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THE TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA. TONOPAH. NEVADA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1911. Butler Theatre 6 THE POPULAR LITTLE PLAYHOUSE. Up-To-Date Motion Pictures MATINEE EVERY AFTERXOOSi At 2 and 3 p, m. Entire Change of Program EVERY EVENING Admission - 10c Evening Performance Comroenc t 7 o'clock Nevada Club THE BEST LINE OF LIQUORS IN THE CITY BASEBALL RETURNS DAILY BY WIRE Mizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel where ery Iteasou able Tariff Prevails. Hot and Coli Running Water in Each Room, Rooms with or without prlvatt baths, single or an suite. COMMERCIAL RATES J. D. Mariner Music House iVlio oldest in the state. The IPi-ld's standard pianos: Meblin & Son, Knabe, Weber, Fischer, Lauter, Stock, Kobler & Campbell, Cable .Sr. Sons. Steinway pinaola, Mehlin auto Knabe Angelus, Lauter players. Save you $100 on your piano pur chase, Band and string instruments, phonographs and records. All ttao latest popular sheet music, 15c. Buy at home. No. 123 Virginia St. RENO NEVADA Dr. T. A. Iiusante ...DENTIST... Hours: 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m. Office Rooms: 8 and 9 Tonopah Block H. E. EPSTINE STOCK BROKER Quotations received from San Fran cisco Stock Exchange board. If you are Interested la soutnen Nevada securities, write ms. TONOPAH BLOCK BLDG. TONOPAH NEVADA St. Mary's Academy 4 Salt Lake City Utah Conducted by ihe Sisters of Holy Cross from Notre Dame Indiana, This is one of the finest and most up-to-date educational es tablishments in the west. Send for catalogue to Sister Superior, at St. Mary's Academy Salt Lake Utah. PRANK H. WARD Notary Public" Office Houri 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. DAILY BONANZA OFFICE Brougher Av " Tonopah THE TONOPAH LUMHKIt 0 has the larges: stock or all kinds of lumber mining timbers and building material; wholesale and re tail. Mining timbers a specialty. 8-9-tf Old newspapers fr sale at this iffice 23c per hundred. Special Inducement l o Be Sanitary The Tonopah Sewer & Drain- age company will put the sew- er pipe to your property line without charge to you. From your property line to within three feet of your connection for 25 cents per foot, and the actual cost of Excavation. Phone to Secretary at the Nevada First National bank, or see the General Manager. Tri-Weekly Refrigerator Cars SAN FRANCISCO TO TONOPAH Through in Sixty Hours Semi-Weekly Cars From SACRAMENTO Daily Cars From Reno TONOPAH AND GOLDFIELD RAILROAD COMPANY iWl tYg! g&VACUUM CLEANER to exterminate dust mid dirt. We deliver hot') ways free and show you liow to operate it Our charge is nominal being only $1.5!) per hi, or $1.00 for half a clav. NEVADA-CALIFORNIA POWER Special Fast Freight Los Angeles 2 Days - San Francisco 4 Days - VIA - LAS VEGAS AND TONOPAH R. l Salt Lake Routes-Pacific Navigation-Co. Yale and Harvard Boats Fastest and Finest on Pacific Coast. See that your Los Angeles freight is routed care Salt Lake Ronte. San Francisco Freight via Pacific Navigation Co. C. E. REDMAN, TRAFFIC MANAGER, GOLDFIELD, NEVADA Comm One of the Largest and Most and Carries the Largest Stock Totiow First Newspaper and Job Printing House BROUGHER IS CilVEV V ( ll.AXOi; or VEX UK Yesterday lionnifleld & Brandon, attorneys for J. Frank Tramner, whose trial for the murder of Mrs. Marie 1). Quilici had been set in the district, court for November 25, moved for a change of venue. The motion was granted by Judge Dark er, who transferred the case to Keno, where defendant had bis first trial. The date will be named later. This morning Jude Dueker sign ed nu order authorizing the deliv ery of the prisoner to the sheriff of Washoe county and Tramner will be taken to Reno within the next two or th re days by Sheriff Lamb and turned over to the custody of Sheriff Ferrel. ED WIIKKCK -Keeps all kinds of clear and common lumber, hay and grain. The best Reck Springs and Hiawatha coal. H-2-lm TONOPAH & TIDEWATER RAILWAY Leave Tonopah 8:13 a. in. Leave Quldfield 3:30 p. m. Arv. Los Anneles 10:15 a. m. FAST FREIGHT SLRV1CE FROM SAN FRANCISCO' Tri-Weekly Refrigerator Service and Daily Merchandise Cars from Los An geles. For Information Apply 0. ASPL&NQ. H. R. STANDARD General Agent, City Ticket Agent, Whilmore Building, Goldtield, Nev. CO., PHONE 112 Travel and Ship Your Freight via Those Lines 8J3S:IIS2HEZI eraa! J B fTfTslK CEn a kuwte are being turned OkJJlW out in the Bonanza's UP-TO-DATE RULING AND BINDING PLANT We make a specialty of LOOSE LEAP LEDGERS and guarantee every one turned out AVE. WEEKLY REPORT OP THE TONOPAH SCHOOLS Report of the Tonopah schools t'cr the week ending November a, 1911. Names of pupils who have been neither tardy nor absent for the week endiu November are as follows: High School Teacher Louise Pohl, Joseph Scott Miss A. II. Yoder. Maggie Holmes, Stephen Johns, Lessie Wardle, Will Wilscn, Tom Dugau, Florence Gomm, Austin War die, Harold Bowler, Vera Campbell, Eveline Collins, Miriam Egan, Edith Fottler, Zetta Smith, Dorothy Tre gloau, James Butler, Freda Daoust, Mildred Kimball, James Kealey, Erma Wardle. Eighth Grade Teacher, Anna E. Hradley. Lena ISohni, Josephine Butler, Henry Gilbert, Charles Gilbert, Uor- SUMMONS. I.n HIE FIFTH JUDICIAL DIS 1 trict Court o the State of Ne vada, in and lor the County of Nye. T. J. Lynch, riaintiff, vs. M. L. Etlinger, Defendant. The States of Nevada Sends Greet ing to M. L. Eflinger. You are hereby required to ap liear iu an action brought against yoj by the above-named plaintiff in the above-entitled court, and to ,m swer the complaint tiled therein within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after the service on you of this summons, if served with . the county, or, if served out jf the country, but in this district, within twenty days, otherwise with in fmtv rlnvs. nr iude-ment bV de fault will be taken against you, ac cording to the prayer ot saiu com plaint. Said action is brought to obtain judgment against you for the sum of $000 lawful money, with interest thereon at tte rate of 7 per com per annrfm from August 1, 1907, un lil paid. Said principal sum being alleged to bo due plaintiff under a contract made between plaintiff and defendant on July 3, 1907, whereby defendant agreed to assume and near one-halt ot the expense then lieu rred and to bo thereafter in- iirred in tho examination, expert nr lldiitintr nnrl nroniot inir of till Big Hollo" Mining property, plnln- if lo nav tho other iia . ana mai mrsiiant to said agreement plaintiff paid out $1200 between April I. .ml, and August 1, 1907, and t nat i part of said sum of $00 has een nnld. That defendant agreed to pay his said one-half not later than August 1, 1907. All of which will more tuny ap- nlnlntifP'a verifier! com plaint filed herein, a certified copy of which Is served herewith and to which you are expressly reterrea. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as above required, said plaintiff will take judgment :i gainst you by default for said sum .it $600 lawful money, with inter st thereon at 7 per cent per annum rrom August 1, 1907, until paid, together with all costs and dis nusements of this action. Given under our hands this 4th i.v of October, 1911, at Tonopah, s'ye County, Nevada. M'INTOSH & COOKE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 10-9-16-23-30 11-6-13 oh Prinfini Completely Equipped Plants of Paper in Southern Nevada Bonom - TONOPAH, NEV. don lltissey, Marguerite Hallihan, Fannie Holmes, May Jewett, Mabel Quick, Jay Smith, Madeline Wil son, Jamie Kegau, George Harma. Seventh tirade Teacher, Helene Slavin. Raymond Blacklock, Mildred rot tier, Albert Gilbert, Dorothy II;-r ris, May Kimball, James O'Connell, Hern ice Pengelly, Leila Sloan, May Ken. Sixth Grade Teacher, Georgie Bennett. Clarence Byrne, Jennie Clenden ning. Helen Clendenning, Isabel Da vis, .lanie Johns, Jack Keeley, Lu cile Mannix, Ines O'Connell, I.ila Quick, Louis Trahert, Willie MeFad den, Willie Murphy, Logan Hntler, Blanche Collins, Ruth Connett, Hose Floyd, Edith Joyner, Henry Lamb, Flossie Murton, Etilretta O'Brien, C.oldie Thrailkil, Louise Van Mohr, Tomniie O'Connell. Fifth Grade Teacher, Hazel Lar combo. Waeno Sparks, Mary McQuillan Alberta Turner, Claude O'Xeil, Mil ton Pollard, Arleen Dalzell, Naurine Goldsmith, Blanche Harris, Mildred Swin ii, Bryan Egan, Elita Eko, Ralph Hussey, Luella Roberts, Will Peck, Ray McDonald, Burdette Pol lard, Dallas Messersmith. Fourth tirade Teacher, Muriel N. Robb. Katherine Gage, Irene Himanga Claudius Irons, Ethel Joyner, Ja"k Kelly. Florence Moore, Dushan Man- darich, Clyde Pctlygrove, Frank Pearson, Orrin Seller, Alice Brother- ton, Henry Murphy, Catherine Bcw- ler, Herbert Cochran, Ethel Farrell, Irene Farrell, Teresa Kennedy, Rhoda Lamb. Third Grade Teacher, Jennie A Curieux. Pansv Ashworth. Francis Car- berry, Louis DaoiistT Delphine Fow ler, Anna Grant, Waeno Hill. Flor ence Hallihan, Waina Himanga, Eleanor Hannah, Lei and 'Hender son, Marguerite Irons, Ennis Kin sella, Albert Meaglia, Murdock Mc Leod, Charles Maremolijo, Joseph Marenvelijo, Edward O'Connell, .las, Prave. John Prendeville, Mamie Sparks, Willie Sawle, David Tra bert, Donald Toland, Valentine To land, Letitia Sawle, Martin Bran son, George Malley, Second Grade Teacher, Delia Gilbert. Mary liurch, Tommy Blacklock Norman Bertram, Clarence Clenden niiiK. Gladys Cochran, Geneva !"uf fin, Ha .el Fine, Dorothy Fottler, Margaret Griffin, Eugene Hovell, Frances Harrington, Roy Hudson Jack Joyner, Ora Lovelock, Grace Marshall. George Xoddin, Charley I'ernu, Wellington Rogers, Fred Rowe, Albert Taylor, Henry Wen- in this Section zel. James Wilson. Jay Henderson, Inga Rove, Willie Kee, Ruby Duns don, Howard Clarke, Myrtle Malin, George Brissel, Edna Erickson. First Grade Teacher, E. T. Sullhan. Dorothy Anderson, William Crase, Joe I)e Bock, Ruth Dunsden, Mar garet Doherty, Rose Ford, Thelma Fleming, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Win. O'Flaherty, Kathleen Griffin, Jack Howell, John Hill, Josephine Ken nedy, Arvi Korhonen, Leonard Ly ons, May Martin, Lillie McKay, May McLaughlin, Arthur Merton, Ruth Pemu, Ernest Rupey, Ethel Rowe Willie Ryan, Florence Ryan, Laur ence Selstrom, William Greenleaf, Thomas Lynch, Mildred Marsh, Dor othy Rowe. M'MIKUAY IIELE,SKI OV OWX OXJXIZA.YCE J. H. McMurrayl, in whose sec ond trial for embezzlement the jury- disagreed at the last term of the district court, was on Monday grant ed permission by the court to take his departure, upon his own recog nizance. His bondsmen were also released from further responsibility. McMurray left town on Tuesday and when last heard from was in Salt Lake. McMurray was secretary and treasurer of the defunct Herrick Kerin Investment company and was accused of embezzlement of funds placed in his hands by customers for the purchase of mining stock. On his first trialfi ho was convicted. hut his attorney, Anthony Jurieh, was able to show that the jury had not been properly guarded by the oflicers of the court and on that account McMurray was granted a new trial, which resulted in a dis agreement. Ely Record. EUREKA-PALISADE RAILROAD TO BE BUILT AT ONCE Contract was let last Saturday to the Wahsatch Construction com pany for the rebuilding of the rail road between Eureka and Palisade. This good news was brought to Ely on Wednesday of last week by A. B. Lightfoot, who was in Eureka on Sunday when the news was tele phoned from Palisade by S. G. Dye, agent for the Eureka. & Pali sade. The report was confirmed the next day by Manager Randolph, who came to Eureka with an engi neer to look over the situation. The Wahsatch Construction com pany has its outfit along the line of the Western Pacific railway and will lose no time in transfering the equipment to Palisade to begin the new work. About 28 miles of track must be either repaired or rebuilt, but it has been estimated that the work can be completed in sixty days after the construction company once gets down to business. The rebuilding ot the road has been undertaken by a single man, a Mr. Whittall, who, it is said, has purchased the property outright from the former owners and will conduct it as a private enterprise. He has recently returned from Eu rope with the avowed intention of rebuilding the road and putting it into operation at the earliest pos sible date. News of the rebuilding of the road will be received with the great est satisfaction throughout Eureka and Western White Pine counties. It means the salvation of the camps of Eureka and Hamilton, which, since the washing out of the rail road by the flood early two years ago have been unable to ship the ore from their mines. It Is also of the greatest benefit to a large sec tion of ranching country which will be brought nearly a hundred miles nearer a shipping point by the re building of the road. AT THE CELESTIAL GATE. The druggist approached the Ce lestial gate. St. Peter opened the portal for him and bade him enter and join the heavenly choir. "Not so fast," admonished the compounder of pills. "Before I go in there I want to ask a few question. Have you any city di rectories in Paradise? "No," replied St. Peter. "Any remedies fcr growing hair on baldheads and door knobs?" "None." "Any soda fountains?" "We don't know what they are." "Do you sell stamps?" "We don't use them here." "And last, but not least, have you any telephones?" "We have not." "Then I'll go in, for I guess this is'heaven all right, all right. Louisville Post.