Newspaper Page Text
THE TOKOPAH unwiKSA. TOW OPAH. NEVA A, TUESDAYJANOARY 2,1912 -(- .wm XKW ADVEKT.SIXO. PERSONAL Coming and Going of Loca n i i 1 1 NEW ADVERTISING. i l r topic ana umen. Chris Johnston departed this morning for Portland, Oregon. H. K. Kpstiue, tn" broker, re turned from San Francisco this morning. ' ' Attorney George. Thatcher U spending today in Uoldfleld on legal business. D. Aspland, the general agent of the T. & T. railroad, is in the city from Goldfield. V. 1). F'orster and wife were passengers on No. 23 train this morning for San Francisco, cify, returned to Berkeley this morning, where she is a pupil at the Miss Handsome school. Hon. Hush II. Brown, memer of the State Hanking hoard, returned from Carson yesterday morning. Miss Madeline Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Harris, who has been unending her holiday va cation with her parents in this Mrs. Edmund North and little daughter, who have been the guests of Mrs. Hugh Brown for the past month, will return to I-os Angeles tomorrow morning. Frank J. Cunningham, the under taker who has been employed at the W'onacott & Hall undertaking parlors during Mr. Marsh's absence in California, departed for Goldfield this morning, where he will have charge of the Dunn undertaking parlors. County Commissioner V. 1). Cud dy, who has for the past two months been visiting his wife and sons at Fortaee. Wis., returned to Tonopah yesterday morning. The Colonel retuniH in the best of health and says the east Is all right for those who like it, but he prefers the old Battle-born state. m v in Pi ORY SA Our Pre-Inventory Sale Started Monday Morning', New Yea's Day, and Continues for One Week Only Remember-Best Bargains Eo Early -You Be Early-Remember HALF PRICE Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits HALF PRICE $ 7.50 $ 8.75 $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $17.50 $20.00 1.').K .17.50 2.").(HI :il).00 ijti,").(Mi TAIIiOKKD SUITS. TA1LOUK1) Sl'ITS. TA1LOKKI) TAILOUHD TAILORED TAIIiOKKD TAILOKKD Sl'ITS.... Sl'ITS.... Sl'ITS Sl'ITS Sl'ITS ALL WAISTS AT 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT 2..")0 :i..-)0 $,".( H !r7.."0 CHILDREN'S COAT-HALF PRICE (OATS $1-25 COATS $1-75 COATS ! $2.50 COATS $3.75 (Ajtos 2 1o 1-1 Years.) SILK PETTICOATS .Von SILK PKTTICOATS $3.95 (I..-.0 SIl.K I'KTTICOATS $4.95 7.."0 SILK 1'KTTICOATS $5.45 irliUtO SILK PETTICOATS !$6.95 .12.." SILK 1'KTTICOATS $7.95 NOTICE OK APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR AMI NO TICK TO CREDITORS. IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL D1S t:Ut Court of the State of Ne vada, in and for the County of Nye. p til Matter ol the Estate of Mal colai Llovd Macdonald, Deceived. Notice Is hereby given that the l.ut will and testament of Mal cnlui l.loyd Macdonald having been dny ndmitted io probate in the move-entitled court on the 29th day of November, 1911, and no executor being named in said will, I Iniiu; Macdonald on said day was d.ily and regularly appointed ad ministrator with will annexed of i-state of Malcolm l.loyd Mac- i.naUl, deceased, and duty qualified as such, and, Notice is hereby given that all tier .-ions having claims against the tnid estate of Malcolm l.loyd Mac donald are required to file ths fame with the proper vouchers and statutory affidavits attached with the clerk of the above entitled court within three mouths from the date of the first publication herecf. Date of first publication, Decem ber 13, 1911. IRVING MACDONAI.D, Administrator with Will Annexed nf thA F.state of Malcolm l.loyd Macdonald. , RARTLETT & THATCHER, Attorneys for Said Estate. 12-13, 20, 271-3 WOMEN'S GOWNS AND DRESSES ONE-THIRD OFF .t;t i.on ."().( HI 10.00 .V0O ;o.oo 27.50 25.0O 20.00 KYKXIXl! DKKSSKS $39.50 KYKXINO DKKSSKS $33.50 KVKNIXU DKKSSKS $26.50 KVKXIXli DKKSSKS $22.50 STKKKT DKKSSKS $19.50 STKKKT DKKSSKS $17.50 STKKKT DKKSSKS $16.50 STKKKT DKKSSKS $13.50 KIMONOS jji 2.00 sr 2.50 :l.75 i- 4.00 if 5.00 if- li.OO if 7.50 10.(10 if 12.50 I.oxo Lox; LOXti l.ON't) LOXO loxo LOXli LOX'U Loxd ( KKI'K ( KKl'K CKKI'K C KKI'K SILK SILK SILK SILK SILK Kl.MOXOS. KIMONOS. KIMONOS. ; KIMONOS. Kl.MOXOS . KIMONOS . KOMONOS . KIMONOS . KIMONOS . $1.45 SI 95 .$2.95 .$3.25 .$3.95 .$4.95 .$5.45 .$7.45 .$9.95 HOUSE DRESSES lii in i if 8.00 if 7.00 if 5.00 4.00 if :l.5(i if :?.oo if 2.50 .f- 2.00 S 1.50 I'.Ll DKK DK1 dim Dlil DKl DIM DKI DKl DKI K SKKCF. SSKS .... DKK :ssi:s :ssi:s '.SSKS SSKS '.ssks ;ssi;s $145 '.SSKS " $--95 $6.95 $5.95 $4.95 $3.95 $2.95 $2.45 $1.95 .$1.75 ALL HATS FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN AT HALF PRICE AND LESS if15 1S nn.1 20 HATS -CIIOICK $7.50 sMn' . 12 nn.l W HATS -CIIOICK $4.95 V00 ii 1 1. 1 7.50 HATS -CIIOICK $2.95 (( :i00 and fL00 HATS - -CIIOICK. . . .$1.00 1.00 1.50 2.0O 2.50 :.00 HEATHERBLOOM AND SATEEN PETTICOATS 1'KTTlCOATS $ -75 1'KTTICOATS $115 PETTICOATS $1-45 1'KTTICOATS $195 ,,, .!.50 1'KTTICOATS $1.95 ALL SWEATERS ONE-THIRD OFF 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 MEN'S SHIRTS Manhattan and Eagle Soft and Laundered IIII'TS I'l llf 9 -VO SI MKTS FOK -$1-15 SII1KTS 1'OK $1-65 SI II UTS FOK $195 FURS HALF PRICE LADIKS- u.l CIHLDKKN'S Fl'KS; 1KK sKT $2-50 TO $50.00 STANDARD CALICO, ALL WEEK, per yard 5c SPOOL COTTON, ALL WEEK, 6 for 25c ONE-FOURTH OFF ON ALL BAGS AND PURSES WOMEN'S DRESS SKIRTS 5.00 SKIKTS FOK $3-95 7.50 SKIKTS FOK $495 10.00 SKIKTS FOK $'-9j 12.50 SKIKTS FOK $8-?jj 15.00 SKIKTS FOK $9-95 MEN'S 75c, $1.00, $1.50 AND $2.00 NECK TIES ALL GO THIS WEEK t OK Due MANICURE AND TOILET SETS -WHILE THEY LAST, FOR HALF FKIUE Everything We Sell Is Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction or Your Money Back DON'T WORRY DON'T JLitT WATCH WORRY cSsi- US GROW WATCH US GROW SUMMONS. TIIK DISTRICT COl'lU' In and for OF Plaintiff, at time of judgment, to be her own separate property. And yon are further notified that If you fail to appear and answer aid Complaint, as above required, said Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein. Given under iuy hand and tne Seal of the District Court of the Kifth Judicial District of the State of Nevada, in and for the Counlj The Stock Market Sanfrancisco closio' quotations funiisliod by Harry K. EpBtinc. Dfokor I V 1 the Fifth Judu-ial District oi ine ot Nye tni9 flrRt ay of November, htate of Nevada fttnntv of Nve. .ftit:n hrouelit in the District r.mrt nf i hi? Fifth Judicial District f,f the State of Nevada, iu and foi ilm fount v of Nve. and the Com- t.luint filed in said County of Nye i, thr, niH.n nf the Clerk of said Dislrli t Court. Ilnriiftt. I'hlilltiff. VS. J. W tli.ineit. Defendant. The State of Nevada sends greet to J. V. Harnett, Defendant. You are hereby required to n li near in an action brought aiiuinst ,,n l,v the aliove-nanud I'lninlitf in ill.- District Court ot the Fifth .lu District of Ok State of Ne vada. In and for the County of Ne end to answr the Complaint filed il.eielii, within ten dis (iMlusive of the day of service) lifter the erv t on u of Oils Summons, if nerved within this county; or. If M rnl out of this county, hut in litis dHttlct. wiOiin tweiiiv day uMii-rwI-e. within firtv d.i; 01 i".,jiueiii l.v def.m't wt'4 t taken HSHlliHt ,l,i. ivinl!l? tn the l'ia r ot liti'l t UI'ltit'! "1 tus t. d a' i ! I'loiiKht t i!!.,!ic (, l-iii.U of m.itriinon jr lli ei ,l;f( .trll I'l.lllltiff d D' ') "l I'll Ui? Hf,'!lll'l f lleuUl t . iik" l';nd.-'l. litr i "..r a jierm.l f ma lot. tl. lifiMe flfiutm Mfc W ! II : II ! fcN . t Hill t.'C r '. if -,'ri in i', ja't el If w" in.lsi'lfv lt4l 1 e...-.4i it, - . r(He r,i i. IHr e' Hi ei A t .i n . - . ', i- r 'U:-l1 fif.ej i. t I " '.! (. .if ,.tf II. 4 f e ia( t ' to . .. S'nim' t i. r 0 . I ."' w 1 4 1 v. ; r . -f in the Year of Our Lord One 1 hou wnd Nine Hundred and Kleven. (Seal) HOHKRT O. POHU Clerk l!v I.OWEIX D.VNTFl.S. Deputy Clerk. C. L. HICIIAROS, Attorney for Plaintiff. 12-6, 13, 20, 27; 1-3, 10 I F. ( lll it WAS OF IIFHOIM-: TIIK KI.KMKNTS TOXOr.VH. Bid. Asked Tonopah Nevada .. $7.00 ,. Montana 00 1.05 Tonopah Kx 1.12 1.15 MacNamara 27 .2 Midway 21 .2;! Belmont 7.95 X.00 North Star 28 .29 West Kud 78 .80 Itescue Kula 24 .25' Jim Dutler 29 .:!0 Mizpah K x .7 1 iRoston Of! .05 Nevada Hills . . Manhattan Con. Man. Dexter . . .Man. Mustang . . Man. Dig Four. Mineral Hill .. i lold We d ?e . . Whito Capo . . . Thanksgiving . . ..i.i .03 .03 .01 .29 .00 .03 ,05 2. CO .04 .0 4 .05 .30 .04 .0 1 MAV YOKK CITM! In a little city near Waterloo lown, a school teacher had the experience i,r her life In a wind storm, in hhh lie did no! lose her presence of mine in all Its fury. tln-at trees, were turn up bodily y the root, houses were unroofed or even wrenched from th''.r foundations, women shrl, l.ed aim ruh'd ilieir children to i'm-'j of fancied mfety, bil the tronn men lurned pal'- and mainly itteiiiileij i,i appear uurou, erms-d. But lu ;h- mldt of all tU f'iry if m otic H't 'niii tMl. litlm uu l toi'e, led, Slic did !1t! appear I" lu -licit KaithltK i:it nf th eri;;,.t w t';i)Mittie Vi t'H h ra hr f,ns 4,, ,) I . t -! ? r ' 'i ' i io w-t4 "t'i'..,..i ,ttt r uu I t t I i. l.-irr... I Hi. t ' i' iur (iUl.DI II I D. Bid. Asked (ioldlleld Con 11.25 $1.27 Mi Vernal 15 ttooth "ti 7 Uluo Hull Ofi .07 Star ?. .0 4 Atlanta li .18 Juniho Kx 22 .2 1 Florence fi" fi " pearheJd tiold. . . .5 .s dank - Fraction. . .13 .11 Kewana u7 ,nS y. o n i j ii !ercr .Mines .. .l .'. I laiiim K. : p . 1 vi..i, ,t ...... $ i:. ii ; I im t'l-H $ Ji t 125 '. umtt u . , . , , t i i ; hi i inn. Mlii I IHMid w t .-r v- . $1 1 H tl Bid. A--ked. Tonopah M inlns; . . $.8 7 'i $7.00 Montana 1.03 1.05 Tonopah Kx 1.12 '2 IIS Rescue Kulii .2 4 .20 Midway 23 .25 lielmout 7.S7',ir K.l2i Jim lle.tlor 29 .20 (ioldlleld Cm .... 4.25 4.37 Mizpah Kx OS .72 West Kud 7S .79 North Star 2S .30 su.i:s. Forenoon- - ! Inn .Montana $l.u." l.ii'io North 2,s 1 11 mm ;,-eue Kula 25 r.o t;,,!,HI, ',1 Cm 4 3 2 3 ;..i Fraeiom II I noil Kew 07 I in'" Siliec IV ik 120,l - I. Uf-t r 1 I ........ ' , " "I I'.--v I 2 . !, ! 11.. II i ; 1 -luu.l-o 4 2 1 -"I I. I II I .,wO ..- I il ...... 1 . c s 300 Montana 1-05 10.000 Rescue Kula 2 4 500 North Star ........ .29 2,000 Merger Mines 20 5,000 Rescue Kula 25 1,000 North Star 2ft 500 North Star 29 100 Nevada Hills 2.S5 .400 Atlanta 16 ino Montana 1.07', -a 1 ,0111) Man. Dexter 0T 50 0 (ioldlleld Con 4.3 2 loo Coldfield Con 4.30 1,000 McNamara 28 1.000 North Star . 2S CLASSIFIED ADS. AdYerMsvmcnts in thU column an 1(1 cent per Hue, each Inwrlloii Five worU to the line: Afternoon ino West Knd 100 West Knd 1.000 North Star 1.000 Booth 1 .000 Atlanta . r 200 Nevada Hills 100 Belmont. 1 ,000 Rescue K11.1l . , , 100 Coldfield Con .78 .79 .29 .00 .17 2.55 8.00 .24 4.27 Ruling, Binding & Commercial Printing WANTKD Competent girl for get oral housework. Apply Mrs. H. H Atkinson, telephone 2323. 1-2-t FOR RENT Well furnlBhed feui room house; splendid nelRhboi hood; gas, water nnd Bewer ror nectlona. Apply H. H. Atklnsoi Slate Bank Bldg. 1-2- FOR RENT Furnished residence. rooms; centrally located; bull electric lights; all modern roi venlenees. S. R. Moore & Co. - FOR SALE OR RENT 3-room fu nlshed house. Inquire 328 il; - raont nve. I.O.ST Cold necklace with turquol and pearl getting, between TaU hotel nnd Butler theater. Find leave at Palace Hotel. B ward. 12-30 FOR SALE :l-rooni cottage, coi plctely tiiritished; a liargain; ix door 11. C. Mcintosh's resldem Kills street. H. II. Mill owner. 2 1 -3 v IOST-- lipitn muffler, on N' Yeai' day. Finder please. Io at II. K. K'pstine'a otllce and 1 reive reward. t'- FOU 8ALK New Mllbuio two-ho Just th lfhlel fef cs'!1J,n5 j Rgon, with springs; covered, t ' 11. II.. I'.onaiu oineo. Tonopah.