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THE TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TONOPAH, NEVADA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1911. REPORT.OF TONOPAH SCHOOLS FOR WEEK ENDING SEPT. 22 Pupils who have been neither tar dy nor absent for the week ending Friday, September 22, sire as fol lows: IIikIi School. Maggie Holmes, Mabel Simpson, William Wilson, Leslie Waidel, Thomas Ilugan, Bernard Flood, Florence Conitu, Austin Wardle, Harold Howler, Vera Campbell, Eve line Collins, Miriam Kgan, Kdith Fottler, Ruth Hayden, Nellie John son, Katie McDonald, Mary Shull. Zelta Smith, Bernice Sullivan, Jas. Butler, Anna Ciitch field, Freda Da- oust, Margaret Harvey, Mildred Kimball, James Kealey, Robert Xelson, Isabelle Slavin. Rrma Wardle. I'.inbtll (imde. Hoy Simpson. Charlie Gilbert, Le na Bohni, Bernard Harvey, Myrtle Frank, Marjorie Macey, Gordon Hussey, Addie Murphy, Etta Frank, Josephine Butler, Mabel Quick, Mar guerite Hallihan, Madeline Wilson, Dora Joiner, May Jeweit, Loretta Wrilsh, Gertrude Rippingham, Jamie Rogan. Fred Swinn, Fannie Holmes. Nellie Ilayden. Anna K. Bradley, teacher. Seventh (iiule. Margaret Benn, Raymond Black lock, Vera Bowler, Mildred Fottler, Dorothy Harris, May Kimball, Claire Laurence, Otto McCallum, Bernice Pengelly, Lelia Sloan, Clyde Will iams, Albert Gilbert. Helen Slavin, tearher. Sixth Grade. Clarence Byrne, Logan Butler, Helen Clendenning, Isabel Davis, Rosie Floyd, Edith Joyner, Henry Lamb, Flossie , Murton, lOulretla O'Brien, Norman O'Brien, Lila Quick. Louis Trabert, Alice Bowler, Jennie Clendenning. Blanche Collins Grace Fowler, Janie Johns, Jack Keely, Lucile Mannix, Inez O'Con- nell. Bergin O'Connor, Ioretta Pohl, Goldie Thrailkill, Ruth Connett. (Jeorgie Bennett, teacher. Fifth iiale. Mary McQuillan, Virginia Curran Alberta Turner, Elita Eko, Bryan Kgan, William Peck, Raymond Mc Donald, Burdette Pollard, Milton Pollard, Wano Sparks, Robert Holmes Dallas Messersniith, John Brewer, Marie Mitchell, Theodore Fottler. Cleo Thrailkill, Blanche Harris, Edwin Smith, Ralph Hussey Arleen Dalzell, Georgie Money, Mil dred Swinn, Luella Roberts, Eliza both Lynch. Fourth Grade. Catherine Bowler, Ben Charles, Grace Clendenning, Eddie Critch lield, Herbert Cochran, Gladys. Douglass, Lester Fowler, Irene Far rol1, Clifford Hooper, Frances Hal lihan, Claudius Irons, Ethel Joyner, Jack Kelly, Teresa Kennedy, Har old Laurence, Rhoda Lamb, Flor ence Moore, Dushan Mandarich, P. Pravy, George Pohl, Frank Pear son, Gladys Perry, Joe Rippingham, Leo Shemanski, Cecil Swasey, Ethel Farrell. Muriel L. Robb, teacher. Third (irnd'. Francis Carberry, Delphiue Fow ler, Anna Grant, Warno Hill, Flor ence Hallihan, Wainor Hlmanga, Eleanor Hannah, Leland Henderson, Marguerite Irons, Lawrence Kin sella, Ennis Kinsella, Margaret Ken nedy, Marjorie Key, Lois McLeod, Murdock McLeod, Pauline McGuire, Edward O'Connell, John Prendeville, Mamie Sparks, Ruby Stewart, Will iam Sawle, Vera Smith, Letitia Sawle, David Trabert, Donald To land, Valentine Toland, Gustave Wiuzel, Ivan Bruver, Myrtle Key, Eleanor Greenleaf, James Prave. Jennie A. Curieux, teacher. . Second (iratl. Thomas Blacklock, Norman Ber tram, Clarence Clendenning, Gladys Cochrin, Belmont Douglass, Hazel Fine, Thomas Fitzgerald, Dorothy Fottler, Margaret Griffin, Eugene Hcwell, Eldred Hussey, Frances Harrington, Roy Hudson, Ora Love lock, Edward Murphy, Emmet Mc Donald, George Noddin, Charley Pei nu. Wellington Rogers, Albert Taylor, Henry Wenzel, James Wil son. Violet Hunt, Jay Henderson, Inga Robb, Willie Key, Emily Pres- sider, Ruby Dunsdon. Delia Gilbert, teacher. First Grade. Dorothy Anderson, William Crase, Ruth Dunsdon, Rose Ford, Thelma Fleming, Geialdine Fitzgerald, Will Flaherty, Leonard Frick, Kathleen Griffin. Jack Howell. John Hill, Jo sephine Kennedy, ArVi Korhonen, Waller Lewis, May Martin, Rea Mc Callum, Arthur Mehrten, Ruth Per- nu, Ernest Rupey, Ethel Rowe Dorothy Rowe, Glen Stevens, Law rence Selstrom, Ella Scott. Albert Wenzel, William Greenleaf. Edna Sullivan, teacher. ACTION OF SEATTLE JUDGE IS SCORED DY FRANCIS HENEY SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 23. De nouncing the action ot Federal Judge Hanford of Seattle, for ar resting editors of the Seattle Star and others who protested against cue of his rulings, Francis Heney, San Francisco's graft prosecutor, to day Issued the following statement "The recent trouble between the people of Seattle and Federal Judge Hanford is a powerful argument in I'avi r of the recall of the judi ciary. The Seattle case is fatal It strikes not only at our boasted free speech but the freedom of the press as well. Here we have a judge against whom the people pro tested. He had repeatedly given re markable decisions in favor of cor porations, and finally when he granted an injunction to a street car company restraining the pecple from even asking for transfers, aj l hough the state supreme court had decided they were entitled to trans fers, the people arose and de nounced him in a gigantic mass meeting. "It must be remembered that only a short time before this same judge had enjoined the same people from exercising their right cf American cl.Ueus to recall their mayor, who was notoriously in alliance with the tenderloin an dgambllng ele ment. This ridiculous injunction was set aside by the United States Ccurt of Appeals. The Seattle Star had fought for this recall and had also fought the battle against the street railway corporation. After the mass meeting two editors of the Star and six speakers were ar rested on a charge of "conspiracy to obstruct justice." Their only crime, if there was any crime, was t.i piotest against what they con sidered an unjust ruling by the court. They had simply the right of every man, woman and child In the country. "If these men are convicted it means that a precedent will have been established which will permit judges under fire to arrest and pun- sh with jail sentences every one who dares to criticise them. It will be the first step towards establish ment of a judicial kingdom, and the placing of judges on a throne where they can look down upon the people and jail them for criticism. "There is still another phase to this case which is even more dan- eous. If this precedent is estab lished it may permit judges under fire to view impeachment proceed- ngs as "an attempt to obstruct jus tice," and to imprison the leaders of such a movement. "The Seattle case is one which will be of immeasurable importance not only to every newspaper, but to every man and woman who does net wish to be ruled by the judi ciary, without chance of appeal from their decisions." FOrXI RELATIVE AFTER LOXG SEARCH OF YEARS An Interesting local case, illus trating the good fortune that occa sionally conies to people in old age, is that of a woman for many years well known on the Comstock. Not long ago she was taken sick, and being without funds, was taken to the county hospital for treatment. A communication was sent to her nephew in Peoria, 111., who is a wealthy coal operator, telling him of his aunt's unfortunate plight. He at once came to this city, and took the aged lady to his home, and will provide for her ' in comfort and plenty for the remainder of her days. It seems that the fam ily had lost track of the local woman for years, and were rejoiced at again finding her, and being able to provide and care for her DC or Co., Inc. n Wholesale Liquor Dealers PHONE 812 II Office Lower Main St. Agents for ABC bottled beer, Pilsner bottled beer, Los An geles Brewing Co. beer, bottled; Los Angeles Brewing Co. beer, draft; Pabst's Blue Ribbon; Babst Export. All Beers Handled By This House Bear the Union Label Cedar Brook, Early Times, and Jack Beam Whiskies. Dry Climate, International, Cordove, St. Elmo and M. & O. Cigars. I! A full line of Brandies, Gin, Rum and Sherries In Bulk and Cases. Free Delivery 5? fiF lelephone Your Urders n tgmm ill her declining years. Virginia Chronicle. t'HAXC'E FOR VIRGINIA CITV STRONG MAX Here is a chance for the hoys who tugged at the ropes for an hour and forty minutes in the tug- of-war in this city on Labor Day, the Montana team of Touopah hav ing issued a challenge to any team in the state for $500 a side. The latter team ' believes that it can out pull any other team in the state of Nevada, but it would have to go some to get away with n Virginia City team with the latter in good training. Virginia City Chronicle. CONSOLIDATE!) Al'TO COMPANY. I Carrying United States mail and express makes dally irips -from Tonopah to Manhattan and Round itlountian. Cars leave Tonopah daily on arrival of mail and leave Manhattan at 2:30 p. m. W. C. HARDING. Agent. coa FLEISHMANN'S Celebrated Compressed Yeast Once Used Always Used Sole Agents LOTHROP-DAVIS CO, INC. Phone 262 Phone 262 NEW ADVERTISEMENT Just Out of the High Rent District So We Can Save You Money on ...Drugs and Patent Medicines... SOLE AGENTS FOR TONOPAH FOR Rexall Preparations and Fisher's Famous Indian Remedy J. C. PIERCY, Druggist K. of P. BUILDING PHONE 372 AIREDALES A litter of Airedale terrier pup pies b Mizpah Prospector A. K. C. No. l-'iSOM ex Simonds' Polly Prim A. K C, ' 139758. Pedigrees conta' is tue ulood of Champion Rock Salt, The New King and doub cross of Champion Clonmel Mona-.h (see article on Airedales in September Outing,). The Aire dalj is a hunter, trailer, retiiover an. ideal companion. The best and most useful dog living. For (,-. thcr information, photos and prices of pups, addrr- C. McK. LAIZURK, Millers, Nevada. 9-15-Gi W&ttclh. Tlhds Space FOR FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENTS National Realty & Investment Co. We Buy and Sell Everything VAUDEVILLE Best Show In Town Picture or Act EVERY HOUR Music by Our Own Orchestra at the BIG CASINO The Famous Schlitz Beer on Draught Received by CARLOAD DIRECT JOHN GREGOVIGH DEALER IN FANCY AND ST A PL ..Groceries.. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. FI8t. POULTRY, ETC., IN SEASON. rONOPAH - . . NEVADA Nevada Club THE BEST LINE OF LIQUORS IN THE CITY BASEBALL RETURNS DAILY BY WIRE Butler Theatre THE POFULAIi LITTLE -PLAYHOUSE. Up-To-Date Motion Pictures MATINEE EVERY AFTERNOON At 2 and 3 p, m, Entire Change of Program EVERY EVENING Admission - 10c Evening Performance! Commence at 7 o'clock H. E. EPSTINE STOCK BROKER Quotations received from San Fran cisco Stock Exchange board. It you are Interested la souther. Nevada securities, write me. TONOPAH BLOCK BLDG. TONOPAH - NEVADA Bonanza Ads Bring Results FRESH MEATS FISH - and - POULTRY We Handle Only First-CIaas Nevada Beef TONOPAH-GOLDFIELD MEAT MARKET GOLD MEDAL FLOUR - A NEVADA PRODUCT FOR NEVADA PEOPLE Every sack absolutely guaranteed to consumer. To be bad at all stores. Ask, tor It and Insist on Retting thla. Accept no other as a substitute. McLeanfc McSWEENEY, Distributors.