Newspaper Page Text
TBS TOKOPAM DAILY BOWAKZA, TOXOFAH, NEVADA, MONDAY. JANUARY 29, 10l2, SISTERS TO DANCE "TEXAS TOMMY" THIS EVENING Tonight at the Butler theater the I'rliity Sisters, a very clever team of dancers and singers, open a week's engagement, appearing each afternoon and evening in an eiifiru change of program. Tonight they will introduce the famous ' Texas Tommy" dance. The pic tures are as follows: "The Eternal Mother' Riograph drama; "The Blacksmith," Lubin drama; "The horsethlef," Pathe western, and an up-to-date VitagrapU comedy en titled "In the Clutches of a Vapor Bath," with John Bunny, the fat man, as the leading man. OLD NEWSPAPER DAYS IN KANSAS Editor Nirklin of the Barstow Printer grew reminiscent the other day and in his last issue divulged some of his past history. He re lates: "Friend Joseph Harmon of llink ley brought fine samples of home grown broom corn to the printing office Wednesday and they carried our memory back 30 years to old boyhood days In Kansas, when we published the Norton Advance among coyotes, picking buffalo bones , for meal tickets, and took sorghum, broom corn, owls and prairie dogs on subscription. Jack rabbits were legal tender for all debts, and very delicious broiled on buffalo chips. Our county court house was built on a wagon ready to move occa sionally. Antelope were thick as cattle rustlers, and big buffalo herds made pot shot for Jim Smith, Buffalo Bill and others. But life was not a pleasant dream even then. The financial editor of the Norton Fog Horn got mixed up with a rope that had been used in n horse deal and he died sud denly. The sorghum press on which we printed the Fog Horn In a dug out was seized for funeral ex penses and we came west." VANDALS ARE DESECRATING THE GRAVES OF DEAD Some cur or curs parading n the guise of human beings, but who are specimens of decayed hu man flesh and are even nauseating to themselves, have been visiting the sacred city of the dead the emeteries below town, and with barbarian intelligence have been defacing the headstones and demol ishing the stone curbs around the ittle mound of earth that marks the spot where lies burled a mother, father, wife or loving sister or brother. The headboard of the late John Hanna, who in life harm ea no one out ntmeir, was so badly defaced with Indecent words penciled thereon, that the little widowed wife was compelled to have another made in its stead. If these dogs of human being could be found who committed these vile desecra tions, death hy torture would be too mild a punishment. The Bo nanza offers a reward of $23 for the evidence that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the mon grels who have been desecrating the graves of the dead In the city cemeteries. The Stock Market San Francisco closing quotations furnished by Harry E. Epstine, Broker TOXOPAH. Bid. Tonopah Nevada . . $ ... Montana 1.02 Tonopah Ex 1.43 MacNamara 2G Midwav 28 Belmont 8.374 North Star 31 West End 75 Rescue Eula 22 Jim Butler 33 Mizpah Ex 80 Boston 04 oolditf.ld. Bid. Goldfield Con $4.43 Vernal 13 Booth 03 Blue Bull 03 Lone Star 0 4 Atlanta 17 Jumbo Ex Florence Spearhead Gold .' , Comb. Fraction... Kewanas , C. O. D. Merger Mines . ... HE TO STARVING IN SIGHT OF FOOD KOLDIKK NF.VF.K KILLED ItF.F.K, THOUGH ABOUT TO PF.KIKII FOK LACK OF I'OOD. STARVED AND LOVED AND YET THEY DIED PATIENT STARVED BUT DEFENSE SAYS IT WAS NEW METHOD OF T11E.VTMF.XT An old-time scout, who served with General Nelson A. Miles' com mand In Arizona during the pursuit of Geronimo and his hand of mur derous savages, told a story the other evening illustrative of an Englishman's respect for law and for other people's property. The party of three scouts ran across the man, an enlisted sol dier, who in a brush with the In dians had become separated from his command and had lost his horse. He expressed great joy at meeting the scoutsr saying that he was starving and was about ready to "end it all" with a bullet from v his carbine. He had a good gun, plenty of ammunition, 'and in plain sight in the valley below him were at least a dozeii nice, fat range cattle, and yet, so strong was the teaching in his lifetime that other people's live stock was sacred, that the Idea of killing one of these cattle to cat had not occurred to him, even though he was starving and desper ate. "And," said the old scout, "he was a brave man and a good sol dier, so far as fighting and doing his work was concerned. He sim ply didn't know that he had a right to eat without the permission of the owner of the cattle." SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 29. "Love, kindness and friendship" was entertained by Mrs. Linda Bur- fleld Habbard, the fasting specialist toward the girl she is accused of having murdered by her treatment according to Miss Nellie Sherman, a nurse who testified for the de fense. In opening its case, the de fense sought to show that the fast Ing under which Miss Clare William son, the wealthy English heiress, died, was a professional method anl Involved no offense. Miss Sher man's testimony occupied nearly the entire day's session Saturday. At no time, she testified, did Mrs Hazzard withhold a proper quantity of nourishment from the patient "We felt sometimes," the witness said, "that we were even giving the patient too much food, consider ing that all of which she partook appeared to be Injurious." She denied statements made by trie states witnesses that a man had aided in administering bath to the patient. No undue influence was exercised over Miss William son, she asserted. Of Miss Dorothea Williamson, the sister who survived the treatment. Miss Sherman testified that she was mentally unsound much of the time and had been able to assimilate a greater quantity of food than had Claire. PERSONAL Comings and Goings of Local People and Others. Miss Kate Mackey, sister of our efficient young pressman, Thomas Mackey, returned yesterday morning from Bishop, Cal., where she has been visiting relatives for the past six months Gil Bennett, a pioneer of Tono- i'mm, um now oi unyouie, came up from the southern city this morning. .Mr. Bennet reports much new min ing activity In bis section, especially at Pioneer, as the Tobin brothers .20 .52 .05 .13 .06 .14 .23 COM STOCK. Bid. Mexican 4.10 Cnion Con 1.22 Asked $7.23 1.07 1.50 .27 .29 8.40 .32 .77 .23 .34 .83 .03 Asked $4.47 .17 .06 .06 .03 .n .22 .34 .07 .14 .07 .15 .24 Asked 4. 12 1.23 XEW YORK CURB. Bid. Tonopah Mining .. $7.00 Montana 1.03 Tonopah Ex.;.... 1.4 3 Rescue Eula 21 Midway 27 Belmont 8.37 Jim Butler 3 4 Goldfield Con 4.37 Mizpah Ex 82 West End ..76 North Star 29 Aked. $7.12 1.08 1.50 .23 .29 8.50 .36 4.50 .90 MISCELLANEOUS. Bid. Pitts. Silver Peak Nevada Hills . . . Manhattan Con. Man. Dexter . . . Man. Mustang. . Man. Big Four.. Mineral Hill Cold Wedge White Caps Thanksgiving $1.25 2.20 . .13 . .04 , .04 . .43 . .09 . .04 . .08 Asked. $1.30 2.25 .14 .05 - .03 .43 .10 .05 .10 04 SALES. Forenoon , 600 Nevada Hills 2.15 900 Nevada Hills 2.20 3.000 Big Four (S-10)... .42 In formal 1.000 MacNamara (S-30).. .27 1.000 MacNamara (B-90).. .28 1.000 Rescue Eula 22 500 Nevada Hills 2.20 1,000 Rescue Eula 22 GOO Florence &2 100 Florence 54 400 Florence 53 l,2f0 Tonopah Ex 1.47 500 Rescue Eula 23 1,000 White Caps 08 4,000 White Caps 09 100 West End 77 500 Tonopah Ex 1.50 1,500 Jim Butler 35 1,000 MacNamara 26 2,000 Atlanta IT 2,000 Oro 04 Afternoon 1,500 North Star 32 l.ono Midway 29 1.500 Big Four . . .' 4 3 1,000 Manhattan Con 13 1,000 C. O. D 103 5.000 Atlanta I B-90 ) 18 1,500 North Star . . .' 31 1,000 Montana 1.05 Remember the . Annua! Report A law has been enacted in Nevada requiring all foreign corpora Hons doing business in the state to publish an annual financial incut of their last year s business in some daily newspaper of state, a penalty oi iuw is niiiiii-u ivi uuu-vuiupuuuce with the law. It is apparent why this law Is not agreeable to many of n( companies operating properties in the state. The law, however, has tht-ear-marks of a wise provision for the protection of the public, kM should excite no hostility from those companies whose affairs do not thrive best in the dark. Full publicity of their financial affairs wffi be a great help in the elimination of crooked mining schemes Chi cago Mining World. eUSE OURi VACUUM CLEANER To exterminate dust and dirt. We deliver both ways free and show you how to operate it. Our charge is nominal, being only $1.50 per day, or $1.00 for a half a day. AT THE NEVADA-CALIFORNIA POWER CO. OFFICE. PHONE 112 SAYS HE IS NOT CANDI DATE FOR TREASURER Tonopah, Nev., Jan. 29, '12. To the Editor of the Bonanza: There appeared in the Bonanza of aSturday. the 27th Inst., a card announcing my candidacy as a re publican for the odlce of treasurer of Nye county this fall. This la all mistake. While deeply grateful to the voters of Nye county, for past honors, I de sire to say that I am not a candi date for county treasurer. Very respectfully, R. F. GILBERT. (Ed. Note:) The announcement of Mr. Gilbert's candidacy In Saturday's Issue was ordered printed and paid for by himself, and believing that he was acting In good faith, the announce ment was made. CLARK CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENCY WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. Speak er Champ Clark, in a public state ment, declared he was a candidate for the democratic nomination for president, standing on his own feet, "without leaning on any other can didate." The speaker appeals for the support of a representative dele gation of "loyal Missouri demo crats" who will stand by him as long as he has a chance for the nomination. Mr. Clark Is emphatic In declaring he is In the presi dential race on his record and standing end seeks alliance with no other candidate. "Governor Folk and his friends," said Senator Clark in his state ment, "may make combinations with other candidates If they wish, but they have no right to excuse such conduct by wrongfully charging me with like practices." DECISION EVIDENTLY WROXO. A Nevada justice has decided that an automobile is a "deadly weap on." If he ever owned a balky one he would be obliged to tele graph for a more extended vocabu lary and a mule. Brdlgeport Chrontcle-Unlon. are to commence work upon property on a large scale. their . Medium That your uncle that stand, turn over ; stunts. Visitor I am not surprised; be never did have any table manners. wag the spirit of made the table and do such queer LARUE TAXES PAID II V MIXIXO OOMPAMKS The sheriff's and tax collector's office received Saturday remittances from several of the mines amount ing to over $3000 for bullion tax on ores extracted and turned into bullion for 1911. The statements have already been published and show that the income of the coun ty and state from this source was the largest in several years. The bullion tax money Is apportioned the same as any other Income re ceived from taxes, the brunt of It remaining In the district where col lected. The companies remitting were the Ophlr, Mexican, Crown Point and Phoenix. Virginia City Chronicle. OH, YOU SILVER. Silver today reached the high notch of 58 1-8, the highest It has been since January 7, 1908, when it sold for 58. 3-8 cents per ounce. It now looks as though the 60 cents mark will be reached In a few days. NOTICE Special Fast Freight Los Angeles 2 Days - San Francisco 4 Days -VIA- LAS VEGAS AND TONOPAH R. R. Salt Lake Route Pacific Navigation Co. Travel and Ship Your Freight via These Lines Yule and Harvard Boats Vastest and Finest on Pacific Coast. See that your Lot Angelei freight it routed care Salt Lake Route. San Francisco Freight via Pacific Navigation Co. C.E. REDMAN, TRAFFIC MANAGER, GOLDFIELD NEVADA The Tonopah Sewer and Drainage Co. wants a hun dred new service connections. Prepare your sanitary con ditions now. (let rid of the filth and- disease-breeding germs before the hot weather comes. It may save the life of some member of your family. We will extend our mains anywhere and make your connection on very rea sonable terms. Thomas 1). Murphy, the Nye coun ty mining king, arrived yesterday from San Francisco and departed by auto this morning, accompanied by" John Brunloii, for the new gold discovery, near lone. xotick: All Rebckahs are requested to meet at Brann house tonight at 7:30 to make arrangements for funeral services of Sister Bennett, to be held at 2 o'clock Tuesday, from undertaking parlors. WINNIE M. HUDSON, 1 -29-1 1 Secretary. AXXl'AL STATEMENT. SOMK JIMP. CHICAGO, Jan. 29. Carl Sol berg of the St. Paul Ski club won the broad Jump in the amateur class Saturday at the annual ski tournament at Cary, 111., with two Jumps of 111 and 113 feet, respect ively. CONSOLIDATED ATTO COMPANY. Carrying United States mail and express makes dally trips from Tonopah to Manhattan and Round afountian. Cars leave Tonopah daily on arrival of mail and leave Manhattan at 2:30 p. m. W. C. HARDINO. Agent . Of the Wolftone Extension Mining company for the year ending De cember 31, 1911. Location of mine, Manhattan mining district, county of Nye. state of Nevada. Debit . January 1, 1911, to cash on hand, $2036. 93. To assessment collected (luring 1911, none. To amount received from other sources, $1290.01. Total, $3326.96. Credit Mine expenses In year 1911, $185.50. General expenses In year 1911, $464.76. Total expenses, $650.26. (Also Includes part of 1909 and all of 1910.) Balance on hand Decemher 31, 1911, $2676.70. P. J. KENNEDY, Secretary, 320 Market Street, San Francisco. 1-25 Tommy What does the paper mean by calling Mr. Sharp an eight, by-ten busines man? Tommy's Father I presume It means he is not exactly square. Home Herald. Ruling. Binding & Commercial Printing 1 1 1 1 0 Mil N iv IIAItIT! You should not drink; but If you do drink, drink at the Now Nevada Club, where you get pure goods and a live turkey with one drink, It the cash register gives ou the right check. 1-9-tf NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. CLASSIFIED ADS. i,. .. , . ww-wwwwwyw"yw-w-xrx Advertisement! in (Ills column ore 10 trill per' line, rncli Iiim.tIIuii. Five words to the line: WANTED Woman to do family washing. Inquire Bonanza of fice. tf I'Oll KENT Nine elegantly furn nished rooms on Main street; gas, electricity, water and sewer. See Skelton. 3t WANTED High school girl wishes a good home. Phone Dr. Elton Davis. . jt FOUND Gent's monogram gold cuff. Call this office. tf FOR SALE A Ludwlg piano In excellent condition and toner easy terms; also some dishes and rooking utensils. Inquire of Mrs. Knox, Nyco Club, telephone 263. l-25-5t NOTICE OF KORKKITI'RK. Ira Fancher and Wm. Turner, you heirs and assigns: Ira Fancher and Wm. Tur.ier are herey notified that the undersigned has expended in labor and improve ments on the Hill Top lode mining claim, situated In the Goldfield min ing district. Nye county. Nevada, the sum of $100. the sum for the years 1909, 1910, 1911, of which you Ira Fancher, are a half owner, and you, Wm. Turner a one-fourth owner. Under the provisions of section 2324, of the Revised Stat utes of the United Stntes of Amer ica, covering annual assessment labor on mining claims; the proof of labor of the said claim was duly recorded at the recorder's office, at Goldfield, Esmeralda county. State of Nevada. Said expenditure was the amount necessary to hold said mining claim during the aforesaid years and if within 90 days from the date of the first publication of this notice, you fail or refuse to contribute your proportion of said expenditure as co-owner, which amounts to $225 to you together with the cost of this advertisement, your interest; in the said claims will become the property of the subscriber, your co-owner, who has made the expenditure and Improve ments above mentioned. HUGH SUTHERLAND. Dated at Tonopah, Nevada, this 25th day of January 1 91 2. Last publication April 26th, 1912. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN' You are hereby notified that M. 0 Yueov ell am Jack VUCOVlcn. eo- owners with Andy Kagenovlch, It i mint- ici tain in i ii in nuu iutu einims Known nim caned nunc and "Biir Four." situated In w Falrnlav mining district. nortDMM of Oiildvkp. Nve county, state of V vana, am expend and periorm nmi said mining claims during and lot the year 1911. labor, Improvement! and development work, as required ny law in an amount enuai to otw hundred dollars for each of said claims, ion are nereov mrtiier no tified that if at the exn ration of ninety days from and after the pub lication of this notice, as nroviiw ny law. von snail nBve rai ea or t on of said exnendltiires. made am performed unon said claims nv me as nforesa Id. vonr Interests In and to said mining: claims shall there- niion become forfeited to me. the undersigned, ana heroine my prop erty under and by virtue or tne pro visions of Section 2 32 4 of the Re- yised Statutes of the United Statw ANDY RAGENOVICH. First publication made on Jan nary 19, 1912. I nut Ai.ll 1Q 1 Q 1 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR AND NO TICE TOJREDITORS. IX TDK lllSTHir-T COURT OF - the Fifth .TiwllelHl District of the Stat of N'evfldu In and for the County of Nye. In the matter of the estate ol Malcolm Larsen, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed and qualified by the district court of the Fifth Judicial district of the state of Nevada, In and for the county of Nye, as administra tor of the estate of Malcolm Lar sen, late of said county, deceased. All creditors having Claims against said estate are required to file the same with proper vouchers attached, with the clerk of the court, within forty days of the first publication of this notice. Dated January 20th, 1912. R. P. STENSON, Administrator of the Said Estate. J. K. CHAMBERS, Attorney for Administrator. 1-20, 272-3, 10, 17 PIONEER DAIRY Fresh Milk and Cream "Quality Is Our Motto" PHONE - " - 11H Bonanza Ads Bring Results