Newspaper Page Text
m TOKOPAH DAILY BOWAXZA, TONOPAH. NEVADA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1912. Pails to Reply to Henry Watterson DETROIT, Mich., Jan. 19. Gov. Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey, who reached Detroit shortly aftei uoon yesterday, positively refused to discuss the statement given out by Henry Watterson with reference to the Col. Geo. B. Harvey case. He Raid ha might prepare a state ment on the matter later in the day. Governor Wilson spoke at the board of commerce luncheon on the "Patriotic Function of Commerce," but failed to comment on the state ment made last nigbt by Henry Watterson. The principal thought In Govern or Wilson's address revolved around a declaration "that the patriotic function of business Is vision; we can't have any trustee for the pros perity of a big nation. Do not be duped by books and men. No In dividual can Interpret life to all. He may know a great many people but not all the people." The Harvey Incident. The "Colonel Harvey case" of which Gov. Wilson has refused to speak dates back several weeks when Colonel George Harvey, edi tor of Harper's Weekly, removed the name of the democratic possi bility from the top of the editorial column. Neither Woodrow Wilson nor Colonel Harvey had anything HAIL Will NOW 00 TO JARB1DGE VIA NtVADA Tltl-WKFKLV KKHVICK HAS HKKX KSTAlH.ISHKn AT t'AMI'S. KEXO, Nev., Jan. 19. Word was received by District Freight and Passenger Agent J. "M. Fulton that the trl-weekly stage has been put on between Deeth, on the Southern Pacific railroad, and Jarbidge, the promising young mining camp in northeastern Klko. The trip will be made In 24 hours and the stages will carry the I'nlted States mall. Hitherto the mall has been going In and out by way of Twin Falls. Idaho, which militated against the establishment of shipping points in Nevada. Now, however, travel will Ve largely by way of Deeth. The camp is looking better than ever. On one property there Is a shaft 190 feet deep which exposes a ledge 19 feet wide with perfect walls. The ore Is uniform and averages $22 a ton. This is deem ed one of the biggest partly de veloped gold proposition In the en tire state. A new town has sprung up In .larbidge district. It is known as Pavlak, named after one of the pio neers of the region. PERSONAL Dr. Grlgsby departed for Chicago this morning to be absent several Weeks. John rtrunton, one of the owners of the new discovery at lone, de parted for San Francisco this niorn Ing. W. E. nialr, representing the wholesale house of Hall, l.uhrs Co., Sacramento, Is In Tonopah Inter viewing customers. Waller W. Hooth. son of the editor of the Imnanza, after an abs.n.e of two years in Texas, Colo rado am) Arizona.' returned to Tono pah this moinhiK. and cxix-cta to nuke Tonopah his home for soi)ii time to come. '1 human Murphy, tli mining man. a a p.if-iiir on thin morning's tiortli-lmurid trnln for Sn r"rin !-. I 're lite lit Jo.. .!.' .t f t lit Mar Samara Mining company a a pan t'ts r thin morning f,r San "ran--!.. ll I. (I Tohoprfh a bappf unit f,r ft ., j, ,h . r. ,! th bnitn that .t..ri.-. the ni-thln-M t.i rrvl In that new JUt. Naittar in 10 lh n.- p t l.tte MumLtu ini,ir!i tuiil li rtUtrm to il, 1. i:m 1 1 M n M tn, muff.rj t i fiVlsl r.f (ho ral4 llr.t t.n,,j.,, l), ihr .( ( , (ha f fct Ulfc.r, H, ' Iligt.Un-l. W " ! In Iwmrr Mr HuJiUn I ! tii ) a fi.r tnr ..i...f r g !, a'rB J tf. to say of the incident at the time, but a few days ago Colonel Harvey issued a statement to the effect that his action was taken after Wil son bad Informed him that the ad vocacy of his cause was injuring him politically. To , this Wilson made no reply: Last night Henry Watterson, edi tor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, one of the leading democratic Journals of the country, issued a signed statement In which he brands Wilson "rather a schoolmaster than a statesman" and admits that he does not believe the New Jersey governor proper presidential timber. In his statement he calls atten tion to the fact that but for the efforts of Colonel Harvey, Wilson probably would be teaching school at Princeton, and then tells him the man who would be president cool ly Informed Harvey In response to a direct question that he believed he was being injured by the sup port of Harper's Weekly. Following Watterson's statement, democratic leaders from all over the country, such men as Matt Re gan, democratic leader In Wiscon sin, Mayor Dahlman of Omaha, and others, deserted the Wilson banner and predicted that the Harvey-Wat-terson-Wilson controversy marked the bursting of the Wilson presi dential bubble. "BILL" HAS KEPT PROMISE HE MADE 20JfEARS AGO WICHITA. Kan., Jan. 19. Twen ty years ago as Mrs. W. A. Brown was dying, she asked her husband, who was a Frisco engineer, to wistle four times every time he went by Maple Grove cemetery. His engine whistles four times whenever it comes in from the east. He has another run, but conies to Wichita once every year to whistle as his wife requested. The engineer has a run that gives him no chance to whistle at the cemetery. When he conies to Wichita he rides out to the ceme tery on a switching "goat." He pulls the whistle cord four time, then comes back. Brown married the woman who la sleeping In the quiet city years ago, when he was young and fired with ambition to make the best en gineer in the service. Ills wife, an enthusiastic young woman, thought so much of "Bill" that she would go with him on his run. She worked with him and planned as carefully as he for his success as engineer. With her help "Bill" climbed higher until he had a run Into Wichita. When things were looking brightest for them, Mrs. Brown died. Her last request to broken hearted "Bill," who watched her slip away from him at every weak ening heart beat, was that he whis tle four times whenever he passed the cemetery. "Bill" has kept his promise. FULL HOUSES EVERY NIliHT AT THE BUTLER GOOIl PIMMiliAM OX ItOAKPS KOIt THE PATHOXS KOIt TOXKiHT. The following will be the pro gram of the Butler theater tonight: "A Terrible Discovery," Biograph drama. The gangster's design is thwarted by a boy's daring hero ism. "Broncho Billys Christmas dinner," Essanay story of Broncho Billy, the notorious outlaw. Billy had planned to hold up the over land stage, but just at the point of the holdup the horses get frightened and Billy, seeing the sheriff's daughter In great danger, decides to stop the runaway team instead of robbing the passengers. Quite exciting and it might be in teresting to patrons of the bhow to know that the young lady play ing the part of the sheriff's (laugh ter really had a runaway in the production of the picture and sus tained a broken ankle, yet she con tinued through three scenes Just to make "Broncho Billy's Christmas Dinner" a. possibility. Tomorrow a great Biograph pic ture, entitled "As In a Ixoklng Glass," will be shown by this popular playhouse.' NEW ADVERTISEMENT. XOTICK OF POItFKITt'ltK. DOXT CVIriVATK AFFIX. ITIES IS THE Molt A I- The committee on amusements and . vacation resources of working girls has begun a campaign In N't v York against the new and positive ly indescent dances which are taught and may nightly be seen at various darning halls, where working girls and others are In the habit of congregating to amuse themselves. These so-called dances, which are really nothing hut sug Kenlive and indecent wses and an tics, urn known under vnrloim and dlv.ra namea. strongly mivnring of vulgarity, like "turkey trot," "the grtiilr Iwiir." "slow; rag," ' lover' t-tep." ' bunny hug." etc. The rtinimlttre ha a ertainetl the cliar arteiUtlc fa.t ttiiil the new ilnr.-V have Iwg eagtrly t.iken ip t ". (!" ami niav t it n..t. although prrhap In a wima- l.4t iinutiftetl ami t. !. , p. o form HI 11111 r JlllfM llfH t,s tlu-n !,.( f thv fahlintlile ( TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby notified that M. G. Vucovich and Jack Vucovich, co- owners with Andy Ragenovich, in those certain mines and mining claims known and called "Butte' and "Rig Four," situated in the Fairplay mining district, northeast of Goldyke, Nye county, state of Ne vada, did expend and perform upon said mining claims during and' for the year 1911, labor, Improvements and development work, as required by law in an amount equal to one hundred dollars for each of said claims. You are hereby further no tlfied that if at the expiration of ninety days from and after the pub Mention of this notice, as provided by law, you shall have failed or refused to contribute your propor tion of said expenditures, made and performed upon said claims by me as aforesaid, your interests In and to said mining claims shall there upon become forfeited to me, the undersigned, and become my prop erty under and by virtue of the pro visions of Section 2324 of the Re vised Statutes of the United States. ANDY RAGENOVICH. First publication made on Jan uary 19, 1912. Last publication April 1ft, 1912. MINDS AND FACES. Mrs. John Martin of New York is an authority on the woman's movement and on political, social and domestic economy for women. She 1 so Important that her con- lrtion was worth telegraphing to the Post-Dispatch when she finally deik'ed hat the "economic inde- i.ridnn-e ol woman Is not favorable to j,ooil looks" and that the busi ness woman cannot compete in charm with the "home woman." It is physiology that the econ omic independence of woman is de structive to dimples. At the point where the strain of thought begins, dimples begin to disappear. Dimples are charming to most. To some they are almost maddening. Hence a woman who keeps her dimples and does not think may always be sure of greater power to charm. than one who thinks. As the "mag ic spell" of beauty belongs to the charm of dimples, science demon strates beyond question that the "spell" disappears when the mind begins its destructive operations on dimples. On the other hand, the best mind is certain to show in the face. Mrs. Martin and all others who have thought out things until their dimples have disappeared have still the better part of the physiology of beauty to learn by experiment. If they go on think ing the right thing in the right way, it is strictly scientific that their "ideal of mind" will show In their faces. After losing their dim ples In learning to think, women who do not think wrong, may go on beautifying their faces with in telligence until they are 80 years old and still beautiful. Science Is experimental. This is science. Try it. The Stock Market San Francisco closing quotations furnished by Harry E. Epstine, Broker toxopaii. Bid. Asked Tonopah Nevada .. $6. 9."i $7.00 Montana 1.05 1.07 Tonopah Ex v1.37'4 1.42 MacNamara 26 .27 Midway 24 Belmont 8. OS 8.10 North Star 32 .33 West End 71 .73 Rescue Eula 21 .22 Jim Butler 34 .3.. Mizpah Ex.. 86 .87 Boston . . .' 06 . It takes more than hot air to lift a mortgage. GOI.Itl II.I.P. Bid. Gold field Con $14 0 Vernal 15 Booth 06 Blue Bull 06 Lone Star 1 .03 Atlanta 17 Jumbo Ex 22 Florence 55 Spearhead Gold.. .05 Comb. Fraction... .13 Kewanas 06 C. O. D 13 Merger Mines ... .23 Asked H.42 .07 .07 .05 .18 .23' .58 .07 .14 .07 .14 Mizpah Ex 87 West End 74 North Star 33 C'OMSTOCK. Bid. Asked. Mexican 4.20 4.22 I'nion Con 1.32V2 1.35" MISCKMiAXIOrS. Criticism often turns out to be a tribute of respect. CLASSIFIED ADS. AdveMiwmenH In Hit column nre 10 cents per line, mill insertion. Five words to the line: FOR SALE-Threo-rooiu furnished house. Inquire Bonanza. l-18-3t PIONEER DAIRY Fresh Milk and Cream "Quality Is Our Motto" PHONE - 114 1 TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT That tho Young Men's Social Club will give one of the swellest dances of the season. Excellent Music, Fine Floor and THE BIGGEST TIME YOU EVER HAD Miners Exchange Hall 9 P. m. OJSE OUR VACUUM CLEANER To exterminate dust and dirt. Wc deliver both ways free and how you how to operate it. Our charge i nominal, bring only $1.50 per day, or ft. 00 for a half a day. AT THE NEVADA-CALIFORNIA POWER CO. UITILE PHONE 112 Pitts. Silver Peak Nevada Hills . . . Manhattan Con . . Man. Dexter . . . Man. Mustang . . . Man. llig Four . . Mineral Hill Gold Wedge White Caps Thanksgiving . . . Bid. $1.30 2.40 , .11 , .04 , .40 . .05 . .01 . .OS Asked. $1.32 Vi 2.42 .12 .05 .04 .07 .05 .09 .01 xfw York crnn. Bid. Asked. Tonopah Mining. .$7.00 $7.06 Montana 1.0 4 1.07 Tonopah Ex 1.37 ',4 1.421& Rescue Eula 21 .23 Midwi'.v 22 .25 Belmont 8.12 Vi R.I S .1 1 m Butler 34 .35 Goldfield Con 4.25 4.37 SALES. Forenoon. 2(H) Tonopah Ex 4,000 North Star 1.000 Rescue Eula 1.500 Jumbo Ex 1,000 Nevada llillg 2.000 Vernal 91)0 Mizpah Ex 1.000 Manhattan Con v Informal 500 North Star 500 Midway 1,500 MacNamara 500 Midway 500 Mizpah Extension... 500 Mizpah Extension... 200 Nevada Hills 2.000 North Star 7 0Q West End Son Montana 1,000 Midway 1.000 Big Four 300 Mizpah Ex 2,000 Hig Four 2,000 West End 100 North Star 1;,0o0 Vernal 1,000 Black Butte 1.000 North Star 4 00 Tonopah Mining . . 500 Jim Butler Afternoon 1,000 Big Four 1,000 Big Four 1,000 Big Four 1 .000 Big Four 1,000 Big Four 1.000 Merger Mines 5.000 Atlanta 1.000 Nevada Illlls S.OiiO Nevada Hills 1.000 C. O. D 200 Golilfleld Con 200 Nevada Illlls 500 Rescue Eula 1,000 Atlanta 50O Mizpah Extension... r.oo Mizpah Extension... 3oo Montana 1,000 Midway 1.4 U .1i .i .1: 2.3 Old newpaperg f"f sale office 25c. per hundred 1 M .90 ?S .7! .31 .i; .OS .3! 7.00 .31 .36 .3; .31 .35 .40 .21 .li 2.3; 2.4(1 .13 4.40 2.40 .21 .17 .85 .S6 1.0.1 .24 at tt' REVIVAL SERVICES AT Presbyterian Church Tonight at 7:30 DDFHfHFDi ( REV- L BURNHflM rKLHlJlLKj i new t nn I KLV. ULU. VIHLLUr Combined Choirs and Special Music MM MM lilt Mill, is lit ti sMiwirill V '"! "4 t -e ... ihl, i. a !? frw I So tl4i t h is jh ihtMttcH t !) Oil I), f-.Mji -! ( Om m. !;! , . , fc htr t,i t- no f..-.ts f ai, Mt, u rmieinfj Special Fast Freight Lo Angele 2 Day San Francisco 4 Dayt VIA - LAS VEGAS AND TONOPAH li. . Salt Lake Rout -Pacific Navigation Co. Yalt ami H.rv trt i:.i,iU i ;tn l Sliij. Yuiir aifl KimM ti li rrik't TIm' ltel!i lut. f itut . lM fM U .i.J I ,k Mi. I trwM r. Jw fttt CV LLEtcm mine u.mui. c:icnnu mvma Why Send Out of Town for Your Printings Wlion you can have lirt-class work loiu rihl hero, by first-class iininn printers. Tho business man who hoihIh out of tnwn fur his rintin' injures his own business ns well as that of others. While on the other hand the man who patronizes home institutions increases the town's pay mil, an. I thereby buiMs up his business The printers a tt 1 Ixiuk binders in the 4'ities i f fturrouti'lin Mates do not etune here to spend their money Do You Know That Ik; tmm in ai ipt ditc Jib Priitii; fbtt jJ f h M MV'-il Rulis? as J Bisiis; Haiti it U West'? Patronize Home Industry Build Up Your Own Town.