Newspaper Page Text
THE TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TONOPAH, NEVADA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1911 The Stock Market Sanfrancisco closing quotations furnished by Harry E. Epstine, Broker TOXOPAH. Bid. Tonopah Nevada .. $7.00 Montana 90 Touopuh Kx 1.15 MarXamara 2" .Midway 23 lielmont S.Ij Asked. $ ... .92 1.20 .2G .24 ' 8.25 .28 .80 .20 .24 .7S .00 North Star . . West End . . Hostile Kula J i in Uutler . .Mizpah Kx. . , JSoston .27 .78 .10 .23 .7C .04 ;oi.ii ii i.n. Bid. Coldlield Con $4.43 Vernal 1G riooth Hlne Bull 07 I.onc Star 05 Atlanta 17 Jumbo Kx '. .2 2 Florence 70 Spearhead Gold Comb. Fraction ... .13 Kcwanu OS CO.) 13 Merger Mines 21 COMSTOCK. Bid. Asked. $4.50 .17 .08 .08 .00 .18 .24 .73 .09 .16 .0') .14 A si: cd. $3.77 1.47 Mexican $3.73 Union Con 1.42Va MISCKM;AXI.OVS. Bid. I'itls. Silver Peak. $1.23 Nevada Hills 2.30 Manhattan Con Man. Dexter 03 Man. Mustang ... .04 Man. IHi? Four. . . .28 Mineral Hill...... .10 Cold Wedge 0 1 White Caps OS Thanksgiving 0 1 Asked. $1.30 .14 .00 .0 5 .29 .11 .05 .09 .05 PERSONALS Comings and Goings of Our Local People and Others - Mrs. George Strosnider, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. .1. Sinclair, for the past two weeks, r. turned to Yeringtcn this morning. Professor B. G. Blasdale, super visor or the I'M fill District of the Department of Education of -Nevada, u'-conipanied by Prof. A. II. Yoder are spending today in Goldfield ar- running for the teachers' institute, to he held here next month A. W. Morgan, deputy in the auditor and recorder' ollice, return (1 this morning after an absence of two months on the coast. He says lie is not married all a hoax. Auditor II. J. Tyons of the T;no pah & Goldfield road, was in town between trains today. Itert Smith returned from Oregon this morning. COMPANION ROYAL ARCH MA SONS: A stated convocation of Chapter Xo. 12, II. A. M. will be held at Butler hall this evening at 7:30 sharp Most Excellent Master de grees. All members are requested to lie present. Sojourning compan ions are cordially invited. Business of importance. By order of the II. P. HENRY C. SCHMIDT, Secreary OHIO SIIIPMKXTS FOB THK PAST WEEK The ore shipments for the past week for the various producing mines in the Ton opah district are as follows: Tonopah Mining 3300 Belmont 2530 Monotann-Tonopah . . . .1023 Tonopah Extension 1 008 West End 525 Old tailings 2S0 Midway 50 Total 8 4 60 Estimated value of total production is $211, 50. SIIDMANSKI HAS ltl; STOCK EOU THK HOLIDAY SEASON Ity December 1, Sheinanskl, the jeweler, will know if bis business is sold or net. If not, it will pay oii to wait with lu villi; Christmas presents. A bis; jewelry stock with small prices will be slashed, and no mercy will be shown to ray stock. II. SIIKMANSKI. duller Corner. NEW YOKK Ci niS Clos lug Hid. Asked. $7.00 .95 1.18 .20 .25 8.1 S .24 4.50 .80 .79 .30 Tonopah Mining. . $0.94 Montana 92 Tonopah Kx 1.12 Rescue Kula 18- Midway 23 Belmont 8.12 Jim Butler 22 Ooldlield Con 4.37 Mizpah Kx 75 West Knd 78 North Star 29 SALES. Forenoon 2,000 North Star 2S 100 Goldfield Con 4.45 100 Goldfield Con 4.47 1,000 Kewanas 09 300 Silver Peak 1.30 2 00 Silver Peak 1.27 1,000 Bescue Kula 20 500 Vernal 17 500 White Caps 08 1,000 Tonopah Extension.. 1.17 1,500 Midway 24 3.500 North Star 27 3,300 North Star 28 2,500 North Star 27 1,500 North Star 28 8 00 Comb. Fraction 15 2,500Conib. Fratcion 10 1,000 Silver Peak (S-10).. 1.27 5 00 Siver Peak (S-10).. 1.27 500 Mizpah Extension... .77 100 Mi.pab Extension... .7f 2,000 Dexter 05 500 Dexter 00 500 Big Four 29 1.000 Star 00 1 .0 00 Vernal .17 3,0 0 0 Vernal .10 1,500 White Caps 09 3.000 Mineral Hills 10 1.000 Thanksiving 04 1,000 Rescue Kula 20 ORDER SETTING TIME FOR HEARINGPETITION. "I N THE DISTRICT COURT OF 1 the First Judicial District of the State of Nevada, in and for Onnsby County. State of Nevada on the relation cf John Sparks, et al., Plaintiff, vs. State Bank &. Trust Company, a corporation. Defendant. Frank L. Wildes, receiver in the above-entitled cause, having hereto lore filed a petition therein asking for nn order authorizing and direct ing him to sell that certain prcpert: known and described as follows, tn wit: The MAGGIE O., CALIFORNIA FRACTION, AJAX, IROQUOIS, DRl'MMOND, DRUMMOND FRAC TION, WINDOM, MAUD S. FRAC TION, and SILVER BELL lode min ing claimS, formerly the property of the Tonopah-Callfornia Gold Mining Company, certificates of lo cation of which are recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Nv County, Nevada, together with cer tain machinery, tools, equipment, hoist and mining building thereof, located. It is hereby ordered that the hearing of said petition be set foi the 2 7th day of November, 19 11 in the District court-room at Carson City, Nevada, and that notice o said hearing be given by publication rf a copy of this order in the Tonopah Daily Bonanza, a news paper published at Tonopah, Nye County, Nevada, for at least ten days preceding the date of said hearing. Dated this 10th day of Noveivl. 1911. FRANK P. LANG AN, District Judge. MACK & GREEN, BROWN & KEER Attorneys for Receiver. ll-13-10t Dr. T. A. Musante ...DENTIST... Hours: 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m. Office Rooms: 8 and 9 Tonopah Block Bank Saloon WALTER DRYSDALE PROPRIETOR THE PLACE To Meet Your Friends and Have a Pleasant Smile BEST LINE OF GOODS Served th Marfcat Afford Xi:V A I V K ' 63 L V W (KM German Specialist of Los Angeles lr. Dicke treats the eye and all the troubles of the eye. system. I treat the nerves and all the nervous disorder tleriineiiient diseases of I he nervous system. I treat tin; niuscules and all the muscular functional (U-i'iiiigcnient and unbalances diseas 's, paralysis ami muscular cross-eye troubles. I straighten eross-eyes scientilieally (without operation) 1.V the new and latest methods known to Advanced Science. I treat all ocular vision troubles', lie- many hereditary malformations of the eyes and diseases of children. Thousands of children nre lioru with these hereditary eye troubles, so much suffering to Health, mentally, physically, morally anil spiritually. I treat all the relative functional de rangements, mental and physical, sympathetically to stomach, liver, kid ney, causing irritation, inllaniinat ion, diseased matter to the organic pro cess, which is a violation, mentally, from eye strain; abuse of natiir e to health, to I he laws of life, mental force and organic matter, uncoii scienliously by eye strain sapping the nervous system of nervo force causes nervous diseased mailer to stomach, liver, kidney, brain (indiges tion), (constipation), kidney inflaiu million, weak back, spinal troubles, brain iullammatioii, blood pressure of brain, headaches, reaetiou to stomach, sick headache, vomiting dizziness, etc. Every disease is a vio lation and transgression to nn lire's laws. Eye strain is a violation of Hie laws of light caused by neglect, abuse i f nature, ignorance' diseases of the eyes and blindness is nature's fixed penalty. Eyesight is priceless. The power of liglit is the. principle, pre cious power of nature. The application of light is prescribed and scen lilically grounded, transposed and compounded in 80,000 different pre scription and transposition, then properly fitted by glasses, according to the laws of light is (me scent ilic treatment for all eyes and all eye troubles of the human family. Intelligent people realize the value of their eyes and health, have their itcei no) too proud to wear glasses. brain cells that are in darkness; it realization of self knowledge is self mony ot lite to mind, body and ideal education. Involution of perfection to a higher standard of human pel lection is God's ultimate plan. I treat Hie diseases of mind, laws of the basic principle fundamentals anil formulas of life by the s ience of nature. Glasses fitted all styles and (alion free. Daily make nwminli: my work. BR. At the Mizpah Hotel, Room 4, Adjoining Parlor 3 DAYS ONLY-SATURDAY, SUNDAY MONDAY, NOV. 25, 26, 27 OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5 p. m. HALSf M - TONOPAH ..MINING CA'Tl'.Ui STOCK, 2,000,0(10 SI I A II I'M. pa it v.m.i r. $1.00 im :h SII AKK. OIT'lCKltS: I'. M. Siniih l'resident ami Director Thorn;, ivearus Vice-President anil Director C. I!, abriskie Treasurer and Director F. .1. Westcolf. Secretary ami Director S. If. Itrady iiiperiiiteinleiit The Halifax Tonopah Mining Company, having had many in quiries for stock in this venture, has now decided to sell a limited amount of the treasury stock for development purposes at $1.25 a As this Allotment may be withdrawn at. any time, early subscrip tions are advisable. The property of this claims, COO feet wide and 4 comprising nn area of Wide by 3000 feet in len the property of the Tonopah-llelmont Development Company, sit uated in the Tonopah Mining District, at Tonopah, Nevada, the east endline of the Tonopah-Belmont Development Company being the west endline of the Halifax Mining Company, or boundary line between the two properties. SI'ltSCKII'TIONS KKCKIYED l!V H. E. EPSTINE STOCK BROKER P. Q. Box 865 Tonopah, Nev. USE7 A rI T Tft1 m CAIVTTO OUR V fWWlVL to cxtermitiale ilust and dirt. We deliver both ways frej and show you liow to operate it Our charge i.s nominal hcing only $1.00 per day, or $1.00 for half a day. NEVADA-CALIFORNIA POWER UT I S KM K X T IT MIZPAH HOTEL THREE DAYS ONLY Saturday, Sunday and Monday NOV. 25, 26, 27 Dr. F. W. Dicke children's eyes and health treated, and The light enlightens thousands of opens the way for truth. A higher - power more perfect health, har character; a science of culture; an body, character, accordingly to tin qualities. Reasonable prices. Consul' cut by Phone ol'J. Guruntcc all COMPANY. Share LOCATION. company consists of lour full patented Kj00 feet Ions--Halifax Nos. 1, 2, ?, and 81.30 acres, .same being a tract 1200 feet ;tli, located directly east of and adjoining CO., PHONE 112 XKW AnVKKTISIXO. TRADE -J MARK ri h-' M-itmtm- t -1 !- f SATIKO.W SIU'.CIAIvS; l'EAKT'S. Boy's long corduroy pants, 13 to 20 years, Saturday only, 7ac pair. Large heavy sheet bankets, grey, white and tan, special, $1.25 per pair. . 11-24-21 DETItOIT SEI.ECTKI. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 25. De troit is selected as the meeting place of next year's convention of the American Hankers' association. Rotholtz Bros., INC. Stationery and Office Supplies VICTOR PHONOGRAPHS $15.00 to $20.00 FOSTER Sc OR EAR CANDIES FRESH CUT FLOWERS DAILY Wholesale and Retail Cigars, Tobacco and Pipes Redwood Mixture Special Inducement To Be Sanitary The Tonopah Sewer & Drain- age company will put the sew- er pipe to your property line without charge to you. From your property line to within three feet of your connection for 25 cents per foot, and the actual cost of Excavation. Phone to Secretary at the Nevada First National bank, or see the General Manager. . rtonauza "want ads" your property. will sell Subscribe for your home paper FRANK H. WARD Notary Public Office Hour 8 a. in. to 5"p. m. DAILY BONANZA OFFICE Brougher Ave!1 Tonopah H. E. EPSTINE STOCK BROKER Quotations received from San Fran cisco Stock Exchange board. If you are Interested la southern Nevada necurltlea, write me. TONOPAH BLOCK BLDG. TONOPAH . NEVADA CLASSIFIED ADS. YOUXG lady or gent wanted for a traveling moving picture show. No1 experience necessary; pay good wages or half Interest; little mon ey required. Address Box 634 Tonopah, Nev. it FOR SALE Three furnished houses with lots; close in; furnished with water, gas and electric lights. Price $700; all rented. Income $45 per month. Premises, 11 South street. Owner leaving Tonopah. ll-24-2t WANTED Six table boarders; first class table; terms reasonable; St. Patrick street, near Dass house. 11-21-St WANTED Woman wants position; general housework or any kind of work. Apply nonanza office. 11-23-tf WANTEI Clirl for general house work; private family. Inquire Mrs. 11. 11. Atkinson, telephone 2323. 11-23-tf rVJAOveYtSiii?n 10 rents per line, each insertion. Five words to the line: This itesplrator is the Best Device knovru to Modern Scieme us a preventative against Dl'ST, SMOKE AND MIS KKS' COSSOirTlON We Have Cut the Price to $1.50 Each MINERS' DRUG STORE, INC., Sew State liaiik Building P. O. Box 1242 Telephone 1214 FOR A FINE SANDWICH Good Liquors and Cigars GO TO THE C. & F. BAR ELKS CLUB BUILDING . M. Coon prope. C. Feutsch TONOPAH NEVADA Nevada Club THE BEST LINE OF LIQUORS IN THE CITY BASEBALL RETURNS DAILY BY WIRE Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company Exclusive Agents FOR Genuine Rock Springs Coal... Butler Theatre THK POPULAK MTTIVK PLAYHOUSE. Up-To-Date Motion Pictures MATIXEE EYTSKY AFTERNOON At 2 and 3 p. m, Entire Change of Program EVERY EVENING Admission - 10c Even iiig Performances Commence at 7 o'clock. COAL For Sale Bv Sack or Ton Also Dry Wood c o A C 0 A II Our Specialty ROCK SPRINGS COAL L WILKES WAREHOUSE COMPANY, PHONE 822 COAL L POU SALE Old papers to put un der carpets; per hundred, 25c; this office.