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THE TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TOXOPAH, NEVADA, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1011. 71 Week's Sporting Events From Many Points LOTHROP-DAVIS CO. INC. Established 1900 I FLY THIS WAY OK KF.EP OUT OF THE AIR NEW YORK. March 23. The Aero Club of America has just re ceived the official conditions of the 1000-mile aeroplane race around Great Britain for the prize of $50, 000, which is to be held next July. The contest will commence on Sat urday, July 22, an finish at the latest on August The race is open to competitors of any nationality holding an avia tor's certificate from the Interna tional Aeronautical federation. An entrance fee of $500 is required of each competitor toward the expenses of the Royal Aero club In conduct ing the competition. . The course is divided into five sec tions. 1 Brooklands to Hendon, twenty miles. 2 Henden to Edinburgh, 343 miles. 3 Edinburgh to Bristol, 383 miles. 4 Bristol to Brighton, 214 miles. 5 Brighton to Brooklands, forty miles. "The object of the contest," it Is stated, "has been to Impose con ditions to spur investors and de signers to the production of a thor oughly practical and efficient flying machine. No gimcrack freak is likely , to survive the severe test, which is not so much designed for swiftness as for strength and endurance." now now show ix Fiasco THIS MONTH SAN FRANCISCO, March 25. The San Francisco Kennel club's bench show at Dreamland rink, the end of this month. Is meeting with the enthusiastic support of a large number of fanciers. The entries of English setters, pointers, Irish setters, Irish water spaniels, cocker spaniel, will be larger than for years past. Airedale terriers, bull terriers, collies, Bos ton terriers and bull dogs will be numerous enough to make up a separate show. Several new speci mens in these breeds from the east, will be seen on the local benches. This show, under the rules of the National Dog Breeders' association, will be probably a four-point show. The "home rule" element among the doggy circles are coming to the front, not only locally but from distant points, 1 showing the move ment is widespread and strong.- AO WOI.CSAST TO MEET ItUKXS AND OWEX MORAN LOS ANGELES, March 25 Pro moter Jiimes V. Coffroth has match ed Ad Wolgast to met Owen Moran for the world's lightweight cham pionship, scheduled to go twenty rounds in San Francisco on July 4th. For this match Wolgast is to receive $12,500. Jones also held out for $500 ex pense money and was preparing to turn the match down when Coffroth offered to toss a coin to see whether or not the extra $500 should be allowed. Coffroth won the toss. Coffroth put a double yoke on Ad Wolgast, signing him up to meet Frankie Burns in San Francisco in a twenty-round bout the last week in May. For the Burns battle Wolgast re ceives a guarantee of $7,500. In both matches Jones has the privilege of taking 40 per cent of the gross receipts. The two matches were made upon the condition that Wolgast beats Memsic in their sec ond match, which took place last week. CATCH EK CLARK HURT IN GAME AND IS IX HOSPITAL HOT SPRINGS, Ark., March 25. While endeavoring to score in a practice game yesterday afternoon, Severoid, of the Cincinnati Nation als, ran into Catcher Clark of the second team, with the result that Clark is in a hospital suffering with concussion of the brain. XEW I WORD AT ENGLISH MILLIARDS MADE LONDON, March 25. George Gray, the Australian billiardist who recently made a new world's rec ord at English billiards with a run of 1576, established another world's record yesterday with an un finished break of 2196. THE lilG DINGK WILL PROBABLY MOVE TO EUROPE CHICAGO, March 25. Jack John son is on the point of saying good bye to America for several years. Instead of passing his time on the coast with his automobiles and other pleasures, to the exclusion of his "life work," It appears that the champion has been slyly preparing himself for battle. A letter received from San Fran cisco yesterday brings out the fact that Jack is ready to step 'into the ring at a week's notice. He has slipped away from his friends every day and taken long hikes on the road. He also has been sparring in a private gymnasium, unknown ex cept to a chosen few. He is said to be every way as good as when he fought Jim Jeffries on that fatal Fourth at Reno. KID M'COY EARNS TITLE OF REAL "DOWN AND OUT' PHILADELPHIA, March 25. Kid McCoy gave a miserable exhibition In his six-round bout with Jack Fitzgerald here last Monday night. Fitzgerald is a preliminary fighter and the very best that McCoy could do was to get a shade the better of the bout. The fighters clinched al most continuously and were hissed by the small audience repeatedly throughout the battle. (Continued on page 4) Household Hints for the Busy Housewife HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Dust less Bekls That by nailing an old, strong piece of carpet on the top of your wire mattress you will save yourself lots of hard Work. This is a spot where the finest dust will be found, falling out of the top mattresses. Once in a while take a brush and a dustpan in order to clean the old piece of carpet, then there is no need of taking the bed apart. Very little dust will be seen on the floor, as It will all set:le in the old carpet, and a lot of hard work can be saved in this way. To Clean ClarliwliiMW 'When se lecting pulleys for your washline take the one which has a large space behind the wheel, wooden or iron, so that you can pass your line freely with knot. In order to clean both sides take good suds and a rag; rub all the way, every inch of it, passing up and down; then dry it with another rag. It will save you the big trouble of taking your line down. T lmtect Stovepipe" Besides keeping a clean newspaper on top of the range and under the gas stove, the stovepipe needs a protect or, ' too. A double leaf of a news paper with three pins to close it around, -will save you lots of dirty work. It is easier to change the paper than to clean stove and pipe after each meal, and it does not alter the looks of the stove in any way whatever. A small dish of charcoal placed in your meat larder will keep the articles sweet. - Bread must, always be allowed to get perfectly cold after baking be fore it is put away, or it is liable to mold or sour. To remove mildew, rub over the spots with juice of raw tomato, sprinkle with salt, then lay in the Bun, and repeat If necessary. Do not use cornmeal or tea leaves In- sweeping carpets, as cornmeal has been known to attract water bugs If not very carefully swept up, while tea leaves often make stains on the carpet. To prevent matting from becom ing dark colored, wash it occasion ally In salt water. Rmedy for, Croup Give an emetic and a warm bath and apply a sponge wrung out of hot water to the throat to ease the breath ing. Sure cure for diphtheria if taken in time, and also good for sore throat: Peroxide of hydrogen used as a wash. A few drops of oil of lavender scattered through the bookcase in a closed room will keep the vol umes from getting damp and mold ing. Fresh milk and cream at Palace Market. 12-12-tf Subscribe for your home paper. TRIED RECIPES. Pidusaini or Spiniuh Cooked Sa inoan Style Pick young fresh spin ach; wash It well, throw into boil ing water, previously salted; boil for ten minutes, drain and chop. Grate the while part of a cocoanut, press this through heavy cheese cloth to extract the creamy milk that is contained in it; mix with the spinach to the consistency of batter and pour into small cup. Cook in an oven suitable for custards. The palsusami should set like custard, but not brown. If liked hot, a couple of chilis may be chopped and cocked with the spinach. Can be eaten hot or cold. Cauliflower Fritrers Pick off the outside leaves and cut stalks close to the bottom of the flowers;- wash and lay in cold water half an hour; unless very large do not divide them,' put in boiling water, slightly waited, and when tender take them up to drain. When cool divide into small tufts. Prepare a sufficient quantity of batter mae in the pro portion of a tablespoon or flpwer and two tablespoons of milk to one egg; make as much batter as you think you will require; dip each tuft of cauliflower into the batter twice or throw all of the caulflower, into the batter, providing you have made sufficient, and fry a light brown. Rice Pudding Take one cup ot rice, wash and boil with milk or water until nearly done; then put in pudding , dish. Add three large tablespoons of sugar, the grated rind of two lemons, the yolks of five eggs, add salt to taste and stir well Add milk sufficient to make rather thin; stir again, then dot top of pudding with pieces of but ter the size of a hazelnut. Bake a golden yellow; when done remove from the oven and let cool. Take the whites of the five eggs, beat to a stiff snow, the juice of one and a half lemons and four spoons su gar, and alternating beat in the snow. Pour over the pudding and bake ngain to a golden brown. Tuinnle Pio Take one large chicken, joint as for fricassee, salt and pepper each piece and roll In flour. Have ready a frying pan, containing part lard and part but ter; fry each piece of chicken in this until brown, then place chicken in s'ew pot and add one can of to matoes; one large onion that has been sliced and fried; two or three red or green peppers, and a small piece of garlic; add a little water and the gravy that the chicken was Thicken gravy and turn into baking dish, take one cup of olives and drop them into the stew, slice four hard-boiled eggs over top, and cover with rich pie crust and bake. Bombay Chutney- Two large green tomatoes, 4 large onions, 1 cup seeded raisins, 1 cup sultana raisins, and 1 dozen large apples; after chipping thoroughly add 2 cups brown sugar, 1 quarter best white wine vinegar, 2 , tablespoons each of salt and dry mustard and 1 tablespoon mustard seeds. Put one cup whole allspice into bag and boil with rest, removing bag when finished. Boil iy2 hours slowly. ATT ELL CANNOT MAKE THE WEIGHT FIGHT CALLED OFF NEW ORLEANS, March 25. Abe Attell has declined to make 116 pounds ringside and as a result Manager Tortorich of the West Side Athletic club announced yesterday that the negotiations for a fight between Attell and Johnny Coulon for the bantamweight championship had been practically abandoned. Cou lon flatly refused to concede an other pound to the featherweight champion and Attell wired that he would not agree to make Jess than 118 pounds ringside. Money Given Away At American Ladies' Tailoring Co.This Week To every woman purchasing one of our handsome made-to-order Spring suits this week, we will give 10 per cent discount. Come and See Our Famous Spring Styles We are exclusive agents here for the well known American Ladies' Tailoring Co. of Chi cagothe recognized leaders in handsome made-to-order creations for well dressed women. There are 72 latest Spring and Summer styles to select from, and over 278 fabrics to please yon a larger array than yon could possible have offered you anywhere else. And the prices will simply astonish you: Suits, $13.50 and up Dresses, $12.50 and up Coats, $10.00 and up Skirts, $5.00 and up Capes, $8.00 and up You take no risk whatever in selecting your new Easter suit from this handsome line, 'IV garment you order is made to fit your individual figure, and satisfaction is assured. This Special Offer Lasts This Week Only We're making it solely to get you to order your Easter suit early so that we can get it back here to you in time for Easter wear. Remember this great day comes April 1(1 and there is not much time to wait. So don't delay come at once. Here's your chance to get an exquisite made-to-order suit at a price lower than you h ve ever before paid. If you order NOW, we positively guarantee delivery of your finished garment in plenty of time for Easter. . W. VAN PATTEN, Only Representative Over Morrow & Hussey's Store Moses Best Flour 3c Milk Gilt Edge Butter O. T. Canned Fruits Vegetables " " " Salmon CRESCA IMPORTED DELICACIES EGGS, BUTTER and VEGETABLES Fresh Daily by Express Phone 262 Phone 262 DIVIDENT NOTICE. At the meeting of the board of directors of the Tonopah Mining Company of Nevada, held this day, a regular quarterly dividend of TWENTY-FIVE per cent, and an extra dividend of FIFTEEN per cent was declared, payable April 21, 1911. Transfer books close al 3 p. in., March 31, 1911. Open April S. 1911, 10 a. m. C. A. HIGBEE, Treasurer. Philadelphia, Pa., March 23, 1911. 3-23-Gt Apple cider and brandy at the Hall Liquor company. Just the thing for home- made mince meat. PhoDe 812. 11-22-tf NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The nnniinl meeting of the stock holders of the SILVER GLANCE MINING' COMPANY OF NEVADA will be held at the office of the company, Tonopah, Nevada, at 3 p. m., on April 11, 1911, for the pur pose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year and the trans action of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. .1. W. STEWART, Secretary. 3-14 to 4-11 JOHN GREGOVICH I I.AIEH IN FANCY AND ST A PI, B ..Groceries.. Hil ITS AND VEGETABLES. OT8, POULTRY, ETC.. IN SEASON. 1YINOPAH ... . NEVADA Butler Theatre THE POPULAR LITTLE PLAYHOUSE. Up-To-Date Motion Pictures MATINEE EVERY AFTERNOON " At 2 and 3 p, m. N Entire Change of Program E Everything every evening . You Admission - 10c ivi Evening Performances Commence rw want Il at 7 o'clncK A AnV H. E. EPSTINE q Time stock broker w.. Quotations received from San Frau I "U cisco Stock Exchange board. I I Wint II " you are luterested lB southern WOll I II , Nevada securities, write me. TONOPAH BLOCK BLDG. TONOPAH . NEVADA USE OUR VACUUM CLEANER to exterminate dust and dirt. We deliverlboth ways free and show you how to operate it. Our charge is nominal being only $1.50 per day, or $1.00 for half a day. NEVADA-CALIFORNIA POWER CO., PHONE 112 THE TONOPAH BANKING CORPORATION CAPITAL FULLY PAID $250,000 Exchange bought and sold on all Cities of the World. We are pre pared to furnish all accommodations to patrons which come witnla sound hanking rules, and we solicit your business from this stand point .OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. George S. Nixon, President; F. M. Lee, Vice-President; Eugene Howell, Cashier; R. C. Moore, Assistant Cashier; H. C Brougher. R. B. Govan, W. J. Harris. OUT OF TOWN ACCOUNTS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. FRESH MEATS FISH - and - POULTRY We Handle Only First-Class Nevada Beef TONOPAH-GOLDFIELD MEAT MARKET BIG VARIETY SHOW AT THE 1 BIG CASINO ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM EVERY MONDAY NIGHT ADMISSION FREE The Famous Schlitz Beer on Draught - Received by Carload Direct. GOLD MEDAL FLOUR - A NEVADA PRODUCT FOR NEVADA PEOPLE Every sack absolutely guaran teed to consumer. To be h.d .t all stores Ask for It and Insist on getting this. Accept no other as a substitute. K ulB" McLEAN & McSWEENEY, Distributor..