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THE TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TOXOPAH NEVADA TUESDAV, MAUCtt 5, Ruling, Binding & Commercial Printing Mizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel where ery Reasoh able Tariff Prevails. Hot and CoM Banning Water In Eacb Room. Rooms with or without prlvatt baths, single or en suite. COMMERCIAL RATES Vittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company COAL l COAL! COAL! UUILDINQ PAPER, ROOFING PA PER FOR YOUR OWN PRICE 'PHONE 1063 BIG BARGAIN Complete Newspaper and Job Printing Plant for Sale at a BARGAIN FOR CASH Large number of Job and ad series, ranging from 6 point to 72 point. This type is all the latest faces and accompanied by plenty of "sorts." Also large quantity of leads, slugs and metal furniture. Also large paper cutter and oth er tralcles necessary in a well equipped printing plant. One cylinder press t.nd two Job presses, with gasoline engine, and all pulleys, shafting and fixture for power use. All oi the above Is practically new and In pod condition . For Particulars Address TONOPAH BONANZA, Tonopah, Nevada Important Notice to Secretaries of Foreign Corporations Section 1. All foreign corporations doing business in the state of Nevada shall, during the month of May this year, 1901, and in each succeeding year in the month of January, publish a statement of their last year's business in some dally news paper in the state of Nevada for the period of one week. Sec. 2. The secretary of the company publishing the state ment shall file a copy with the several assessors of the state of Nevada. The Tonopah Dally Bonanza will make publication required by law, which Includes the filing 0f a sworn affidavit of publication with each of the assessors of the fifteen counties of the state, also affidavit of publication will be furnished secretaries. THE NOMINAL CHARGE OF $8.00 WILL BE MADE, FILL OUT AND RETURN TI1E FOLLOWING FORM WITH A REMITTANCE OF $8.00 AND ALL DETAILS AS REQUIRED BY LAW WILL BE ATTENDED TO. TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, Tonopah, Nevada. . ANNUAL STATEMENT. of the..... Company for the year ending December 31,1910. ' Location of mine Mining District County of ............... State of Nevada DEBIT. January 1, 1910, to cash on hand I To assessment collected during 1910j $ To amount received from other sources $ CREDIT. Mine expenses In year 1910 $ General expenses In year 1910 I Paid dividends in year 1910 I Balance on hand December 81, Mince meat made out of .our ap ple cider and brandy cannot be sur passed. Hall Liquor company. Ring up 812. 11-22-tf ALL SUBSCRIBERS TO THE BO NANZA WHO ARE IN ARREARS ARE REQUESTED TO SETTLE AT ONCE. OUR REPRESENTS TIVE WILL CALL. PLEASE PAY HIM PROMPTLY, OTHERWISE IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO PLACE SUCH ACCOUNTS IN THE HANDS OF A COLLECTOR. APPLICATION NO. 1936 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION TO APPROPRIATE PUBLIC WATERS OF THE STATE OF NEVADA. Notice is hereby given that on the 23rd day of Jan. 1911, in accordance with Section 25, Chapter XXXI, of the Statutes of. 1909, one William Ferguson of Currant, County of Nye, and State of Nevada, made applica tion to the State Engineer of Ne vada for permission to appropriate the public waters of the State of Nevada. Such appropriation is to be made from Little Meadow Creek at points in SW. Y of the SW. V of Section 5, T. 6 N., R. 57 E., by means of a dam and reservoir and four cubic feet per second is to be conveved to points in the W. Yz of the SW. y of Sec. 5, also the N. of the SE. V of Sec. 6, and the S. to of the NE. V of Sec. 6, the E. to of the NW. to of Sec. 6, all in T. 5 N., R. 57 E., M. D. B. & M. unsurveyed, by means of ditches, and there used for Irrigation. Water not to be returned to steam. Date of first publication, January 28, "1911. Date of last publication, Febru ary 25, 1911. (Signed) EMMET D. BOYLE, State Engineer. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ' J. A. SANDERS Attorney-at-Law. Will practice In all courts of the State. Office: Tonopah Block. CAMPBELL METSON & BROWN ATTARNEYS-AT-LAW. Stare Bank and Trust Co. Building, TONOPAH, NEVADA. C. H. MCINTOSH II. R. COOKE MCINTOSH & COOKE ATTORNEYS Offices Tonopah Blk., Tonopah, Nev NOTARY IN OFFICES. 1910 $. Secretary. A mail inay start looking for trouble on his own account, but he is apt to blame his wife if he finds it. Don't Kiclt Yourself in case you get in bad Play safe Be on the safe side and invest in a Display Advertisement in the Bonanza and you will have no oppor tunity to kick The Daily Bonanza is read by the People Try it Once Dry Climate Cordove M. & 0. I ANNOUNCEMENT. The business formerly conducted by H. A. McKim and known as MeKim's store, corner Oddie avenue and Main street, has this day been transferred to the H. A. McKiin Co., Inc. All bills and accounts now due and owing to H. A. McKim are to be paid to the succeeding firm, by whom all indebtedness will be paid. I take pleasure in thanking the good people of Tonopah and Nevada for the very liberal patronage that I have enjoyed during my many years of business in Nevada, and I hope that the same will be extend ed to the new firm, who at all times will endeavor to merit your con fidence ,and patronge through cour teous treatment and square dealing. H. A. M'KIM, SR., March 1, 1911. 3-13-33-6 CARD OF THANKS. I wish to thank the members of the Tonopah Aerie of Eagles and also the members of the Miners' Union for their aid and sympathy during my hour of misfortune .n the loss of my beloved brother, John Ryan. J. P. RYAN. Fresh milk and cream at Palace Market. 12-12-tf NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. To W. V. Richardson and N. E. Otterson, your heirs and assigns: You and each of you are hereby notified that the undersigned has expended in labor and improvements $400 during the year 1908, MOO during the year 1909, and $400 during the year 1910, on the follow ing named quartz claims: The Com bination, the Combination No. . 1, the Combination No. 2 and the Gray Eagle, in Morey Mt. Unorgan ized Mining District, Nye county, state of Nevada, under the provi sions of Section 2324 of the Revised Statutes of the United States of America, and January 22, 180, con cerning annual labor on mining claims. The location certificates of the above claims are duly recorded in the county recorder's office of Nye county, state of Nevada. Said expenditure was the amount neces sary to hold said mining claims dur ing th9 aforesaid years. And if within 90 days from the date of the first publication of this notice you, W. V. Richardson, $95.83 for the year 1910, and N. E. Otterson, $37.50 for the year 1908, 1909 and 1910, for your proportionate share in the Combination, the Combination No. 1 and Combination No. 2, fail or refuse to contribute your portion of such expenditure as co-owners, which amount $400, together with the cost of this advertisement your interests in said claims will become the property of the subscriber, your co-owner, who has made the ex penditure and improvements as above mentioned. Dated at Tonopah, Nevada, this 24th day of February, 1911. JAS. A. HILLYER, McGlll, Nevada. First pub. February 24, 1911. Last pub. May 26. 1911. HALL LIQUOR CO., ...AGENTS FOR... Tonopah s Vicinity International Clear Havana Union Made Best on Met WHISKY s WINE All Grades Right Prices Phone in Your Orders Family Trade Solicited IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HALL LIQUOR CO JNC. SELECT YOUR 01 CHOICE Nevada will spring ' something new in the way of death penalties, or, rather in the way of their exe cution, if the following is enacted into the crimes and punishments acts of the state. It was introduced by the judiciary committee of the senate, with the endorsement of the code committee. The new pro vision follows: The punishment of death shall be inflicted by hanging the defendant by the neck until dead, or by shoot ing him, or by allowing him to vol untarily take a sufficient quantity of hydrocyantic acid to produce death. The judge, at the time of pro nouncing sentence upon the defend ant to designate which of the meth ods of death provided for herein, shall be administered in execution of his sentence, and notice of such designation shall be given the war den of the state prison when the defendant is delivered Into his cus tody. If the ' defendant shall elect voluntarily take hydrcyanic acid, then he shall be provided, at least ten minutes before the time set for carrying the sentence Into effect, by the prison physician, by order of the warden and in his presence, with a sufficient quantity of such acid to cause Instantaneous death. Upon delivery of such acid to the defendant the physician shall ex plain to him the proper method of taking the same and the effect thereof, and there shall be plainly written or printed on the glass, bottle or other recepticie in which such acid is contained, the follow ing: "There is contained in here n sufficient quantity of hydrocyanic acid to cause instantaneous death. You are authorized to take the r.anie for the purpose of carrying into execution the sentence of death heretofore legally pronounced against you." If the defendant .after having elected to take hydrocyanic acid as herein provided, shall fail or refuse to take the same, he shall be forth with hanged by the neck until dead. The defendant, in all cases, shall be given an opportunity of making whatever statement he may desire not to exceed one hour in dura tion, and the execution, provided for herein, shall take place within the limits of the state prison and a suitable and efficient enclosure shall be provided by the board o' prison commissioners for the same purpose. The warden of the prison must be present at the execution and must invite the presence of a physician, the "attorney general of INC. the state, at least twelve reputable citizens of his selection, and such peace officers as he may deem proper to witness the execution. The warden shall, if requested by the defendant, permit ministers of the gospel, not exceeding two, whom the defendant may name, and per sons, relatives or friends, not to ex ceed five, designated by the defend ant, to be present at the execution. No other persons than those men tioned herein can be present at the execution, and in no case can any person under the age of 21 years be allowed to witness the same. SOME NEWS NOTES FROM MANHATTAN WATER STOPS SINKING. The Little Grey shaft and that on the No. 12, have reached the limit of their depth, for the present, wa ter having been reached in each at about the same time. A station is being cut at the bottom of the shaft in the Little Grey, a depth of 210 feet. Superintendent McCarthy left for Goldfleld yesterday for the purpose of buying a compressor and also a station pump, and hopes to have them installed in the next two weeks. ROUND MOUNTAIN TONNAGE. James R. Davis and H. G. May ers, of the Round Mountain Mining company, stopped in Manhattan Thursday for a short while on the way home from a trip to the mine. Mr. Davis reports conditions at the mine as very satisfactory. A larger tonnage Is now In sight in the mine than at any time and the grade Is holding up very nicely. The mill is grinding away steadily and about 3000 tons, with a valua tion of $30,000, is being treated monthly. The gasoline motor, In stalled a few weeks ago, is working very well and Is pulling its load of six tons with ease, making the trip in a very few minutes. MANHATTAN 1HG FOUR LEASE. With the final completion of the mill run that has more fully es tablished the greatness of the Man hattan district in general and the property of the Big Four Mining company in particular and especial ly that part of the estate being op erated by the Poak-Steen-Chapman combination, sinking and drifting are being pushed energetically. The developments are most gratifying and Indications point to our pre diction as to future mill runs being more than fulfilled. The shaft Is now down some forty feet below the 220-foot level and is all in ore. which has a value that will more than pay all expenses of operation. Some difficulty is being experienced with the compressor, or rather with the motor driving It, and not enough power is being delivered to make the progress desired. ' The compresor Is of the direct air type and is a heavy tax upon the motor. It is probable that a new machine will be Installed in the near future, " which will make future operations more expeditious. Manhattan Mail. Did you try the merchants' lunch at the Frisco Cafe? 35c. 2-7-tf NOTICE TQTHE PUBLIC. NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that on and after March 1, 1911, the fol lowing rates will be charged for sewer service in the town of Tono pah, Nye county, Nevada: Residences. .$3.00 Labra Bakery .... 5.00 tory .... 6.00 Barber shop. 10.00 Livery Billiard room 5.00 stables ..10.00 Boarding- Offices .... 2.00 house ...10.00 Photog'ph Brewery ...10.00 gallery . 5.00 Butcher shop 6.00 Restaur Candy fact'y 6.00 rants ...10.00 Cigar manu- Rooming houses, factory .. 5.00 1 to 10 rooms, Club rooms. 5.00 per room per Confection- month .. .75 ery 6.00 School houses Saloon ....10.00 and publio Halls 5.00 building, free Hotels ... .25.00 use given ... Ice cream Soap fact'y. 10.00 parlors .. 5.00 Store 6.00 If payment of such rates is made in advance for one year, the party or parties paying said rental so la advance will receive a discount of 10 per cent on the rates charged. All the foregoing rentals are pay able at the office of the company at the Nevada First National Bank of Tonopah, monthly In advance, on the first day of each and every month. On all residences a discount of 25 per cent will be allowed it paid at the office of the company on or be fore the 15th day of each and every month. ,. The foregoing rates and rules will be strictly adhered to and unless payment of rentals is made during the current month the service will be discontinued on the first day of the succeeding month. TONOPAH SEWER & DRAINAGE COMPANY, By J. O. CRUMLEY, President. Dated at Tonopah, Nevada, Feb ruary 18, 1911. MC0 i .