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THE TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TONOPAH, NEVADA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1911. I. i f I I J BETTER FREIGHT RATES SECURED r ItKIuHT TO TOXOIMH AND K)LT)HKii ixvkj:i:ii ox SKPTEMHKK 20. On September 20, reductions in frcugut rates on various classes of f reight betweeu Keno, Goldfield and Tonopah, afraging 4 0 per cent, will become effective pursuant to au order entered by the railroad commission or .Nevada, dated Sep tember 2. The opinion and cider o( tbe commission, written by Commis .sioner Shaugluiessy lias just been received and sustains t lie conten tions of the fieno merchants who petitioned for the reduction in every particular. The case is that cf the Nevada Hardware Ac Supply company, I.,o-Kitii-1-.angeviu company, V. I. .Mitchell company, Flannigau Ware house company and Reno Brewing company against the Southern Pact lire company and Tonopah & Gold lield Kailroud company, and on the result of the order will depend an enlargement f the volume of trade enjoyed hy Jteiio in the southern country. The iirst order of reduc tion was made on June 14, but by extensions of time and an applica tion for rehearing the final order was postponed until September 2 last. The usual objections to the or der were made, including the con tention that it proposed to inter file with interstate rates, that the freight rates proposed would be nonconiiiensatory, and that the pro posed reduction would be made in violation of a federal injunction made some time ago. Commissioner Shaughnessy, in a clear and able opinion, disposed of all these contentions and fig uratively left the company not a leg to stand cn. By statistics he showed the proposed reduction would leave the rates amply com pensatory, insuring at least 7 per cent animal dividends, lie showed that Judge Faiiington's injunction would not apply here and he show ul that interstate reductions could not be .construed as an interfer ence with interstate rates. Another contention benevolently made by the company, that Reno was given un duo preference over other cities, whs likewise disposed of. In this case the citizens of Fal lon, laboring under a misconception of the condition, intervened as HKainst Heno, but when it was ex plained that commodity rates from Fallon on grain shipments south would be better than the class rates for Reno, the petition was with drawn, subject to the right to pe tition direct and not in opposition to the petition of the Reno mer chants. Under the rates effective Septem ber 20, the following class rates will govern between Reno and Ton opah and Reno and Goldfield; the rate being in cents per 100 pounds for the five classes and class A and in cents per ton for classes B, C, D and K: Class 1, 163; class 2, "l"4y2; class 3, 144 V2; class 4, 128; class 111, class A, lll1; class B, 13.05; class C, 12.95; class D, 9.70; class E, 9.70. The rates to Tonopah and to Goldfield are identical. LEA UMAX'S CAVK TO BECOME WORLD WONDER Leahman's cave, in eastern White Pine ocunty, which is now the prop erty of P. N. Baker, will probably he made one of the show places of th proposed international auto route from Salt Lake to Ely. Leah man's cave is one of the wrld's greatest wnders, being spken f by many as a rival in interest and beauty to the Mammoth cave in Ken tucky. In former years good accom modations were provided at the cave by Mr. Leahman for the travel ing public and sightseers, who camp from far and wide. Registers were kept during those years and while the cave was a great distance from any railroad arid autos were unknown, it is estimated that 2000 people' visited :hi cave. The cave l.iis never been i'ully ex plored, but visitors can wander for hours in its recesses without lva'u ing the pivni'g ot time. A'" a pow er plant !s 1 e'rg erected in the neighborhood it would be possible to illuminate the cave with electri city at a small cost and ag.ii'i open it to tourists, which would be r. drawing card to the inte' national tourists, and would assist in attract ing them to the Ely root ; from Salt Lake (; ty. Mr. Bak r in man of enterprise and no doubt will provide accommodations for the public at the cave if the auto travel can be made of sufficient im portance to justify him in the ex pense. Ely Record. CARMOMTES BUSY XOW HUSTLING THE STOCK Since word came In that there has been a strike made in Rescue Eula stock at Tonopah, there has been a hustle for stock certificates in, this city, where a lot of the original Rescue was held. The stock went out in this city at 25 cents a share. It with other companies went to practically nothing. Finally there was a consolidation with the Eula property and an assessment levied. The question that confronts many is, do they still own any interest in the Rescue, if they have not paid the assessment? When the stock was sold it was put out as a non assessable preposition. There is a lot of guessing while the Carsonites are digging up their stock certifi cates. Carson Appeal. fiOVKRXOIl ODDIE GAINING IX STRENGTH DAILY' Favorable reports were issued yesterday from the bedside of Gov ernor T. L. Oddie, at the Sisters' hospital in Reno. Governor Oddie has been gaining strength daily ever since his operation for appendicitis. His present condition is such that a speedy recovery and a lasting benefit is looked for. Visitors will be permitted to visit the governor probably during the end of this week. Uur "Want Ads" bring results MAMMOTH CO. IS COURT PUTS STOP TO FURTHER KXTRACTIOX OF HIGH. GRADE ORE. As has been expected ever since the high-grade ore was struck in the Mammoth National mine at Na tional, and shipments sent out, an injunction has been secured by the National Mines company restrain ing the Mammoth National from further operations in that part of the latter mine from which the rich ore has been coming. The information that the injunc tion had been granted came in a telegram received here recently by Superintendent Baxter of the Mammoth National. Both the National Mines com pany and the Mammoth National claim the apex of the bonanza vein which has made such a wonderful production in the last two years for the former company and from which it is believed the latter' com pany has been extracting high-grade since the recent strike. The Mammoth National now hav ing, been enjoined the litigation be tween the two companies promises to develop into one of the biggest mining suits in the history of the state of Nevada. Some time ago the Mammoth Na tional brought suit in the federal court at Carson against the Na tional Mines company for $2,000,000 damages, to recover the value of ere alleged to have been unlaw fully extracted by the latter com pany. Surveys were ordered of that part of the two properties in dis pute and were completed about two months ago, since which time there have been no further proceedings in the case until this latest in junction. There have been rumors of a proposed consolidation of the two companies as a means of set tling the litigation, hut nothing has been accomplished in the way of effecting a compromise. Hnni- boldt Star. INVITATION TO VETERAN'S. The Spanish-American war sol diers, who hold their first annual encampment at Reno, Nevada, Sep tember 15th and 16th, extend i.fl invitation to old soldiers of the United States army, regardless in what war they served, to bo present at the soldiers' reunion and depart ment encampment on the dats mentioned. GOOD SHOWING MADE. The reports from the Comstock mines last week gave cause for continued confidence in the local situation, for there were many fa vorable features that will not be overlooked. The improvement not ed in the bottom of the joint Union and Sierra Nevada winze is the most pronounced since the work was started, and proves that this far northeasterly country is high ly mineralized. An ore develop ment in that locality would have a wonderfully electrifying effect. The 2400 level of the Ohpir is also holding out great promise. Virginia Chronicle. or nn Hall Liquor Co., Inc. Wholesale Liquor Dealers PHONE 812 Office Lower Main St. J Agents for ABC bottled beer, Pilsner bottled beer, Los An- beer, draft; Pabst's Blue Ribbon; Babst Export. All Beers Handled By This House Bear the Union Label Cedar Brook, Early Times, and Jack Beam Whiskies. Dry Climate, International, Cordove, St Elmo and M. & O. Cigars. r A full line of Brandies, Gin, Rum and Sherries In Bulk and Cases. Free Delivery 5? Kr?T ri Telephone Your Orders J Bonanza "want ads" bring quick results. Try one. NOTICE On Tuesday, September 19, 1911, at 10 a. m., TonopaH &. Goldfield Rail road company, at their freight yards in this city, will sell at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, the con tents of S. P. car G93C3 and S. I', onr rflli)n, both containing Oregon timbers, and both consigned (o the Verdi Lumber company, to satisfy freight, demurrage and advertising charges. .1. E. PECK, Agent. 9-5-10t FLEISHMANN'S Celebrated Compressed Yeast Once Used Always Used Sole Agents LOTHROP-DAVIS CO. INC. Phone 262 Phone 262 TONOPAH & TIDEWATER RAILWAY . Seashore Excursions LOS ANGELES AND RETURN $3 1 .30 Going Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays RETURN LIMIT OCT. 31ST FAST FREIGHT SERVICE FROM SAN FRANCISCO Tri-Weekly Refrigerator Service and Daily Merchandise Car from Los An geles. For Information Apply D. ASPLAND, H. R. STANDARD General Agent, City Ticket Agent, Whilmore Building, Goldfield, Nev - VAUDEVILLE Best Show In Town Picture or Act EVERY HOUR Music by Our Own Orchestra at the BIG CASINO The Famous Schlitz Beer on Draught Received by CARLOAD DIRECT Watch This FOR FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENTS National Realty & Investment Co We Buy and Sell Everything JOHN GREGOVICH DEALER IN FANCY AND STAPLf ..Groceries.. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, OTSrt, POULTRY, ETC., IN SEASON. XONOPAH .... NEVADA Nevada Club THE BEST LINE OF LIQUORS IN THE CITY BASEBALL RETURNS DAILY BY WIRE Butler Theatre THE POPULAR LITTLE PLAYHOUSE. Up-To-Date Motion Pictures MATINEE EVERY AFTERNOON At 2 and 3 p, m, Entire Change of Program EVERY EVENING Admission - 10c Evening Performance Commence at 7 o'clock H. E. EPSTINE STOCK BROKER Quotations received from San Fran cisco Stock Exchanga board. If you are Interested la southeri. Nevada aecurltiea, write ma. TONOPAH BLOCK BLDG. TONOPAH . NEVADA Bonanza Ads Bring Results FRESH MEATS FISw u a.nd - POULTRY TONOPAH-GOLDFIELD MEAT MARKET GOLD MEDAL FLOUR - A NEVADA PRODUCT FOR NEVADA PEOPLE Every sack absolutely guaranteed to consumer. To b. h.d at all atorea. Ask for it and iaslat on aetti.. m. ' aa a aubstltuU. . Wtttag thia. Accept no otter McLean& McSWEENEY, Distributors. 0 j : v - .