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THE TOKGPAH DAILY BONANZA', 'FOXOPA H. NEVADA. SATURDAY, JULY , lftll. QUALITY IX MILK. Is milk that is clean, that will test 4 per cent and test it every day in .the year; milked from healthy cows; handled in a sanitary dairy and stable. We have the quality. 6-1-tf TONOPAH DAIRY. 117! Transfer Company COAL! COAL! COAL! IUII.DING PAI'KIl, HOOFING PA. VIM HK YOUH OWN i'KICE PHONK 1063 XOTICK OF IXMIFKITCRK. To J. J. Oweus, your heirs and assigns, you, J. J. Owens, are here by notified that the undersigned has expended in , labor and improve ments on the Dick No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, C, 7, 8 and 9lode mining claims, situated in the Touopah mining dis trict, Nye county, Nevada, the sum of $900, the sum for the year 1910, of which you are a one-third owner,- under the provisions of sec tion 2324 of the revised statutes of the United States of America, covering location, labor on mining claims, the locations, certificates of the above claims are duty recorded in the county recorder's office of Nye county, state of Nevada; said expenditure was the amount neces sary to hold said mining claims during the aforesaid year, and if within 90 days frohi the date of the first publication of this notice you fail or refuse to contribute your portion of such expenditure' a co-owner, which amounts to $30' to you, together with the cost of this advertisement, your interest in said claims will become the prop erty of the subscriber, your co owner, who has made the expend! lure and Improvements above men tioned. Dated at. Tonopah, Nevada, this 171b day of June, 1911. HUGH SUTHERLAND. First publication June 17. Last publication Sept. IB, 19U. 6-17-247-1-8-15-22-2385-12 NELATON'S Cures Rheumatism or Money Refunded Our guarantee roos with each bottle An Excellent BLOOD rURIFIEK and LIVER REG IT LA- j TOR. Sold by ail druggists or sent postpaid on receipt of I $1.00 per bottle, or three (3) bottles tor .2.o0. j Remember you take no chances for Nelaton's CURES' Rheumatism or money refunded. NELATON'S REMEDY AGENCY 616 SO. GRAND AVENUE , LOS ANQELES, CALIFORNIA NEVADA STATE NEWS JOTTINGS Items of Interest Gathered From the Columns of Our Exchanges. taint nui who, with iteajji hand and a good record, tinned the of fice over to hi succeseor. lie is a respected citizen and among hi fellows is 999 tine. It is ru mored that Cushing is to dedicate hi.s mining talents and services en the promising properties of and in behalf of Jesse L. Workman. Na tional Miner. SUMMER EXCURSIONS Santa Cruz and return $31.75 Lake Tahoe and return, 10 day limit lake Tahoe'audireturn, limit, Oct. 31st - 23.00 25.00 Liberal stop-over privileges at all points of interest. EASTERN DESTINATIONS at greatly reduced fares during summer months TONOPAH AND GOLOFIELD RAILROAD COMPANY FRANK H. WARD Notary Public Office Hour 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. DAILY BONANZA OFFICE Brougher Ave. Tonopah Special Inducement i To Be Sanitary The Touopah Sewer 4. Drain- age company will put the sew- er pipe to your ' property line without charge to you. From your property Hue to vithin three fe.-t of your connection for 25 cents per foot, and the actual cost of Excavation. Phone lo Secretary at the Nevada first National bank, or see the General Manager. No news regarding the rebuild ing of the Kuieka & Palisade rail road 1 d velopcd (lining the past week. The report published in last week's Sentinel that no new move ci.uld lie made toward the reeenst ruction of the road until 90 days utter George Whittell received the denl tor the property from an ofiicer of the I'nited States court seems to have been correct, as sev eral people in Kureka have received information corroborating the pub lished report. Jt is understood that this delay is caused by some legal clause in the incorporation laws of l"lah. in which to the K. & P. raih cad is incorporated, which al lows the stockholders of the tail road company an additional !t0 days in which to tako action looking to ward the redemption of their prop city. In the mcantim - If every thing is sutisfac toilry arranged re garding the matter, the work of lebuilding the road should begin by September 1 next. Kureka Sentinel. PHOKKSSIOXAL IAKW8. ? ilizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel where ery Reason able Tariff Prevails. Hot and CoM Running Water In Each Itoom. Rooms with or without prWatt baths, single or an suite. COMMERCIAL RATES Ruling, Binding & Commercial Printing BIG BARGAIN Complete Newspaper and Job Printing Plant for Sale at a BARGAIN FOR GASH One cylinder press LOd two job presses, with gasoline engine and all pulleys, shafting and fix to res for power use. Large number of job and ad series, ranging from C point to 72 point. - This type If all the latest faces and accompanied by plents of "sorts." Also large quautl.y of leads, slugs and metal furu'.rure. Also large paper cutter and oth er traicles necessary in a well equipped printing plant. All of the above is practically new end in good condition For Particulars Address TONOPAH BONANZA, Tonopah, Nevada C. L. RICHARDS Butler Building - Boom 8 & 0 LAWYER PRACTICIC IN ALL COURTS Notary Public TONOPAH, - NEVADA CAMPSEI L Mi l SUN & BltOWN I I AUNI0YH-AT-LAW Kiuii I tn nk am) I riiHi ( i. ittiibliuK. TONOPAH. NEVADA. DR. J. R. MASTERSON PHYSICIAN AND SUKGKON ItOOM 1, XVCO 151, DO. Tonopah Nevada TONOPAH & TIDEWATER RAILWAY Seashore Excursions LOS ANGELES AND RETURN $31.30 Going Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays RETURN LIMIT OCT. JST FAST FREIGHT SERVICE FROM SAN FRANCISCO Tri Weekly Refrigerator Service anil l)nily Merchandise Can from Lot An geles For Information Apply 0. &SPL&N0, H. R. STANDARD General Agent, ' City Ticket Agent, Whilmore Building, Goldfield, Nev, Dr. T. A. Musante ...DENTIST.., Hours: 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m. Office Rooms: 8 and 9 Tonopah Block v. o I Don't Kick Yourself in case you get in bad li I Are You Satisfied With Your MTI NG? Satisfied with the style, workmanship, stock used, and last but not least the price? If not, send us a trial order. We have one of the most up-to-date plants in the state and employ men who study to please you. YOUR ORDER WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION Bonanza FuBlisliiiig COHipaiiy Tonopah? Nevada Play safe Be on the safe side and invesl in a Display Advertisement in the Bonanza and vou will have no oppor tunity to kick The Daily Bonanza is read by the People Try it Once it will In? of interest t(i learn that Stone and Webster, contractors, have completed the new electric iower line being extended from ('loriston to 'alu.-t, in the boundaries of Storey county, and today the camp that has been es tablished near Die I'tah mine is being moved to a point near Bai ley's ranch in Bailey's canyon. An other camp is new located at Steam boat, near lirown s creek, an7 tne third camp is near lliifl'akers. The wires have been strung to a point one mile north of the Storey comi ty line, and the police are set to Steamboat, which gives a gocd Idea of the rapidity with which the con struction is going forward. At the present rate, the new line will be completed well within the time limit prescribed for early fall. The commissioners of Washoe county will interview the farmers at Washce, Franktown and Lake- view, whose property adjoins the new road being built by the con vtcts, regarding the installing of culverts and bridges and to make nrrangi ment with them about the payment wheie (he farmers arc ro- (iiiied, according to law, to stand the expense, of this work. The ma jorily c.f the culverts are for tin purpose of draining Irrigating ditch es an 1 where the crossroads were li.iilt he-fore the ditches the forme is required by law to pay half of the costs. - John Aronsoii is in camp from .Manhattan. John is recognized a one of the high-class miners cf th.- west. lie is associated with th. Stall brothers and is directing hi.-t efforts in making the Birthdays, t'.ie Stall-Sbeehan propel ty on the hill, respond and give forth its hidden gold and silver so as to more en rich the fortunate owners National Miner. Jesse L. Workman is back from his important business mission in the money centers of the country. While abroad he accomplished re sults that ate of essential interest, to National, of which Jesse Wr rk lean is t lie father. MISM L SKKVICK -T 'NIK i'ki.siivti:i:i w in i;( ii Judging from the comments in the newspapers in Western Nevada that reach our exchange table, this entire section will .loin with Vir ginia City this jpar in the cele bration of Labor Day. There is no counter attraction at any point, attfl the field and oppoi tunity is open lor a day that will be long re membered. The will be found equal to the emergency. Virginia Chronicle. James Cushing, ex-sheriff of Nye county and one of the best known miners of the west, is in camp. Cushing Is one of the ex-sheriffs nf Nye county who is free from Sunday evening at 7:4.1 there will he a musiial service participated in by the lneinbeis of all of the church choirs of Tonopah. It will be a treat for those who appre ciate sacred music, and will include the following numbers: Sob;, "O Love Divine" Nevin Miss Lena (Iregovitch. . Tenor solo, "Jesus. Lover of My Soul" Macdongall Mr. Richard. Anthem. "Day of Kent and Glad ness" . . . : Parks By the United Choirs. Duet, "Forever With the Lord" (louni fl The Misses Itobli. Male ijuar.tet, "Onward Christian Soldiers" , White Messrs. Richard, Kryder, John? and Bonk. Duel, "lie Shall Peed His Mock" Handel Mis Wittenberg and Mr. Johns. Trio, "O Hear Our Prayer". . Mrs. MacDonald, Miss Tamlin. Mr. Boak. Duet, "(.) Hear Our Prayer" ' Hewlett Misses Bowden and Pomeroy. Anthem, "We Praise Thee, () God" Kossini-Parks I'nited Choirs. The Bible school meets at 9:4." a. m., followed by preaching serv ice at 11 a. in. Young Penp'e's mooting at 6:43 p. m. You are cordially invited to attend the serv ices of this church. Kev. Herman L. Burnliam, minister. The Dallv Donnnzn reaches tb? ueonle ABSOLUTELY AT THE TOP of the world's bottled beers is the supreme position occupied by Old Reliable Its high reputation is due to its exclusive Saazer Hop flavor, its low percentage of alcohol and thorough ageing in the largest storage cellars in the world. Only the very best materials find their way into our plant Bottled only at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery St Louis, Mo. .Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Co. Distributors ( Tonopah Nevada