- sec, z. rne secieLaij - - . . . ment shall file a copy with the several assessors of the state of Nevada. . . ., t, 0,111 Ttinira nublication required by The Tonopan. uany buuu" ' ... ,. law, which incudes the fiHng pf a sworn affldav t of pu Mteatton with each of the assessors of the imeeu also affidavit of publication will be furmsneu Becrei.i. TnE NOMINAL CHARGE OF $8.00 WILL BE MADE, .Tm .vn t?i?titkt tiir FOLLOWIXO FORM WITH A REMITTANCE OF $8.00 AND ALL DETAILS AS REQUIRED BV LAW WILL BE ATTENDED TO. TONOPAH DAILY 60NANZA, Tonopah, Nevada. ANNUAL STATEMENT. Play safe Be on the safe side and invest i in a I Display Advertisement in the Bonanza and you will have no oppor tunity to kick The Daily Bonanza is read by the People Try it Once . a. m 17 2 a. 111. . . 17 3 a. 111 17 4 a. 111 IS 0 a. in 10 K a. 111 Hi 7 a. in 1 ('. 5 a. in It! ! a. 111 IS 10 a. m i- 11 a. 111 12 noon 21 1 p. 111 2( 2 p. 111 2S Highest a year ago.... 43 Lowest 27 THE BARRIER" STAGE PICTURE OF NORTH LAND ;i:i:.t skiuss imcti'REs hik P.KK.IIT SIDK OK I.I IE IX ALASKA. Alaska, the now Eldorado, is the beetle chosen by Rex Uracil for his Kicat drama, "The Barrier." which conies to the Nevada theaier on NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Th annual meeting of the Iiel ninnt Extension Mining Company will lie held nt the Company's of fice in Tonopah. March 1, 1911. K. .1. ERICKSOX. Secretary. Feb. IS to March 1. Thursday. Fclruar performance only. This st aw success is not. for one how- S v -"'fa ;,M I THE NAME Los Angeles HIBERNIAN SAVINGS BANK denotes "STKKXGTU." YOU SlIOl'LD choose a strong BANK offering the highest rate of interest consistent with conservative BANK ING. WE PAY from 3 to 4 per cent, interest. A postal will bring BOOKLET "BANKING BY MAIL." Capital paid up $250,000. LOS AXGELES. HIBERNIAN SAVINGS BANK 3d and Spring Sts., Los Angeles, Cal ANNUAL STATEMENTS AXXUAL STATEMENT. Of the Silver Glance Gold Mining company for the year ending Decern her 31, 1910. Location of mine, Silver Glance Mining ditsrict, county of Nye, state of Nevada. Debit. December 31, 190!), to ensh 011 hand $3144.20 To amount received from other sources 390.10 1 ever, the popular conception of Alaska as a place of eternal snow, but .the beautiful Northland in siimiiK r. where the day never ends, and .vr thing suggests the warmth of s:'ringtime in this home of the midnight sun. The look has hud an t normous sale and the story in play form held the metropolitan andiem e jf New York for one entire season. Owing to the theatrical war. whic'i has raged for some time, the crim inal tour to the Pacific coast cancelled, but now that peace has been declared. Klaw' & Erlanger'a New Amsterdam theater success will now make Its original transconti nental tour, appearing here on Thursday night. UNCLAIMED LETTERS IN TONOPAH POSTOmCE List of unclaimed letters remain ing in the Tonopah, Nevada, post office fo the week ending February 21, 1911. A fee of one cent will be charged on each. When calling please say "advertised:" Mrs. B. Andrews, Harry Baugher, G. Barhera, Geo. N. Box, Andrija a rtniniKii. rcimpr Kulmer. V. C. Karrell, G. Ferero, Maud Fitzhugh, Win. Haley, Mrs. W'alo Jones, Bla- gole Kovacevlch, Lazo Lekovach, P. Lomar Lankovich, Win. Leary, Win. McBride, Win. McKenna, Andrija Milovich, Mr. Ponty, John Pearson, J. K. Smith, Susan Smith, Mrs. Georgia Snillh, Leslie Thenerkauf. been passed on by Judge Theron Stevens. One of them, the suit of Frank Marino versus K. P. Allred, which involves title to a certain piece of land under one of Judge Stevens' townsite rulings, was yesterday post poned to March 7. The court an nounced that he is of the opinion that he, as successor to the joint judgship would be eligible to pass on the matters, but preferred to have them heard by Judge Averill so there would he no possibility of criticism. $3534.30 Credit. General expenses in year 1910 $ 892.85 Balance on hand December 31, 1910 2641.51 J. W. STEWART, Secretary. Address Tonopah, Nevada. 2-18-Ct .11' PC. 10 AYKIULIi TO SIT OX (JOLDKIELO CASKS Because of a recent decision of the state supreme court to the ef fect that it would he Illegal for one district judge to review the ruling made by another judge of the same district, Judge Averill will go to Goldfield shortly to hear a num ber of cases which have already Central Market We close tomorrow after- noon, Washington's birthday. WE LOVE OUH COUNTRY. WE ARE NO SIIYLOCKS. WE LOVE THE FATHER OF OUR COUNTRY. PATRIOTISM IS DEARER TO r" Company of the : for the year ending December 31, i910. Location of mine , v ; State of Nevad County of DEBIT. January 1, 1910, to cash on hand $ To assessment collected during 1910 . ' . . . To amount received from otner sources CREDIT. Mine expenses In year 1910 ' General expenses In year 1910 Paid dividends in year 1910 Balance on hand December 31, 1910 ?? Secretary. HALL LIQUOR CO., INC ...AGENTS'lFOR... Tonopah t Vicinity International Clear Havana Union Made Best on Market WMSKYSWINE Dry Climate Cordove M. & 0. Right Prices All Grades Phone in Your Orders f amity Trade Solicited IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1 1 HALL LIQUOR CO, INC. US THAN DOLLARS AND CENTS, f i:TK.Wi MARKET Alt VIXCKXT, Prop. TAXATION IS SUBJECT OF NEWMEASIM IU IXIOX TAX COLLECTOR AIIOL- ISIIEl) AM) A TAX COMMIS SION' srilSTlTt'TED. CARSON CITY, Nev., Feb. 21. Assemblyman Merritt of Churchill county yesterday introduced in the assembly what is understood to be the administration measure on the subject of taxation. The bill pro poses to abolish the office of state bullion tax collector as well as the hoard of assessors, and is drawn on the lines suggested by Governor Od- die in his recent message to the legislature. It proposes the substitution of a tax commission to he composed of five members, including the gover nor, the state treasurer, the con troller, the attorney general and the senior member of the railroad com mission. An interesting feature of the bill is a clause which provides for- the removal of members refus ing to vote either aye or nay on any or all questions coming before the commission. In case of such refusal, the member will be suspend ed or removed and the vacancy filled by the surveyor general; after him the secretary of state. The commission will have jurisdic tion in matters of taxation over all companies operating as common car riers within the state". The central object of the bill seems to be to bring the entire taxing power of the state wthin control of the com mission. The office of state fiscal agent is created and this official will be charged with, the responsibilities now resting on the bullion tax col lector. The fiscal agent will also act as secretary to the tax commission hut will have no vote. His salary is fixed at $3000 per annum. The bill carries an appropriation of $10,000.