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THE TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA. TONOPAH. NEVADA. WEDNESDAY, APRIL .", mil. HALL LIQUOR CO., INC. ...AGENTS FOR... Tonopah s Vicinity International Clear Havana Union Made Best on Market WHISKY s WINE All Right Grades Prices Phone in Your Orders Family Trade Solicited IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Dry Climate Cordove M. & 0. HALL LIQUOR CO., INC. Mizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel where ery RoasoL able Tariff Prevails. Hoi and ColO Running Water In Each Room. Rooms with or without prl?at baths, single or en suite. COMMERCIAL RATES Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company COAL! COAL! COAL! HUILDING rAPER, ROOFING PA PER FOR YOUR OWN PRICE 'PHONE 1062 claims. The location certificates of the above claims are duly recorded in tho county recorder's office of Nye county, state of Nevada. Said expenditure was the amount neces sary to hold said mining claims dur ing the aforesaid years. And if within 90 days from the date of the first niihlicatinn of this notice YOU. W. V. Richardson, $95.83 for the year 1910, and N. E. Otterson, 27 T.n for tho year 1908. 1909 and 1910 fnr vniir nronortionate share in the uommnation, me uomDinauou No. 1 and Comhinatlon No. 2, fail nr refuse tn contribute vour Dortion of such expenditure as co-owners, which amount $400, together with tho post nf this advertisement your interests in said claims will become the property of the subscriber, your co-owner, who ha3 made tne ex penditure and improvements as above mentioned. Dated at Tonopah, Nevada, this 24 th clay of February, 1911. .IAS. A. HILLYER, McGlll, Nevada First pub. February 24, 1911 Last pub. May 26. istii. of the State of Nevada, in and for the County of Nye, for a judgment rendered in said court, on the 5th day of November. 1909, in favor of Cook & Fleming, a partnership composed of George H. Cook and T. A. Fleming, and against said Bullfrog West Extension Mining company, a corporation, for the sum of $GS6.90, in lawful money of the U. S., together with interest, costs of suit, etc.; and third, an execution issued out of the said I District Court of the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Nevada,! in and for the County of Nye, for a judgment rendered in said, court on the 31st day of January, 1910, in favor of II. D. Porter and L. D. Porter, co-partners, doing busi ness under the firm name and style of ' II. 1). Porter & L. D. Porter,' and against said Bullfrog West Ex tension Mining company, a corpora tion, tor tne sum oi ?, in lawful money of the U. S., together with interest, costs of suit, etc., 1 have levied nn all tho rieht. title. claim and interest of said defend ant, ' of, in and to the following described real estate, to-wit: Jumbo, Ethel, Delaware No. 1, Bullfrog Fraction, Delaware No. 3, Teddy Oversight and White Rock No. 1 lode mining claims, situate in the Bullfrog Mining District, Nye County, Nevada. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 18th day of Anril. L9ii, at i o ciock p. m. or saia day, in front of the court house door, of the County of Nve. State of Nevada, for cash in hand to the hiirlipst and lipst bidder. T will sell all the rieht. title, claim and interest nf said defendant. TtiillfrnEr West Extension Mining company, a corporation, or, in ana to tne anove described nrnitpi'tv. nr so much thereof as mav be necessary to raise sufficient money to satisfy said judgments, besides costs, interest and accruing costs. Dated this 2 3rd day of March A. D. 1911. ED MALLEY, Sheriff. By T. W. HOFMANN, Deputy. HATTON & HATTON, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. 3-284-4, 11, 18 POINTED PARAGRAPHS. KASHIOXAKLK TROUSERS. Take anything that is given you except advice. If it wasn't for woman's curiosity, man wouldn't be such a liar. .Repeat slowly the name of your favorite coroner, and leave the rest to fate. A happy way to croak. Your grave guaranteed to be kept green if there is any paint in town. If you are too old to enjoy what you get, think of what you missed by not taking it sooner. If you have ever been in a rail way wreck or kicked by a bucking bronco, you will be wise to the program. Check your name with the secre tary for fear of losing it. Your wife might ask you who you are when you return. Should your feeling be divided be tween holy joy and fear of the fu ture, ding to the joy while you have it, you are sure of that. On your road down from home, scatter yellow paper along the walk and thus blaze the trail back; but don't show any yellow after ar riving at the outer gate. Everything will be as coherent and conducted as decorously as a female sanitarium for the hope lessly insane. When you come out of it you will never afterwards cherish revenge. All kinds of ruling and binding at the Bonanza. II NOTICE OK DISSOLUTION! The co-partnership heretofore ex isting under the name and style of the Pioneer Blacksmith shop is dissolved by mutual consent, J. Cloke having purchased the entire interest of J. C. Peck in the con cern, will continue said business. All persons who are indebted to the firm are respecfully requested to make payment to J. Cloke, who is entitled to receive the same. All the liabilities of the firm will be paid by J. Cloke. Tonopah, Nev., April 1. J. C. PECK. J. CLOKE. 4-l-4t NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. NOTICE OK DISSOLUTION! NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that nn anil nfter March 1. 1911. the fol lowing rates will be charged for sewer service in tne town oi muu pah, Nye county, Nevada: TQoiionooa f 3 0(1 Lnhra- Tlolrerv .... K.0Q tOl'y .... 5.00 aarYiar ohnn in on Liverv- Billiard room 5.00 stables ..10.00 nnardine- ' Offices .... 2.00 10.00 Photog'uh - Rrprv ...10.00 gallery . 5.00 Tnvai ihnn ft On Restaur I I . W..V. w.v- foriri.r tant'v K00 rants ...10.00 Cigar manu- Rooming houses, factory . . 5.00 1 to 10 rooms, Club rooms. 5.00 per room per nnn fortinn. month . . .75 ery 5.00 School houses Saloon . . . .10.00 and public Halls 5.00 building, free untoia ... use eiven Ice cream Soap fact'y. 10.00 parlors .. 5.00 Store 5.00 If payment of such rates is made fnr fine year, the Darty or parties paying said rental so in advance will receive a discount of 10 per cent on the rates cnargea ah tho fnreeoine rentals are pay able at the office of the company at the Nevada First National nans. of Tonopah, monthly in advance, on the first day of each and every month. r n vacldonpoa n discount of 25 an per cent will be allowed if paid at v,t nmoa thB mmnanv on or be- fore the 15th day of each and every, month. The foregoing rates and rules will ha etrintlv adhered to and unless payment of rentals is made during the current montn me service. W1W be discontinued on the first day of 4hA aiifipoaHlnff mnnth. TONOPAH SEWER & DRAINAGE COMPANY, By J. G. CRUMLEY, President. Dated at Tonopah, Nevada, Feb ruary 18. 1911. To George Turin and Andy Plana, your heirs and assigns: Ynn. Oeoree Turin, are hereby no tifled that the undersigned has ex pended in labor and improvements nn tho Marietta lode milling claim. situated in Tybo mining district, Nye county, Nevada, the sum or 4uu for the years 1907, 1908, 1909 and im. of which vou are a one-third owner. I have also expended the sum of $200 on tne Maryland lone mining claim, situated in Tybo min ing district. Nve county. Nevada, for the years 1907 and 1908, of which you are a one-half owner. io you, Andy Plana, l nave ex- nendod the sum nf $200 in labor and Improvements on the Marietta lodge mining claim, situated in xyDo mining district, Nye county, Nevada, fnr the veara 1909 and 1910. of which you are a one-third owner, un der the provisions oi section Z6H nf tho Revised Statutes of the Unit ed stntes nf America, c.oncernine an nual labor on mining claims. The location certificates or tne aDove claims are duly recorded in the county recorder a office or Nye coun tv Htato nf Nevada. Said exnendi ture was the amount necessary to hold said mining claims during the ofnrosnld venrs And if within 90 days from the date of the first pub lication of tnis notice you iau or refuse to contribute your portion of such expenditure as co-owners, nrhieh ommints tn JKOO. and $200 respectively to each of you, George TnrU tho Marietta S1R3 33 1-3: Maryland, $iuu; Anoy nana nn tho Marietta. Sfifi KR 2-3. together with the cost of tnis advertisement vniir Interest in Kftid claims will be come the property of the subscriber, your co-owner, wno nas maae tne expenditure and improvements as above mentioned. Dated at Tonopah. Nevada, this 20th day of February, 1911. M. ANTU1MAZ.Z.A. First pub. Feb. 20, 1911. Last pub. May 22, 1911. The co-partership heretofore ex isting under the name and style of the "Frisco Store," is dissolved by mutual consent, C. Coblentz having purchased the entire interest of A Service in the concern, will continue said business. All persons who are indebted to the firm are respectfully requested to make payment to C. Coblentz, who is entitled to receive he same. All the liabilities of the firm will be paid by C. Coblentz. Tonojiah, Nev., March 29, 1911. C. COBLENTZ, A. SERVICE. 3-394-5,12,19 Don't Kick Yourself in case you get in bad I'ROFKHKIOVU ri:;tH CAMPBELL METSON & BROWN ATTARNEYS-AT-LAW. Btate Ibiiik and Trust Co. ItuiltliiiK. TONOPAH. NEVADA. C. H McINTOSH H. R. COOKE Mcintosh & cooke ATTORNEYS Offices Tonopah Blk., Tonopah. Nev NOTARY IN OFFICES . J. A. SANDERS A ttnfn.vnt-T.nw Will practice In all courts of the State. Office: Tonopah Block. PIdV safe Be on the safe side and invest in a Display Advertisement in the Bonanza and you will have no oppor tunity to kick 44ttf- NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. To W. V. Richardson and N. E. ntiorann vnnr heirs and assigns: You and each of you are hereby nntifle that tho undersigned has UUllUVU v ia . expended in labor and improvements $400 during the year 1908, $400 dnrin the year 1909, and $400 during the year 1910, on the follow (no- named nnnrtz claims: The Com hination. the Combination No. 1, ho rnmhinatinn No. 2 and the n.ov lr'ao-lo in Mnrev Mt. Unorgan i j uinim, nintript Nve county. state of Nevada, under the provi sions of Section 2324 or tne Keviseu Statutes of the United Ctatea of America, and January 22, 1880, con cerning annual labor on mining SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. The Daily Bonanza reaches the oeople. The Daily Bonanza is read by the People Try it Once Right here and now We speak our mind; We will not wear Tne skin-tight kind! Birmingham Age. 'l he reason why We're free to tell, In summer time They cling like glue. Springfield Union. We'll never wear Sure as you're born, Pants to slip on With a shoe horn. Allentown Democrat. These fashions, sir, Patience exceed, When they reveal That we're knock-kneed. Scran ton Tribune-Republican. To us that skin Tight fad is stupid; We're built too dog Gone much like Cupid. Houston Post. What: Have us look Like Ruth St. Denis? What would we do At playing tennis? St. Louis Times. We would not mind Fashion's decree, If all of us Could shapely be. San Antonio Express. These pantaloons Have their renown; They won't ride up Nor yet fall down. Albuquerque Journal. I'm sure they would Not fit, you know, For in some legs They'd show the bow. San Bernardion Index. But lord, suppose the Women persist In following fashion's Latest twist! Caliente Prospector. Those harem breeches, Why truth to tell On women they would Look like CO'loIOCIi MAN KINDLY (ill HH II BY ROOSEVELT REMEMBERS C. A. A HERN, WHO TOOK RACK NEVADA'S VOTE I OR THE PRESIDENT. Con A. Ahern has reason to know he trait of Colonel Roosevelt in keeping those whom he knows con- tantly in memory. It is six years now since the favorite of the Coni- stock took the vote of Nevada to Washington for the then president of the United States. He was warmly received then and on the colonel's visit here on he campus Roosevelt spied Con hern on the grounds, instantly recognized him and demanded to be taken to him. He greeted Ahern effusively, re calling his last meeting. Later Con brought three beautiful speci mens of Comstock ore to the colonel and after expressing delight the colonel asked that they be for warded to his home. Reno Journal. RAISING THE ILL-FATED BATTLESHIP MAINE COLUMBUS WAS A DR. COOK. SAYS - VIGNAUD PARIS, April 5. Simultaneous ly with the erection of a colossal statute in honor of Christopher Co lumbus at Buenos Ayres, will be published here on Saturday two volumes of a work by Henry Vfg nand, first secretary of the Ameri can embassy, in which the discov erer of America is branded an im postor and a humbug, and placed in a class with explorers like Dr. Cook. Mr. Vignaud retired from the American embassy two years ago and has since devoted his entire time to the completion of a study of Columbus, which consumed in all fifty years. The author is now 81 years old. He is celebrated as a historian and was recently con sulted by the Pope when it was proposed to canonize Columbus. At that time Mr. Vignaud showed that the explorer was anything but a saintly man, and that he had at least one illegitimate son. In his study of Columbus, Mr. Vignaud undertakes to prove that the explorer's discovery of America was not the result of his own genius; that the expedition was not based upon scientific data, but that Columbus actually learned of the existence of America from an ig norant sailor, who had been there ahead of him. In a word, that America was discovered long before Columbus ever organized his ex pedition, and that he merely took the credit from another man un known to history. One would hardly think that in raising the Maine, engineering work would be undertaken, the like of which has never been attempted before. Yet such Is the fact, as we get it from the Engineering News. That paper presents the details of the work, and they are interesting, even to the lay man. The new and untried engineering task lies in the construction of he coffer dam about the Maine wreck, which dam, in character, di mensions, and conditions to be over come, differs from any other ever built. It is to be built against steel piling so as to surround the wreck of the vessel about 325 feet in length and lying In 37 feet of water. The dam must be strong enough to withstand the pressure n all sides, and high enough to keep out the water in all tides and weather. This plan is considered the only feasible one that will permit the engineers to study tho wreck and determine its cause. When the dam is pumped out the wreck will be pen to the inspection of the ex perts just as it sunk after the terrific explosion. It is only by such methods that the experts can get at the truth as to the cause of the explosion so far as we wish to determine whether it was ex ternal or internal. An additional appropriation of $35(1,000 has been voted for this work, $30,000 of which will be re rjuired for the completion of the -offer dam; $25,000 for pumping mt the dam and bracing the ship; $225,000 for removing the wreck ind restoring the site to its orig nal condition; and $15,000 for taring for the dead and setting tho main mast of the ship as a monu ment at Arlington. The remaining $35,000 will be used for returning the plant used in the undertak ing to the United States and for incidental expenses. The only pos sible credit to the account will be some $70,000, to be realized from the sale of the steel piling used In the construction of the coffer dam. As an engineeing feat, and as a work of national good faith and fairness, to say nothing of the pa triotic duty involved, the raising of the Maine will be infinitely to the credit of this countrv. TTNDER and by virtue of three U certain executions, to me direct ed and delivered, as follows, to-wit: First, an execution issued out or tne District Court of the Second Judicial rustrint nf the State of Nevada, in and for the County of Washoe, for a judgment rendered in saia court on the 15th day of October, 1909, in favor of George S. Green, and against Bullfrog West Extension Mining pnmnanv. a cornoration. for the sum of $2484.72, in lawful mon ey of the U. S., together with in terest, costs of suit, etc.; second, an nvnnndnn locitail M,t r f tho District Court of theFlfth Judicial District 10N0PAH NEWS AND STATIONERY COMPANY We are the Agents i.nnim mo niunv ffTCUUFlALU d UAIWI and receive it fresh from the Factory. Finest Candy on the Market REACH SPORTING GOODS Ued by the Profeitionali. We Carry a Complete Line OLIVER TYPEWRITER AGENCY ME!SS3? " MAGAZINES, PAPERS AND BOOKS In Our New Home Jnst Below the New Postoff For neat commercial printing try the Bonanza job office. MR. WINGFIELD RETURNS. Mr. and Mrs. George Wingfield arrived in Reno from the coast on No. 10 Monday morning. Mr. Wing field is ruddy with health and states that he will remain In Ne vada indefinitely. They have re opened their beautiful home on the south side, which was closed for the winter. Our "Want Ads" bring results. Keep Your Mind Bright When everything scorns dull and uninterest ing to you, it's ten chances to one that your liver is not working properly. FAMILY LIVER PILLS make your liver work" well and your brain is , more active, and life seems brighter. Look at the sunny side. Get a box today. Sold exclusively by JOSEPH C. P1ERCY PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Day Phone 372 - - - Night Phone 145