Newspaper Page Text
THE TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TONOPAH, NEVADA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1911. PAPER WILL BE PUBLISHED BY HIGH SCHOOL The high school is about to pub lish a school paper in which the best essays, nntions and stories by the students will appear. . It will be edited and managed by the stu dent body. It will appear every nix weeks. it will cost you only 00c a year it paid for in advance. The students will ask you to sub scribe. Do not turn a deaf ear to them. Lay aside 50c and help 1i:h school paper. Severaf hun dred copies will he printed, so all who wish to luiow what the stu dents rre doing may do so by suu s rilling for the school paper. Help boost, won't you? You will also rearily see that it will be impos sible to print a 30-page paper or more, and sell the paper at that price, hence we must have a liberal support from the business men of Tonopah for advertising space, through which we shall be able to give you an up-to-date school paper. This paper will be exchanged with i'll tiia other high school papers of the state, as well as with high schooli: of oi lier states, thus 'letting outside people know what we are doing in an educational line In Tonopah, as well as in a business line. Every business firm " ought to take a page or part of a page in this paper. Every professional man ought to place a card with us foi the benefit of the schools All otiiti high schools of note pub lish their paper. Will you help us in placing the Tonopah high school in the front rank? We shall endeavor to make this the banner year for the Tonopah schools. We can only do this with the co-operation of the patrons and friends of the school. Visit the schools and encourage both teach ers and pupils and then boost! LOCATE Ql l( KSIIA EH CLAIMS, Five cinnabar claims have been located in the lone hills, Nye coun ty, miles northwest of Manhat tan, by E. 1!. learned, who is out In the interest of the Sierra Nevada l'roKiecing company. Mr. Learned writes mat en two of these claims good ore shows and the rock will pan well from the surface. One claim was located on account of a spring of excellent water which it embraces. Mr. Learned writes that doing location work on cinnabar Pi omul in that country is worth $10 a day. J ri( HE METALS TO JtKKUME. Arrangements are being made for resumpton of work at the Pioche Metals properties out from Pioche. The company put a shaft down to a depth vt 300 feet and stopped work for a time. Now the owners have decided to resume work, and while the plans of development have not been fully decided upon, it is probable that sinking will be resumed. THE TONOPAH TAJMItEli Co. has the largest stock of all kinds of lumber mining timbers and building material; wholesale and re tail. Mining timbers a specialty. 8-9-tf FOR FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENTS National Realty & Investment Co. - - , We Buy and Sell Everything SCHOOLS WILL MAKE MUCH MORE RAPID PROGRESS Beginning next Monday, the schools will begin work with new force. The books will all be on hand so that pupil and teacher may do more effective work. Every teacher is doing her best, and with the united efforts of the pupils, will determine to make this the banner year, not only attendance, but in actual work done. Parents will be urged to visit the school, get acquainted with the 'yuehers, and help them to make this an enjoyable school year. We expect to have a special parents' visiting day each month, when the pupils' best works will be exhibit ed, so that parents may see what their children are doing. Watch for the announcement and plan to spend an afternoon at school. The following are those who have been neither tardy nor ab sent for the week: High School. Maggie Holmes, Leslie Wardie. Will Wilson, Florence Gomm, Aus tin Wardie, Harold Bowler, Vera Campbell, Eveline Collins, Sixth Grade. Clarence Byrne, ' Jennie Clenden- ning Helen Clendenning, Grace Fowler, Edith Joyner, Henry Lamb, Dorothy Marett, Inez O'Connell, Normal O'Brien, Lila Quick, Louis Fiabert, Logan Butler, Blanche Col lins, Cletus Court, Jane Johns, Lu cile Mannix, Flossie Murton, Eulect ta Pohl, Goldie Thrailklil, Willie Turner. Georgie Bennet, teacher. Fifth Grade. Willie llailihan, Milton Pollard Ralph Hussey, Elizabeth Lynch, Mary McQuillan, Robert Holmes Jclin Brewer, Naurine Goldsmith, William Peck, Arleen Dalzell, Al berta Turner, Chleo Thrailklil, Lu ella Roberts, Mildred Swinn, Dallas Messersmith, Bryan Egan, Blanche Harris Elito Eko, Theodore Fottler. Miss Larcombs, teacher. Fourtlr Grade. Katherine Bowler, Ben Charles, Grace Clendenning, Eddie Critch- . field, Vernie Cleary, Gladys Doug lass, Lester Fowler, Ethel Parrel Irene Himanga, Eethel Joyner, Te- Clifford Hcoper, Fiances llailihan Irene H;manga, Ethel Joyner, Te lesa Kennedy, Rhoda Lamb, Cor nelius Murphy, Florence Moore, I'e ter Pravy, Frank Tearson, Stan Rose, Ethel Robb, Cecil Swasey Orrin Swasey, Edgar Turner. M L. Robb, teacher. Third Grade. Francis Carberry, Louis Daoust Delphine Fowler, Anna Grant, Wal no Hill, waina Himangat Eleanoi Hannah, Leland Henderson, Mar garet Irons, Lawrence Kinsella, En- ills Kinsella, Marjory Key. Lois McLeod, Albert Meaglia, Murdock .tlcLeod, Pauline McGuire, Charles Maremolejo, Joe Maremolijo, Ed ward O'Connell, James Prave, John Prendeville, Mamie Sparks, Ruby Stewart. Willie Sawle, Vera Smith Leiitia Sawle, Nellie Slcan, David Trabert, Donald Toland, Valentine Toland, Gustave Winzel, Mary Ro leta, Ivan Brewer,. Pansy Ash worth. worth. Mrs. Currieux, teacher. Second Grade. Mary Burch, Gladys Cochrin Geeva Duff in, Hazel Fine, Dorothy Fottler, Margaret Griffin, Eldred Hussey, Francis Harrington, Roy Hudson, Jack Joyner, Beryl Leicfs, Emmet McDonald, Grace Marshall, George Noddin, Wellington Rogers, Lloyd Swasey, Albert Taylor, Henry Wenzel, Violet Hunt, Keith Mount, Inga Robb. Delia Gilbert, teacher. First Grade. Dorothy Anderson, Olga Churich, Edna Cleary, Jce De Back, Ruth Dunsdon, Margaret Doherty, Rose Ford, Thelma Fleming, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Will Flaherty, Leonard Frick, Kathleen Griffin, John Hill, Josephine Kennedy, Arvi Korhone'n, Walter Lewis, Leonard Lyons, May Martin, Rea McCallum, Arthur Mehrten, Ruth Pernu, Ilo Pozzina, Ernest Rupey, Thelma Rasmussen, Ethel Itowe, Dorcthy Rowe, Glen Stevens,, Lawrence Selstroni, Ella Scott, Albeit Wenzel, AXOTHKIl ARTESIAN WELL. A 20-inch flow has been secured in the first well tried by the Las Vegas Irrigated Fruit Lands com pany at a depth of 500 feet. This is the well which was reported a couple of weeks ago as having only a small flow at the contract, depth of 400 feet. After some consider ation the company decided to go deeper, with the above announced satisfactory result. El WHEECE Keens all kinds of clear and common lumber; hay and grain. ' 8-18-lm Satisfaction That's Mutual. Have you ever noticed the pride that lights up a woman's eyes when she shows her first - baby to a man she- once rejected? It's satis faction only equated by the grow in the eyes of the man as. he con templates the offspring. Philadel phia Inquirer. CONSOLIDATED AUTO COMPANY. Carrying United States mail and express makes daily trips from Tonopah to Manhattan and Round ivTountian. Cars leave Tonopah daily on arrival of mail and leave Manhattan nt 2:30 p., m. W. C. HARDING. Agent. Our "Want Ads" bring rpau'to (peso ffis APPELL'S South Aft-lean WATER it An cool 48 hours or lonexr. in sun or shade: prospectors, surveyors, sportsmen, stockmen, farm ers, teamsters, anyone exposed to dry or warm weather. Used by U. S. Gov't. Strong, light, easy to carry. TMa Letter Typifies the Attltade of Ail Users Gemlmeni Elkhitt Indiana. While In Nevada recently 1 bad occation to drink out of one of yonr South African Water Ban. Water from the bj certainly taitea food on the deert. We used one of your 2J tallon ban and thivitutr mmtmd ml mil aj, nwn thtug h thi trmpwatmrt vm mr 100 in lit ihaJi. and in the norninf I (ound the water inarklinr and ai cold ai Ice water. It certainly ia a boon to thow lirini in the arid rejiona. Tim Slnimly. W. E. WIDE FOR SALE BT DEALERS EVERT WHERI Adam Appall Water llaarCo., Portland, trp. mmm TUT U! .SSSSSSSB1:, SaVBBBBv mm M-M Agents for ABC bottled beer, Pilsner bottled beer, Los An geles Brewing Co. beer, bottled; Los Angeles Brewing Co. beer, draft; Pabst's Blue Ribbon; Babst Export. All Beers Handled By This House Bear the Union Label Cedar Brook, Early Times, and Jack Beam Whiskies. A full line Free Delivery 5? I! n l elephone Y our Urders AIREDALES A litter of Airedale terrier pup pies b j Miapah Prospector A. K. C. No. 11S0M ex Siraonds' Polly Prim A. K C. 139758. Pedigrees conta.' ih tue Dlood of Champion RocV 3alt, The New King and donli cross of Cliampion Clonmel Mon.'i. ,h (see article on ' Alredntos in September Outing;. Tlie Aire dali is a hunter, trailer, retiievor an I. Ideal companion. The bast and nv.vt useful dog living. Fur tlur information, photos and prices of pups, addr-- C. McK. IjAIZURB, ' Millers, Nevada. 9-3 5-C1, NOTICE On Tuesday, September 19, 1911, at 10 a. m., Tonopah & Goldfield Rail road company, at their freight yards in this city, will -sell at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, the con tents of S. P. car 593G3 and S. P. car 59195, both containing Oregon timbers, and both consigned to tlie Verdi Lumber company, to satisfy freight, demurrage and advertising charges. J. E. PECK, Agent 9-5-10t KAMI I, V rOMTICS. Father's a republican, Ma's a suffragette, A democrat's the only man , Fur Uncle Jim, you bet. Aunt's a prohibitionist, Says that drink's a crime; And our new baby, he is just Insurging all the time. Washington Star. Or.r "Want Ads" bring results - . O SSTi -HHlBw m HH mWM BBBBBfek BUM SBl M Wholesale Liquor Dealers PHONE 812 Office Lower Main St. Dry Climate, International, Cordove, St. Elmo and M. & O. Cigars. of Brandies, Gin, Rum In Bulk and Cases. FLEISHMANN'S Celebrated Compressed Yeast Once Used Always Used Sole Agents LOTHROP-DAVIS CO. INC. Phone 262 VAUDEVILLE Best Show In Town Picture or Act EVERY HOUR The Famous Schlitz Beer on Draught Received by CARLOAD DIRECT JOHN GREGOVICH DEALKK IN FANCY AND KTAI'M ..Groceries.. FKP1TS AMI VEGETABLES. FIS.l POULTRY. ETC.. IN SEASON. fJNOPAH ... . NEV4VI4 Nevada Club THE BEST LINE OF LIQUORS IN THE CITY BASEBALL RETURNS DAILY BY WIRE FRESH MEATS FISH - and - POULTRY We Handle Only First-Clas Nevada Beef TONOPAH-GOLDF1ELD MEAT MARKET GOLD MEDAL FLOUR A NEVADA PRODUCT FOR NEVADA PEOPLE Every tack absolutely guaranteed to coneumer. To be had i m a'b'tltuu." 'r " 0B feU"g tbU" AeCpt 00 otb McLeanfc McSWEENEY, Dutributori. TT U m S. IBW i! and Sherries $kYcPrr?T J Phone 262 Music by Our Own Orchestra at the BIG CASINO Butler Theatre THE POPULAR LITTLE PLAYHOUSE. Up-To-Date Motion Pictures MATINEE EVERY AFTERNOON At 2 and 3 p, 01, Entire Change of Program EVERY EVENING Admission - 10c Evening Performances Commence at 7 o'clock H. E. EPSTINE STOCKBROKER Quotations received from San Fran cisco Stock Exchange board. If you are Interested la loutheri Nevada ecurltle, write me. TONOPAH BLOCK BLDG. TONOPAH NEVADA Bonanza Ads Bring Results C pi J