Newspaper Page Text
THE TOXOIMH DAILY BONANZA. TOXOIMH, XKYAIA, TIKSIAV, Al'lUL 2T,, 1911. HALL LIQUOR CO., INC. ...AGENTS fOR... Tonopah Vicinity International Clear Havana Dry Climate Cordove M. & 0. WHISKY! WINE All Grades Phone in Your Orders Family Trade Solicited IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HALL LIQUOR CO, INC. Mizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel where ery Reason able Tariff Prevails. Hot and OoM Running Water in Each Room. Rooms with or without privatt baths, elngle or en suite. COMMERCIAL RATES Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company COAL! COAL! COAL! BUILDING) I'APEK, ROOFING FA PER FOR YOUR OWN PRICK 'PHONE 1002 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that on and after March 1, 1911, the fol lowing rates will be charged for Bewer service In the town of Tono pah, Nye county, Nevada: Residences. .$3.00 Labra- " nnirerv G.00 tory .... 6.00 Barber shop. 10.00 Livery Bllliard room 6.00 stables Boarding- Offices . . . house 10.00 Photog'ph Brewery ...10.00 gallery Butcher shop 5.00 Restaur-r-onrtv fact'y 5.00 rants . .10.00 . 2.00 . 5.00 .10.00 Cigar manu- Rooming houses, factory . . 5.00 1 to 10 rooms, Club rooms. 5.00 per room per Confection- month . . .75 ery 5.00 School houses 'Saloon ....10.00 and public Halls B.00 building, free Hotel3 ... .25.00 use given ... Ice, cream Soap fact'y. 10.00 parlors . . 6.00 Store 6.00 If payment of such rates is made in advance for one year, the party rties navine said rental so in advance will receive a discount of 10 per cent on the rates cnargea. All the foregoing rentals are pay able at the office of the company at the Nevada First National Bank of Tononah, monthly in advance, on the first day of each and every mnnth. nn nil residences a discount ot 25 nr int will he allowed if paid at the office of the company on or be- fni-A th 15th dav or eacn ana pvprr mnnth. Th foreeoine rates and rules will ha utrlctlv adhered to and unless payment of rentals is made during the current month the service will be discontinued on the first day of the succeeding month. TONOPAH SEWER & DRAINAGE COMPANY, By J. G. CRUMLEY, President. Dated at Tonopah, Nevada, Feb ruary 18, 1911. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. To W. V. Richardson and N. E nttaponn vnim holm nn d assigns: Vnn Jr oh nf vou are hereby notified that the undersigned has expended in labor and improvements $400 during the year 1908. $400 rinrlnv ih. oor 1909. and $400 during the year 1910, on the follow ing named quartz claims: The Com- hlnsHnn tin C nmhin ation NO. 1 the Combination No. 2 and tne Orflv Pmrlo In Morev Mt. ITnorgan- Mlnlna nlotrlft NV6 COUnty state of Nevada, under the revi sions of Section 2324 of the Revised Statutes of the United States oi America, and January 22. issu. cou- . i n tunnel Union Made Best on Market Right Prices claims. The location certificates of the above claims are duly recorded in the county recorder's office of Nye county, state of Nevada. Said expenditure was the amount neces sary to hold said mining claims dur ing the aforesaid years. And if within 90 davs from the date of the first publication of this notice you, W. V. Richardson, $95.83 for the year 1910, and N. E. Otterson, $37.50 for the year 1908, 1909 and 1910, for your proportionate share in the Combination, the Combination No. 1 and Combination No. 2, fail or refuse to contribute your portion of such expenditure as co-owners, which amount $400, together with the cost of this advertisement your interests in said claims will become the property of the subscriber, your co-owner, who ha3 made the ex penditure aud improvements as above mentioned. Dated at Tonopah, Nevada, this 24th day of February, 1911. JAS. A. HILLYER, McGill, Nevada. First pub. February 24, 1911. Last pub. May 26. 1911. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. To George Turin and Andy Plana, your heirs and assigns: You, George Turin, are hereby no tified that the undersigned has ex pended in labor and improvements on the Marietta lode mining claim situated in Tybo mining district, Nye county. . Nevada, the sum of $400 for the years 1907, 1908, 1909 and 1910, of which you are a one-third owner. I have also expended the sum of $200 on the Maryland lode mining claim, situated in Tybo ruin ing district, Nye county, Nevada: for the. years 1907 and 1908; of which you are a one-half owner, io you, Andy Plana, I have ex pended the sum of $200 in labor and improvements on the Marietta lodge mining claim, situated in Tybo mining district, Nye county, Nevada, for the years 1909 and 9iu, oi which you are a one-third owner, un der the provisions or section Z3Z of the Revised Statutes ot tne unit ed States of America, concerning an nual labor on mining claims. The location certificates of the above claims are duly recorded In the county recorder s office of Nye coun ty, state ot Nevada. Said expendi ture was the amount necessary to hold said mining claims during the aforesaid years. And if witnin 90 days from the date of the first pub lication of this notice you fail or refuse to contribute your portion of such expenditure as co-owners which amounts to $600, and $200 resDectively to each of you, George Turin nn the Marietta $133.33 1-3 Mar-viand. J100: Andy Piana nn thfi Marietta. $66.66 2-3. together with the cost of this advertisement vnnp interest in said claims win De- the nroDerty of the subscriber, your co-owner, who has made the expenditure and improvements as nhnva m entioned. Dated at Tonopan, wevaaa, mis 20th day of February, iii. M. AN lUlAWifl- First pub. Feb. 20, 1911. Last pub. May 22, 1911. ALIAS SUMMONS. N THE DISTRICT COURT OF the Fifth Judicial District of the 1 and for the state of INevaaa, in County of Nye. District At;r,n hrmicni in utj Court of the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Nevada, in and for the County or Nye, ana tuf plaint filed in said county of Nye in the office of the Clerk of sail District Court. ... Thomas E. Lahan, Plaintiff, s. Fdward Clifford, Sr., Gilbert Ray burn, Lawrence Pontl, Gust Carl son, J. H. Durtee, Loth.op-Davls. Company (a corporation i. o. ... Morria. the trustee ot the estate ,',f the Carlson M. & M. Co. (a corporation), Jonn noe m" mil Roc, Defendants. I Tlie state of Nevada sends greet ings to Edward Clifford, Sr., Gilbert jUayliurn, Lawrence Ponti, Gust U arisen, J. H. Durfee, Lothrop-Da- vis roDipany (a corporation), J. H. Morris, the trustee of the estate of the Carlson Mining & Milling com pany (a corporation), John Doe and Uichard Hoe, defendants. You are hereby required to ap pear in an action brought against you by the above-named plaintiff in the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Nevada, in and for the County of Nye, and to answer the complaint tiled therein, within ten days (ex clusive of the day of service) after the service on you of this summons, if served within this county; or, if served out of this county. But in this district, within twenty days, llieiwise, within forty days; or udgmeui by default will be taken against you, according to the prayer t' said complaint. The said action is brought to re- over judgment in t lie above entitled ouit decreeing this plaintiff to be he owner of the real estate and premises described in plaintiff's com- laint, and also decreeing that said el'endants, or either of them, have o right or interest in or to said and and premises, and that said of ndant& be debarred from assert- ug any claim whatever in or to said premises. And for a further decree of the court restraining and enjoining you. he said defendants, from entering pon said land and premises, or ny part thereot, or taking posses sion of the stamp mill and its ap- urtenances or moving same from said premises during the pendency f this actim, and that upon the nal determination of this cause that said injunction may be made perpetual and such other and fur ther relief as to the court may seem meet and proper, and for costs suit. All of which will more fully ap pear fiom the amended complaint on file in this action, to which you re hereby referred for further particulars. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, as above required, said plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in Jils said complaint. Given under my hand and the Seal of the District Court of the fth Judicial District of the State of Nevada, in and tor the County of Nye, this 27th day of June. in the year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and ten. Attest: A true Copy. (Seal) ROBERT O. POHL, Clerk. Endorsed : THOMPSON, MOREHOUSE & THOMPSON, Plaintiff's Attorneys. 47, 14, 21, 285-5, 12, 19 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION! The co-piirtershlp heretofore ex isting under the name and style of the "Frisco Store," is ' dissolved by mutual consent, C. Coblentz having purchased the entire interest of A. Service in the concern, will continue said business. All persons who are indebted to the firm are respectfully requested to make payment to C Coblentz, who is entitled to receive the same. All the liabilities of the firm will be paid by C. Coblentz. Tonopah, Nev., March 29, 1911. C. COBLENTZ, s A. SERVICE. 3-394-5,12,19 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. CAMPBELL METSON & BROWN ATTARNEYS-AT-LAW. State Hank and Trust Co. Building, TONOPAH, NEVADA. C. H. MclNTOSH H. R. COOKE Mcintosh & cooke ATTORNEYS Offices Tonopah Blk., Tonopah, Nev NOTARY IN OFFICES. Dr. T. A. Musante ...DENTIST... Hours: 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. tn. Office Rooms: 8 and 9 Tonopah Block newsrnd STATIONERY CO. THE DUNTLEY CLEANER Heiiioves tlie ihist anil ilirt which lies under neat li rnyrs ami i-arprts as well as what is on the surface, and mills to Iheir life hy lifting and strnitrlitenitiK the nap. There is no part of the house for which proper reiiovntinjr appliances nnd tools have not been provided. $1.50 per day. Delivered to and from premises Call at our new store just north of new postoffice RICE RIDICULED BY EASTERN STOCK EXCHANGE PAPER WRITER IN NEW YORK (TRIJ IS AFTER THE AUTHOR OF NEW STORY. Yes, Agnes, I know you have been waiting for someone to open a can of the canned Life Story of Simos Jacob herzig alias george gra-hani-rice and tell you what the first slice tastes like, says Franz Ueinuuh De Schneider in the New York Curb. It takes courage, back ed with a good deal of resolution, to uncan George's Life Story, and you girls are so squeamish about such tilings, but I don't blame you, for it hasn't the delicate aroma of the gentle and polite art of pig sticking, but has all the meretrici ous flavoring of race track dope and of vulgar "hog killings," so I pass it up. Its a persimmon, Agnes. But that tragically worded an nouncement of the completion and initial treasury offering of the first can of George's canned Life Story appeals very strongly to my sense of humor. I wonder if Georgie knows how really funny he becomes when he pretends to be serious; and, to be honest now, Agnes, didn't it start your ha-ha fountain going when you read it? It is the pro duction of an erratic but somewhat heroic mind, Agnes, aud should have been labeled "The Serio-comic Salutatory of the Shyster Separata- ens of Susceputible 'Suckers.' " And eorgie is only just now attempting to liar the public once more with this stale junket of gruesome jokes'. Isn't it funny? No, 'Agnes, it wasn't the Mohawk that caused the Goldfield boom, but Georgie scented a "pay streak" in the pock ets of "the public" he smelt ore. already mined and minted, 2000 miles away and that started those violent eruptions of the exoteric ex uberance of his egotistic imagina tion, unloosened by exhalation of extemperaneous extravaganza and exaggerated ego and what a jam boree that was for his joy works That was engineering the Goldfield boom-! And, Agnes, isn't it funnier still that it was "the insatiable de sire of the American ' people to gamble" not Georgie's' insatiable appetite for "hog killings that led him to satiate that same insatiable public with 200,000,000 of indiges tible, woozy wildcat "securities?" Georgie is almost as clever a joy- inaker as a laughing-gas works. He forgets, however, that there ar& those who remember when he was celebrating one long, continuous ses sion of Walpurgis Nights: with "fin ancial fireworks and bacchanalian brainstorms out on the wearisome alkali and sagebrush, waving win some "wildcats" from the threads of his cobweb imagination, wallow ing in the ways of the wantonly wicked and whacking the welkin of the east with whoops of wonderful word-paintings; wooing the wallet of the unwary with womanish witch ery, wrenching the wit from the wisdom teeth of the wiseacres un til they became "dippy" from con suming Georgie's delirious "dope," unwound their wads of wealth and sent them forth in exchange for THE ONE BEST BUY of the woozy wildcats which the wraiths of his genius were whelping in wholesale whirlwinds. Suckers were born ev- erv minute and the minutes mul tiplied rapidly, reasoned Georgie 1 was no deception to call his worthless wildcat "whelps "good things," "splendid speculation" (not gambles), with every reasonable chance to "make good." It was no crime to give each fake the label of genuineness in placarding it with the favorable report of a reputable (?) engineer. "The American peo ple" didn't know that Georgie had them gambling on the chances of shadows becoming shade trees. He was only fooling them, working them for "suckers," stacking the cards and dealing them double crosses. "The public" didn't know Georgie nor his ginie didn't know he was running a blind tiger. It took him seriously thought he was honest but his bias brain pictured conditions somewhat the same as when the same 'public" gambled on his "hog killings.' This gambler since lie was a kid mistook tne public" for a perennial pup. He played with it, robbed it then he kicked it. It was great sport. And the public hasn't got a chance! Georgia never gave it one. He struck below the belt. And his canned Life Story continues with its tale of nauseating "adventure!" NEVADA-DOUGLAS OFFICIALS PAY A VISIT TO PROPERTY OR EM AXI UI.KItYllir.L INSPECT PROGRESS AT MIXE AND RAILROAD. V. C. Orem and James G. Berry hill of the Nevada-Douglas mine and the Copper Belt railroad, paid the district and their properties a visit the first of the wek. In com pany with Traffic Manager Eraser they visited Yerington before taking their departure for the east. They report everything running along smoothly at the Nevada Douglas, says the Yerington Times. Over thirty men are at work and more are being put on as necessary to open up the mine for produc tion by September 1st, the time set for the smelter at Thompson to be blown in. The last lap ot the railroad from Hudson to the mine, is rapidly ap proaching completion, and will be finished, probably, before the smelt er is. The road is meeting the expectations of the promoters In so far as paying expenses is concerned, and when overhauling begins it will be a revenue producer. In connection with railroad talk it may be said that beiore many months pass the motor car of the ine will be running Into Yerington which will make the trip in and out of the city a little more convenient Both the Nevada-Douglas and the Copper Belt arc financed to the ex tent of assured completion at the earliest possible date. The district owes much to the Orenis for the manner in which they have pulled through the hard times and kept things going, if at times -slowly, when it has been so hard to raise money for any kind of investment in any part of the country. Only the genuine merit of Why Send Out of Town for Your Printings When you can have first-elass work .done right hero, by first-class union printers. The business man who sends out of town for his printing injures his own business as well as that of others. While on the other hand the man who patronizes home institutions increases the town's pay roll, and thereby builds up his business Tlie printers and book binders in the cities of surrounding states do not conio here to spend their money Do You Know That the Bonanza has an up-to-date Job Printing Plant and one of the best equipped Ruling and Binding Plants in the West ? Patronize Home Industry, Build Up Your Own Town. I OH! THAT ACHING BACK! Try A Box of Atlas Asparagus Kidney Pills Nature's Own Remedy for Kidney Complaints And diseases arising from disorders of the kidneys and ror JOSEPH C. PIERCY PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Day Phone 372 - - - Night Phone 145 $3.50 Recipe Cures For Weak Kidneys Relieves Urinary and Kidney Trouble Backache, Straining, Swelling, Etc Stop Pain in the Bladder, Kidneya and Back. Wouldn't It be nice within- a week or so to egin to say good bye forever to the scalding drib- bling, straining, or too frequent passage of the urine; the forehead and the back-of-the-head-aches; the stitches and pains In the back; the growing muscle weakness; spots be fore the eyes; yellow skin; sluggish bowels; swoolen eyelids or ankles; leg cramps; unnatural short breath; sleeplessness and the despondency? I have a recipe for these troubles that you can depend on, and If you want, to make a iiick recovery, you ought to write aud get a copy of it. Many a doctor would charge you $!i.".ii just for writing this prescrip tion, but I have it and will be glad to send it to you entirely free. Just drop me a line like this: Dr., A. E. Robinson, K1206 Luck Building, De troit, Mich., and I will send it by return mail in a plain envelope. As you will see when you get it, this recine contains only pure, harmless remedies, but it has great healing and pain-conquering power. It will quickly show its power once you use it, so I think you had better see what 'it is without delay. I will send you a copy free you can use It and cure yourself at home. their , mining and railroad proposi tions enabled them to do this. ;rav wolf is killed. Thomas Agee shot and killed a genuine gray wolf at Stormy Can yon, about , thirty miles north of Wells, -a few days ago. Hefore be ing dispatched the wolf had killed twelve or fourteen large bucks be longing to a band of sheep owned by the Yoke Land & Live Stock company. The wolf is the first ever seen In this section and was a pow erful animal. In fact, but few of them have ever been found In the county and then' only In the extreme northern portion. State Herald. For neat commercial printing try the Bonanza Job office. saie exclusively By I i vrrniUK buuuiii iuui - -