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THE TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TONOPAH. NEVADA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1911. SUMMONS. TN I th THE DISTRICT COURT OK the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Nevada, in and for the County of Nye. Acticn brought in the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Nevada, in and for the County of Nye, and the Com plaint filed in said County of Nye, in the office of the Clerk of said District Court. Cassie Barnett, Plaintiff, vs. J. W. Barnett, Defendant. The State of Nevada sends greet- to J. v. tsarnett, Defendant. You are hereby required to ap pear in an action brought against you by the above-named Plaintiff in the District Court, of the Fifth Ju dicial District of the State of Ne vada, in and for the County of Nye, and to answer the Complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after the serv ice on you of Ibis Summons, if served within this county; or, if served out of this county, but in this district, within twenty days; otherwise, within forty days; o: judgment by default will be taken against you, according to the pray er of said Complaint. The said action is brought to dissolve the bonda of matrimony now existing between Plaintiff and Defendant on the grounds cf neglect of the Defendant, for over a period of one year, to provide Plaintiff with the common necessaries of life. when such neglect was not the re-1 suit of poverty on the part o! jjcicuuaiu, W Mil 11 iiv lUllltl uui uvuu by ordinary industry. That De iendant without excuse and with the ability to provide said common nec essaries of life for Plaintiff failed and neglected to do so for over a period of one year. This action is also brought for the purpose of decreeing any property heretofore acquired or held by Plaintiff, at time of judgment, to be her own separate property. And you are further notified that if you fail to appear and answer said Complaint, as above required, said Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein. Given under my hand and tne Seal of the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Nevada, in and lor the Count.' cf Nye this first day of November, in the Year of Our Lord One Thou sand Nine Hundred and Eleven. (Seal) ROBERT G. POHL, Clerk. riy LOWELL DANIELS, Deputy Clerk. C. L. RICHARDS, Attorney for Plaintiff. 11-29, 12-C, 13, 20, 27; 1-3, 10 SEE THE NEW NEVADA CLUB Ask the men who were present when tie inspector tested our sri-od.-s. Original Rudweiser on drlir.g" 1. Come In once to see the new place and then you will come to pt't the gcods. 12-4-tf. ANNUAL WORK ON MINING CLAIMS m:v YORK UAXKKIt AUUKSTKD FOR STEALING Come in and see the new Nevada Club, remodeled throughout; new management In fact everything is new but the whisky, and that has been' in the wood for 10 years and J NEW YORK, Dec. 13. Herbert was tested by the government in- Theodcre Jennings, president of the spector on his recent visit to To-jMoun(. Yenu,n National bank, of nopah and pronounced absolutely! v- v ", indirtoil . . 'Mount Vernon, N. V, was inaicien pure. AO packages ever seiuwu u VA IXAMJO I X FORMATION' CJIVKX TO THE OWNERS OF PROPERTIES. IS confiscated at the Nevada Club. We handle nothing but pure goods. yesterday for misapplying $20,000 of the bank's funds. vh- Bonanza Ads Bring Results v7mv Given Away Free A nice Sterling Silver Toilet Set will be given away free at Shemanski's DECEMBER 24th, 1911 Tickets with every purchase. See it in the window Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons 5oc up; a big reduction on Mash Bags. B. SHEMANSM, BUTLER CORNER - TONOPAH, NEVADA This is the time of the year when the claim owners gives thought to the perforamnce of an nual assessment work upon his property. It is highly Important that this work be done in strict compliance with the law, and no harm can be done if a little more work is done than is really" de manded. In some localities district laws conflict with the federal sta tutes; but, in a test case, it will be found that the federal law must be complied with, and that the irreg ular district regulations will not hold good. 1 1 cases where work has been be gun before the close of the year, but n '1 completed, no loss to the n holder is sustained If he con tinues the work without Interrup tion ind luto the following year. Aetna' occupancy and personal posses-in is regarded by the law as evidence of good faith on the part t the claim holder, and he may '.-( .-mp'ete the required work and hol t good title, even if this work is carried on into the year 1912. In the event of the performance of assessment work upon a group of claims, this can be done at one point on the group, provided the work so done tends to the develop ment and improvement of the whole group; but such work cannot apply to detached claims, or to claims in tho group which cannot be benefitted by the work being carried on. In some Instances, "STAMP LICKING" IS NO JOKE TO THESE PEOPLE however, work on a group can be applied to a detached claim it it can be shown that the claim bene fits by the work performed. Wagon roads, even, if constructed in the near proximity, but not on a claim or group of claims, If built for the use of the property in question, and are necessary for the successful op eration of the claim or claims, will be accepted as assessment work. A building, permanent In its char acter, will apply as assessment work, as will also the services of a watchman when such services are utilized in keeping mine workings in repair and the property in con dition "for active operation. , The statutes provide that work to the value of $ 100 be done in the performance of annual assessment work. Such work is valued at what It is reasonably worth. ' If it is" reasonably worth f 100, the fact that it was performed at a less cost does not imply that the claim holder has not complied with the requirements of the law. A great many factors must neces sarily enter into the question of what constitutes the performance of annual assessment work. Such, for instance, as the cost of labor, the cost of provisions and supplies, and the distance from supply points; and the claim owner who is en deavoring in good faith and hon esty, to develop and exploit his holdings, is not very likely to have his work questioned, and especially .when ho does not rely upon the supposed technicalities of the law to tide him over year after year, in the possession of his property. Salt Lake Mining Review. will be employed. So they have united to fight the tax. The serv ants look upon the "stamp licking'' business as obnoxious, to say noth ing of the "docking" of their wages, and the mistresses recent being made stamp collectors for the chancellor of tho exchequer. LEADERS OF ELKS LEAVE SALT LAKE FOR THEIR HOMES MK(l.i; ORGAN RECITAL is GIVEY IX HOXOK OF THE VISITORS. Grand Exalted Kuler Sullivan of the Klks and Grand Secretary Rob- nson concluded their visit to Salt Lake Tuesday afternoon. The visi tors expressed a desire to hear the great tabernacle organ before leav ing the city and a special recital was arranged for them at 2:30 p. ni. Because of the grand lodge to be held in Portland next July, Mr. Sul livan thinks it probable that 25. 000 Elks will take advantage of he opportunity to visit Salt Lake en route to the convention city, or n the return. He estimates that between 0,000 and 75.000 neonle ill journey to Portland from all parts of the country to attend the rand lodse. Portland has subscribed already 123,000 for the entertainment cf the guests, and according to the lans which I went over with the committee when in that city, it ppcars certain that the grand lodge will be the most successful ver held," said Mr. Sullivan. The party departed for Colorado prings and Denver. From Denver, Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan wi'.l sr Chicago, thence to their home in ew Orleans. Mr. Robinson will return to Dubuque from Denver. HOUND TI5IP Holiday Fares! Los Angeles and return via San Francisco $36.00 San Francisco and return - ... $27.75 Stop Over at Any Point En Route sale DATES Dec. 20r 21, 22,23,24,29, 30, 31 Return Limit Jan. 10th TXG: J MtNRAt P MAKE SLEEPER RESERVA TIONS NOW!!! J. E. PECK. Acrent. Phone 187 TONOPAH AND GOLDFIELD RAILROAD COMPANY Wittenberg Warehouse Transfer Company Exclusive Agents f F0R Genuine Rock Springs Coal... H. E. EPSTINE STOCK BROKER Quotations received from Shi Frm cisco Stock Exchange board fe Hi OAL if you are Interested 1 souther. Nevada ecurltlei, write m TONOPAH BLOCK BLDG. TONOPAH - NEVADA l. O. Box 1242 Talephon 1214 FOR A FINE SANDWICH Good Liquors and Cigars GO TO THE C. & F. BAR ELKS CLUB BUILDING C. M. Coon Props. C. Feutsch TONOPAH NEVADA Nizpah Hotel A Modern Hotel where ery neaaoi. able Tariff Prevails Hot and Cole Running Water In Kac'd Itoom Room with or , without prim baths. gloglA or an suite x COMMERCIAL RATES For Sale By Sack or Ton Also Dry Wood Oar Specialty ROCK SPRINGS COAL WILKES WAREHOUSE COMPANY, PHONE 822 c o A L COAL For once tjie mistresses and do mestic servants of England are united. They refuse to "lick stamps" for Mr. Lloyd-George. The servant does not look upon her em ployer as an enemy any more. They have joined hands in sympathy against the com men enemy, that enemy being the new insurance hill which the chancellor of the ex chequer would make law, compell ing servants and their mistresses each to lick six cents' worth of stamps a week toward the insur ance of every servant. By Mr. Lloyd-George's proposal the employer has either to "dock" the servant six cents out of her wages or the servant must stick insurance stamps to that value on a sheet provided for the purpose, and the mistress must lick a like number. At first the idea was looked up on as a joke. "One of master's little games," said the domestic. But now it- has given rise to a storm of Indignant correspondence. Servants regarded the tax as an outrage. Mistresses fear that they will have to pay the whole tax if they -want to keep good servants in their employ, while the servants see as a result they will have harder work, and fewer of them REDHEADED HIGH WAYMAN BOLD IN OPERATIONS TACOMA. Wash., Dec. 14. A red-haired unmasked highwayman still in his 'teens, who has com- mitted a half-dozen daring holdupt within a week here, gave a 1 ther exhibition of his nerve last night by holding up - three men within a block of an evangelist's tabernacle, while the crowd which had attended the meeting was pass tner nlonc the other side of the street. The first victim, after be ing turned loose by the robber, backed up until he bumped intt two nthpv men. to whom he ex.- claimed: "T'vb lust been held up; there' the fellow now." "Why don't you go get him? replied one of them, but the rob her himself answered tnat question 1) yturning and drawing his gun They also contributed. A houso to rent? "want ad." Try a Bonanza FRANK H. WARD Notary Public Office Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. DAILY BONANZA OFFICE Brougher Ave'' Tonopah Butler Theatre THK POPULAR LITTLE PLAYHOUSE. Up-To-Date Motion Pictures MATINEE EVERY AFTERNOON At 2 and 3 p. m. Entire Change of Program EVERY EVENING Admission - 10c Evening Performances Commence Special Fast Freight Los Angeles 2 Days - San Francisco 4 Days -VIA- LAS VEGAS AND TONOPAH R. R. Salt Lake RoutePacific NavigationJCo. Travel and Ship Your Freight via These Lines Yale and Harvard Boats Fastest and Finest on Pacific Coast. See that your Lot Angeles freight is routed care Salt Lake Ronte. San Francisco Freight via Pacific Navigation Co. C.E. REDMAN, TRAFFIC MANAGER, GOLDFIELD NEVADA USEWA m TIT1I m IT A TVTCO OUR V "Vs v J I VI VJLiJLjIIIV to exterminate dust and dirt. We deliver both ways free and show you how to operate it . Our charge is nominal being only $1.50 per day, or $1.00 for half a day. NEVADA-CALIFORNIA POWER 00., PHONE 112 HALL LIQUOR CO. (INCORPORATED) STREET CARS ARE BOYCOTTED; AUTO SERVICE INSTALLED CHEYENNE, Wyo., Dec. 14. A Loveland, Colo., auto-delivery serv ice has ottered to inaugurate and maintain a service between Chey- nne and Kort Russell for tho ac tinmodation of officers and en listed men, who several mouths ago boycotted th Cheyenne Elec tric Railway company. Stanley steamers with a carrying capacity of twelve passengers will be used, ind the service will be put on in' few days. The round trip fare will be 20 cents, tickets being sold to the soldiers without commission being paid the transportation com pany." It is understood this service will be satisfactory to the enlisted men, and that sufficient patronage will be obtained to maintain the service indefinitely. Wholesale Liquor Dealers PHONE 812 OFFICE LOWER MAIN STREET Agents for A B C Bottled Beor, Pilsner Bottled Beer, Los Angeles Brewing Company Beer, bottled; Los Angeles Brewing. Company Beer, draft; Pabst's Blue Ribbon; Pabst Export. CEDAR BROOK, EARLY TIMES : and JACK BEAM WHISKIES A full line of Brandies, Gin, Rum and Sherries, in bulk and cases Dry Climate, International, Cordove, St. Elmo and M..& O. Cigars. FREE DELIVERY TO ANY PART Of CITY TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS SHE WAS USED TO STORMS, Thes storm burst forth In all its fury. Great trees were torn up bodily by the roots, houses were unroofed or even wrenched from their foundations, women shrieked and rushed with their children to places of safety, while strong men turned pale and vainly attempted to appear unconcerned. But In the midst of all this fury of nature one little woman sat cool, calm and col lected. She did not appear to no tice that anything out of the ordi nary was happening. Now and then she raised her eyes from the book that seemed to absorb her, glanced around the room and went back to the literary love. After wards we learned that she was a teacher In a primary school -and that the hadn't heard or felt eny- thhig she wasn't accustomed to. Cleve'ard Plain ealer. WII.Ij OKFK'l HANDSOME srVEK SOUVEX1H Ernest Dobrowsky, the local jew eler, has on exhibition a handsome silver souvenir which he will give to the winner of a handicap tourn ament to be played on the local howling alleys. Many names are already entered in the handicap and all those wishing to participate in the contest can do so by hand ing their name to the manager of the alley. The scratch man In this handicap will be Charley Allen, the well-known bowler, and the handicaps will be made by a com mittee of bowlers who are familiar with the averages of the different players. - The souevnlr Is a hand some silver bowling ball supported i by three silver pins and will be In scribed with the winner s name. This handsome souvenir may be seen at Mr. Dobrowsky's store, and is well worth the effort of any bowler to try to win. John Parale arrived from Yer Ington today. at 7 o'clock.-