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THB TONrOPAn DAILY nOHAHA, tQWOPA II, VBVAfM, Ti flhiOAV, AUOttsT . DELAY OCCURS IN ENFORCEMENT OF NEW LAW WKKJHTS A,l MEASURES LAW favored nv i..i:;k FIRMS. m... n..i.i...i.ii .. I. .. .1 i iio iiuiiiuuiiiL. vuijiy huh me mu"il land in the statp, anil anything in the agricultural line can be pro duced if properly put under irri gation and this is what the govern-! to swell. Brennan lay down in in-i t engineers propose to do. With his cabin and was there alone un tie exception of a few favorable i til evening, when his partner, Wes- ila.'-'s along the river the water at selhol't, came ' in. ccutittsi'Mct the effect of the polftoa, but not having the proper antidotes at hand, was not able to accom plish much, and the arm began With the arrival of proper appar atus for the testing of weights and measures, to he used by the weights and measures commission in carry ing out the law passed by the last legislature, the officials of the ex periment station of the University 01 .Nevada, will start out to en force the law, according to the statement made recently by Prof, S. C. FMnsmore, who will have charge of the work. The apparatus now on hand at the experiment station is not standardized, while the apparatus al ready ordered will be first sent to the United Slates bureau of stan dards for slandardiat ion. So deli cate is the equipment that varia tions of any weight down to a frac tion of an ounce can be detected From this outfit a working set will be standardized that will be used fc r field work. Seventeen states adopted weights and measure bills during the last legislative sessions, and practically all coincide with the measure pass ed by the Nevada legislature. In addition to the states in which like laws are now in force, it is esti mated that practically half the states are working under the same lawa. Prof. Dinsinore -stated that he had received many inquiries from large manufacturing associations asking for details of the new law and all stated that Ihey nt t only fa vored the legislation, but would observe and comply with the nec essary requirements. A large bis cuit company has already submit ted samples of labels -ihat will ap pear on the packages containing the product, which stat the number of biscuits contained 'in the cartoon with the net weight. The National . ('aimers' association. National Wholesale Grocers' association, Na tional Retail Clroeers' association, and many other large associations are in favor cf the law and have started to comply with the many requirements. Prof. Dinsinore several days ago leceived the appointment of expert in the bureau of ' chemistry of the United States department of agri culture, in recognition of the splen did work he has dene In enforcing the pure food and drug law within this state. Reno Journal. the present time is used to irri gate hav land or big stock ranches and this is accomplished by using the flood waters without any great exertion on the part of the owners of the land. With the government irrigation project, as proposed by the enginers, in operation, where now is only a narrow strip of land under irrigation, there will be farms covering many miles of territory on each sldo of the river. This land is a fine loamy soil capable of pro liy that time the arm was badly swnllin and blackened. Wesselhoft immediately started, for Searchlight, but lost his way and did net ar rive here until 5 o'clock Wednes day morning, lie was given some medicine and started back. A party composed of T. A. Brown, S. S. Irviii. William Kirwin and Ed Campbell started out in an auto for the camp. They returned about 2 o'clock in the afternoon bringing Brenuan with them. As is not known. The precinct was Q ca ried by Baker and Joseph. Car- sen News. NATIONAL. LEAGUE. Standing of the Clubs. Clubs Won. Lost. Pet. Chicago . . . .: 57 26 .fil3 Pittsburg .18 HS .GU I New York ....... 57 38 .600 Philadelphia Trti 40 .583 St. Louis 54 43 .557 Cincinnati . 42 .53 .4 42 Brooklyn .17 5!) .385 Boston 22 7G .224 1 I I during not only all the agricul- Wesselhoft had not yet reached the tural products of the temperate zone but the different varieties of fruits as well. IHO STRIKE MADE NEAR CHERRY CREEK J. II. Maelin, who came up last week from Cherry Creek, reports that, a strike of unusual importance was made recently on the west side of the range from the old camp, of Cherry Creek, which is already a shipper. I The discovery was made some few weeks ago by one of the Nelson brothers, while hunting horses. Two carloads of ore have lieon shipped rom the new discovery which ought returns of 50 per cent lead and from 30 to 40 ounces n silver to the ten. The lead is said to be nine feet in width, all of which is shipping ore. Until recently only a few locations were made, hut the re turns from the shipments created considerable excitement, and many prospectors p. lave gone to the new camp, t lie Injured man naa neen hours without medical treatment. Brennan is now being treated by Dr. C. A. Jenson and is still in a serious condition, lint it is hoped that the system can be kept up and the poison thrown off, in which event the man will recover. Search light Bulletin. BALLOT MISSING FROM NUMBER OF TUSCARORA At St. Louis First game: Boston, 0; St. Louis, 9. Second game: Bos ton. 5; St. Louis, 1. At Chicago Chicago, 1; Brook lyn, fi. At Cincinnati First game: Phil adelphia, 6; Cincinnati, 7. Second game: Cincinnati, 3; Philadelphia, 1. THE TONOPAH BANKING CORPORATION ...Organized 1905... j UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY FOR POSTAL SAVINGS FUNDS i c ntcirtn DIRECTORS i "C OFFICERS GEORGE S. NIXON, President WALTER J. KARRIS, Vice-Peesident F. M. LEE, Vice-Prrsident EUGENE HOWELL, Cashier GEO. S. NIXON, F. M. LEE, I H. C. BROUGHER, j WALTER J. HARRIS, . R. B. GOV AN, EUGENE HOWELL WMHMiminiHttffltniiHniMinH'iiwimamiiw GOVERNMENT MAY CONSERVE WATERS OF THE HUMBOLDT That Humboldt county has a wonderful future through the pos sibilities of land reclamation has been demonstrated by government engineers who have surveyed the land and made measurements cf the water flow of the Humboldt river, the principal stream in the state. It Is not the normal flow of water that is now used to irri gate the different ranches along the river, but the surplus waters, tfie greater part of which are now prac tically going to waste. It is understood, and the infor mation comes from a reliable source, that the recent tests made by the government engineers show that is water enough going to waste each year that, if properly handled, would raise crops sufficient to sup port at least a million more popu lation than Nevada has at the pres ent time. The Humboldt, river trav erses the state for a distance 6f nearly 4 00 miles, and during the spring of the year an immense volume of water passes down the stream to the Humboldt sink, where it forms a large lake nnd finally evaporates or sinks into the ground. The Humboldt river at this ti me of the year is a comparatively small stream, nut in the early spring the river spreads its hanks at least 100 times its natural width and under the present system of irri gation this water Is allowed to go to waste, ns there Is no means of controlling It. It is proposed by the government engineers to -conserve this flood wa ter by a series of dams and reser voirs, covering the river from one end to the other where it Is prac ticable to establish these projects, i NEAR DEATH FROM THE BITE OF A RATTLESNAKE M. .1. Brennan, working in the Camp Dupont section about 13 miles northeast of Searchlight, had a narrow escape from death Tues day forenoon, Mr. Brennan has been working on a group of claims in that neighborhood . in -company with Thomas Bartcgee and Her man Wesselhoft. About 11 o'clock Tuesday fore noon Bieniian, being thirsty, went into a tunnel that was used as a ort of a cellar to make some lemonade. Acrcsa the tunnel there is a door with a sill about four 'nches high. After squeezing the luice front the lemons he threw the rinds on the floor near the door. After taking hjs drink he ".tarted to leave the tunnel and stocped to pick up the rinds and Mirow them outside when a rattle snake which was lying behind tho door sprang out without- warning and caught the man' on the finger. Brennan shot, the snake and then proceeded to do what he could to In the counting of the Elko coun ty ballots, in the .election contest case, some troubles are arising. It will be remembered as published in the News, a short time ago the ballots were not particularly well guarded in the court house at lilko and lay for a long time in a pile in a corner of a large room. Whether the ballots had been tampered with or not, is not known. In the counting of the Tuscarora ballots a few days ago, it was shown that the election re turns called for a total of 106 ballots being used from, the ballot books. Of this number three were spoiled and cancelled. This should have left 103 ballots to be couited in all, but upon checking the bal lots there were only 102, one bal lot being missing. What effect this loss will have upon the count AMERICAN LEAGUE. ! Standing of (he Clubs. Clubs Wen. Lost. Philadelphia B3 Detroit 64 Boston 53 Chicago 50 New York 51 Cleveland 51 Washington 38 St. Louis 30 36 49 48 49 62 6!l Pet. .643 .640 .520 .510 .510 .495 .380 .303 Special Fast Freight Los Angeles 2 Days - San Francisco 4 Days -VIA- LAS VEGAS AND TONOPAH R. R. Salt Lake Route Pacific Navigation Co. Travel and Ship Your Freight via Those Lines Yale and Harvard Boats Fastest and Fincnt on Pacific Coast. . See that your Los Angeles freight is routed care Salt Lake Ronte. San Francisco Freight via Pacific Navigation Co. C. E. REDMAN, TRAFFIC MANAGER, GOLDFIELD, NEVADA 15 Days ONLY COAST LEAGUE. Standing of the Clubs. Clubs Won. Lost. Pet. Portland ; 67 54 .554 Vernon 70 Oakland 68 San Francisco. ... 64 Sacramento ....... 61 Los . Angeles. . . ... 53 54 65 65 77 .547 .51(i .403 .41 .40$ Only reliable advertisers thrive ipecial Sale to Aug. 10 WE WILL SELL G. E. FLAT IRONS FOR $3.50 THE NEVADA-CALIFORNIA POWER COMPANY FOR SALE New Milburn two-horse wagon, with springs; covered top. Just the vehicle fcr camping or prospecting; iron axle. Aldress II. H., Bonanza office, Tonopah. tf Wonderful Values! GOODS SOLD AT A GREAT SACRIFICE After Seven Years in Business in Tonopah I am positively retiring. An . elegant lino of Spring and Fall Goods must be disposed of at once. The ladies know the line of goods al ways carried at the SHOP OF SWELLDOM All are invited to call in and inspect the dis play. Buy Now and Save Money. STORE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS CECILE MUNN - TONOPAH, NEV. n Hall Liquor Co., Inc. Wholesale Liquor Dealers PHONE 812 II Office Lower Main St. Agents for ABC bottled beer, Pilsner bottled beer, Los Angeles Brewing Co. beer, bottled; Los Angeles Brewing Co. beer, draft; Cedar Brook, Early Times, and Jack Beam Whiskies. Dry Climate, International, Cordove, St. Elmo and M. & O. Cigars. II A full line of Brandies, Gin, Rum and Sherries In Bulk and Cases. Free Delivery 5? $tr?T Telephone Your Orders 3C J FLEISHMANN'S Celebrated Compressed Yeast Once Used Always Used Sole Agents LOTHROP-DAVIS CO, INC. Phone 262 Phone 262 VAUDEVILLE Best Show In Town Picture or Act EVERY HOUR Music by Our Own Orchestra at the BIG CASINO The Famous Schlitz Beer on Draught Received by CARLOAD DIRECT JOHN GREGOViGH LKALER IN KAJiCV AND STAI'Lfc ..Groceries.. FRUITS AND VEGETAHLE8. FIHrt. . POULTRY, ETC., IN SEASON. f.JNOPAH NEVADA Nevada Club THE BEST LINE OF LIQUORS IN THE CITY BASEBALL RETURNS DAILY BY WIRE Butler Theatre TIIK POPULAR LITTLE PLAYHOUSE. Up-To-Date Motion Pictures MATINEE KVFRY AFTERNOON ' At 2 and 3 p. m, Entire Change of Program EVERY EVENING Admission - 10c Evening Performances Commence at 7 o'clock H. E. EPSTINE STOCK BROKER Quotations received from San Fran cisco Stock Exchange board. if you are interested la souther. Nevada securities, write me. TONOPAH BLOCK BLDG. TONOPAH . NEVADA Bonanza Ads Bring Results MEATS FRESH FISH - and - POULTRY We Handle Only First-CIass Nevada Beef TONOPAH-GOLDFIELD MEAT MARKET WILD MLDAL FLOUR - A NEVADA PRODUCT FOR NEVADA PEOPLE Every sack absolutely guaran teed to consumer. To b bad at ior ana laaist on gettlag thla. Accept no nth. all stores. as a substitute McLEA& McSWEENEY, Distributor..