Newspaper Page Text
f f THE TOSbPAll DAILY BokiiSzA. TONOPAH, NEVADA, TUESDAY, MAY 0, 1911. Is VILS BRQUGHER 18 NOW VISITING CONGPiSS READY APPOINTMENT FOR BUSY WEEK AS REWARD FOR IN LOS ANGELES ; The San Diego Union of April 30th, speaking of a Carson City citizen, says: i'OOL SCHEDULE TO BE CENTER OF ATTACK IX PAYXE-ALD. KICK MEASURE. HIS SERVICES WASHINGTON, May 9. The ap pointment by President Taft of Cur- Congress I tis Guild, Jr., former governor of Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company COAL! COAL! COAL! BUILDING PAPER. HOOFING PA- PER FOR YOUR OWN PRICE 'PHONE 1003 WASHINGTON, May 9 Wilson Brougher, pioneer of the will be busy this week with many I Massachusetts, to be ambassador to town of Tonopah, millionaire miner subjects. Tariff tinkering will have! Russia is geiieral-y conceded here and former state senator of Nevada, a change of scene, the senate com- to be a recognition of Cuild's serv is passing a few days at me u. &. mmee on nnance raiting up me ices to his party in his state and ('.rant hotel, accompanied by Mrs. Canadian reciprocity bill with hear- of his years of friendship for the Brougher. They made an auto ex- ings expected to continue through- president. The present ambassador curslon to Tia Juana recently. out the week. to Russia, W.. W. Rockhill, takes Mr. Brougher, although now a After the farmers' free list bill is the difficult post of Turkey, which resident of Carson City, maintains passed, tariff debaters in the house Oscar S. Straus resigned some time his interests In Tonopah and is one will rest from their efforts while ago. Ex-Governor Curtis Guild, Jr. of the heaviest owners of Tono- members of the ways and means has been prominent in military af pah Belmont mining stock, and the committee, behind closed doors, pre- fairs and politics for 15 years. His Belmont mine, within the last year, pare for the next assault on the name has often been mentioned for has become the star attraction Payne-Aidrich bin. 'inetr center or the diplomatic service. Last Ser- aniong the mines of Tonopah, ris- attack is to be the wool schedule. I tember he went to Mexico as the ing from 69 cents a share to some- It will be several weeks, In all special ambassador from the United thing in the neighborhood of $6. probability before the committee is States to the Mexican centennial 'Tonopah," said Mr. Brougher, In ready to report. celebration, and only last month an interview with a Union repre- Among the important matters on It was rumored that he was likely sentative, "is again the liveliest the senate program are the election to return to that-country as am and most prosperous mining camp of a president pro tempore to sue- bassador, succeeding Ambassador in Nevada. Goldfleld, nuiirrog, ceed Senator Frye, the proposed In- Wilson. Mr. Guild Is a Boston Manhattan and Ely have each taken vestigation of Senator Lorimer's newspaper man. His father, who their turn under the limelight since right to remain in his seat and the I died recently, was a Boston mer the big discovery that brought Ton- resolution providing for the popu- chant and was editor and founder opah to the attention of the min- lar election of senators. lot the Boston Commercial Bulletin ing world 11 years ago, but it Progessive senators at a caucus The son succeeded to the control proves Itself, after all, to have had today are expected to protest against of the paper in 1902. He is 50 the most merit of them all. the selection of Senator' Gallinger years old. He graduated from Har, "len years ago friends of lono- of New Hampshire as Mr. Frye's vard in 1881. "When the Spanish- pah were not overbold at predict- successor. Senator Clapp of Min-1 Americ an war broke out he volun jng that the camp would last more nesota is the candidate of the prog-1 teered as a private, was given a than 10 years. The new discoveries ressives. The only chance of de- commission, and served with distinc- in Tonopah Belmont prove It to be feating Gallinger, it is said, will tion on the staff of General Fitz- a greater mine than the original be through an alliance between the hugn Lee. He was the first man Tonopah mine, vrhlch made progressive republicans and demo- to enter Havana after the general camp in the first place, and which crats, and such a union appears im-land subsequently became general has disbursed millions in dividends, probable. inspector of the Seventh infantry it has JaO, 000,000 worth ot ore Activity in the proposed reinves- corps. He comes of fighting stock. in sight right now. It la safe to tigation of Mr. Lorimer's right to His mother was a granddaughter say that Tonopah, 11 years old next his seat wiil center in the efTo- of General Cobb, aid to Washing ..... I I montn, is good for ten years more of Mr. LaFollette to have his ireso-lton, and his grandmother was a of vigorous life and then some. lution, providing for an investlga-1 daughter of Ezra Hodges, a soldier Mr. Brougher likes the climate tion by a special committee of new -f the revolution. Mr. Guild was of San Diego and is considering! senators, passed without reference.! elected lieutenant governor of the investing here. , The anuoitton plan is to refer state of Massachusetts in 1902, be ...... ... . . the resolution to the committee on came governor in 1 a 05, was re- TELEPHONE SYSTEM V IX- privileges and elections. elected the following, year and again STALLED, IX SUTRO TUNNEL I On the senate calendar is the bill in 190T, His governorship was 1 ' ' ' 1 "' I . ..J J J i. t i J. I n-. ..1. fc. i U pruYiuiug iur uie uuusuiuuonai yj wie imssnge ot more new A telephone system has just been amendment changing the method of UeSisIit&n than, that of any nrevi- selecting United States senators ions ore necting all parts of the tunnel and There being no prospect of a report ; its laterals with Virginia City, and ins ween rrom tne nnance commir-l PEARTS! PEART'S! i Sutro, thus giving communication i"e on the reciprocity bill, the popu with the surface from any section lar election measure may. called Some warm weather items of in- of this big underground work. Re- UP for discussion. terest to ladies are our 10c lawns pair work in the tunnel Is now The general program in the house 50c summer silks, 8 l-3c challles, practically nnishea, and from oiiei"lB1"i"ie cuuHiuwrauon ot state- and a nice line of collars and end to the other Is in first class. rd for Arizona, and New Mexico; jabots at 25c. 5-8-3t physical condition. In fact, the passage of special resolutions pro tunnel has not been in such fine viding for various departmental in- shape since it was first built, and vestigations and investigations into is equipped to handle any amount tne United States Steel corporation. of drainage and transportation from sugar refineries and the American the Comstock mines. Four com-1 Woole.i company panies are now operating with the A LUXURY. The Tonopah Liquor company has just received a shipment of the famous Faust beer from the An- heuser Busch Brewing company at St. Louis. This beer is considered by connisseurs to be the very finest in the world. This house will make a specialty of catering to the beer trade during the hot summer months. 4-25-tf Mizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel where ery Reason able Tariff Prevails. Hot and CoM Banning Water In Each Boom, Rooms with or without orivatt baths, single or en suite. COMMERCIAL RATES C FLEISHMANN'S Celebrated Compressed Yeast Once Used Always Used Sole Agents LOTHROP-DAVIS CO. INC. Phone 262 Phone 262 NOTICE TGJpiTORS. IN THK DISTRICT COURT- OF of the Fifth judicial district of the State of Nevada, in and for the County of Nye. In the matter of the estate of Mike Hannigan, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was on the 10th day nf Anvil. 1911. aimointed and Rqualified by the above court as ad- 0 Tniiilctrntnr nf flip pstiltp of Mike Haimican, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to file the same with proper vouchers and sta tutory affidavit attached, with the clerk of said court, within three (d) months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated May 5th, A. D. 1911. JOHN HANNIGAN, Administrator. HUGH H. BROWN, Attorney for the Estate. 5-5 to 6-9 Our ads bring results. tunnel as a Chronicle. base. Virginia City Concordia Club Wed. Night Dancing Assembly, Miners' ITall, 9 o 'Clock. LOCAL .MEN LOCATE LAND NEAR MILLERS PLUNGING AUTO IS THE CAUSE OF TWO DEATHS SPEED ERVICE & ALT AIR Makes Traveling Enjoyable To and From San Francisco via LAS VEGAS & TONOPAH R. R. SALT LAKE ROUTE PAG. NAVIGATION CO. The Yale and Harvard Boats. A party of five local men jour' neyed over to Miller last Friday night and filed upon 120 acres each of land that they are of the opln ion will make good agricultural Jand, It Is proposed that the five NOTICE TOJffilTORF. IN THE DISTK1CT COURT OF 1 the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Nevada, in and for 1 lie County of Nye. In the matter of the estate ot George A. Dondero, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was on the Gth dav (if April, 1911, appointed and qualified by the above court as administra trix of the estate of George A. Dondero, deceased. Ml persons having claims against said estate are required to file the same with proper vouchers and sta tutory affidavit attached, with the clerk of said court, within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated May 5th,. A. D. 1911. SABINA A. DONDERO, Administratrix. HUGH H. BROWN, Attorney for the Estate. 5-5 to 6-9 NOTICE! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That under and by virtue of "An act to empower the County Com missioners of the several counties of the state of Nevada to grant a ieht-of-way for the construction of telephone, telegraph and electric power lines, underground pipe lines street car lines and other railway lines across and along the public roads and highways of the state of Nevada, and matters relating there to," Laws of the state of Nevada, approved March 29, 1907, the West End Consolidated Mining company a corporation, did on April 8, 1911 make application to the Board of County Commissioners of Nye coun ty, state of Nevada, for the author ity and franchise to construct and operate, and for a right-of-way for such construction and operation of a railway line within the confines of the township of Tonopah, Nye county, Nevada, said railway line to be supplied with either gasoline steam, electric or other motive power. The said right-of-way desired is ten feet in width and commences at the point of Inter section of the center line of South street, as projected on Its present course with the east side line of PROMINENT MEN KILLED WHEN Fastest and Finest on Pacific Coast. J Oddie avenue, thence along the cen m w in vi." s rwa m-n r k, Vn, rp.oi! j v- Iter line of said South street, con .-...v ....i., vnvruo uimi " una sjuiij ITOri ,, , lf lo,. ,.,u V, I I. V 1 1 Y 1 Tln TKtn T . .. , 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 . U lJ ,,o 1U n 1 I 11 111C EMBANKMENT. & " " ",a J center line of Oddie avenue, thence See That Your Los Angeles Freiehta along the center line of Oddie near future. The party consisted of Tom McNally, John, McCaffery Is Routed Via Salt Lake Route DENVER, May 9. Edmund F. and L. V. & T. R. R. ii, f. n,t. Richardson, a prominent attorney 1' or Quickest Service. ... B ...... . , o.n. wi " i I . ... r-w-n r- . Plant erain and veeetables In the 01 1,1,8 wno was one or t. KH.UMAIN counsel ror tne aerense in the utM. AliT. Moyer-Haywood-Pettibone trial L. V. & T. R. R., G0LDF1ELD. NEV . - 1 1 u nil i rua rsi n rrn inn kin rnnn i Larry Flynn, Tom Grltlin and L. I " . J. Mcintosh. Messrs. Griffin and Granfield ot Mount Vernon, N. Y., McNally threw the switch and miss- a wealtnv mining man with large ed the automobile on the return lnterests in this state, were silled trip, being compelled to spend the near Lui8ville junction, 20 miles nleht in Millers and return on the nolln OI ne,e' yesterday atvruoon, train Saturday mornine. w,,eu au auiomoDiie in wnicu ui?y were riding plunged down :r em bankment. . LAWYER Both men were crushed under thj PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. L. RICHARDS Hurler Building - Room & Of WILS BROUGHER . . fJOLDFIELl) IS AFTER MOR4N-WOLtST FIGHT neavy machine. Granfield wtM kill ed instantly. Richardson died on a Notary Public TONOPAH, NEVADA GOLDFIELD, Nev., May 6. At train on wnich he was be'n? hvr' o moD i u i rled to Denver. night it was decided to bid for In the atmobile the tw; CAMPBELL METSQN & BKOWN the Moran-Wolgast fight to be held ",c" alla- nK"al "su. w ivfD here during the Fourth of July children and a frlend- Th?y a ATTARNEYS-AT-LAW. cetebratlon. A committee has been 8e' WW- The accident guUf Bank and jMWw.y mi in apiwinted to enter Into negotia- 0 red when the R'chardsou car, 1 By the said tions with the manaeers of the two swerving to pass an automobile p flehtpn, proaenmg rrom the opposite diro non, cut too close to the edi of the embankment, which gave way TONOPAH, NEVADA. Been to the Idora yet? Well, yon have missed the one best bet. LAWSON DEFEATED. ON THE JUMP. The postofflce department is kept extra busy these days owing to the fut that the department has or dered that every piece of mail tnat goes through the office should be counted. It has retarded them somewhat in their work but still NEWARK, N. J.. May 9. Jackey the mail gets around In good sea- Clarke of Australia defeated Ivor on. Il-nwi-on of Salt Lake Citv. ITtah. In a lii'f-mile match race which was SHOE SNAPS. a feiture ot the bicycle races at tho YtHdrome yesterday. Cla;ke At Peart's, one tot of famous won in two straight heats. Time I'tx A Dunn's one-atran sandals. 1 1 :22 a id 1:18 both black and tan. 12.75. For this week S-S-St Subsrrlb for jour horn paper. Dr. T. A. Musante ...DENTIST... Hours: 9o 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m. Office Rooms: 8 and 9 Tonopah Block avenue northerly to the Intersection of the center line of Oddie avenue with the center line of Water street thence along the center line of Water stret on its course toward the Midway mine plant, to a poin of intersection of. said center line of Water street, projected on Its c urse with the boundary line of the Midway Mining company ground, where said railway line on the public highway will stop, but which railway line will continue on to what la known as the Midway mill. The purpose for which such an thqrity, franchise, and right-of-way is desired is to transport ores from the ore bins of the West End Con solidated Mining company, or from its dumps on the West End Mine Reserve in the vicinity of Oddie avenue and South street, to the said Midway mill, in order that th ores mined in the said mining prop erties of the West End Consolidated Mining company's ground may he milled at what Is Known Midway mill in the said Tonopah VAUDEVILLE Best Show In Town II Music by Our Own Picture or Act Orchestra at the EVERY HOUR BIG CASINO The Famous Schlitz Beer on Draught Received by CARLOAD DIRECT Apple cider and brandy at the Hall Liquor company. Just the thing for homo made mince meat. Phone 812. 11-22-tf JOHN GREGOVICH DEALER IN FANCY AND STAPLE ..Groceries.. FltUTS AND VEGETABLES, FISil, POULTRY, ETC.. IN SEASON, Bonanza Ads Bring Results f.JNOPAH NEVAP M Nevada Club The Place For Smile and Sons DROP IN Butler Theatre THE POPULAR LITTLE PLAYHOUSE. Up-To-Date Motion Pictures ATIXEE EVERY AFTERYJN At 2 and 3 p, m. Entire Change of Program EVERY EVENING Admission - 10c. Evening PcrformaiK'ea at 7 o'clock Commence H. E. EPSTINE STOCK BROKER Quotations received from San Fran cisco Stock Exchange board. If you are interested In southern Nevada aecuritles, write me. TONOPAH BLOCK BLDG. TONOPAH - NEVADA osuerVACUUM CLEANER to exterminate dust Jinil dirt. We deliver both ways free and show you how to operate it. Our charjre is nominal being only $1X)0 per day, or 1.00 for half a day. NEVADA-CALIFORNIA POWER GO,, PHONE 112 By the said Board of County Commissioners of Nye county, afore' said, the County Commissioners room at the Nye County Courthouse, at Tonopah, Nye county, Nevada, and May 13th, 1911, at 10 o'ctor In the forenoon thereof, was on the 8th day of April, 1911, designated as the place and time when the aforesaid application of the West End Consolidated Mining company, a corporation, shall be heard. All persons Interested in granting or refusing to grant such authority, franchise and right-of-way shall have a right to be heard, either in person or by attorney, at the aforesaid hearing of the aforesaid application before said Hoard of County Commissioners of Nye coun tv, slate of Nevada. WEST END CONSOLIDATED MIN ING COMPANY, ny a II. BRADY. Superintendent. Jfc 4-S-30t THE TONOPAH BANKING CORPORATION CAPITAL FULLY PAID $230,000 Exchange bought and sold on all Cities of the World. We art pre pared to furnish all accommodations to patrons which coma wlthia sound banking ruleB, and we solicit your business from this stand point. OFFICERS ANI DIRECTORS. George S. Nixon, President; F. M. Lee, Vice-President; Eugene Howell, Cashier; R. C. Moore, Assistant Cashier; H. C. Brougher, R. B. Govan, W. J. Harris. OUT OF TOWN ACCOUNTS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. FRESH MEATS FISH - and - POULTRY We Handle Only First-Clast Nevada Beef TONOPAH-GOLD FIELD MEAT MARKET GOLD MEDAL FLOUR A NEVADA PRODUCT FOR NEVADA PEOPLE Every sack absolutely guaran teed to consumer. To ba had at all stores. Ask for It and laslst on getting this. Accept no other as a substitute. McLEAN & McSWEENEY, DUtributor.