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SI HJSIII THE TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TONOPA H, NEVADA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1911. HOW TONOPAH WAS DISCOVERED "Mr. aud Mis. Jim Butler," writes Clare E. Douglas In Western Person alities in August Sunset Magazine, "were wont to traverse the desert, a donkey being part o the outfit. On the 19th of May, 1900, the don key, a restive littlo beast, was the direct means of bringing the desert's mineral wealth to Butler's attention. The latter, picking up a piece of lock, was about to hurtle it through space, with the intention of fetching the errant son of Balaam to his senses,' but the rock looked so much like the real thing that instead of throwing it at the donkey Butler took it to town for assay. It show ed values as high as $152 in gold and 355 ounces in silver, so he and Mrs. Jim went out to locate prop erties. One day Mrs. Jim said I believe I'll locate a mine.' 'Why not?' inquired Mr. Jim, jocosely 'Just locate those boulders up yon der. Mrs. Jim tossed her head, a bit Indignant that her spouse should make light of her desire to locate mining property, aud the next day she climbed to the spot where stood four formidable-looking boulders an chipped off some bits, which she showed to Jim with the remark" 'Seems to me that looks like rock you got gold out of.' " 'It certainly does," replied Jim after a critical inspection. 'Where did you get it?' " 'From off those boulders,' and the proud lady straightened percep tibly. "Then she located the mine her self, calling it. 'Mizpah,' in memory of n dear friend who always usee' the word as a signature to her let ters. The Mizpali mine has proven to be the most wonderful of all. Not only were those four boulders full of gold, startling in richness, but the ground beneath to a depth of more than 1000 feet yielded the yellow metal. "The Butlers named the region of their precious discoveries, Tnnnpah and a city of nearly 6,000 inhabi tants graces those mountain sides, . while the busy hoisting works of scores of mines bring forth their treasuries. The word Tonopah is 'udian for a species of grass growing near the water-holes on the desert." irmc inrNcvimr. tivuciu mn tact IU1L dUUULIIilU mum uill imi SHOWS STRAITS OF WAE A REPORTER il'CARTHY MEN U 1 UNCLE. JOHX HARKS BACK TO DAYS YVHEX PRESIDENT WAS SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 30 A NEWSPAPER MAX. Registration for the municipal pri- . . . . . When President Taft toes to Port marv election ended on Saturday Huron. Mich., in September, It is and the count last night indicates .,.,,.. . aat tha ;V.A. i t live: i uiaL lie r nv. w v - - ' - that by far the largest registration tion ot Jolm Lusk, editor of the in the history of the city has been uiby Courier, to "run up" and see made. Even the record figure of him. In the letter sent to the pres- 1905 has been topped, and the iudi- ident, Mr. husk reminds him that cations now are that the total for they once worked togeiner on a the present election will reach above Cincinnati paper, at which time Mr. 103.000. Complete returns will be Taft was getting a salary of $12 had tomorrow. a week and Mr. Lusk $25. Friends of all the candidates have "As Will and the writer used to been energetic in their efforts to work on the old Cincinnati ua- brlng out the full voting strength zette Deacon Smiths paper it is o the city, and money and energy possible that the president may stop have been used unsparingly for this off at Ulby for a chat between purpose. trains," says john in the current One of the sickening features of issue of his paper. "My, my! what the campaign to register all vot- changes there are in lite: jn tnose ers is the act of Mayor McCarthy days we little thought that one day in raiding the beds ot the city's one of us would be president of tuberculosis patients to move them the United States and the other the Inside the city limits in order to editor of the only great religious secure their votes. It is a curious weekly . in the town. commentary on the character of "At that time we were making the city's executive that he could $25 to $30 per week 'on the case,' for one moment consider such a while Bill was holding down .t sit trick as anything but bound to re-las court reporter at $12 per. But dound to the burden of his increas- William saed his money, while we ing miscredit. invested ours in 'houses and lots,' One hundred and titty male suf- and now he is drawing $75,000 per r... fwim tin. u-hito niMiriia lmvo I vear. white were clearing up on been ordered from their hospital Ian average about 75 cents. Afte: at Ingleside to temporary shacks on all, wa d m t Know wneiner i.m the site of the new city and county 1 has much on us if it wasn't for the hospital in Potrero avenue. Had 1 1 Leimiatism. He doesn't get any the move been made for other than better eatin' than we get at the political purposes it Is apparent that Union hotel, and he isn't well ac the women would have received the quainted with Judge Gibson and Dr. . w r l - .-1. 1 - 1 f n.lffitl. nn snnin r iirni'imu nviipr. such is not I riuiusmi) aim vreiuBe ui wuu nun tiM t.MKn. The mm. manv of ttipm Zen Boomnower, and even bedridden, have been brought within . . . the city limits for the sole purpose lots of other prominent men of securing their voles. we know If anybody, either t"he mayor him Hall Liquor Co., Inc. Wholesale Liquor Dealers 3CN u 1 PHONE 812 It Office Lower.Main St. Agents for ABC bottled beer, Pilsner bottled beer, Los An geles Brewing Co. beer, bottled; Los Angeles Brewing Co. beer, draft; Pabst's Blue Ribbon; Babst Export. All Beers Handled By This House Bear the Union Label Cedar Brook, Early Times, and Jack Beam Whiskies. Dry Climate, International, Cordove, St. Elmo and M. & O. Cigars. A full line of Brandies, Gin, Rum and Sherries In Bulk and Cases. Free Delivery 5? taSeyS$t Telephone Your Orders ic 11 , gS( "; , )5r" v11 ,t ,.c II r Kl WALKER LOSES THE EAtiI.ES When .Ed Walker of this city left for San Francisco about a week ago to participate in the Eagle festivi ties in that city he took two captive Bert eagles that he has had in his pos- Trumble of the Elkton Review, and session for some time Walker that tried to carry tnem in me paraue. but they gave him quite a bit ot Oh, there's lots ot compensation trouble and he decided to cache self or the gangsters whose advice in Ufo btaiues being president. Anj hp accents with a wholesale eulli-1( r.e of them is that a fellow doe n't were gone. liilitv. believes that these men. to fir.d out every mornm? h re jected to this kind of treatment on Senator Townsend stands." the eve of a titanic struggle to re them. When he returned the birds It is claimed that one of the Sau Francisco lodges ot Eagles secured one of the birds. IJEADV TO START OX S. I'. UOl llI.K I'K.M'KINft Meager, but authoi itative, news has been received in this cily that the Southern Pacific company has definitely decided upon its next dou ble tracking move in this state, says the Reno Gazette. Within a few weeks work will start n the contract to construct the second track from Oreana hill eastward. It will be sixty miles in length. The headquarters for the engi neering staff will be at either Love lock or Winnemucca. It is believed that Engineer Bar clay will' be in charge of the work. After this task is completed the double-tracking in the vicinity of Hazen will be begun. Reno or Sparks will doubtless then become headquarters. deem San Francisco from the cor rupting forces that have dominated the city for two years, will cast their votes for McCarthy, it is p.y parent that they are lacking in a knowledge of human nature. It may 'be that those In charge of these 150 sick men believe that they have other means of coercing their votes, but this is highly improbable, in view of the vigilance which is being maintained by both sides in the fight a fight that will call out hundreds of watchers at the polls. This unsavory incident serves to illustrate the desperate straits in which McCarthy's men are placed. OFFICIAL STATEMENT. Bonanza "want' ads" bring quick results. Try one. NEW YORK TAILORS WANT MORE MONEY NEW YORK. Aug. 30. The mem bers of the New York Tailors' and Dressmakers' union have voted to demand an increased wage from their employers, who are for the most part fashionable Fifth avenue modistes. The demands involve 5 000 men and women. The wages de manded are a minimum of $26 a week and $18 a week for appren tices and helpers. CONSOLIDATED AITTO COMPANY. Carrying United States mail and express makes dally trips from President McClary of the federa-1 Tonopah to Manhattan and Round tion of employes of the Illinois Cen- ulountian. Cars leave Tonopah t,.o1 .,,. I daily on arrival of mail and leave ..r nmimn. nf nnr pY.'i Manhattan at 2 ecutive committee three grand lodge FLEISHMANN'S Celebrated Compressed Yeast Once Used Always Used Sole Agents LOTHROP-DAVIS CO, INC. Phone 262 Phone 262 officials, and by virtue of this, we are empowered to call a strike, should no agreement be reached in our conference with the Illinois Cen tral officials." V. G. Kramer, general secretary and treasurer of the International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths and Helpers, disagreed with President McClary on the right of the execu tive board to order a strike with out the sanction of all the interna tional presidents. "If President Parke and other officials of the road recognize th federated body, the international presidents of the different trades involved will make a final appeal for a settlement before as strike is called," said Mr. Kramer. At 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon the labor men had not called on the railroad officials. 30 p. ni. W. C. HARDING. Agent. Old newspapers for sale at this office 25c per hundred. Hnhscribe for your home Miner Our "Want Ads" bring result Bonanza "want ads" bring quick results. Try one. 1 0 Days 1 0 EYES Examined By DR. RALPH GOLDBERG at B. SHEMANSKTS Jewelry Store Aug. 28th to Sept 6th National Realty & Investment Co. Warehouse No. 1 - - - Lower Main St. NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS We Have for sale at less than 25 per cent original cost: Large Electric Oven. Electric Waffle Iron. Electric Water Heaters. Electric Fans. Electric Fixtures. Water Coolers. Champagne Coolers. Coffee Urn. New Ice Boxes and Refrigerators' all sizes, One-Half Price. Lace Curtains. Portieres. Remington Typewriter, practically new. Cash Registers. Kitchen Ranges and Cooking Utensils. 1 Invincible Electric Renovator complete. Snap.. Will furnish man to demonstrate Solid Silver Sugar Bowls, Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc. Doors, Transoms, Kick Plates at your Own Price. 45 h. p. Gasoline Engine, Belt Driven Compressor, Track, Tools, Buildings, etc., For Sale Cheap. Cement, Ore and all kinds of sacks. - T"TVT? A T TJAHf J? Good Location, Furnished Complete, With Piano, Hot lUHlAlJ JtlUlTlri and Cold Water, Sewer Connection, Side Cottage for Servants. Also Two Extra Lots. A BARGAIN IF SOLD AT ONCE Storage Rates According to Weight and Space If You Want to Buy, Sell, or Trade, See Us. We Deal In Everything Warehouse No. 1 Phone No. 1 Lower Main Street, Near Depot VAUDEVILLE Best Show In Town Picture or Act EVERY HOUR Music by Our Own Orchestra at the BIG CASINO The Famous Schlitz Beer on Draught Received by CARLOAD DIRECT JOHN 6RE60VIGH DEALER IN FANCY AND STAPLB ..Groceries.. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. FlSrt, POULTRY, ETC., IN SEASON. TONOPAH NEVADA Nevada Club THE. BEST LINE OF LIQUORS IN THE CITY BASEBALL RETURNS DAILY BY WIRE Butler Theatre THE POPULAR LITTLE PLAYHOUSE. Up-To-Date Motion Pictures MATINEE EVERY AFTERNOON At 2 and 3 p. m. Entire Change of Program EVERY EVENING Admission - 10c EvenlDg Performances Commence at 7 o'clock H. E. EPSTINE STOCK BROKER Quotations received from San Fran cisco Stock Exchange board. It you are Interested 1 southern Nevada securities, write me. TONOPAH BLOCK BLDG. TONOPAH . NEVADA Bonanza Ads Bring Results FRESH MEATS FISH - and - POULTRY We Handle Only First-CIas Nevada Beef TONOPAH-GOLDF1ELD MEAT MARKET GOLD MEDAL FLOUR - A NEVADA PRODUCT FOR NEVADA PEOPLE Every sack absolutely guaran teed to consumer. To be had at all stores. Ask tor It and lasist on getting this. Accept no other as a substitute. McLeanfc McSWEENEY, Diitributora.