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IttE TONOPAH BAILT BONANZA, TONOPAH, NEVADA, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1911. NEVADA Mill INSURANCE CO- IS MKX OF STANDING RACKING EN TERPRISE INCORPORATED ' FOR $100,000. The Nevada Fire Insurance com pany, something planned for many years, but never consummated, has at last been organized. It Is officered by men of well es tablished standing, both financially and as dependable people. G. F. Talbot, senior justice of the state supreme court, is president; Henry Riter, a Reno business man, vice president; J. C. Tranter, an Insur ance man of Carson City, secretary; Frank L. Wildes, receiver for the State , Rank and Trust company, treasurer; Senator P. L. Flanlgan of Reno,- Supreme Court Justice Xorcross of Carson City; Senator J. A. Miller, a banker of Austin; Senator V. C. Pitt, a farmer of Lovelock, and N. U. Williams, a captalist and business man jt Stockton, Cal., directors. The company is incorporated ,for $400,000, the shares having a par value of $5 a share. The cost of organization and the payment of all expenses of conducting the busi ness the first year is limited to $3.50 on each share of stock issued, which includes printing and sta tionery and office' expense. This will leave a splendid balance as a working capital to insure against losses before any risks are writ ten. The only salaried officer will be the secretary. W. D. Madigan, the official agent for the company, re ports that one-twentieth of the stock has already been sold." The stock will be disposed of in Nevada and in surrounding states. It is not the intention o the company to make this strict ly a Nevada company, but to write insurance throughout the United Statea. Concordia Club Wed. Night Dancing Assembly, aimers- iiaiij y o'UIock. GEOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTS From recent experiments made in tieimany it appears that at a suf ficiently high temperature, that ev ery kind of glass and silica is completely soluable in water. Un der pressure glass dissolves in wa ter at a temperature of 410 degrees ralirenheit. Sea water at a denth of 60 feet, will not boil at this temperature. We know that after we pass the iso-geo-the'rm (line of heat not effected by climate, and surface influences, in penetrating the earth's Crust) that the rock heat increases one degree Fahren heit for every 56 feet of depth. if the sea water penetrates the earth crust, at a depth where the tern perature is 410 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, and at a pressure of about 300 pounds per square inch or greater, it is possible that all the .silicates or glassy rocks will liquify. The German experiments point to the conclusion that at a depth of about 5 or 6 miles, silicates in contact with water are virtually liquid, as both the required heat and pressure exist at that depth This would bring the level of "anue ous fusion" five times nearer the surface than the "ignious fusion which at a depth of 23 miles would show a rock heat of about 2500 degrees. These experiments mav lead new theories of ore deposits in quartz, hot water springs, vol canoes and even earthquakes, when the mining engineers and geologists get busy with subject' We remember that Gilbert's ge ology tells us that all the terri tory betwen the Rockies and Sierras was once a great mediterranean ocean, which he called Lake Ronn ville, and that the waters all run out via the Snake river, when the land now known as the Great American desert was uplifted, and that Great Salt Lake is the last remaining evidence of Lake Bonne ville. We cite this merely on the chance that some one, In theoriz ing on the origin of ore, may tjy to work out his theory, and In doing so may find ore in some previously unlooked for locality. Every hint or theory has some value, even if it Is a negative value. We might also cite the fact that geologists tell us that the Sierras, Rockies and other mountains have been eroded for more than five miles during the countless years of their existence, and If this be true, the present surface of some of these mountain uplifts may be near the line, that ages ago, would have answered the same conditions that five-mile depths would show today. RAILROAD VETERAN'S RECALL OLD DAYS History the big,' early history of pioneer railroad building and operating was rehearsed last week in the St. Francis hotel when 187 Southern Pacific pensioners attend ed the annual reunion and luncheon given in their honor, says the San Francisco Chronicle. "Do you remember, Bill, 'way back in 'C9, when " That was the way whispered con versations started between the gray hajred veterans, and reminiscent speakers recalled the days when the west was very young and the Southern Pacific was an infant. The . Southern Pacific's pension system, was begun In 1903. There are now 423 on the rolls, a total of fil6 having been cared for since 1903. Last year $160,930 was paid out in pensions, and this year the expenditure to date is about $140,000. All the employes of the Southern Pacific system and the At lantic Steamship company are eligl ble to pensions after they have reached the age of 70 years, or when, after a service of twenty-five years, they become disabled or in capable of further service. The pensioners came from all points along the Southern Paci fic system, the railroad "furnishing (be transportation. Next year they are to bring their wives and daugh ters under the same arrangement. Many of the pensioners coming from a distance were provided with extra transportation to points In the west which they desired to visit. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. SIMMONS. N THE DISTRICT COURT OF the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Nevada, in and for the County of Nye. Action hroneht. In the nistrlct four of the Fifth Judicial District of tne state of Nevada, in and for the County of Nye, and the Com plaint filed in said County of Nye, in the office of the Clerk of said District Court. National Realty & Investment Com pany, a corporation. Plaintiff, vs. Sperito Pechenine and John Mevers. Defendants.1 The State of Nevada Sends Greeting to sperito Pechenine and John Meyers, Defendants. You are hereby rennfrpd in an. pear in an action, brought against you by the above-named plaintiff in me aistrict court or me irtn Judicial district of the state of Ne vada, in and for the county of Nye, and tn answer the pnmnlalnt filH therein, within ten days (exclusive of the dav of Rprvlce) nffpr the service on you of this summons, if servea witnin -tnis county; or, ir served out of this county, but in mis district, within twenty days otherwise, within forty days; or judgment bv default will he taken against you, according to the prayer Of said The said action is brought to recover possession of that certain part and portion of the Crumley lot in the town of Tonopah, Nye county, Nevada, and more particu larly described as follows? ReiHn ning at a stone monument at the soumeasi corner or Crumley on low. er Main street: thence north 43 He. grees 53 minutes east 66.13 feet to a stone monument at the northeast corner of said Crumley lot and at the Intersection of the westerly line of the right-of-way of the Tonopah & Goldfield Railroad company; thence northerly along the westerly line oi gaia rauroaa rignt-of-way the chord of the curve being ap proximately north 3 degree 8 min utes west 12 feet; thence south 46 degrees 4 minutes west 4t feet. thence south 43 degree 56 minutes east i.i reet; thence south 46 de grees 4 minutes west. 25 feet t, the Intersection with the property line or me urumley lot on Main street; thence south 46 degrees 39 minutes east 2.2 feet nlnnir Ma In street to the southeast corner of the Crumley lot, the place of be ginning; and for the restitution of said premises, for the sum of five hundred dollars damages for the wrungim witnnoiaing or the nos ....... l a . t . ocnBiuii oi ine same ana tor costs suit. of And you are further notified that if you fail to appear and answer omu lujumaiui. as annve rpnu rod said plaintiff will apply to the cour ior me rener aemandeii in niaintifr. verified complaint and the prayer luereui, to wnicn you are hereby referred. Given under my hand and the seal of the district court of the Fifth judicial district of the Btot of Nevada, in and for the county ive mis istn day of May, In the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eleven. Attest A True Copy: (Seal) ROBERT G. POHL, Clerk BARTLETT & THATCHER, Attorneys for Plats tiff. 5, 19, 266-2, 9, 16, 23, 30 SERIAL 05.130 4-300. Xoi for Publication Coul Entry. (Sets. 2318-52, It. S.) Land Office at .Carson City, Ne vada, April 26, 1911. Notice is hereby given that He - man A. Darms of Coaldale, via Red lich. County of Esmeralda, State of Nevada, who, on the 8th day of .iune, iio, filed in this office Coal Declaratory Statement for the NE V of Section 33, TownshiD 2 N. Range 37 E. M. D. M.,has this day filed in this office Application to Purchase said land under, the pro visions of sections 2348 to 2352, U. S. Revised statutes. Any aiTd all persons claiming ad versely the lands described, or de siring to object for any reason to the entry thereof by applicant. should file their affidavits of protest in tnis office on or before the Cth day of June, 1911. LOUIS J. COHN, Register. 4-29-56, 13, 20, 27. $3.50 Recipe Free Tor Weak Kidneys Relieve Urinary and Kidney Troubles Backache, Straining, Swelling, Etc. Stops Pain in the Bladder, Kidneys and Back. Wouldn't it be nice within a week or so to heein to sav pnori bye forever to the scalding drib bling, straining, or too frequent passage of the urine; the forehead and the back-of-the-head-aches; the stitches and pains in the back; the growing muscle weakness; spots be fore the eyes; yellow skin; sluggish bowels; swoolen eyelids or ankles; leg cramps; unnatural short breath; sleeplessness and the despondency? I have a recipe for these troubles that you can depend on, and If you want to make a quick recovery, you ought to write and get a copy of It Many a doctor would charge you $3.50 just for writing this prescrip tion, but I have it and will be glad to send it to you entirely free. Just drop me a line like this: Dr. A. E. Robinson, K1206 Luck Building, De troit, Mich., and I will send it by return mail in a plain envelope. As you will see when you get It, this recipe contains only pure, harmless remedies, but it has great healing and pain-conquering power. It will quickly show its power once you use it, so I think you had better see what it is without delay. I will send you a copy free you can use it and cure- yourself at home. s PEED ERVICE & ALT AIR Makes Traveling Enjoyable To and From San Francisco via , LAS VEGAS & TONOPAH R, R SALT LAKE ROUTE PAC. NAVIGATION CO. The Yale and Harvard Boats. Fastest and Finest on Pacific Coast Do Your Traveling and Ship Your Freight via This Route. See That Your Los Angeles Freight is Kouted Via salt Lake Route and L. V. & T. R. R. For Quickest Service. SEE E. REDMAN r.F.N. Ar.T. LV.&T.R.R., GOLDFIELD, NEV PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. L. RICHARDS Kutler Building Room 8 & 9 LAWYER PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS Notary Public TONOPAH, - NEVADA CAMPBELL METSON & BROWN ATTARNEYS-AT-LAW. State Bank and Trust Co. Building, TONOPAH, NEVADA. Dr. T. A. Musante ...DENTIST... Hours: 9 to 12 a. in. 1 to 5 p. m. Office Rooms:' 8 and 9 Tonopah Block MIXING DEAL IS MADK OX THE COMO PROPERTY Ah important mining deal is now under way at Couio on the proper ty of Dave Lay of Dayton, A rich strike was recently made in the property and it has how been bond ed to the Porter brothers of Tono pah for $8o,000. Carson News. The Daily Bonanza reaches the people. Under new management, the Idora theater is guaranteed to please. A LUXURY. The Tonopah Liquor company has just received a shipment of the famous Faust beer from the An heuser Busch Brewing company at St. Louis. This beer Is considered by connisseurs to be the very finest in the world. This house will make a specialty of catering to the beer trade during the hot summer months. 4-25-tf Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company COAL! COAL! COAL! BUILDING PAPER, ROOFING PA PER FOR YOUR OWN PRICE 'PHONE 1063 Mizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel where wery Reasoh able Tariff Prevails. Hot and Cold Running Water in Each Room. Rooms with or without privatt bathe, single or in suite. . COMMERCIAL RATES NOTICE TOCREDITORS. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF of the Fifth judicial district of the State of Nevada, In and for the County of Nye. In the matter of the estate of Mike Hannigan, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was on the 10th day of April, 1911, appointed and qualified by the above court as ad ministrator of the estate of Mike Hannigan, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to file the same with -proper vouchers and sta tutory affidavit attached, with the clerk of said court, within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated May 5th, A. D. 1911. JOHN HANNIGAN, Administrator. HUGH H. BROWN, Attorney for the Estate. 5-5 to 6-9 SHERIFF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. IX THE SECOND JUDICIAL Dis trict Court of the State of Ne vada, in and for the County of Washoe. V. O. Van Arsdale, Plaintiff, vs. The Lodi Mines Company, a corpor ation, Defendant. Under and by virtue of an exe cution issued out of the District Cour of the Second Judicial Dis- t !ct of the State of Nevada, in and for .he County of Washoe, on the IS Hi oay of April, 1911, and to me directed and delivered, for a judg ment rendered In said Court on the 29th day of March, 1911, in favor of the plaintiff and against the de fendant for the sum of $153,151.05 together with costs of suit and in terest thereon, I have levied on all the right, title, claim and interest of the defendant in and to the fol lowing described personal property, to-wit: Two hundred sacks of cement, 16 mining cars, 15 wheel-barrows; 15 slag pots, 200 pieces of drill steel 12 picks, 12 shovels, 300 cords wood, 12 hammers, 1000 feet cable (wire)', 4 ore buckets; all house hold 'and office furniture, chairs, bedding, etc., cooking uten sils, laboratory eqiupment, chemi cals, balances, glassware, 4 horses with harness for same, 5 wagons sundry tools and appliances used in the operation of a mine and smelt- ir.!? plant; sundry blacksmith' tools, sundry machinist tools, all slag and ore dumps. Notice is hereby given that on Wednesday, the 24th day of May, 1911, at 9:30 o'clock a. m. of said day, I will sell all the right, title, claim and interest of the defendant in and to the above described prop erty, or so much as may -be neces sary to satisfy the above claim be sides all costs, interest and accru ing costs. The said sale will take place in front of the postoffice at Marble, Nye County, Nevada, at public auction, for cash In hand, to the highest and best bidder. Dated May 16th, 1911. ED. MALLEY. Sheriff of Nye County. FLEISHMANN'S Celebrated Compressed Yeast Once Used Always Used ' Sole Agents LOTHROP-DAVIS CO. INC. Phone 262 VAUDEVILLE Best Show In Town Picture or Act EVERY HOUR The Famous Schlitz Beer on Draught -Received by CARLOAD DIRECT NOTICE TOCREDITORS. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Nevada, in and for the County of Nye. In the matter of the estate of George A. Dondero, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was on the ,6th day c April, 1911, appointed and qualified by the above court as administra trix of the estate of George A. Dondero, deceased. All persons having claims against said 'estate are required to file the same with proper vouchers and sta tutory affidavit attached, with the clerk of said court, within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated May 5th, A. D. 1911. SAG1NA A. DONDERO, ' Administratrix. HUGH H. BROWN, Attorney for the Estate. 5-5 to 6-9 Bonanza Ads Bring Results Nevada Club The Place For Smile and Song DROP IN VACUUM CLEANER to exterminate, dust and dirt. "We deliver both ways free and show you. how to operate it. Our charge is nominal being only $1.50 per day, or $1.00 for half a day. NEVADA-CALIFORNIA POWER THE TONOPAH BANKING CORPORATION CAPITAL FULLY. PAID $250,000 , Exchange bought and sold on all Cities of the World. We are pre pared to furnish all accommodations to patrons which com wlthla sound banking rules, and we soliclc your business from this stand point . t OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. George S. Nixon, President; F. M. Lee, Vice-President; Eugeue Howell, Cashier; R. C. Moore, Assistant Cashier; H. C. Brougher, R. B. Govan, W. J. Harris. OUT OF TOWN ACCOUNTS GKVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. FRESH MEATS FISH - and - POULTRY We Handle Only First-Class Nevada Beef TONOPAH-GOLDFIELD MEAT MARKET GOLD MEDAL FLOUR - A NEVADA PRODUCT FOR NEVADA PEOPLE Every sack absolutely guaran teed to consumer. To be bad at all stores. Ask for it and iaalst on gettlag this. Accept no other as a substitute. McLEAN & McSWEENEY, Distributors. i Phone 262 Music by Our Own Orchestra at the BIG CASINO Apple cider and brandy at the Hall Liquor company. Just the thing for home made mince meat. Phone 812. 11-22-tf JOHN GREGOVICH DEALER IN FANCY AND STAPLE ..Groceries.. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, F18l, POULTRY, ETC.. IN SEASON. TONOPAH ... . NEVADA Butler Theatre THE POPULAR LITTLE PLAYHOUSE. Up-To-Date Motion Pictures MAT! XMIO EVERY AFTERNOON t. At 2 and 3 p. m. Entire Change of Program EVERY EVENING Admission - 10c Evening Performances Commence at 7 o'clock H. E. EPSTINE STOCK BROKER Quotations .received from San Frau cisco Stock Exchange board. If you are Interested 1b southern Nevada securities, write me. TONOPAH BLOCK BLDG. TONOPAH - NEVADA GO, PHONE 112