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6 .NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCK HOLDERS' MEETING! A special meeting of the stock holders of the Belmont Extension Jliuiug company, a South Dakota :orporation, will be held at the of fice Of the COUl Hail V at Tnnnn.k M J ww wuvruu, Nevada, at 3 o'clock p. m., on the 18 th day of July, 1911. The pur pose of the meeting Is to consider ways aud means for the development of the property, the advisability of amending the articles of incor poration to make the corporation assessable, or the reincorporation into an assessable company, or oth eiwise raising funds for develop ment and expenses of operating, and for the purpose of considering of fers that have been, or may be, made tor the property, or portions of its stock. Also to decide uponi the extent of the operation, rapid ity of the work and method of fu ture development. BELMONT" EXTENSION MINING COMPANY, By J. R. BALLIET. As Its Vice President. . 7-18-11 THE TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TONOPA II, NEVADA. TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1911. NELATON'S Cures Rheumatism or Money Refunded Our guarantee goes with each bottle An Excellent BLOOD PU1UFIEU and LIVER REGULA. OR. Sold by all druggists or sent postpaid on receipt of $1.00 per bottle, or three (3) bottles tor .if 2.50. Remember vnn tnVp nn rhanra. tn wi. . niDrc j v -""v .j i yL nciaiUll 9 VVtVlaJ Rheumatism or money refunded. NELATON'S REMEDY AGENCY 616 SO. GRAND AVENUE s. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA SUMMER EXCURSIONS .NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. To J. J. Owens, your heirs and assigns, you, J. J. Owens, are here ly noli lied that the undersigned has expended in labor and improve ments on the Dick No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and a lode mining claims, situated in the Tonopah mining dis trict, Nye county, Nevada, the sum of $900, the sum lor the year 1910, of which you are a one-third owner, under the provisions of sec tion 2324 of the revised statutes of the United States of America, covering location, labor on mining claims, the locations, certificates of the above claims are duty recorded in the county recorder's office of Nye county, state of Nevada; said expenditure was the amount neces sary to hold said mining claims during the aforesaid year, and ii within 90 days from the date of the first publication of . this notic' you fail or refuse to contributi your portion of such expenditure a co-owner, which ' amounts to $30i to you, together with the cost ol this advertisement, your interest in said claims will become the prop erty of the subscriber, your co owner, who has made the expenditure- and improvements above men tioned. Dated at Tonopah, Nevada, this 17th day of June, 1911. HUGH SUTHERLAND. First publication June 17. Last publication Sept. 15, 1911. 6-17-247-1-8-15-22-2385-12 Santa Crnz and return Lake Tahoe'and'retnrn, 10 day limit Lake Tahoe and return limit, Oct. 31st $31.75 23.00 Special Inducement To Be Sanitary - 25.00 Liberal stop-over privileges at all points of interest. Mizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel where ery Reasou able Tariff Prevails. Hm nil Colt Ku ii n lug Water in Each Room Rooms with or without prlvata baths, single or an suite. COMMERCIAL RATES EASTERN DESTINATIONS - at greatly reduced fares during summer months TONOPAH AND GOLDFIELD RAILROAD COMPANY The Tonopah Sewer & Drain age company will put the sew er pipe to your property line without charge to you. From your property line to within three feet of your connection for 25 cents per foot, and the actual cost of Excavation. Ph'one to Secretary at the Nevada First. National bank, or see the General Manager. NEVADA STATE NEWS JOTTINGS Items of Interest Gathered From the Columns of Our Exchanges. A letter received in this city yesterday- fronl Congressman Roberts iu Washington states that 'le, .tkh his family, are comfortably locat ed in the canital ritv ami tr:i all are enjoying themselves v. Uli ail the ;il asuie that the intem.e heat will al'ow. During the extreme hot -Me'!. Mr. Roberts witnessed pros trations daily on going to and from his office and people could always count oil seeing horses stretched out along the avenue overcome hv the heat. He believes that there Is a possl- ' riw 1111111 " " " mi Hi- ! V,, iu.iyy. . - , bility of congress adjourning early iu August for the summer resting spell. President Taft is becoming stronger every day and that is con ceded by all parties iu Washington official circles. Taft will have little, if any, opposition for the nomination aud will undoubtedly be re-elected president. Itcuo Papers lluvu Evidently Made Serious Mistakes C. L. RICHARDS Milder liiiiiiliiiu . Itooiu LAWYER PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS Notary Public rONOP.MI. . NEVADA CAMPBELL METSON & DROWN TTA H NE YS-AT-LA W. hiau Ui.k iiii'l Tniwt Co. liuildinic, BIG BARGAIN Complete Newspaper and Job Printing Plant for Sale at a BARGAIN FOR GASH One cylinder press tod two job piesses, with gasoline engine and all pulleys, shafting aud fixture for power use. Large number of job and ad aeries, ranging from 6 point to 72 point. This type Is all the latest faces and accompanied by pUmtj of "sorts." Also large quantify of leads, slugs and metal furniture. Also large paper cutter and oth er traicles necessary In a well equipped printing plant. All of the above Is practically new and in good condition For Particulars Address TONOPAH BONANZA, Tonopah, Nevada DR. J. R. MASTERSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON LOOM 1. NYCO HLDG. fonopah Nevada fir. T. A. Musante ...DENTIST... Hours: 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m. Office Rooms: 8 and 9 Tonopah Block PRANK H. WARD Notary Public Office Houri 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. DAILY BONANZA OFFICE Brougher Ave. , Tonopah Are You Satisfied With Your PMBJT Satisfied with the style, workmanship, stock used, and last but not least the price? If not, send us a trial order. We have one of the most up-to-date plants in the state and employ men who study to please you. YOUR ORDER WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION B onaBza" Publishing Company Telephone 582 Tonopah, Nevada APPELL'S Sooth African WATER BAG Keeps water cool 48 hourj or longer, in tun or shade: great boon to prospectors, Take bo Substltnte surveyors, sportsmen, stockmen, farm! ers, teamsters, anvnn vnni A a or warm weather. Used by V. S. Gov't. Strong, light, easy to carry. Guaranteed This Letter Trifles the Attltade ot All User Centlemen. um,, ,nd,nfc While in Nevada recently I had occaiion to drink eut of one of your South African Waier Ban. Water from the bar certainly unci fond on the deaert. We med one of your 2l ration bit! and lb, wain n mainid mo all dar, nwi thtugh tht Umpiratun viat tutr 100 in tin ihadi. and in the morning I found the water iparklins and ai cold ai Ice water. It certainly il a boon to thoK Urine ia the arid lejione. Tnin Sinitrth. W. E. Winv. FOR SAXE BY DEALERS EVEBT WHERX mu 07 AiUm Appoll Water BagCo., Portland, Or. TO Don't Kick Yourself in case you get in bad The Reno papers continue to get things on the wrong trail. They have been, announcing that Law- ence, the former postmaster of Ha zen, who Is serving a life sentence for murder, has been pardoned. lie is in the pen and made no applica tion the present term. The man who is out is J. VV. Carroll, who was paroled at a meeting a year ago. ile has finished his entire sentence aud is making a good citi zen as he has been in business for nearly a year. Lawrence, on the other hand, has made two applications which were turned down. He was found guilty of murderlne h. In Jin t flit J lino Hazen was considered the toughest town in the state. He enticed a man into the sand dunes aud killed him for the money he had on his person. county for larceny of a dwelling. Th two men confessed to the crime In the justice court and were given a little freedom to raise the bail bonds set in their case, when they made their escape. It is understood that the men will apply for habeas corpus to pre vent the extradition. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Standing of the Clubs. Clubs Won. Lost. Philadelphia ... New York ...... St. 49 31 48 31 45 31 44 34 43 34 32 45 30 47 20 58 AMERICAN LEAGl'K. Standing of the Clubs. Clubs Won. Lost. Pet. .613 .608 .592 .564 .558 .416 .390 .256 ret. Detroit ..: 57 24 .704 Philadelphia 51 2!) .638 Chicago 42 37 .532 .Vew York 41 39 . .513 Boston 42 40 .512 Cleveland 4 2 42 .500 Washington 27 55 .329 st- '-oil's 22 58 .275 Daiiinlwij; Company Has lU'Jitt-tl IJig Jtange The Dangberg company has rent ed the range formerly used by Tom Rickey at the head of Carson river. This Is considered one of the fin est summer ranges ia the entire west. The Truckee River General Electric company purchased the holdings from Rickey a number of years ago and has been leasing it to sheepmen. The moving of cattle into the section will shut out manv sheep that have been accustomed to making headquarters up that di rection. There is considerable gov ernment land in the same section wnicn the forest service lets to the sheepmen. it is mostly occuDled by California herders who drive over from the other side. Detroit Wins Another. DETROIT, July 18. Summers pitched good ball, while Detroit hit Cicotta hard and won, "6 to 1. Lew is sco;ed Boston's only run on r hit over the left field Two of Speaker's catches four-base bleachers, Oitured. 1'core: Boston . E. R. II. 1 4 2 Detroit 6 12 j Batteries Clcotte, Karger afld Carrigan; Summers and Stanage. Silver City a Good Camp or the Leasers Play safe Be on the safe side and invesl in a Display Advertisement in the Bonanza and you will have ; no oppor tunity to kicl. The Daily Bonanza H 10 rood hu 10 IUUU Uj the People 4 Try it Once bilver City is a camp of leasers and small onerntt ui vuu month witnesses a production of ore that IS Well Ul ill the thnnannrla 'I1LJ. 1 . iuis uas ueen going on for years from the unoer levels, unit rh seems to be no end of the mineral resources of the camp. It Is no wonder that the people who stood with the district through thick and thin believe that operations at depth will make the town one of the most prominent in the state. Lightning 1'Iays Jhany Pranks on tlie Electric Companies Superintendent Leavitt of the lo cal division of the Truckee River General Electric company, left for Yerington this morning to make re pairs to a transformer at that place that was struck and burned out by lightning recently. A terrific electrical storm passed down the river yesterday afternoon and the above was a part of the damage reported. Chicago Noses Out Victory. CHICAGO, July 18. Groome weakened In the ninth and Chicago started a batting rally which de feated Washington vesterdav. R tn in the second game of the series. Score: r. h. E. Chicago 6 12 2 Washington 5 8 1 Batteries Young, Olmstead and Payne; Groome, Gray and Alnsmith. Survey Has Been Started ou the New State Rood State Engineer Ellery of Califor nia has started a survey on the new state road to complete the chain around Lake Tahoe. frnm Meyers' station and McKlnney's. The new state highway commission has not been appointed, so far as our reading discloses. HalM-as Corpus Caws the Largest In History More habeas corpus cases have been brought before the supreme court of this state during the past few months than in the entire his tory of the state before. There are now some fifty or sixty cases before the court for Inde-ment. Oregon .Sheriff Will Take Men From Itnio Cleveland lakes Oue. CLEVELAND, July 18. Cleve land defeated New York by a Bcore of 6 to 2, bunching hits off Vaughn in the sixth. Gregg held New York to lour hits, New York's runs being the result of his wildness. Score: Cleveland 6 New York jj lotteries Gregg and Vaughn, and Blair. E. II. 10 4 : Fisher Quakers Take Victory. ST. LOUIS, July 18. Wildness of the local pitchers and Bender's ef fectiveness enabled Philadelphia to win from St. Louis yesterday, 8 to 4. Curry, a 'trolley league recruit, made his debut with the home team and walked eleven men In six in nings. Wallace, Austin aud CriH figured In a triple play. I0-- R. H. E. St. Louis 4 7 4 Philadelphia 8 12 2 Batteries Curry. Lake and Clark: i3ender and Thomas. COAST LEAGUE. Standing of the Clubs. Clubs won. Lost. Portland 57 44 Oakland 58 53 San Francisco .... 56 53 Vernoa 55 52 Sacramento ...... 50 53 I. os Angeles 43 64 Pet. .564 .523 .514 .514 .485 .4(12 GOOD THING FOR AUSTRALIA"; MELBOURNE, July 18. The art- lug premier. William Morris Hughes, aid yesterday that Australians mav congratulate themselves upon the re- ewal of tne Anglo-Japanese treaty. This will give Anntrnlli ton .rao instead of four to prepare for the defense of the country against Im minent danger. X)NSOLII)ATED AUTO COMPANY. and from Sheriff Smith of Josephine coun ty, Oregon, spent yesterday In this city where he secured extradition papers for two men under arrest In Reno who are wanted In hid hnmo Carrying United States mail express makes dally trips Tonopah to Manhattan and Round Mountain. Cars lesvs dallv at 9-ao a. m. and 3:60 p. tn. W. C. HARDING, Agent. All kinds ot ruling and binding st the Bonanza.