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THE TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TONOPAH, NEVADA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1911. FILES ITS SCHEDULE ON CORI'SES FOK SEASON NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Choice Cut Flowers o N N Commercial Job Printing Quickly and Neatly Executed Bo mum Pui Brougher liopsh, 1 k Y WW All Classes of Books and Blanks Ruled and Bound Loose Leaf ! Ledgers Bill Books and Account Books TO ORDER AT SHORT NOTICE Quality and Work manship the Best Give Us a Trial and Be Convinced N D E bsImbuj Co., Ave., Nevada WASHINGTON, May 23. I lore is the text of a tariff schedule filed with the interstate commerce eont mision by one of the bis express companies: "Corpses to Hongkong, China, when properly embalmed and en closed in hermetically sealed cas kets and accompanied by the usual transit permits, will be accepted for shipment from San Francisco to Hongkong at following r.ates, the charges to be prepaid: Corpse of white person, $230; corpse of Chi nese dead less than one year, $55; corpse of Chinese dead over one year, $35." The commission is now making an inquiry into the operation of express companies. Special Inducement To Be Sanitary The Tonopah Sewer & Drain- age company will put the sew- er pipe to your property line without charge to you. From your property line to within three feet of your connection for 25 cents per foot, and the actual cost of Excavation. Phone to. Secretary at the Nevada First National bank, or see the General Manager. Compare My 25 Per Cent Discount On jewelry, watches and clocks with others 33 1-3 per cent dis count and you will find my offer to be much the better for the reason that my prices have AL WAYS been from 25 to 100 per cant lower than the prices made by my competitors. I sell goods at "city" prices and my goods are plainly marked. Heretofore yon have been compelled to pay "de sert" and "boom" prices in Tono pah. For the past Ave years, as you all know, the price of jewelry has been much lower In Goldfleld than in Tonopah. I made those prices and now I am here with the same prices. Remember, I give 25 per cent discount on figures that were already very low. Ik SHEMANSHI Leading Jeweler. Wittenberg Warehouse Transfer Company COAL! COAL! . COAL! BUILDING PAPER, ROOFING PA PER FOR YOUR OWN PRICE 'PHONE 106a Mizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel where ery Reasou able Tariff Prevails. Hot ud Col Running Water In Each Room. Rooms with or without prWatt baths, single or an suite. COMMERCIAL RATES DR. J. R. MASTERSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Rrokeirs' Building; Upstairs. Tononnli - Nevada FRANK H. WARD Notary Public Office Hour 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. DAILY BONANZA OFFICE Brougher Ave.. Tonopah ORIGINAL MANHATTAN MINES CO. STOCKHOLDERS Notice is hereby given that stock holders who have not yet exchanged their certificates for those of the new company under the reorganiza tion recently perfected, will be granted up to and including the fifth day ot June in -which to do so. Sead your certificates properly en dorsed, together with an amount equal to one cent per share to C. C. Boak, secretary, Tonopah, Nev., or to the Tonopah Banking Corporation. C. C. BOAK, Secretary Original Mining Company of Manhattan. 5-13 to 6-1 EVERY Tuesday and Saturday :AFTERNOON TONOPAH NEWS AND STATIONERY CO. POSTAL SAVINGS BOND WILL BE ISSUED JULY I ISSUE WILL BE IN DENOMINA TIONS OF FROM !jS:iO TO $50O AT HATE OF 2JJ FEU CENT. Postmaster Wesley Stewart is in receipt c( the following comniunica tion from the postmaster-goafcial In i ard to bonds of the postal sav ings batiks, which will be .f inter ?st to the public; "May 12, 1911. "Postmaster, Tonopah, Nevada. "Sir: You are authorized to make public announcement to the effect that postal savings bonds will be available for purchase by deposi tors of the postal savings system on July 1, 1911, In denominations, of '$20, $100 and $500. Your at tention is invited to sections 4 0, 41 and 42 of the instructions to post masters and to paragraphs 33 to 37, inclusive, of form PS. 4. which contain information as to the terms of these bonds and the procedure to be observed in converting postal savings deposits to their purchase. As stated therein, postal savings bonds bear interest at the rate of 2 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and are exempt fr in taxation in any form by the United States or by any state, municipal or local authority. "Postal savings bonds can o'.i'y be procured by the conversion of pcslal savings deposits and will not be is sued to persons who are not de positors, but they may be sold and assigned by a depositor at any time to any person desired. "The bonds will be issued in both registered and coupon form, and applications by depositors on form PS. 309 must indicate which form is desired. "Coupon bonds are preferable for a depositor who intends to hold them for a short time only and who has ample facilities for their safekeeping. These bonds are pay able to bearer and the title will pass by delivery without endorse ment. In case of their loss the government does not undertake to protect the owner against the wrongful holder, but recognizes the bearer only. Interest on coupon bonds is collected by means of in terest coupons, which are detached by the holder as they become dee. "Registered bonds are preferable for persons intending to hold t em for a considerable period, and they differ from coupon bonds 'n the fol io ving mu'ets: H) "'."hiy have Insc 'Imu upo.: their lace the names of tl, 3 per son io they are. mi'i. (2) ' Vliiy are payable only to the persons to whom Issued r their assigns. (3) "The ownership ot regis tered bonds can be transf im& by assignment in proper Io m "Registered bonds are assigned by the use of forms printed on their backs. A ledger account is opened in the treasury department at Washington with each holder of one or more registered bonds, and payment on bonds that have been lost or stolen, may be stopped by notifying the secretary of the treas ury (division of loans and cur rency) at Washington. When reg Dr. T. A. Musante ...DENTIST... Hours: 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m. Office Rooms: 8 and 9 Tonopah Block istered bonds are assigned they should le transmitted by the new owner to the secretary of the treas ury (division of loans and cur rency) for transfer on the books of the department. "Interest on registered bonds is paid by checks drawn at the treas ury department in favor of the reg istered holder. These checks will be sent by mail to the postofflce address of the holder, and the hold er of a registered bond should no tify the secretary of the treasury (division of loans aud currency) of any change in his postofftee ad dress at least fifteen days before the interest falls due. Checks for interest on registered bonds, as well as Interest coupons detached from coupon bonds, are payable on pres entation at the United States treas ury, or at the office of any assistant treasurer of the United States. In terest checks and coupons covering interest on postal savings bonds may be cashed by postmasters un der the same conditions as other government paper. "Your attention is invited to the fact that all applications by deposi tors for the purchase of postal sav ing bonds under date of July 1 must be made prior to June 15. Applications should be forwarded at as early a date as practicable. A supply of the depositors' applica tion form (PS. 309 ) has been mail ed to you under separate cover. "Very truly yours, for the post-tnuster-general, "T. L. WEED, "Chief Clerk." HUSBAND'S TRIUMPH. After ten years he returned, foot sore and weary. His wife met him at the door. "I though you were dead," she told him. "You should have known better than that," he said. "Do you re member that last piece of net I tried to match for you? You scold el me because there was a differ ence of an eighth of an inch in the width of the folds, and I vowed that I would never again ' return from matching anything for you until I had found, the exact thing you wanted." He handed her a package. "Here is that old-rose binding braid that you told me to buy. I found it last Monday In Billings, Mont. I have looked for it in 37 states." She tore oft the wrappings. "It is a little too dark," she said. "But the sample has faded some in ten years," he reminded her. "It is a little too heavy, besides." "Hut handling by thousands of clerks has worn the sample away. It was heavier when I started out." "I suppose I can make it do," she said. MAN IS CAUGHT AND SAID TO UK MUHDERER PHOENIX, May 20 Word comes from Florence of the arrest of Jack Monroe, an ex-convict, in the hills near Ray. He was shot in the i. .. . .. .. i.. .1 i . .i i i i. .. uieasi aim is uuuuiiuieuiy tue man who killed E.L. Drew early this week while attempting to hold up a saloon In a suburb of Ray. Monroe was weak and sick from loss of blood, but will undoubtedly recover. He was caught through an Inquiry at a cabin for a friend. He says he was across the street from the saloon when the holdup occurred and was shot by the fu gitive murdered. Others say the fugitive did no shooting after leaving the saloon. ANOTHER WHIRL? LONDON. May 24. it is report ed that Portuguese residents of London late yesterday received ad vices of a counter revolution against the republican government. It Is said an outbreak is likely at any montent at Lisbon and Oporto.