Newspaper Page Text
THE TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TONOPAH, NEVADA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1911. 320 Acre Grain Only 15 Miles Southeast of Stockton, Gal. Three-Quarters of a Mile from the Santa Fe R. R. LAND IS ALL UNDER CULTIVATION Sub-Divided Into 10, 16 20 Acre 15 20 Acres a H O 14 20 Acres 13 20.14 Acres Plat of Will sell at bedrock prices, there are no commissions to pay. The soil and climate are especially adapted to fruit, alfalfa and nut raising. Among the best paying varieties are the peach, prune, cherry, fig, apricot, almond, English walnut, pecan, orange, olive, and tokay grape. IT'S GOING FAST. SEE E. P. WILSON NELATON'S Cures Rheumatism or Money Refunded Our guarantee goes with each bottle An Excellent BLOOD PURIFIER and LIVER REGULA TOR. Sold by all druggists or sent postpaid on receipt of $1.00 per bottle, or three (3) bottles for $2.50.' Remember you take no chances for Nekton's CURES Rheumatism or money refunded. NELATON'S REMEDY AGENCY 616 SO. GRAND AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA St. Mary's Academy Salt Lake City Utah Conducted by the Sisters of Holy Cross from Notre Dame Indiana, This is one of the finest and most up-to-date educational es tablishments In the west. Send for catalogue to Sister Superior, at St. Mary's Academy Salt Lake Utah. Dr.' TV A. Musante ...DENTIST... Hours: 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m. Office Rooms: 8 and 9 Tonopah Block PRANK H. WARD Notary Public Office Hourf 8 . m. lo 5 p. m. DAILY BONANZA OFFICE Brouiher A Tonopah 20 Acres 10 20 Acres ROAD the M. A. Jones Tract. Being LAKE TAHOE and RETURN On Sale Every Day Return Limit, ten days . $23.00 Return Limit, Oct. 31st . 25.00 An Ideal Place to Spend Your Vacation 6000 feet above sea level 23 miles long, 13 miles wide, 1800et deep. All sorts of accommodations from "roughing it" to luxury. Fishing, Hunting, Boating rid ing, Tennis and all out-of-door pastimes. TONOPAH AND GOLOFIELD RAILROAD COMPANY Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company Exclusive Agents FOR Genuine Rock Springs Cool... Ranc 20 and 30 Acre Tracts 20 Acres 20 Acres 20 06 Acres Farm Houten a Subdivision of the E of Special Inducement To Be Sanitary Tlie Tonopah Sewer & Drain- age company will put the sew- er pipe to your property line without charge to you. From your property line to within three feet of your connection for 25 cents per foot, and the actual cost of Excavatiou. Phone to Secretary at the Nevada First National bank, or see the General Manager. NOTICE TO Cl!Kl)lT()i:S. Notice is hereby given that on the 11th day of September, 1911, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the court room of the First judicial district court of the State of Nevada, in and for Ormsby County, in the court ho.ise, at Carson City, Nevada, said corn will hear the Final Account aiid P.e- port of T. G. Lockhart, as Receiver or ine Nye Ac Ormsby County Bank, now on file In said court, and wii) consider his resignation as such Re ceiver, and that at said time and place Receiver will apply to the court for an order allowing arid approving said Account and Repo'-t, as presented, and discharging h'u. from said trust. All depositors, creditors and per sons desiring to object to said Ac count and Report, or to the dis charge of said Receiver, are required to file their objections thereto, in writing, in said court and also to mail a copy thereof to Van Dyck, Smith & Danforth, attorneys f.r said Receiver, at their office rooni3, 309 312 Clay Peters Building, Reno, Nevada. , Dated August loth, 1911. T. G. LOCKHART, Receiver ot The Nye & Ormsby County Bank. VAN DYCK, SMITH & DANFORTH. Attorneys for Said Receiver. 8-1C-2U liizpah Hotel Modern Hotel where ery Reasou able Tariff Prevails. Hot and CoM Running Water in .Each Hoom. Roonn with or without prlvatt baths, tingle or an tulte. COMMERCIAL RATES Old newspapers for sale at this nmco jr.o per hundred. fa for Sale! 20.06 Acres 20.04 Acres Z O H X Sec. 19 consolidates) attto company. Carrying United States mail and express makes daily trips from Tonopah to -Manhattan and Round uTouiilian. Cars leave Tonopah daily on arrival of mail and leave Manhattan at 2:30 p. ni. W. C. HARDING. Agent. Bonanza "want ads" bring quick results. Try one. BIG BARGAIN Complete Newspaper and Job Printing Plant for Sale at a BARGAIN FOR GASH One cylinder press und two job presses, with gasoline engine and all pulleys, shafting and fixture?! for power use. Large number of job and ad series, ranging from 6 point lo 13 point. This type i3 all the latest faces and accompanied by plentj of "sorts." Also large quantity or leads, slugs and metal furniture. Also large paper cutter and oth er traicles necessary In a well equipped printing plant. All of the above is practically new 2nd in good condition For Particulars Address TONOPAH BONANZA, Tonopah, Nevada PROFESSIONAL CAR118. C. L. RICHARDS duller Building Boom 8 Jt 9 LAWYER PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS Notary Public TONOPAH. - NEVADA CAMPBELL METSON & BROWN ATTARNEYS-AT-LAW. fitate Hank aud Trust Co. Building, ' TONOPAH. NEVADA nrroisT ok tiie coxthtfov of THE TONOPAH BANKING CORPORA TION At Tonopah, in the state of Nevada, at the close of business on the 1st day of September, 1911. RESOURCES. Loans anil discounts. .. $ 151 ,1 9 1 AS Overdrafts, secured, $!28.00; unsecured 1151.27 ' 779.27 Bonds, stocks, securites, etc 46,750.00 Lot and banking house. none. Furniture and fixtures $1,000 4,000.00 Due from banks and bankers 177,252.54 Exchanges for clearing hcus 174.30 Checks and oilier cash Hems 34 S.G1 ! Cash on hand, viz.: Gold coin 20,620.00 Silver coin 2,007. 50 Currency 31,593.00 Total $441,376.70 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in..$ '.n.OOO.OO Undivided profits . . $ 3, 409. nr. Less cur rent ex p e n s o s and (axes paid . . . Due t o b a n k s, ban kers and trust ' companies 1. 499. SI- 1.970.1 1 8,067.88 Individ u a 1 d e liosits subject to check ... 345,500.97 P e-m and of - deposit.. 11,093.93 350,005.90 Cashier's checks out standing . . . . 125.00 Poslal Savings deposits. 24.C07.78 Total. . .$441,370.70 Slate of Nevada, county ot Nye, ss. I, C. If. Conuett, assistant cashier of the above-named bank, do 'sol emnly swear that thu above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. H. CONNETT, Assistant Cashier. Correct Attest: WALTER J, MAURIS, EUGENE HOWELL, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this fith day of September, 1911. (Seal) .IAS. P. DENNIS, Notary Public. FITTING TRIBUTE TO NEVADA BOY Chris Zabriskie, a Carson boy, who has made his way in the world and also to fortune, and now busi ness manager of V. M. ("Borax") Smith, has placed a fitting tribute to the memory of the late Profes sor Howe. Chris, like many of the other Carson boys who have worked up the ladder of the world's premiums, was one of the pupils who took his guiding steps from the professor. He always had a deep regard for the professor and the news of his death was received by Mr. Zabriskie with sorrow. Chris, in order to perpetuate the memory of his tutor, has estab lished a scholarship at the Nevada State university, consisting of $200 a year. The fund is in trust of Mrs. Howe and Professor Stubbs, of the university, and Is known as the Howe Memorial scholarship. George McCreery, of this city, won this scholarship this year and is now enjoying its "TumefUs. He is a worthy young man and will make good both to the doner and to the memory cf Carson's best known teacher. It is a fitting trib ute to tho old professor. Ill) WHEECE Keeps all kinds of clear and common lumber; hay and S"1"' S-18-lm SWAM THE CHANNEL. LONDON, Sept. 7. William Bur gess successfully swam the English Channel yesterday from Dover to Capo C.rianez, In exactly 24 hours. The Tonopah. Lumber company has the largest stock of all kinds of lumber mining timbers and building material; wholesale and re tail. Mining timbers a specialty. I 8-9-tf RECONSTRUCTION STARTS ON EUREKA & PALISADE ROAD KXt.IXKKK AM SURVEYORS ARK NOW LOCATING LIGHT MILK OF XEW ROAD. The news brought to Eureka from Palisade recently by J. A. Gilbert that aa engineer and two surveyors had commenced the work of locat ing a new railroad out of Palisade for the Eureka & Palisade railway. was most welcome to Eurekans, and Mr. Gilbert was given the glad hand and kept busy for some time repeat ing the good tidings. Gilbert says the work now being done out of Palisade for the E. & P. is to determine the cost of building the road through the narrows en the oast side of the canyon atid for a distance of about eight miles, it being figured that this ditsance will about cover tiie badly washed out potrion of the old road, and by running a grade along the hills on the east side of tho canyon it is hoped to escape any future flood waters. When the E. & P. roadbed was washed out and tho company put out of business about 18 months ago, the water not only washed out tho road through tho narrow can yon, but it cut deep gorges In many places and left the narrow passage way in such a condition that to rebuild a railroad through tie can yon now presents some engiueerlug and much difficult work, and it is generally stated that the cost of re building this eight miles will amount to considerable more than will bi .necessary to repair tho other 7t5 miles into Eureka. Had it not been, for this eight miles of diffi cult and costly work, there Is little doubt but that the E. & P. would have been operating trains over the road in thirty days after tho wash out. liesides tho engineer and survey ors now at work near Palisade, one of tho head men of a construction company is also there cheeking up the work, and he is no doubt pre paring a bid for doing the con struction work. While the present work Is only of a preliminary nature, it looks pretty good to tho people at this Cnd of the line, and bears out the prophesy of three weeks ago that It had then been decided to rebuild the road, and It was thought that some movement looking to this end would bo made after September 1. v Let the good work go on. STATE BANK MUDDLE GETS ANOTHER DIP CARSON CITY, Nev., Sept. 8. The very many complexities ot the famous State Bank case are becom ing more complex, if possible, by the action taken by attorneys for the directors of the defunct Insti tution. A writ of prohibition has been filed with the clerk of the supreme court by Attorney Massey and Summerfield. While ,the contents of tho writ has not been made public, still it is understood that it asks for all further action to bo stopped in the case until matters covered in the new banking law have heen fn lb decided and complied with. It is claimed" by some of the at torneys for the directors of the late lamented institution that the bank examiner is empowered by certain sections of the banking law passed at tho last legislature (other than that decided to be unconstitutional by the supreme court) to" take eharge ot the defunct banks as a receiver and this question will un doubtedly be thrashed out before the case will be taken up again in the district court. The real desire of the writ is evidently that of, preventing Judge f.angan from continuing with the case on the 11th Inst, as per the present program until the supreme court has passed upon the banking art us a whole. VOIT CAN BOOST! Boost for Tonopah when you're in. And also when you're out. You can boost fur Tonopah If yu're thin or if you're stout. You ran boost for Tonopah If you're either short or tall. If you havo the brains ot Plato Or If you have no brains nt all. Ton can hoosf.