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Tonopah Daily Bonanza WEATHER Fair tonight and tomorrow Today's Silver Quotation, 57 3-4 VOL. XL NO. 80 TONOPAH, NEVADA. SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 27, 1912 PRICE 10 CENTS. TWO MEN ARE NOW UNDER ARREST FOR SHOOTIHG OF MINER Peter Laux, Reported Shot and Killed Tuesday, Brought to Winnemucca Has Bullet Hole In Head Identifies One of Suspects. R. F. GILBERT I0NE MINING A CANDIDATE FOR CO. TREASURER In another column of the Bo nanza will he found the political announcement of our townsman R. F. ("Bob") Gilbert, for the office of treasurer of Nye county, subject to the will of the republican voters at the primaries to be held in Se- t DEAL HAS BEEN CONSUMMATED WINNEMUCCA, Jan. 27. Peter Uux, the Kennedy niloer who was reported to 1iave been shot and killed at Kennedy on Tuesday after noon, was brought to Winnemucca late yesterday by the officer of Winnemucca, who went to Kennedy to Investigate th,e crime. Laux was shot through the head and will probably die. The officers arrested Jake Lelck and George Frankhofcr near the scene of the crime and brought them to Winnemucca, placing them In jail here and accusing them of the crime. Later the men were taken lefore Laux at the hospital and Krankhofer was identified by tii wounded man as one of the men who did the shooting. Both Frankliofer and Lelck deny having VVV"UiiyM"ll"a"Tfcif' SEARCHLIGHTS IRE UNABLE TO LOCATE FLYERS I'.IKDMKX CIRCLING FIELD SIC CKSSSKVLLY DROP IHttinS IX FLIGHT any connection with the crime, but they tell conflicting stories, and the officers have little doubt that they have the right parties. The whole affair is shrouded in mystery, but Sheriff Lamb and oth er officers are working on the case and hope to secure some important evidence In a short time. It has developed that Lelck and Laux have been enemies for, many years and that there have been many threats made against the life of Laux, who was shot down at the mouth of the tunnel on his mining claim on Tuesday. Krankhofer In the watchman for the mining company, which claims the mine in dispute and over which the quarrel started that end ed In the shooting of Laux. DAYLIGHT ROB BERY OF A VAN COUVER BANK MANAGER .XI CLERKS LOCK F.I IV V.UIT WHILE WORK was c;oii ox. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 27. With a high wind that again prevented any but experts flying, the sixth day of the third International avia tion meet on Dominguez field was uneventful. However, as on Wednes day, young Farnum Fish of Ixs Angeles was the only amateur that disobeyed the order of the officials and went aloft. Despite the strong currents. Lin coln Ileachy performed all the thrlilllng tricks in his repertoire and made an altitude of 550 feet, volplaning to the earth from that dlziy height. Phil Parmalee took the altitude honors of the day with 6500 feet, lie said It was in tensely cold at that height. The advisability of aeroplanes in actual warfare was demonstrated last night In a spectacular sham battle during the first night exhibt tlon of aeroplane flying ever held under official sanction. Aviators Lincoln Beachy and Glen Martin circled time after time over an Imitation fortress that had been erected on Dominguez field and dropped actual bombs with remark' able precision. Companies of sol diers of the Seventh regiment of the National Guard and the torpedo boat destroyers Paul Jones, Perry and Preble, anchored In San Pedro harbor, seven miles away, parti clpated In the mock fight. After the attack on the "for tress commenced the men went up t a signal from the belengured town. Beachy carried lights at the end of his plane, and Martin had a searchlight. Each time they passed over the fortress at a height of 200 to uoo feet they were fired at by the troopB and a battleship In realistic fashion. Bombs dropped by them destroyed the fortress and battleships. m. ... , me aviators declared they were ble to distinguish the ships han ally, though the torpedo boats en . ueavored without success to "pick UP the aeroplanes with search lights. VANCOUVER, H. C. Jan 27. The Royal Bank branch In this cit was robbed of all its cash at I o'clock vesterdav by two men, who backed Manager A. A. Stevens an members of Ills ofllce staff Into vault and locked them there whll they helped themselves to, every thing in sight. It Ih not known how much was taken. The bank ofhclals say oniy $1000. One clerk who made an attempt to resist was KtiocKen senseless by a blow from the butt of a revolver. The robbers, who entered by "the front door, left by the rear entrance, walking out leis urely and mingling with people In the street. ember. Mr. Gilbert Is well and favorably, known by all the old- time residents of this county, having filled the ofllce of treasurer of this ouuty for two terms and his work as done in an efficient manner. win through the most damnable' failure of the Nye & Ormsby bank that he was compelled to release his office on account of bondsmen. The bank failure and the panic made penniless many of our best citizens who had to withdraw from all bonds they were upou. At that time the bond securities companies were not doing business In this tate and the county commlsslon- rs demanded a new bond. His successor was in pointed and we know of our own knowledge the bond be tendered was not worth 50 cents on the dollar, but the com missioners accepted it Just the same, as Mr. Sam Lindsay of Rhyo- Ite was a democratic county com missioner. We always contended that the bond of Gilbert was just as good as the one tendered by his successor. Mr. Gilbert has resided, in this county for the past. 30 years, and during all that time was never known to do a dishonest act. and lias always been square with his fellowman. He was a victim of political circumstances when he was forced out of his office of county, treasurer, and, If successful at the primaries, ho will be victorious sit the polls at the general election. The lease and bond upon the Catherine group of claims, consist ing of eight locations and owned by John Brunton and George W. Steel, was consummated in San Francisco Thursday. Thomas Mur phy of Goldfield. James II. Forman of San Francisco and C. K. Jarvls of this city are the purchasers. The first payment was made, the sum is said to have been written with five figures. The purchases have eight men employed In extract ing ore, and have considerable high grade ore sacked to be sent to the ore purchasing plants. Ore running under $75 will be worked at the Berlin mill, six miles distant from the mine. Those who have exaniiued the property bonded are of the one opinion, that the new discovery is a whale in quantity of ore' In sight and the ore now being extracted and sack ed will assny at least $200 to the ton, while there is an abundance or milling rock. The new owners have let several leases to Tonopah citizens who now will commence work upon them. Mr. Brunton ar rived from San Francisco this morning, where he went with Mr. Murphy several days ago to con stimulate the deal. Mr. Murphy will arrive tomorrow morning and expects in a few days to increase the mine force. The property lie about one-half mile In a northerly direction from lone, In this county DISPUTE OVER LAND . RESULTS IN KILLING EAR GERLACH. NEV. Town In Northern Washoe County Is Scene of Fatal Affray Man Who Is Suspected of Shooting Makes His Es cape Body Found in Cabin. WILL OF CAPITALIST IS FILED FOR WINNEMUCCA, Jan. 27. During dispute over some land in the northern part of this county, three miles north of Gerlach, Wednesday, Fd Tonkev, a German, nged 55 yens, and 'n employe ot the Ger lach Stock company, was shot with a rifle and lis body was found in bis cabin yesterday. A telegram received by Constable Butler of this place announces that a man named Cooney Ellis is suspected of the crime. His description is as follows: Smooth shaven, dark com plexion, height 5 feet 6 or 8 inches. BENEFIT WAS GREAT SUCCESS LAST NIGHT PROBATE wiWKiis ov Trimm. vVednesdnny evening and last night .lames Conllsk aud Frank Caseins were given the turkeys at the New Nevada Club. , Another gobbler will be given away tomor row nignt MIS ANGELES, Jan. 27. The will of William Morgan, a capitalist of Chicago and Pasadena. Cal., has been filed for probate here. A feat ure of the instrument, which dis- ToTe3 of an estate said to be worth $1,000,000, was that ouly those of his relatives and friends who actual ly needed assistance were provided for. In a statement left with the document Mr. Morgan stated that he desired to be just and give only to those who needed his money. weight about 165 pounds, scar on nose and right cheek. When last seen wore dark coat, black shirt and overalls. Sheriff Ferrel received a telegram from Gerlach announcing the mur der of Tonkcy, or Tondy, and giv ing him a description of Ellis, who is suspected of the crime. Ellis has disappeared and the officers of Winnemucca, Gerlach and other points are looking for him. Sher iff Ferrel has sent out a number of telegrams and will later go to Gerlach to take up the search for thn suspected nian. SHE WANTED TO TRY LIVING AS THE RICH DO 2 1 Years in BARGAIN RATE ON BLOCKS OF ELY CENTRAL sl l'I'I.Y AXU DEMAND FAIL TO AFFECT VALVES OX ALL THE SECURITIES. P rison iwtu for I Crime Last night ot the Nevada theater was held the benefit given Mr. "Max" Wiley, the unfortunate man who has been a sufferer from In flammatory rheumatism for the last three months, and, while it was a success both financial and social ly the receipts were not up to ex pectation, j The audience seemed to enjoy the boxing bouts, especially the one between King Pierce and "Slim" Burns of Butte. Both bo'9 tried hard in the last round for a knock out, but they were so exhausted at the end of the fourth round they could scarcely hold their hands up to defend themselves. The mueh-talked-of wrestling bout between Pat Cannon and six others did not materialize as there seems to be no one in Tonopah who cares to molest the "Terrible" Irishman. The singing dancing and recita tions were also well appreciated, es pecially the singing and recitations of "Boxcar' Duffy.-, Duffy compares favorably with many professionals seen upon the vaudeville stage. 1(1-YEAR-OLD CHICAGO BRIDE LEAVES HOME TO OCCUPY III ITE Ii A PARTM ENTS. CHICAGO, Jan.. 27. Mr3. Ruby Brown, 19 years old, liad a desire to live like "wealthy folks" for a few days, so she ran away from ier husband In Chicago Heights and occupied apartments in a lead ing hotel until her bill amounted to $79. Then she decamped. She was arrested last night and locked up In a police station. To show that she was not perturbed, she laughingly said: "Now, I guess I've had a good time and will have to pay the penalty. I had the time of my life. I am satisfied. I enjoyed it. It was grand." The house detectives said Mrs. Brown registered from Elkhart, Ind., and posed as the wife of a wealthy merchant. She had her meals served In her room and demanded all the service that attendants could give her. RENO, Whltlock. guilty to daughter, Nev., Jan. 27. Robert the t man who pleaded having ruined his own who Is now In the CHt- pleaded guilty is one whlchr in my opinion can under no circumstances "CYCLONE JOHXNIE" IS XO OUTl-OOK IX EASTERN NEVADA NEW YORK, Jan. 27, Harry Hedrlek aealn was a mark for the government grill at the Seheftels- Rice trial yesterday. The letters he wrote to Rice from the Chicago office where he was sent to aium up business, were flashed on him. Most of these told of the complaints of customers. In explaining mem on cross-examination the witness said the kicks were because some, paid a different price than others though they bought the same day. Counsel for the defense declared this was due to fluctuations of the market. One letter from I led rick said Kansas City was a rich neiu ior working and suggested Sheftels & Co, open an office there. Another letter asked Rice If he couldn t make a better price on Ely Cen tral stock. The government used this to emphasize the ' contention that thn nrices of the stock were in the hands of defendants regard less of law of supply and demand M. Fulton, woh has returned f- "om an official visit to a number of localities in Humboldt and Elko counties, reports that rain Is badly needed in Eastern Nevada, but that Court adjourned until Monday to al the livestock nre In better condition low the jurors to attend to personal man they have been for years, business. whlle the wool crop promises to be record-breaker both In auantltv A house to rent? Try a Bonanza tendon home in this city ana is soon to become a mother, was yes terday morning sentenced by Judge Coleman of Ely to serve twelve years In the Nevada penitentiary. This will make Whltlock 60 years of age when he leaves the prison, in case he gets all of his credits while there and does not have to serve the full 12 years. When " the time for Whitlock's sentence arrived he stated that he had no reason to give why sen- tence should not be pronounced, uui his attorney, Walter Kennedy, made a plea In his behalf, stating that while he could say nothing In de fiiu nf thn crime Whltlock had nleaded guilty to committing he ue lieved th offender to be of unsound mind and that he was not respon slble for his acts. niairiet Attorney Woodhurn then addressed the court, stating m 111s opinion the offense was the most revolting a man could commit and that the fact that lie pleaded guilty should not be taken into consider ation. In the fixing of sentence, but that "it was his opinion and the opinion of the other officers" that Whltlock is a moral degenerate and not strictly responsible for bis acts. be excused unless it be that Intimated by the district atorney, you are not wholly responsible for vour acts. Frequently crimes are committed which warrant the great est leniency, but as I have said, this crime to me is the most revolting which can possibly be perpetrated and under no circumstances what ever can cnaienge me sjhiphuij of the court, other than through vonr Incanncltv to ' appreciate the enormity of the offense. No court Inflicts punishment for the love of inflicting it. That is not. I believe, the theory of the law. It should not be. All punish ment should be Inflicted rather for the nnrnose of serving to deteT others from the commission of of fenses. "The district attorney who has anneared here, a man in whom the MATCH FOR DAVE SMITH SYDNEY, Australia, Jan. 27. "Cyclone Johnnie" Thompson, the American middleweight, was easily outpointed by Dave Smith the for mer Australian middleweight cham pion, In a twenty-round contest. THOUGHT THAT SCHOONER AND CREW HAVE BEEN LOST SAN DIEGO. Jan. 27. The two masted schooner Alsen, Captain Barrete. with a crew of six men aboard,, is believed to have found people of this county have expressed "ed and all hands perished some their faith by re-electing him to the where along the Lower California .., m.. T, tA,y. ho holds, has coast between knsenaaa 1 111 itn ut 11 v v' . , , ...... , RENO ARCHITECT HERE. George A. Ferris, a prominent Reno architect, arrived in Tonopah tills morning and is visiting several Colorado friends. Mr. Ferris sayB Reno is the biggest little city in the world, but when it comes to climate well, Tonopah wears the blue ribbon over all of the world. We see where he is right. He therefore recommended that the iiuit Imnose a sentence of twelve vears. Tiulirn Coleman then turned to the defendant and said: M Whillnik stand ill). The ,-rime with which you have been onrt tn which VOU lmve come before this court and made a statement and has suggested what he deems a proper term tinder the circumstances of the case. No facts have been discerned by the court ii the w:iv of testimony and the ti-j court is disposed, ueing presiueu over by a visiting judge,' to accept the suggestions of the district attor ney and the judgment and the sentence of the court is that you be crew. confined in the Mate's prison of the state of Nevada for 12 years, from the date of your incarceration, and that the sheriff may conduct you to that Institution. Y'ou may be roninnitiift tn t he custody of the sheriff." and Santa Domingo. An appeal for help was telegraphed from San Quentin yes terday afternoon, and the power schooner Neptune left at once with a party of rescuers to search for the derelict. The vessel left En- senada Dec 18. . A storm came up soon afterwards and has prevailed most of the time since. Little hope is entertained for the safety of the NYE COUNTY COURT HOUSE . BONDS PAID The Nye county court house debt has been wiped out, the last three bonds of $1000 each was paid on Wednesday by, County Treasurer Mannix., The original bond issue, which was made In ,1903, was for $35,000. During that time the building has been enlarged consid erable. It is good news to the tax payers to know that the debt has been paid in full, and had it not been for the failure of the Nye & Ormsby bank Nye county today would be on a solid flnanciat basis, but with the money lost on de posit when the bank closed its doors, it put a crimp in the coun ty finances that will take several vears more to overcome the loss. JAPANESE WIFE ARRIVES. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 27. Geo. Morgan, a nephew of J. P. Morgan, greeted his Japanese wife when she arrived on the liner Tenyo. FREE 11XCH AM DAXCF- There will be a dame and free lunch at the Columbia saloon on Sunday night.. Everybody Is Invited to attend. 1-27-It an nualltv r., n 1. I ..... 4 ,l tliuib"