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Tonopah Daily Bonanza WEATHER Fair Tonight and Thursday Today's Silver Quotation, 53 3-8 VOL. X. NO. 27 TONOPAH, NEVADA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 24, 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS. TONOPAH DAIRY TEAM RUNS AWAY TODAY MRS. LITTS AXD DRIVER ARE THROWN TO GROUND, BUT NOT BADLY IX.IUREI). The Combination saloon, W. H. Forquer, proprietor, has taken out license for running a dance hall. The dance hall is located on Sec ond street, corner of Baud. This is the first regularly licensed dance hall that has ever been conducted in Winnemucca. The license re quired to be paid for running a dance hall is $2000 a year. Tonopah had another runaway this morning and this time it was the dairy wagon of George Litts, The driver and Mrs. Litts were on the seat as the wagon rounded the corner of Main street into Brougher avenue when an auto mobile scared the horses, causing them to ' bolt suddenly. Blefore the driver could gain control of the team the wagon struck the stand pipe, where the sprlinkler wagon is filled, turned the ye' hide over, and Mrs. Litts and the driver ' were thrown to the ground with great force, striking the stand pipe and breaking that artiela. The team then dashed down Mineral street, breaking lose from the wagon at the corner of Mineral street and Oddie avenue, and were finally caught on Main street. Mrs. Litts was r'un over by the wagon when it turned over, but while considerably bruised and her clothing somewhat torn, , claimed to be not seriously injured, and proved herself to be a plucky , little woman by refusing assistance and helping to gather the property of the dairy,' which bad been scattered over the street. The damage to the wagon was slight, a tongue being broken, but the contents of the cans were split and customers not receiving their milk today will know the reason Water from the broken stand pipe flooded Brougher avenue and Main street for some time, until em ployes were put to work repairing the break. V. HARRISBURG, Pa., May 24. The Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen esterday re-elected W. G. Lee, of Cleveland, president, by a vote of 79 to 169 for George M. Sharkey, of Del Rio, Texas. T. R. Dodge was' re-elected a sistant to the president. The count of votes for other officers will be completed tomorrow. ' WILD ANIMALS IN CAPTIVITY TO BE SHOWN TONIGHT AN INTERESTING EDUCATIONAL FILM TO BE SHOWN TONIGHT. A special educational film en titled "Wild Animals in Captivity, will be shown at the Butler theater tonight, showing their care and treatment in one of America's fin est zoos, Lincoln Park, Chicago, In importance, magnitude and value, the Lincoln Park zoo' in Chicago, is second to none in America. Cov- ering several acres of ground in one of the finest municipal parks in America, its collection of rare animals, birds, etc., is widely known throughout the world as one of great value. Among the most important features of this-zoo, in whicbj it eclipses all others, is it' herd of buffalo, or American bison of which it has the largest herd the world. The Essanay film exceptionally interesting in that its treatment of the -subject is made novel and unusually entertaining many novel and picturesque features never photographed in motion pi tures before. . We are shown surgical operation on a three- months'-old Siberian camel. We see the poisonous fangs of a giant python snake, measuring fourteen feet in length, removed from the Immense Jaws of the reptile, while it requires all the strength four or five men to hold it. W also see the clipping of the claws of Prince Roland, an African lion, a variety of manicure work which would not prove very alluring to the average nail-trimmer. Among the many animals seen in the film elephant, zebra, camels, buffalos, . lions, tigers,, leopards, sea lions, jjj birds and fowl of all kinds, rep tiles, monkeys, etc. This subject should be seen by everyone. Tomorrow uuemuuii uuu evening we show the progressive- ness of moving picture manufacture and we will be able to show the city of Bangor, Maine, being de- stroyed by fire. This calamity happened only two weeks ago. fIXXEMUCCA NOW HAS FULL FLEDGED DAXCE HALL FARMING BEING CARRIED ON-HERE SUCCESSFULLY .EORGE LITTS IS DEMONSTRAT ING THAT MM L SOIL WILL PROVE PRODUCTIVE. G. LEE RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT OP B. OF,R. T, REVIVAL IN STORE FOR TUSCARORA NEW YORK PEOPLE SECURE CONTROL OF PROPERTIES OF THAT DISTRICT William A. Parish, Jr., the new superintendent of the Tuscarora Nevada Mines company, which has recently been organized, was in Salt Lake a few 'days ago, and to a representative of the Herald- Kepublican, accorded an interview: Mr. Farish, at the present stage of the procedure, did not care to talk of the proceedings, but admit ted tha company is making a thor ough sampling of the various mines included in the big consolidation which was consummated about year ago, and before the New York interests, now in control, got hold of it. There are several miles of un derground workings in the Tusea rora-Nevada holdings. It takes over a dozen groups of claims, which have a reputed total. production of $40,000,000, in the combination Many years ago this district, 5 miles north of Elko, and not fa southwest from the budding Gold Creek district, was one of the most famous camps in the west. The formation up there is rhyo lite and andesite, similar to Tono pah, most of the ores making on the contracts. The depest shaft Is 600 feet. Mr. Farish thinks from the in terest manifested this spring in that part of the state that there will be a boom In Northern Nevada before the summer is half expired. He says he hears a lot of talk; about Gold Creek and vicinity, by fall he expects the Tuscarora company will have things pretty well round ed out for active operations. There are many who claim that the valleys around Toncjpah will some day be under cnlYv;ation, and among those that are of tlm is be- ief is George Litts of..-H'lie Tono pah dairy. Mr. Litts is not only of this belief, but is demonstrating that it is correct. George is the pioneer dairy man and, to add to his laurels, is going to be the pioneer farmer. Mr. Litts has homesteaded a tract of land just beyond the laundry about four miles from town, ' has built a nice home and has broken several acres of ground and plant ed trees and vegetables. Peas are now about six inches high, a pear tree is growing at a rate that would make a California orchardist al most ashamed of himself, and a climbing rose is also showing much thrift and promises to yield an abundance of beauties when it is older. Vegetables of all kindp have been planted and are doing nicely. There are several wells on the place and an abundance ' of water is at band, which is being pumped to the surface by a four-horse-power gasoline pump. Poultry also thrives and the farm can boast of as fine chickens, turkeys and ducks as can be found in farming com munlties. The acreage is well sheltered by. the hills and when the ground is broken under the plow shows a fine soil. Many people scouted the idea that a dairy could be run successfully in this locality but Mr. Litts made ii success o it and is now going to repeat by demonstrating that ranching can also be carried on. MANHATTAN IS 39.9 MILES FROM THE COUNTY SEAT COAST LEAGUE. Clubs Won. Portland 30 Oakland 29 Vernon 2" San Francisco .... 28 Sacramento 22 Los Angeles 21 Lost. 20 2C Pet. .600 .527 .519 .509 .450 .400 INTERESTING DATA CONCERNING At Los Angeles )ISTAXCES FROM TONOPAH Los Angeles 10. Sacramento 5. to Adjacent points. At Oakland Vernon 5, Oakland 2. At San Francisco San Francisco 1, Portland 3. Distance on the desert is hard to guess and very few people are able to tell the miles between es tablished camps. It has been gen erally believed by parties traveling betwen Tonopah and Manhattan that the distance was in the neighbor hood of 50 miles, but this is a mistake. ARTHUR HUNT IS DOING NICELY Arthur Hunt, injured while re pairing a telephone line at the Montana Saturday night, is getting G. J. Lindsay, Jr., of the Liberty lonf nXce under the care of Dr- Luufu, ana win e on tne streets in a few days. GHASTLY FIND NEAR LOVELOCK Mines company, is the owner of a six-cylinder Winton caf and has at tached to his machine an odometer an instrument that is guaranteed to measure distances correctly, and he gives the following interesting figures: From in front of the Mizpah to the Merchants' hotel In Manhat tan the odometer, , recorded 39.9 miles, and to make sure of this I SKELETONS OF MAN AND WOM- it was measured again on the re- Ay UNEARTHED MURDER turn trip, witn tne same result. '.. t t,.. ... THEORY ADVANCED tain he found the distance to be 16.4 miles, and from Liberty to Tonopah 23.9 miles. Mr. Lindsay THIEVES ARE WORKING JUST OVER THE LINE ESMERALDA PROPERTY LOOTED AXD REWARD OFFERED FOR APPREHENSION. Vandals have been active just outside the town limits of Tonopah and the latest to suffer Is Gavin Johnson." Mr. Johnson owns a min ing property four miles south of Tonopah and in Esmeralda county. A few days ago some one with a light wagon and one horse visited the place and stole windows and doors from his houses. The owner is never away for any great length of time, but the party or parties guilty of the thievery probably fig ure they are safe, as the owner is compelled to look to the Gold field authorities for protection. Mr. Johnson has offered a reward for their apprehension and will prose cute to the ful' extent of the law. Local officials will do all they can, though it. is out of their jurisdiction. DRUGGIST PLEADS GUILTY. District Attorney J. A. Callahan has received a letter from Lovelock is an enthusiastic telling of the finding of two skele- motoiist and is loud in his praise tons on the road from Lovelock to of the Winton machine, this being Coppereid, about 12 miles southeast the fourth car of that make that of Lovelock. he has owned. The skeletons had apparently been buried a long time, and if EUREKA HAS BEEN there was any clothing on them it PROMISED A RAILROAD had rotted. They were wrapped Reports from Eureka are to the in gunnysacks or material of that effect that the United States Smelt- kind. One of the skeeltons had ing company will soon commence long hair and is believed to be the constructlcn of the railroad be- that of a woman. They were buried tween Palisade and Eureka. The about six feet beneath the surface. attorney for the co nipany was in John Reid, for whom the camp Eureka the other day and is said of Coppereid is named, recalls that to have told the people there they about nine years ago he found a set could count on taking a ride on of woman's underclothing and some the railroad on the Fourth of July clothing of a man near the place DES MOIXES, la., May 24. W. It. Black, who was arrested In Den ver and brought to Des Moines, for writing a blackmailing letter to a druggist in Crestcn, la., plead ed guilty yesterday and was sen tenced by Federal Judge McPher son to a year and six months In the- Leavenworth prison. "HILLY" DOUGLASS IS IMPROVING SLOWLY "Billy'' Douglass is still confined to his bed and improvement in his condition is very slow. CATCH MUSTANGS FOR THE MARKET LOAELOCKERS USE NEW METH ODS IN CATCHING WILD HORSES. OLD LANDMARK BEING REMOVED THIS WEEK GARAGE AT THE HEAD OF FLOR ENCE AVENUE IS BEING TORN DOWN. If they Want to. DIVORCES CONVICT TO BECOME DRIDE FORMER WIFE OF F. E. SKIN NER AGAIN MARRIES AFTER SECURING DECREE. One of the landmarks of Tonopah is being removed. The old garage at the head of Florence "avenue is being torn down and the material moved away. The building belong ed to the Lothrop-Davis company and was on leased ground. Fear of fire inc the unnecessary expense attached to a vacant building is the cause of the destruction. When automobile lines were es tablished in every direction and many private cais were owned in the city this garage wa filled and quite a force was employed in and about the b uilding. The place was also used for some time by the local telephone company. A few days ago a marriage license where the ghastly find has just been made. The woman's underclothing was bloodstained. On some of the man's clothing was found the trade mark of a Carson City business firm. About the same time a span of horses was found, with harness on, near the Carson sink. No one in that section recognized the horses, and connecting the finding of the horses with that of the bloody clothing the theory was ad vanced that a murder had been committed and that) the parties committing the murder had taken the wagon and left or lost the horses. The letter which brought the in- Fresh milk and cream at Palace Market. 12-12-tf Subscribe for your home paper. The Lovelock Tribune says the first of last week Albert Marker and brother, Orville, brought to Lovelock a bunch of forty wild mustangs captured in the country adjacent to Black canyon. The horses, for the most part, were unbranded, although a few belong ed to P. N. Marker. They will be shipped to the coast and sold. The Marker brothers contemplate going into the wild horse captur ing business on quite an extensive scale this summer. Both are ex pert riders and have met with con siderable success so far in captur ing the unbranded horses that run wild. One method they employ in cap turing the animals is to select some train, or favorite haunt of the ani mals, and there build a corral that Is concealed from view. One rider then goes out and heads a bunch of horses along the trail while the other, mounted on a fresh horse, Is hidden at a point near the corral entrance as the ani mals pass the point where the sec ond rider Is stationed he gets In behind them with a yell, and the Surprised and frightened animals rush Into the enclosure unawares. w IssMpd in this city to F. R. formation 10 iv.r. auaiiaii u.u nut . . state how the skeletons came to uavis or san ranc.sco anu UUUu.i. -ul .u.auu, aim .l were found ln prospecting, or pos said that they were married by a L,bIy some wd anlma, hrought the mcai minister. fragments of the cloth to the sur ua was u.e ioruier face wh,ch wag geen by gomG Qne wife of Fred E. Skinner, who is pagsing whon an jnvefitigation was now uoing a uu-ytwr sentence at nia(je 1.1 XT ., J I. i. . ,..-.J4-.iI . iwvaua. peuneunaiy iU. Mr Cal)ahan has wrltten to in mu.u., uce.i m quire when the inquest will be. held .mage Avenu. Mrs. dinner and lt lB hB lntention to attend. cured a divorce in Judge Langan s court in Carson, and was allowed the privilege of assuming her maid en name. For a considerable time she is said to have been em ployed as a waitress at Park hotel in Carson. Virginia Chronicle. GOVERNOR ALLEN SHAVED WHISKERS The rider closes in quickly and fastens the gate cn them. Another method is to build a carefully, concealed corral aboult some spring to which the horses usually. come to drink. The corral is built in two compartments, one enclosing the spring, while the other is built back some distance and connected by gate with the former. As the horses come up to the spring to drink, a man hidden near the entrance to the first corral closes the gate cn them by means of a long rope that is attached to the gate. The animals are then driven into the second enclosure and the gate shut. The first corral, or the trap is again made ready to re ceive another band, and thus the process is continued until the corral is full. This method cannot be operated with much success this time of the year owing to the fact that there are , numerous drinking places and the horses will evade one where a trap is set. Later in the summer, however, when most of the springs dry up and there is left but few drinking places, sometimes but a solitary spring in many square miles of desert terri tory, the pangs of thrist overcomes the fears of capture, and this meth od is worked in a successful manner. These wild horses are usually quite small and do not command high prices when placed on sale. Capturing numbers of them, how ever, makes the work profitable. PIONEER LADY DIES IN SAN FRANCISCO PIONEER OF CHURCH ILL COUN TY SURPRISES FRIENDS BY REAPPEARANCE, It is not often that an old resi dent's best friend will pass him by on the street without speaking, but such was the experience of Hon. Lem Allen this week, and all because he permitted the barber to send him out shorn of his pro verbial beard Now, Governor Allen and his beard have been known from one ,, .1 , f " r 1 .. i l. n,un r .. ... Yesterday Miss Grace Gallagher c,m ul "ua ,u l.u the time when fho memnrv or man ot ionopan ana ran uauagner . -h nnt tn .ntrBrv or Kound Mountain received the in fact, Lem Allen and his beard sad message that their mother, Mrs. have been very closely associated Thomas Gallagher, had passed to with the history of the Sagebrush the great beyond. Miss Gallagher state, but from this on it will be and her brother departed for San Governor Allen and the state ml- Francisco this morning to attend nus the beard. When questioned the funeral. . as to the whys and wherefores, Mr, The deceased lady, with her hus- Allen explained that during the long band and children, resided - for a period of his residence in this coun number of years in Virginia City ty he always harvested his crops and Gold Hill during the palmy early, hut seeing that this is the days of the Comstock. Mrs. Gal- most backward season he ever saw lagher whs highly esteemed by he concluded he would start in cut all of her acquaintances, and the ting anyway and so commenced on news of her death will be deplored his beard. H owever, he Is not clean by all. All extend sympathy to shaven, but has had his beard 1 open at 8 o'clock and dancing will the surviving children. clipped short. Churchill Eagle. (begin at 9:15 YILL CHANGE VAUDEVILLE ACTS TWICE A WEEK ORA HAS COMPLETED AR RANGEMENTS FOR TEAMS TO APPEAR SEMI-WEEKLY-. Arrangements have been com pleted by the management of the new Idora theater whereby this house will be able to change their vaudeville acts twice a week, be ginning June 4. The change will e made on Sundays and Thursdays a,nd each team will change Its act twice, making four interesting and meritorious sketches each week. Matinees are given each afternoon at 2 o'clock and on Thursdays, Sat urdays and Sundays the vaudeville acts will be shown at the after noon performances. Friday night Is amateur night. at which time local tragedians, dancers and singers will be given chance to display their skill. Any one wishing to compete for prize3 will see the manager not later than Thursday night of each week. This will prove a popular attraction at the new show house. The Fortune Teller Trio has won the -hearts ot the show-going peo ple of Tonopah and their appear ance is always greeted with ap plause. They will be seen again tonight, as will also Vivian, whose comedy acrobatic stunt never fails to amuse the crowd. The pictures last night were fine and those of tonight will be of particular interest. A new Moitograph machine has been ordered and will soon be In commission. ANTLER HERD WILL ENTERTAIN WITH A DANCE Tonight the Elks will hold a dance at their hall on Main street. The affair is for Elks only and their ladies. - Visiting antlers are cordially invited to attend. The Butler orchestra will furnish the music and refreshments will be served. The club rooms will be thrown ) f ' ? j