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TBS TONOPAH DAILY BONANZA, TONO? AH. NEVADA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2T, lfill rEXALL COLD TABLETS ANP Bcxall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, Guaranteed Remedies. want a Reull Remedy ..J the Betl vrag lkforThEREXAIXSTORE JcTpiERCY. Prescription Unif gut K. of P. Building D.y Phone 372 Night Phone 145 Tri-Weekly Refrigerator Cars SAN FRANCISCO TO TONOPAH Through in Sixty Hours Semi-Weekly Cars From SACRAMENTO Daily Cars From Reno tYe! Rotlioltz Bros. INC w i n i ivtci i ana i OFFICE SUPPLIES VICTOR PHONOGRAPH ? 15.00 to $200.00 BANQUET OF THE CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORS Tonopah Young People's Society of C. E. Have Feast and Fun at the Presbyterian Church Last Wednesday Evening. FOSTER & OREAR CANDIES FRESH CUT FLOWERS DAILY Wholesale and Retail Cigars, Tobacco and Pipes Redwood Mixture TONOPAH AND 6QLDFIELD RAILROAD COMPANY p. O. 124 Telephone 1214 fORHlNE SANDWICH Good Liquors and Cigars CO TO THE C. & F. BAR LKS CLUB BUILDING C. M. Coon Prop. C. FouUch TONOPAH NEVADA Wittenberg Warehouse & Transfer Company Exclusive Agents FOR Genuine Rock SpringsJCoal... Butler Theatre TIIK l-OI'lXAIt LITTLE PUYHOISR. Up-To-Date Motion Pictures MATIXKE EVERY Al'TERXOON At 2 and 3 p, m, - Entire Change of Program EVERY EVENING Admission - 10c Wednesday evening the auditor ium of the Presbyterian church pre sented an unusual appearance of'a banquet room as over thirty mem bers of the Y. P. S. C. K. sat down to the Endeavor banquet. The occa sion was the close of a contest for membership, which has resulted In 1.8 new members. The church was beautifully deco rated In the society's colore, red and white. The tables were ar ranged to form a square, In the center of which was suspended a festoon of streamers carrying Chris tian Endeavor emblems. The placards were made of red Christian Kndeavor monograms. The following menu was most excellently served by the Ladies' Aid Society of the church: Menu. Bouillon Wafers Olives K vening Pcrformnnceit at 7 o'clock. Commence Mizpaii Hotel Modern Hotel where erj Reasot able Tariff Prevails. Hot ud CoM Running Water Id Kah Koom. Rooms with or without private baths, tingle or an lull. COMMERCIAL RATES Leg of I.amb. Kscalopcd Timhales of Peas Potatoes Rolls Perfection Salad l-enion Pie Cheese Straws Cheese Salted Almonds Coffee N'olr Hev. II. I,. Huinam acted as toastmaster. lie said the occasion was one which would have a place In the religious history of Tono pah, as It bore testimony to the growing sliensth and loyalty of tlie young people of the. city to the Christian life. Thirty years ago there was no Bonanza Ads Bring Resuslt H. E. EPSTINE STOCK BROKER Quotation! received from 8ao Fran tlico Stock Eicbnng board. U rou are Interested la souther. Nevada eecurltlet, write me. TONOPAH BLOCK BLDG. TONOPAH . NEVADA FRANK II. WARD Notary Public Office Hour 8 a. m. to S p. m. DAILY BONANZA OFFICE Brouther Ave Tonopah c 0 A L COAL Tor Sale By Sack or Ton Also Dry Wood Our Specialty ROCK SPRINGS COAL WILKES WAREHOUSE 10MPANY, PHONE 822 COAL A XXI Ali STATEMENT. Of the Wolftone Kxtension Mining company for the year ending De cember 21, 1911. Local Ion of mine, Manhattan mining district, county of Nye, state of Nevada. Debit January 1, 1911. to cash on hand. $2036. 9:. - To assessment collected "flTiTTng 1911, none. To amount received from other sources, 11290.01. Total, $332G.9G. Credit Mine expenses In year 1911, $185.50. General expenses In year 1911, $46 4.7fi. Total expenses, $6."0.26. (Also includes part of 1909 and all of 1910.) Balance on hand December 31, 1911. $2676.70. P. J. KENNEDY, Secretary, .120 Market Street, San Francisco. 1-25 Young People's society of the Chris tian Kndeavor In existence; no pray er meetings or social gatherings to promote Christian life and growth. Today there are over 75,000 so cieties and over 3,000.000 mem bers. Our societies are on ships of war. in prisons, asylums, and hospitals, with nearly four millions of meetings held every year under the Christian Endeavor emblem. It Is established in .every civilized nation and to every land where missionaries have gone. i lie following toasts were re- sponded to: "Circumstantial Evidence" Mr. Kryder "Contest Ended" Miss Krlngle "Coming Events" Mr. Davis "Constant Effort" ... Miss Gregovieh "Call Everywhere" Mr. Hurlbut "Conspicuous Evaporation" Mr. Burke "Climbing Elevations" .. Miss Perry Much fun was provoked by the various toasts and responses. The last one, by Miss Perry, being ex ceptionally appreciated: On the subject, "Climbing Elevations," she said. In part : "There are two paths: one at starting is strewn with roses, but muring the end you may find that the rosea have withered and faded and only disappointment waiting you; the other path may lead through rough byways and high ways, but the end may meet you with golden rays from a glorious sunset. "Which way will we choose the bright and easy way or the one which makes the character; the one which gives us something to gain and something to accomplish. Many of as have aspirations which we will some day reach, only to find that our aspirations have grown with us. Some of our Christian Endeavors have time and again ex pressed themselves and If you will bear with me I will try to tell all I know. To Mesdamea Garcia. Hnrlbut and " Perry, Honorary members, your know An invitation we gave; yes. very. An invitation just bo. When a lad he did aspire To use a camera of someone's Of Alice, we might Inquire. Come to our banquet early, Come to our banquet late. Please do things In a hurry Or we won't get there till late. HALL LIQUOR CO. (INCORPORATED) Wholesale Liquor Dealers PHONE 812 OFFICE LOWER MAIN STREET Agents for ABC Bottled Beer, Pilsner Bottled Neor, Los Angeles Brewing Company Beer, bottled; Los Angeles Brewing Company Beer, draft; Pabst's Blue IUbbon; Pabst Export. CEDAR BROOK, EARLY TIMES and JACK BEAM WHISKIES A full line of Brandies, Gin, Rum and Sherries, in bulk and cases Dry Climate, International, Cordove, St. Elmo and M. & O. Cigars. rouse to rent? -xnt art." Try a Bonanza The dishes they washed; the silver they shined, And many good things they planned, And our suggestions were meant to be kind, Hut some things they served us. wero canned. There was a boy named Angus. How many pictures he's taken " How many pictures of she. Will ever we see those pictures, Or are they for him and me? Now, Alice, don't smile so sweetly; You know you told me so, And a secret I never whisper. Not even, ever so low. We all remember ' Arzula How Stewart wanted to know When he was " to be married And who It was, if so. How she mentally fathomed bis question "" And answered so quick and kind "You know just as well as I do, 'TIs the girl who talks o'er the line." Now, Lenore, we know you are timid. And we . don't wish you other than so; But we do wish you would hurry Our tin cans are rusting, yon know! Thoso MacDonalds are several brothers. And wicked as wicked can be. Roy came out here unmarried; At least, I'm told 'twas he. And then went back for Christmas To get. a bride. But, lo! When he returned to Nevada He announced it was not so. He and Laura had married 'Way back in the summer-time They in their hearts had carried The thought of that happy time. When they would be home together In the desert land of the West, And could say the words forever: "East, West, Home's best." Then came Jack and Buster To bless that happy home; And though Buster is one of the family, He will forever roam. Jack, we claim as a mascot, For he is the dearest, you know, Of all the boys of our knowledge The girls will all tell you so. Brlgsie is just one other Who is always hoping to be The man of many vocations And quite a success Is he. And so on tils watch he pasted A something the size of a dime. That dime was ever present Smiling the hours away; One hand pointed to minutes The other; well, I won't say. It really kept him busy That dime and watch he carried. And Bometlme we hope for its sake The dime and watch owner will marry. John Frederick to the mountain top ' Climbed up one Labor Day. The climb was quite a jolly one So you might hear him say. lint one sad feature marked that day The desert wind was blowing. It marked John's hat on which to prey. And sent It off a-golng. The hat it went, an airline took. Straight down along the moun tain, John searched and searched, at last forsook : The hat stayed there without him. If you might ask what came of it, You'll find he'll saucily answer: "Oh, it returned, quite small In size. But never again: No! Never!" To Henry our hopes we dedicate, Our hearts and . hands are for him. Months, days and years have .gone before And still we all adore him. The girls, they try; yes, one by one. To eutrauce gain, but never; For dubious Henry Jogs along. With "head and heart unsevered. Mandie, the girl with the winning ways; I believe she might have won him Hut. Richards stepped in her path one day nd Henry vanished before him. C. E.'s, I've tried to tell you, In words both simple and true. The ambitious elevations Of you and you and you. lie's tried them all, he tells nie, But none he finds as true As the thoughts of, the girls he loved once And the one who oftimea wears blue. Clyde L. D. had ambitions To keep correctly, the time; CONSOLIDATED AfTTO COMPANY. Carrying United Statf.s mad and express makes dally trips from Tonopah to Manhattan and Round Kfountian. Cars leave Tonopah daily on arrival of mall and leave Manhattan at 2:30 p. ra. W. C. HARDING. Anent Old newspapers f r sale at this office 25c per hundred. Subscribe for your home papei Commercial Job Print in One of the Largest and Most Completely Equipped Plants and Carries the Largest Stock of Paper in Southern Nevada JO kJ vLi' IflLV out in the Bonanza's UP-TO-DATE RULING AND BINDING PLANT We make a specialty of LOOSE LEAP LEDGERS and guarantee every one turned out Tonopah Daily Bonanza, First Newspaper and Job Printing House in this Section BROUGHER AVE. - - TONOPAH, NEV. FREE DELIVERY TO ANY PART Of CITY TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS