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...... y: THE TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TONOPAH, NEVADA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1911. ' " 1 '. ' " " iMif n -mmKMjmmwmmamumta National Realty & Investment Co. Warehouse No. 1 - - - Lower Main St. NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS We have for sale at less than 25 per cent original cost- Large Electric Oven. Electric Waffle Iron. Electric Water Heaters. Electric Fans. Electric Fixtures. Water Coolers. Champagne Coolers. Coffee Urn. New Ice Boxes and Refrigerators' all sizes, One-Half Price. Lace Curtains. Portieres. Remington Typewriter, practically new. Cash Registers. Kitchen Ranges and Cooking Utensils. 1 Invincible Electric Renovator complete. Snap.. Will furnisn man to demonstrate Solid Silver Sugar Bowls, Knives, Forks. Spoons, etc. Doors, Transoms, Kick Plates at your Own Price. 45 h. p. Gasoline Engine, Belt Driven Compressor, Track, Tools, Buildings, etc., For Sale Cheap. Cement, Ore and all kinds of sacks. THE TONOPAH BANKING CORPORATION .-Organized 1905... ,.. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY FOR POSTAL SAVINGS FUNDS 1 OFFICERS S GEORGE S. NIXON, I President S WALTER J. HARRIS. Vice-Peesioent S F. M. LEE, I Vice-President ! EUGENE HOWELL, Cashier DIRECTORS GEO. S. NIXON, F. M. LEE, H. C. BROUGHER, WALTER J. HARRIS, R. B. GOVAN, EUGENE HOWELL tt7 A T TJA1T1? Good Location, Furnished Complete, With Piano, Hot LUCj ALi XlUlTlEi and Cold Water, Sewer Connection, Side Cottage for Servants. Also Two Extra Lots. A BARGAIN IF SOLD AT ONCE Storage Rates According to Weight and Space If You Want to Buy, Sell, or Trade, See Us. We Deal In Everything Warehouse No. 1 Phone No. 1 Lower Main Street, Near Depot Special Fast Freight Lo Anaeles 2 Davs - San Francisco 4 Days o -VIA- LAS VEGAS AND TONOPAH R. R. Salt Lake Route Pacific Navigation Co. Yale and Harvard Boats Fastest and Finest on Pacific Coast. Travel and Ship Your Freight via These Lines See that your Lo Angelei freight u routed care Salt Lake Ronte. San Francisco Freight via Pacific Navigation Co. C. E. REDMAN, TRAFFIC MANAGER, 00LDF1ELD, NEVADA NATION AIj LEAGUE. Standing of lite Clubs. Clubs Won. Lost. Pet. New York G7 42 .615 Chicago 64 41 .610 Pittsburg 67 44 .604 Philadelphia 61 49 .555 St. Louis 60 50 .545 Cincinnati . ..." 49 HO .450 Brooklyn 43. 07 .386 Boston 27 84 .243 PAYS TRIBUTE TO J. W. MACKAY OF COMSTOGK New York 6, Chicago 5. Cincinnati 11', Boston 9. Philadelphia 3, Pittsburg 0. Brooklyn 6, St. Louis 5. AMKMCAX LEAGUE. ! Stamliiig of the Clubs. Clubs Won. Lost. Philadelphia 74 40 Detroit 70 46 Boston 59 New York 59 Cleveland 58 Chicago 57 Washington 49 St.. Louis 34 57 57 58 67 80 Pet. .649 .603 .518 .509 .504 .496 .423 .298 Cleveland 1, Boston 0. Chicago 3, Washington 1. New York 9, Detroit 4. Kirst game St. Louis 8, Philadel phia 2. Second game St. Louis 0, Philadelphia 8. COAST LEAGUE. Standing of the Clubs. Judge C. C. Goodwin, -in Satur day's sisue of Goodwin's Weekly, pays a high tribute to the late John W. Mackay of Conistoik bonanza days, and his reminiscences contain many anecdotes o the former Bo nanza King, including a personal tribute to his worth and character. We quote the following as showing Mr. Mackay's attitude at the time of the big fire of the '70s that prac tically destroyed Virginia City: "Only a few of us who had found out his real nature know his sterl ing worth, the motives that guided his life, and the real nate of his high soul and the splendor of his haracter. He was 5 feet 10 inches in height, weighed 165 pounds, his eyes were blue-gray, his hair brown, is complexion ruddy that ruddi ess that comes where the warm ir blowing across the Gulf stream keeps Erin perpetually green. I never saw him show anything like exultation over being rich, hut once, and that was a flash of his eyes. In the winter of 1876-7 the famine was sore in Ireland. I mentioned it in his presence one day. He said, Yes,' but added: 'There are a good many poor people right here, but hank God that none of them are either cold or hungry.' "We did not know the truth un til later, and found it out by sheer accident. In the previous October all of the southeast half of Virginia City was destroyed by fire, including Clubs Won. Lost. Pet. Portland 75 60 .555 Vernon 78 65 .545 Oakland , 78 68 .535 San Francisco 73 72 .504 Sacramento 67 75 .472 Los Angeles 57 88 .393 At Vernon Vernon 5, San Fran elsco 4. At Oakland Oakland 12, Los An geles 4. At Portland Portland 5, Sacra mento 2. 1UCKS AN OBSTACLE TO RTCK GP.OWIXG CHICO, Aug. 24. Wild ducks are threatening to destroy the rice crop on the Balfour-Guthrie rice plan tation, near Biggs, this county. Wm Grant, manager of the company's in' terests, has been forced to employ duck herders to scare the birds away in order that the corp may !.e allowed to mature for the har- vest. A? the (luck-hunting season does not open until October 15th, all the birds killed aro loft In th fW'Id. There are hundreds of them I 'ad rnrt scattered in the fields n '.jrospnt. Pucks appear to have a partial !ar fondness for rice, and the fact that thf fields have to be kept more or less under water all the time inaki'.s the plantation particu larly enticing to them. It Is feared that ducks will be the thief obsta cle In the way of rice Rrowlnff )n the Siicramrnto valley. the Con.-Cal. Virginia and other! hoisting works, offices, etc. In the crisis of the fire, when the miners were dynamiting the houses cn t west side of D street and filling the shafts to a depth of 30 feet to where the cages had been lowered, with bags of sand, and covering the floors of the hoisting works around the cages with sand two or three feet deep and Mr. Mackay was everywhere directing the work, a devout old lady approached him and said: 'O, Mr. Mackay, the church is on fire!' All the answer that he vouchsafed was: 'D-i n the church, we can build another if we can keep the fire from go ing down these shafts!' "The old lady wen away shocked, but next morning Mr. Mackay called upon Father late bishop Manogiie and said: 'There la a good deal of suffering here, father. If I try to help personally I shall be caught by two or three grafters and then will be liable to insult some worthy men and women. I turn the business over to you and your lieutenants. Do it thoroughly and when you need help draw upon me and keep draw- ing.' In the next three months Father Manogue drew upon him for $25,000 and every check was hon ored on sight, and the old lady saw, besides, a church grow out of the embers of the 'old one, and it was larger and more beautiful than the one that had been destroyed." TELEPHONE GIRLS (JET JiOTS OF IVLAME 8&VACUUM CLEANER to exterminate dust and' dirt. We deliver both ways free and show you how to operate it. Our charge is nominal being only $1.50 per day, or $1.00 for half a day. The Tonopah Lumber company has the largest stock of all kinds of lumber mining timbers and building material; wholesale and re tail. Mining timbers a specialty. 8-9-tf Many girls are so constituted that a word of tauit, especially n unde served, shocks their nervous sys tems to a greater exte.nt than many are aware of. The organism of the average woman is built on a frail plan and her nature Is such that a harsh word will often undo the effects of many cheerful and encouraging ones. There are very few telephone subscribers who are thoughtful enough to thank the girl, at the central station for ' a service rendered, and about once in a lifetime someone says: "Will you please give me No. ?" Telephone girls are blamed for all manner of things. Tliey are blamed for cross wires. They are answering the calls and must take to themselves the blame for some one not being .at home and for dis orders in any department of the telephone system. If a. subscriber is unable to hear what another is saying, the ''hello" girl is usually snarled at. If a party has the wire when- another wishes to use it, the girl at the switch is usually asked if "those other guys" have leased the line for all summer. Taking all these things into con sideration, telephone girls would doubtless be exceedingly well pleased if an inventive genius would pro vide a means for turning harsh and unkind words' into polite and cheer ful expressions, or someone would at death, leave a clause in his will bequeathing a sum for the erection of a home for indigent women wnose eariy lire vicissitudes in a telephone exchange brought gray hairs and hastened old age. NEVADA-CALIFORNIA POWER CO., PHONE 112 FLEISHMANN'S Celebrated Compressed Yeast Once Used Always Used Sole Agents LOTHROP-DAVIS CO. INC. Phone 262 Phone 262 VAUDEVILLE Best Show In Town II Music by Our Own Picture or Act Orchestra at the EVERY HOUR BIG CASINO The Famous Schlitz Beer on Draught--Received by CARLOAD DIRECT All kinds of ruling and binding at the Bonanza. The Daily Bonanza reaches the people. n inlaili iquor Co., Inc. Wholesale Liquor Dealers PHONE 812 Office Lower Main St. Agents for ABC bottled beer, Pilsner bottled beer, Los An geles Brewing Co. beer, bottled; Los Angeles Brewing Co. beer, draft; Pabst's Blue Ribbon; Babst Export. All Beers Handled By This House Bear the Union Label Cedar Brook, Early Times, and Jack Beam Whiskies. Dry Climate, International, Cordove, St. Elmo and M. & O. Cigars. A full line of Brandies, Gin, Rum and Sherries In Bulk and Cases. Free Delivery 5? $EY5r?T n Telephone Your Orders 7.i ". '.' L ..jc."- : - itf , jgL!!.'. ".''v., .I,...l- . JOHN GREGOVICH DEALER IN FANCY AND 6TAPLB ..Groceries.. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, FI8A, POULTRY, ETC., IN SEASON. f.JNOPAH - . NEVADA Nevada Club THE BEST LINE OF LIQUORS IN THE CITY BASEBALL RETURNS DAILY BY WIRE Butler Theatre THE POPULAR LITTLB PLAYHOUSE. Up-To-Date Motion Pictures MATINEE EVERY AFTERNOON At 2 and 3 p. m. Entire Change of Program EVERY EVENING Admission - 10c Evening Performance Commence at 7 o'clock H. E. EPSTINE STOCK BROKER Quotations received from San Fran cisco Stock Exchange board. If you are Interested lm louthen. Nevada securities, write me. TONOPAH BLOCK BLDG. TONOPAH - NEVADA Bonanza Ads Bring Results FRESH MEATS FISH - and - POULTRY We Handle Only First-Class Nevada Beef TONOPAH-GOLDFIELD MEAT MARKET GOLD MEDAL FLOUR A NEVADA PRODUCT FOR NEVADA PEOPLE Ever; eack absolutely cuaran teed to consumer. To be bad at all ttorei. Aik for It aid laslat on fett!a tbls. Accept no other at a aubatltute. McLeani McSWEENEY, Distributor. 9 o