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THE TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TONOP AH. NEVADA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1911. i J. D. Mariner Music House The oldest in the stale. The world's standard pianos: Mehlin Bon, Knabe, Weber. Fischer, Lauler, Steele. Kohler & Campbell, Cable . Sons. Steinway pinaola, Mehlin auto Knabe Angelus. Lauter players. Save you $100 on your piano pur chase, Band and string Instruments, phonographs and records. All the latest popular sheet music, 15c. Buy at home. No. 123 Virginia St. RENO NEVADA TONOPAH & TIDEWATER RAILWAY Leave Tonopah 8:13 a. m. Leave Goldfield 3:30 p. m. Arv. Los Angeles 19:15 a. in. FAST FREIGHT SERVICE FROM SAN FRANGISCO Tri-Weekly Refrigerator Service and Daily Merchandine Cars from Lot An gelei. For Information Apply D. ASPLAND, H. R. STANDARD General Agent, City Ticket Agent, Whiimore Building, Goldfield, Nev Bank Saloon WALTER DRYSDALE PROPRIETOR THE PLACE To Meet Your Friends and Have a Pleasant Smile rlAUPAX- ONOPffiH ..MINING COMPANY.. CAPITAL STOCK, 2.000.0UO shares. PAlt VALUE $1.00 PER SHARK. OFFICERS: F. M. hmiili President ami Director Thomas 'veainx Vice-President ami Director C. 11. Zabriskie Treasurer ami Director F. J. Westcott Korivtury ami Director S. If. Heady Superintendent The Halifax Tonopah Mining Company, having had many in quiries Tor stock in this venture, has now decided to sell a limited amount of the treasury stock for development purposes at $1.25 a Share As this Allotment may be withdrawn at any time, early subscrip tions are advisable. LOCATION. The property of this company consists of four full patented claims, COO feet wide and 1500 feet Ions- Halifax Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 comprising an area of 81.30 acres, same being a tract 1 200 feet wide by 3000 feet in length, located directly east of and adjoining the property of the Tonopah-Belmont Devclrpmcnt Company, sit uated in the Tonopah Mining District, at Tonopah, Nevada, the east endllne of the Tonopah-Belmont Development Company being the west endline of the Halifax Mining Company, or boundary.' line between the two properties. XKW YOUK, Xov. 23. William Hepburn Russell, principal owner in tli Boston National League team, died of angina pectoris. lie was ill for several months. scrscriptioxs received p.v H. E. EPSTINE STOCK BROKER P. O. Box 865 Tonopah, Nev. Dr. T. A. Musante ...DENTIST... Hours: 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m. Office Rooms: o and 9 Tonopah Block ORDER SETTING TIME FOR HEARING PETITION. I BEST LINE OF GOODS I Served the Market Affords Bonanza Ads Bring Results A bouse to rent? Try a Bonanza ".want ad.'" T X THK DISTRICT COURT OF -A the First Judicial District of the State of Nevada, in and for Ormsby County. State of Nevada on the relation of John Sparks, et al., Plaintiff, vs. State Bank & Trust Company, a corporation. Defendant. Frank I,. Wildes, receiver in the above-entitled cause, having hereto- j fore tiled a petition therein asking for an order authorizing and direct ing li i in to sell that certain property known and described as follows, lo wit: The MAOGIH O., CALIFORNIA FRACTION'. AJAX, IROQUOIS, DKIMMONI). DRUMMOND FRAC TION. W1XDOM. MAUD S. FRAC TION, and SILVER DELL lode min ing claims, formerly the property of the Tonopah-California Gold Mining Company, certificates of lo-. cation of which are recorded in the olHce of the County Recorder of Nye County, Nevada, together with cer tain' machinery, tools, equipment, hoist and mining building thereon located. It is hereby ordered that the hearing of said petition be set for the 27th day of November, 1911, in the District court-room at Carson City, Nevada, and that notice of said hearing bo given by publication cf a copy of this order in the Tunopah Daily Bonanza, a news paper published at Tonopah, Nye County, Nevada, for at least ten days preceding the date of paid bearing. Haled Ibis 10th day of Noveml 1!M 1. frank! p. lanca'x. District Judge. MACK & CiKEEX'. DROWN & KEEK Attorneys for Receiver. 11-1 5-1 Ot POTASH FIELDS TO BENEFIT ELY Declaring that the discovery of a deposit of potash of commercial value in this state would be of paramont importance, compared with tlie construction of a new railroad, Victor Barndt, president of the Rail road Valley Saline company, D. H. Walker, superintendent of the same corporation, and II. 11. Miller, u mining man, arrived Wednesday aft ernoon from Tonopah, to procure a churn drill, which will be sent to Railroad valley for the purpose of prospecting their holdings. The officials of the Saline com pany returned by auto to headquar ters yesterday morning, having ob tained a Keystone Xo. 5 drill from the Nevada Copper company, which is capable of driving a hole to a depth of 100 feet. The drill will be -used in prospecting the potash beds in Railroad Valley. Mr. Barndt states that it his company is successful in discovering a potash deposit in Railroad Valley, the question of the construction of the Ely & Goldfield railroad would be definitely determined, as capitalists would readily furnish the sinews of war to build a road 50 miles in length to reach a commer cial bed of potash. "The development of the saline lands in Railroad valley is of the utmost importance to the residents tf this district," said Mr. Barndt, "because they are closer to Ely than any other railroad point. "As there is only one known de posit of potash in the world, the government is assisting prospectors in exploring an old lake bed in Churchill count y for I he first time in its history, and conditions are very favorable for the finding of an extensive deposit. Our company has had offers from several of the larg est fertilizer companies in the United States, who arc anxious to secure the properties, and provide the necessary funds to thoroughly prospect the estate. The Importance of finding n commercial grade of potash In Railroad valley Is real ized, when it Is stated that there is only one known deposit in the ! world." The Railroad Valley Saline com pany was organized by prominent stockholders in the Tonopah and Belmont Mining companies, and has disbursed in the neighborhood of $15,000 in acquiring a valid title to three miles of potash lands. The plans are under way for the con solidation of five more miles of territory controlled by ether inter ests. White Pine News. A IIATHF.K "SWELL" AFFAIR. There was a swell dance given in Jarbidge, Nev., the ether evening, and in connection with the hop was a grand supper. To make the feast complete a large quantity of dainty puueh had been provided, but some one probably with a desire for making life seem brighter man aged to "dope-up" the punch with champagne. The trickster who was responsible for the mixture made a thorough success, all right, as there never was a dance given in Nevada at which so much hilarity and joy pre vailed. The Bisters and even th- brethren felt good. It was a swell dance and there were some swelled heads in Jarbidge the next morning. And one funny feature of the af fair was that it was a church party. ORANGES XO LONGER PER MITTED TO BE COLORED A recent press telegram from San Bernardino, Cal., states that because the artificial coloring or oranges is no longer permitted by order of the bureau of food and drug inspec tion, eastern tables this Thanksgiv ing will be without oranges as far as Southern California is concerned. According to prominent, orange ship pers this season's crop will be from two to four weeks late because of the order. Heretofore by use of the coloring device the first of the crop usually has been in New York and intermediate points in time for the country's annual feast day. This year it Is expected the first car will be shipped early in December. CONSOLIDATED ATTTO COMPANY. Carrying United States mail and express makes dally trips from Tonopah to Manhattan and Round ivfountlan. Cars leave Tonopah dally on arrival of mail and leave Manhattan at 2:30 p. in. W. C. HARDIXO, Agent. Bonanza "want ads" will sell your property. NEW ADVERTISEMENT X K W A DVE RT I SEM E XT NEW ADVERTISEMENT I mt wre ei c l m IIIIIIMIIIIHWIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIWIIIIIIIIIII I Illl Illlll III II mil I Volrath Brown and White Enamel Ware, the highrst grade of enamel ware manufactured. Royal and EL-AN-GE Grey Enamel. ROME NICKEL PLATED WARE. Tinware and Cooking Uten sils of Every Description. Also that SAVORY AND CORONA ROASTER for your Thanksgiving Turkey Prices Right and the Place that You Can do Better NO DELIVERY FROM THIS DEPARTMENT t , , , 1 111 Cammed Fish Imported Norwegian Fish Balls in Bouillon, 20 cents per can. Imported Norwegian Sardines in Oil 2 cans for 25 cts. Imported Soused Mackerel 25 cents per can. Burnham & Morrill Fish Flakes, 20 cents per can, 3 for 50 cents. Imported Smoked Alberts (a Fish Delicacy) 25 cents per can. Libby's Mexican Style Tamales, 35 cents per can. Caromed egeftalbies and Frails Standard Canned Vegetables, per can Extra Standard Peaches, 22 lb. tins, per can Extra Extra Extra tt tt tt tt a tt u it it it it tt u a a a tt u 15c 25c 25c 25c 25c Extra Standard Blackberries, 22 lb. tins, per can, Extra Extra Extra Extra u a u a tt tt tt tt a a tt tt tt tt tt a tt tt n a tt a tt 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c You Can do Better at the R CHARD MERCABJTE m im GO, 1 i BdHMMIrTt4BAeiflMUiJ KMmMinffwaii 1