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IB 6 0 N H THE TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TOXOPAH, XEAPA, FRIDAY, .11 XK 2, 1911. N ID N Z AY All Classes of Books and Blanks Ruled and Bound Loose Leaf Ledgers Bill Books and Account Books TO ORDER AT SHORT NOTICE Quality and Work manship the Best Give Us a Trial and Be Convinced Commercial Job Printing Quickly and Neatly Executed AGAINilNVESTIGAT- IN(i KENT'S FENCES Bonanza -Pu roudhe Tonopah, blishina Go r Ave., - Nevada A Washington dispatch of the L'i'.tli states that on suggestion of tin- department of justice the gov ernment land office has decided to send another special agent to Ne vada to investigate the charges that tin- Golconda Cattle company, Will iam Kent, president, has illegally fenced 26,560 acres of public land, Included in what is locally known as Ling Ridge field. Last fall Special Agent Ira M. Foelker of the land oiliee, made an investigation and reported that the C'.iiUonda company had built a fence connecting with the fence , of an other cattle company, the two fences together making such, au ln closure as stated. This report was referred to the attorney general a few days ago for determination as to whether or not the report consti tuted grounds for prosecution. Representative Kent entered a protest against such a course, and declared-that his company had not inclosed Public land as alleged. On bis statement the attorney-general suggested that another special agent be sent to investigate. And it was also suggested that he take two witnesses. This will be done, and pending the report of this spe cial agent no further action will be taken in the matter of this second alleged illegal fencing. SWAT THAT FLY. Swat that fly." is the slogan in all western cities, following the piead of a nation-wide campaign. Scientists unite in saying that the common house fly is the most dan gerous of all insects more danger ous, in fact, than the deadly taran tula or the centipede. Its danger ousness lies in the fact that it spreads disease germs. It circulates between kitchen and outhouse, car rying infection to food. It flies from the sewer' outlet to a pest house and lights on tlle Hps of a sloping babe. It carries death on its hairy body and filmy wings. "Swat that fly" wherever yon see liini. Better still, see to it that yourp remises be clean, to the end that there be no standing in- BRYAN HURTING HIS OWN CAUSE WASHINGTON', June 2. Follow ing the declaration of war over the wool schedule by Bryan, a protest ant against the revenue bill, and Representative Underwood, majority leader of the house and command ing the revenue forces, ' opponents f of free raw material, after a day of conference, said Bryan will be overwhelmed in party caucus. "Tho issue created by Mr. Bryan has been met successfully," said Mr. Underwood, chairman of the ways and means committee, which draftd the woolen bill, "and I have thoroughly canvassed the situation. vitation to Mr. Fly to visit you. -" l" Swat him Swat him Rood and house what it should do made con verts to our cause. "There are more votes pledged to the committee measure now than there were yesterday. The issue prsented has sent to us some demo cratic members who would other wise have voted against us." swat him hard! FISSURES TO BE FENCED TO PROTECT THE CATTLE A LUXURY. The Tonopah Liquor company has just received a shipment of the famous Faust beer from the An heuser Busch Brewing company at St. Louis. This beer is considered by connisseurs to be the very finest in the world. This house will make a' specialty of catering to the beer trade during the hot summer months. 4-25-tf O. Fellows, a member of the staff of the federal and land of fice at Carson City, spent several days last week in Jake's valley, where ho examined the great fis sures in the earth which mysteri ously opened up last summer and which have been the cause of much trouble and loss to the stockmen of that vicinity. Tho fissures occur on a portion of the forest reserve and the in GARY DECLARES HE HAD XO KXOWLED(iE OF COMRIXE WASHINGTON', June 2. Elbert H. Gary, chairman of the irilteu States Steel corporation, yesterday flatly denied any knowledge of the proposed formation of a combina tion to control the steel trade of vestigation was made under special the country in his testimony before the house committee invexuKanuK FRANK II. WARD Notary Public Office Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. DAILY BONANZA OFFICE Brougher Ave. Tonopah Mizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel where ery Reasoa able Tariff Prevails. Hot and Cok Running Water iu Each Room. Rooms with or without prlvatt baths, (tingle or an aulte. COMMERCIAL RATES orders from the interior depart ment to which a petition was sent by the stockmen asking for per mission to fence up the cracks In the earth in order to keep the cattle from falling into them. Mr. Fellows left for San Fran cisco recently rand his report to the department will no doubt be fol lowed in due course by an order to the local office of the forest service in regard to the fencing. Ely Record. the steel trust. Our ads bring results. LISTS 4-431, 4-433 AXD 4-030. in WORKlXti Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company COAL! COAL! COAL! BUILDING I'Al'ER, ROOFIXG PA PER FOR YOUR OWN PRICE 'PHONE 1062 Kttoi'tion to Entry of Land's National Forest. Notice is hereby given that tne lands described below, embracing 432.18 acres, within the Nevada Toivabe National forests, Nevada. w 11 he subject to settlement; anu entrv under the proviisons of the homestead laws of the united states and the act of June 11, 1900 (Jl OX THE Stat.. 233). at the United States XEV NEVADA LAWS land office at Carson City, Nevada, on Julv 15. 1911. Any settler wno ....... r,tall nii.l In cnnil fnith A number of inquiries have been ' . , , gaid ,an(l8 for agrl. made of late concerning the time cultural purposes prior to January when the new code of Nevada laws 1 . 1906, and has not abandoned i.. .. ,i;.,..ii,..i., ,i same, has a preference ngiu 10 ' I nmkn n lui 111 est Ptl ll eiltrV IOT tllB sale. At the present time tne btaie ..,,, 0,llan P(.,iiPrt. Said lands Printer is busily engaged iu print- were usted upon the applications of Ing the code, but considerable delay the persons mentioned below, who is expected before the proof read- have a preference ht subject to . , , . ', , the prior right of any such settler, ing is completed and the volume urovided sllcn settler or applicant bound, says the Reno Journal. jg qualified to make homestead en- The new code will take the place trv and the preference right is ex- i erclsed prior to July 15, 1911, on V llll-lllf, new uumvimiiuu " ... ,,-, ,l Ho BllhWt use. The work of compiling, an- tQ Bettlement and entry by any notating and indexing the volume Qualified person. The lands embrace remains with the code commission a tract of 160 acres within unsur- and I 1 , U. 111, li.i slight delay is expected on " - account of the extra labor involved fi m - v t' is MOM de- a in classifying the laws the last session of the which will bring the code up date. The book must be completed 6. T. 5 N.. R. 56 E., M. D. M. passed at scribed by metes and bounds as fol- legislature lows: Beginning at corner No. 1. t a blue limestone rock marked li-i 4 miles soutn or tne souinwesi corner of section ab, r. t in., n. DR. J. R. MASTERSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOX Rrokcirs' Building; Upstairs. Tonopah Nevada Dr. T. A. Musante ...DENTIST... Hours: 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m. Office Rooms: 8 and 9 Tonopah Block by the first of September and will 50 E. ; extending thence W. 20 he certified to by the judges of chains; thence S. 60 chains; tnence the supreme court of this state The supreme judges formed the code commission. The code will not become effective until January 1, 1912. For neat commercial printing try the Bonanza job office. Our "Want Ads" bring results. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. TN 1 th E. 40 chains; thence N. 20 chains; thence W. 20 chains; thence N. 40 chains to the place of beginning. Variation 16 degreed 30 minutes E. Said tract was listed upon the application of H. A. Bordoll, of Troy, Nevada. List 4-431 A tract of 160 acres within unsurveyed but what will probably be, when surveyed, sections 24 and 25, T. 5 N., R. 56 E., described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at corner No. 1, a blue limestone boulder marked H-l, situated - four miles south of the southeast corner of T. 6. N., R. 56 E.; extending thence W. 20 chains; thence N. 20 chains; thenca W. 40 chains; thence S. 20 chains; thence E. 20 chains; thence S. 20 chains; thence E. 40 chains; thence N. 20 chains to the place of beginning. Variation 16 the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Nevada, in and for the County of Nye. In the matter ot the estate 01 degl.e(g 30 minutes east. Said tract George A. Dondero, deceased. was iigted upotl tne application ot Notice is hereby given that the iiir9nin AHirnnl. nf Trnv. Nevada. undersigned was on the 6th day of Ust 4-432 A tract of 112.18 acres April, 1911, appointed and qualified witnin unsurveyed but what will by the above court as aaminisira- probably be, when surveyed, sections irix ot uie estate 01 uuuise u and 12, T. 14 N., R. 39 E., de- fA .1 J 1 I . uunueio, ueceuseu. scribed by metes and bounds as All persons having claims against follows: Beginning at corner No. said estate are required to file the it a granite rock marked H-l, same wun proper voucners aim ia- whence the Forest Service Monu- tutory affidavit attached, wun the melIt (hereinafter described) bears ciei-K 01 baia court, wiuuu imee s. 83 degrees west 35.25 chains; (3) months from the date of the extending thence S. 80 degrees V. nrst publication 01 mis uouce. Dated Mav 5th, A. D. 1911. SABIN'A A. DONDERO, Administratrix. HUGH H. BROWN, Attorney for the Estate. 5-5 to 6-9 Choice Cut Flowers EVERY Tuesday and Saturday AFTERNOON: TONOPAH NEWS AND STATIONERY GO. 76 chains; thence S. 44 degrees 48 minutes VV. 22 chains; to cor ner No. 3, whence the northeast corner of Mr. O'Neill's house bears bears S. 69 degrees 50 minutes V. 1.5 chains; thence S. 11 degrees 54 minutes W. 5.24 chains; thence N. 36 degrees 30 minutes W. 20 chains; thence N. 60 degrees 10 minutes E. 43 chains; thence N. 78 degrees 30 minutes E. 31 chains; thence S. 68 degrees 44 minutes east 11 chains; thence S 22 de grees 6 minutes E. 10.10 chains, to corner No. 1, the place of begin ning. Variation N. 16 degrees 30 minutes E. Said Forest Service Monument consists of a granite boulder situated on the south side of Lebeau creek, three chains down stream from the east forks, thence due south 1.18 chains, whence Mud Lake bears N. 88 degrees W. about eight miles. Said tract was listed upon the application of George O'Neill, of Ixidivale, Nevada. List 4-65C. S. V. PROUDFIT, Assistant Commissioner of the General Land Office. Approved April 17, 1911. FRANK PIERCE, first assistant sec retary of the interior. Approved April 17, 1911. 5-19, 266-2, 9 it i