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THE TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TONOFAH. NEVADA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1911. O ROUND TRIP Holiday Fares! Los Angeles and return via San Francisco - $36.00 San Francisco and return - - $27.75 Stop Over at Any Point En Route SALE dates Dec. 20, 21,22,23,24,29,30, 31 Return Limit Jan. lOtit MAKE SLEEPER RESERVA TIONS NOW!!! J. E. PECK, Agent, Phone 187 TONOPAH AND GOLOFIELD RAILROAD COMPANY P. O. Box 1242 Telephone 1214 FOR A FINE SANDWICH Good Liquors and Cigars CO TO THE C. & F. BAR ELKS CLUB BUILDING C. M. Coon Propa. C. Feutsch TONOPAH NEVADA Butler Theatre JIU: lOPULAH LITTLE PLAYHOUSE. Up-To-Date Motion Pictures MATINEE EVERY AFTERNOON At 2 and 3 p. m. Entire Change of Program EVERY EVENING Admission - 10c Evening Performances Commence at 7 o'clock. Special Fast Freight Los Angeles 2 Days - San Francisco 4 Daysv - VIA - LAS VEGAS AND TONOPAH R. R. Salt Lake Route Pacific Navigation Co. Yale and Harvard Boats Fastest and Finest on Pacific Coast. See that your Los Ange1e freight San Francisco freight via Pacific Navigation Co. C. E. REDMAN, TRAFFIC MANAGER, GOLDFIELD NEVADA One of the Largest and Most and Carries the Largest Stock Tonopah Paiiy Bonanza First Newspaper and Job Printing House in this Section BROUGHER AVE. - - - TONOPAH, NEV. Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company Exclusive Agents FOR Genuine Rock Springs Coal... H. E. EPSTINE STOCK BROKER Quotations received from Sbd Fran cisco Stock Exchange board. K you are interested la southtr. Nevada aecurltiea, write m. TONOPAH BLOCK BLDG. TQNOPAH - NEVADA Mizpah Hotel Modem Hotel where very Reasou ible Tariff Prevails. Hot and CoW 'ttiiinint; Water In Earn Room. Rooms wttb or without privatt itiths. single or an lulte. ' COMMERCIAL RATES c For Sale Bv OSack or Ton Also flats. Wlnnri 117 wuuvi Onr Specialty ROCK SPRINGS COAL WILKES WAREHOUSE COMPANY, PHONE 822 Travel and Ship Your Freight via These Lines is routed care Salt Lake Ronte. B3BB23 C OA L COAL Commercial BfTTCT of all kinds are being turned J) LJ 1F& out in the Bonanza's UP-TO-DATE RULING AND BINDING PLANT We make a specialty of LOOSE LEAF1 LEDGERS and guarantee every one turned out Sale Now On u AT II SHEMANSKI'S BUTLER CORNER 0 II mm B. SHEMANSKI. the Jeweler "'".-aog"1 1 "-' Q J KJ J'ine Tom mid Jerry. The new Nevada club has at all hours for its many customers Tom and Jerry and hot drinks of ft' descriptions. Drop in. El) WIIFEOE Keeps all kinds o! clear and common lumber, nay and grain. The' best Reck Springs and Hiawatha coal. 11-2-lm Rotholtz Bros., INC. STATIONERY and OFFICE SUPPLIES VICTOR PHONOGRAPH 15.00 to $200.00 FOSTER & OREAR CANDIES FRESH CUT FLOWERS DAILY Wholesale and Retail Cigars, Tobacco and Pipes Redwood Mixture , PRANK H. WARD Notary Public Office Hours S a. m. to 5 p. m. DAILY BONANZA OFFICE Brougher Ave Tonopah We Can Save You Money In buying your Christmas goods. All the very latest just received. Tie3, Hose, Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Mufflers, Suspenders, Collar Rags, and Tie Hose and Jewelry Sots, etc. Our prices are reasonable. Always glad to show goods. JoB Printing Completely Equipped Plants of Paper in Southern Nevada II 0 II ON ALL MY STOCK J MOVING PICTURES MILL HE TAKEN IN THIS STATE Governor Oddie, during his trip to the east, made arrangements with a large moving picture firm to send a party of picture-takers into this state and a number of interesting films will be made of scenery and of points of interest in the state. A number of travels ft III bo arranged' and the thousands of moving picture-goers will soon bo able to see Nevada scenes thrown t pon the screen. It is estimated that 250,000,000 people view every picture turned out by the firm and it can readily bo seen what this moans as an advertising scheme. AUTOMOBILE PUTS HOUSES TO TIIK HAH IN ST. LOOS ST. LOUIS, Dec. 29 The Livery and Undertaking association has in creased $1 on every carriage and $2 on every hearse used at funerals. "The automobile lias just about put the cab to the bad," said Louis Landvogt, president of the associ ation. "What the nuto has not done the owl car has." CONSOLIDATED ATTTO COMPANY. Carrying United Stats mail and express makes daily trips from Tonopah to Manhattan and Round .dountian. Cars leave, Tonopah daily on arrival of mail and leave Manhattan at 2:30 p. m. W. C. HARDING. Agent. A !:ouse to rent? 'want ad." Try a Bonanza TOR SALE Old papers to put un der carpets; per hundred. 25c; this office. THE KIND CO. INC' PARTICULARS Of DUEL TO DEATH AT LOVELOCK LOVELOCK RANCHER ANI EM PLOYE SETTLE TROUBLE; P.OTII ARE DEAD. The Winneniucea Star publishes the following account of the bloody duel recently fought at Lovelock, by two farmers. Both duelists are well Known in Tonopah, a married daughter of Killabrew's living here formerly, the wife of Geo. Lovelock: li. A. Killabrew, a well-known rancher of Lovelock, and William Hubbard, a man who has been in the employ of Airs. Killebrew for some time, are dead as the result ot a u.oo.ty daei between the two men which was fought about noon yes terday at the Killabrew ranch, a few miles below the town of Love lock. About noon yesterday Kitlalirew was driving along the highway iu front of the ranch house that is occupied by his wife. Hubbard stepped to the roadside and appar ently began demonstrating with Killabrew, then they whipped out their six shooters and began firing at each other. Only Ilesh wounds resulted from this battle; then Hub jard picked up a shotgun that was aenr w.liere he had been standing, and unlimbered it and began firing at his adversary, who replied with i Wimiioster taken from his con veyance. With blood streaming from their wounds, the infuriated .lieu adianccd upon each other, flr .lig willi deadly effect. Coming to a point just a few feet away Hub bard pressed the smoking repeating .shotgun against the wavering, on coming bloody figure; lie was also badly injured, and as he pressed the trigger Killabrew moved just enough to save his entitre head from being shot away from the charge of buckhot. But this did not save him. Half his head was blown away, and as he began to settle down to his death he push ed forward his Winchester and placed the muzzle closely to th body of Hubbard In the region of che abdomen, pressed the trigger and passed across the Great Divldt "Killabrew's body was fairly rid dled with heavy charges of buck shot, and great holes were drilled through different parts of his body. Hubbard was wounded in a half dozen places, but they were all of minor character, except the dying man's last effort, which proved fatal. "Both men were shot to pieces, Killabrew dying where he fell, and Hubbard being "shot in the Intestines and mortally wounded. As soon as neighbors reached the scene Hub bard was taken to Lovelock and arrangements were . made to send him to Winneniucea to be operated upon in the faint hope of saving his life. But he expired last night as he was being carried to the train. "The tragedy is said to have been the culmination of family troubles extending over a period of five or six years, during which time Kil labrew and his wife have been sep arated. Since that time they have been living as neighbors, having divided the ranch property equally. Neither secured a divorce, but the estrangement continued and devel oped into a quarrel which increased NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR AND NO TICE TO CREDITORS, IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DIS trlct Pnnrt nf the Rtnto nt NTn. vada, in and for the County of Nye. ir the Matter of the Estate of Mal colm Lloyd Macdonald, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the last will and testament of Mal colm Lloyd Macdonald having been duly admitted to probate in the above-entitled court on the 29th day of November, 1911, and no executor being named in said will, Irving Macdonald on said day was duly and regularly appointed ad ministrator with will annexed of said estate of Malcolm Lloyd Mac onald, deceased, and duly qualified as such, and, Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the said estate ot Malcolm Lloyd Mav donald are required to file the same with the proper vouchers and statutory affidavits attached with the clerk of the above entitled court within three months from the date of the first publication hereof. Date of first publication, Decern ber 13, 1911. IRVING MACDONALD, Administrator with Will Annexed ot the Estate of Malcolm Lloyd Macdonald. BARTLETT & THATCHER, Attorneys for Said Estate. 12-13, 20, 271-3 DESPERATE in bitterness with the passing years. "Hubbard, who was hired by Mrs. Killabrew some time ago, took up her side of the controversy and many clashes followed between he and the husband. Only a few weeks ago Killabrew had Hubbard arrested for the alleged theft of a revolver, but the trial resulted in an acquittal. In retaliation Hubbard endeavored to have Killabrew pros ecuted on a charge of perjury,' but without success. These matters had the effect of increasing the bitter ness of the men toward each other, to the point where each thirsted for the other's blood. Yesterday morn ing they met and the quarrel was renewed with the result that they fought the bloody battle which re sulted in the death of loth." MRS. SULLIVAN REPORTED IN THE DIVORCE COLONY wife op tammany leadek said to 15k mf.mrfk of i:i:o divorce colony. According to New York dispatches .Mrs. Tim Sullivan, wile of the lead er of Tammany Hall iu New York, Is iii'Reno establishing a residence for the purpose of bringing a di vorce action. It is said that she is under an assumed name here, and that she has been living quietly. A woman answering the description of Mrs. Tim Sullivan Is residing on the south side and has consider able money. While she she been living quietly since she came to Bono, she has spent liberally, and has had an automobile at her dis posal all the time. She has taken frequent trips into the country from Reno and usually on these trips has been accompanied by her niece, a young lady who is quite nice look ing and richly dressed. A New York newspaper sends the follow ing description of Mrs.' Sullivan: About o feet 3 inches tall, 160 pounds, dark complexion, dark hair, Irish face, about 5 0 years of age. Reno Gazette. S.P. REFUSES TO DESTROY A CAR Of SPUDS SACRAMENTO, . Dec. 29. Coun ty Horticultural Commissioner F. R. M. Bloomer has troubles of his own. On the 12th of December he located a carload of Nevada po tatoes and gave notice to the South ern Pacific company either' to take the spuds out of the county or de stroy them within three days. The potatoes, according to Bloomer, are Infected with ell worms, against which there is a quarantine. The Southern Pacific company did not haul the spuds out of Sacra mento county and it did not destroy them. The company has no inten tion of doing so, and yesterday in formed Bloomer to that effect. At the same time the company told Bloomer that he could do whatever he wanted to with the spuds, and take all the chances, but that the company would not be a party to his act and would not stand t'le responsibility. Bloomer has passed the matter up to District Attorney Wachhorst, and if. the district attorney advises him to go out and destroy those 147 sacks of spuds, he will do it. If the district attorney does not so advise, Bloomer doesn't know what he will do. The spuds still are in the car, and Bloomer says they are afflicted with ell worm. HARRY K. THAW HAS BECOME A PITTSBURG, Dec. 29. The finan cial affairs of Harry K. Thaw, now in aMtteawan insane asylum for slaying Stanford White, wound up yesterday in the bankruptcy court when an order was Issued for the payment of 22 per cent of the amount of claims against the estate. Thaw's liabilities are about $300, 000. The principal claim is that of his mother, Mary Copley Thaw, for $209,674.