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WEATHER Fair tonight and tomorrow Daily LUINUFAE onanza Today's Silver Quotation, 58 1-4 VOL. XL NO. 82 CLARENCE DARROW Former Attorney for the De fense of the McNamaras It Is Claimed He Parties pated In Bribing Jurors. 1,08 ANGELES, Jan. 30. Two Indictments, null containing two counts of bribery anil attempted corruption, worn returned yesterday by the county gnuid jury against Clarence S. Darrow of Chicago, for merly chief counsel for the Mr Xamara brothers. The bills allege that he furnished the money out of the MeXaniara defense fund, and bribed Itobert liain, a juror sworn to try James 15. MeXaniara, the confessed murderer and dyna miter, and George N'. Lockwood, a venireman. Attorney Lecoinple Davis, otif of Clarence Harrow's assistant In' the difense of the MacXamara broth ers, was called as a witness. Davis said lie had not been subpoenaed 111t merely requested to tell what he knew of the operations of lert H. Franklin, the detective arrested Un days before the MrNnmaras made their sensational confessions of guilt List November, and who Is now awaiting trial on the charge of having bribed Juror Tioliert Haiti and attempted to bribe Venireman George X. Uickwood. Information that the finale of the bribery Investigation was Imminent spread rapidly and Clarence Har row, formerly chief counsel for the MeXaniara brothers, who hai been living at Venice, a seashore resort, came up to Ixis Angeles and went Immediately to the office of Karl Rogers, whom ho has retained to represent him 'if need lie." All rumors of Indb (mints have centered about Harrow, who hud supervision t the $225,000 said to have been raised for the defence of the con fessed dynamiters. jltogers said Darrow would await the reKrt of the grand jury, which took a recess until 2 o'clock yes terday afternoon, before making any statement. "I am expecting to lie Indicted," ftdd Harrow yesterday, "and I might as well be prfpared for it. 1 engaged Karl lingers of this city to y present me, ad Judge Cyrus F. MrXtitt, now or Log Angeles and formerly of the superior bench NARROWLY ESCAPE DEATH IN ICE ON THE MISSISSIPPI Boat Battered By Ice Cakes for Hours Party of Travelers Have a Rough Time, But Finally Reach Safety. W1CKLIFFK, Ky., Jan. 30. Mght of the persons for whose safety fears were expressed last "'Klit when they were caught in I'e that choked the Mississippi riv r landed here yesterday noon and were returned Missouri. to Mini's Toint, I he party Point. ,M0 and engaged them ncrosn had last reached Iilrd's night by train a boatman to ferry the river to Cairo. HI ' W('re 'aught. .In the Ice and ,vpas "'fl they had lost their The puny reached a river point two miles below here soon after "'lunlght. They had been In a tor- fir. struggle with great ice floes hat continuously threatened to smash their boat nv u,,i. "aft between the running currents . nrond stream, Frank Jones, o tulot4 managed to elude, the and when there c.1me a " tne steady stream of V cakes, Bh"Vf(l hH boat across to the Curly yenterd-r t!:t party re '''fled to ninl. lN.,t, i.!,,., 'where hf-y alighted ho,-, n Cotton llelt ,r' J'ter,: s at noun. :,n l'nssenKers bad l-nch-' - ii Toi- yesterday and when U," )!- 1 ... trans. I I wS IfJ V 1UIU Jit o another train they fw.i of Indiana, " probaly win assist him. Judge MeXutt was associated with me in the MeNaniaru defense. "All I'll say In regard to the Indict incuts Is this: I've repeatedly said that 1 knew nothing about any attempts to bribe or Influence a juror. I repeat that steadily, j confidently- hope anil expect to he aciuitted." Harrow told of having arranged for bail and of bis decision to re main in Los Angeles until the case was finished. Of all those whose names hate been connected in any way with the allegations that the MeXaniara defense systematically sought to corrupt Jurors mid witnesses, only Harrow was omitted from the list of witnesses called hy the county grand Jury. Kranklin was summoned. It wan reported several times that In va rious conferences between he and VV. II. Ford, the prosecutor, he had been offered immunity if he would ti ll who wtsrQ the "higher tips" in the alleged campaign of bribery. Al C'ouglt summoned before the grand jury on two o ci-duns lie was never actually examine., 'itnrt two weeks ago he pleaded not guilty to the two bribery (barges filed against him. His'' trial h.n been set Tor February 2 7. According to the allegations of l he. state, based on information said to have been given by Franklin, the men be is aliened, to ,-liave bribed or tried to bribe, the Mi Natnata defense f -t aside a fund of $20,(100 to be used III "fixing the Juror." District Attorney Fredericks has in his safe that was taken from Lock wood and Franklin at the time of their arrest. Ickwood was In the confidence of the prose cutors at the time, and was re leased immediately after Franklin was placed In jail. Main and Lock wood were princi pal witioses called by the grand jury. The accounts of Darrow and other attorneys associated with him wera closely scrutinized. the regular ferry service suspend ed because or the great lee floes that jammed the river. Frank Jones, an experienced liv er man, took a party of seven In his "I'errv." Midway in the rlyer lie was i aught by an ice floe that swung his boat perilously about. Immediately panic seized the par ty, but before attempts to rescue them could he made they had been swept out qf night by the ice Hoe and soon the big Ice pack was hid den by a heavy fog. liefore rescuers who had search ed the river all night reached them, however, the part'y landed below here. It Is believed most of the party came from Lilliourn. Mo. KKISS" TICIXL l!FSl Mi:i. CIIICACO, Jan. ."III. Initeil Slates lii.-trlil Judge Carpenter ad journed the tally session of court In the packers' trial yesterday to allow the defendants the counsel to attend the funeral of Mrs. A. II. Vcrder. the wile of one of I ho counsel in the case. The trial was scheduled to be resumed today with Stelnger (i. Laugher, margin clerk for the (1. II. Hammond & Company plant of the National Tacking com pany hi Chicago completing his v. jy on ti,,, stand. TONOPAH, NEVADA, TUESDAY SCIIMITZ TICIAI, IS STOI'lKI ItV rvifliT a. SAX FRANCISCO, Jan. :iu.--Superior Judge Law- ler was temoorarilv eniolnod A from proceeding with the bribery trial of former Mayor"Si built, on charge of bias and iireiudlce . a HAVE RECEIVED CARLOAD ASSORT ED HARDWARE The Tonopah Hardware company, now occupviiif; the store of the late Nye County Mercantile company, has just received a carload of as sorted hardware. This firm, which is composed of Henry. Schmidt and Itnssell Williams, well-known citi zens of Ttinnpah. have engaged in the hardware business in Tonopah for keeps." In other words," they tre to grow up ith the city. Their line of hardware nod crockery, oils, paints, glass, etc., cannot lie ex- led by any store in th state of Nevada. Their prices are lower than most dealers in their line. When In need of any nrlble'. in the hardware line call upon this linn and be convinced th! you are "avion money; thus satisfied, . you make the purchase. All goods tiro delivered free of charge. Phone or send your orders by mail; they will receive .prompt attention. i t i:vin i:i: stoic: iukns. NEWARK, N. J.. Jan. M. Fire irly yoterdj.v ill the hi;.; nirintllfe store of John Miillins and Sons.-on Market street, spread to adjoining property liefore it was extinguished. The loss of of which :;oO.(i(io is sustained hy the Miil lins concern. milium! PAYS PENALTY FDR HIS CRIME IN THE ELECTil Slayer of Ruth Wheeler Which lie Protests His Innocence Man Showed Less Resistence to Electric Cur rent Than Any Criminal Yet Put to Death In the Chair. OSSIXIXG, N. Y Jan. 30. Al. Wolter was put: to death in the lectric chair at Sing Sing prison at .1:40 o clock yesterday morning for the murder of 15-year-old Ruth Wheeler, nearly two years ago. The girl came to Wolter's flat in New York in search of employment and he killed her after she had been mistreated. Wolter left a statement, with Warden Kennedy denying that he had committed the crime. The exetuiiou was without feat ure and Woiter was declared dead alter one contact of 1HfiO volts. Ti e state electrician said that wol ter showed lei.,s resistance to the electric current than any murderer put to death by electricity at Sing Sing prison. The murderer spent his last night nub Hy. resting only part of the time. At o clock yesterday morn ing Wolter wrote his denial of the killing. It was on a single sheet and so even and clear were the letters formed that the writing bad the appearance of copper plate The statement reads: ' Warden J. S. Kennedy - To be given to the public. Janu ary 2'. 2 n. tit Vow that I am departing from this earth to go into the pnence of Ctod I wish to make Ibis last state ment. The- world refused me justiie, but our Father In Heaven, who knows our In most thought. He will givo ma EVENING. JANUARY 30, BS INDICTED case AGAINST CATTLE COMPANY TO BE PRESSED I WO 1VIL Sl ITS A(i IST C.U.I- roicxiv ox(;hi:ssm.x 1 n:sr, .. TIIF.Y t lilMIWI, ACTION. WASUXiiTOX, Jan. 20. It was I' arned at the department of justice yesterday that Attorney General Heneral Witkersbam has approved the plan of prosecuting the two civil suits against Congressman Kent's ColeoncJa Cattle company for illegal fencing of public lands in Xevada, before bringing the officials '!' that conmanv to trial on Hm jciimlnal indictment. It was declar ed positively, however. that the jiiiielnal cases will be carried Into j court for proseeuHon. when Hie ; civil suits are out of the way. ' The significant statement, was n:ade that the department "would g'" into the criminal easP deeper" J t 'tore Im ginning tilal, whiih is taken to mean that additional evi dence will be sought before the i rial opens. ' It is not known what rceom rf.' ndathins were made by District Utorney Flntt when he was here tMs week, but the declaration of '!"' department that tlio criminal raw will be tried is taken to mean U'al sufficient, evidence has been "'"'led to justify prosecution. The attorney for the C.oleonda Catilo company has been noli fled hv the department that the, civil s-iis will be pressed with eypedi ti"ii and that the department ex- I ' et i t ies- ease-: in ha mwlor ti-o,- in.Me of a month. Attorney l'latt nev on rjU. t Uack to Nevada. m:th tn- Kivrr-'s iiicotiikic. ASSOC AN,, Jan. 30. The Duke of Fife, a brother-in-law of King Ceoige of Croat Britain, died here yesterday. Leaves Statement In pure and undefilod justice. I wish to state I am innocent of the crime of which I was con victed. I have been a victim of circumstantial evidence. I hope there may come a time when the conscience of the per petrator will overpower, and will compel him to come to the front and acknowledge the crime. It is any honest pray er to Cod that Ho may bring the person guilty of the crime to justice, that, my name may be cleared of this stain that the people may see the injus tice done mo, and that they killed an innocent boy. To those who have given me their kind assistance and have trusted in me I give my sin cerest thanks. To those who have persecuted and killed me, for them I pray Cod's forgiveness. iSimiedl "AL. WOLTER." Alihouuh Wolter was convicted on circumstantial evidence. the court of appeals, reviewing the case after a set lei of legal delays, de clared he was fairly tried nnl Justly convicted. llutii Wheeler met hi r death on March 2 ( , llMii, in Welter's apart ment en the fourlh floor of a lions on 7.1th slreet. New York, w he: e t-he bad i ei:e to s-ek employ ment as a stenographer. Her i hai red body subsequently dis covered. 1912. TOR RIOTING OF THE STRIKERS REPORTED LAWRENCE MASS. STKIKKKS riCHVKNT OI'I'H A. IIVKS l-'ICO.M HISIMIX.J WOltk. I LAWRENCE, Mass., Jan. 30. Serious rioting occurred vesterdav whttn a crowd of strikers attempt ed to prevent operatives from en tering the various textile mills to resume work. In many cases the strikers were successful. Mills that were reopened were able to operate only on a greatly reduced scale. Several persons, were seriously in jured. Uioters held up a score of electric cars headed towards the mills and forced passengers to leave the cars and assaulted them, In the belief that they were strike breakers. srcoNM MONTHLY l).X('.; TAKES I'LACi; OX H!li.Y Next Friday, t February 2, the Young Men's Hub will Kive the second of their monthlv Hunc ,i.,.i from tlr success iA f!,u n,-uf u goes without saving that this one will be even a greater success. both financially and socially. The committee of arrangements lias at present nearly rvervthlim for this great event, and the famous Hut ler Theater on hestra will nenln discourse sweet strains in ih lio-hi fantastic. TO ;IYH ISASKET SOCIAL. Tirol bei hood of American Yoe nian will Kive a basket social and dauca on Monday, February 20, at Knights of Columbus hall Tho af fair Is in honor of the 15th anni versary of the Yoemen lnvlHiHnnQ will be sent out in the near future hy the committee in charge. l IVi: IMtO.MIXKXT ;i:m:kals i:i.i;i:l AltK I.YXCHEh (H'A YAQC1L, Jan. : broke into the Quito in spite of a double lynched C.enerals Elroy vio Alfaro. Meilardaro .piano IViess and Manuel SO. A mob penitentiary guard, and Alfaro. Fl Alfaro, Ul Sorrano, all prominent revolutionists. FINDER OF MURDERED . MAN'S BODY IN RENO Cooney Ellis, Suspected of Crime, Has Not Yet Been Apprehended Man Arrested at Hazen Released. RENO, Nev., Jan. 30. N. C. llowen and S. A. Johnson, two resi dents of (lerlach, arrived in Reno last evening and this morning visit ed the county jail and saw Austin A. Carrigau, the man arrested at llii.en yesteulny on suspicion of be ing Cooney Ellis, who is wanted for the murder of Ed Tonkey. They declared that Carrigan is not Ellis and the latter will be discharged from custody. These two men know Ellis well, and without helinH.n dec-hired that Carrigan was not the right man. Howen hi the man who discovered the murder of Tonkey and first repc-rled it to the authorities at Cer'arh. He stated that last Tues day afternoon he hauled :;me ti-ods out to Totikcy's cabin from (l-' and that late that after noon he saw Ellis alll Tonkey to gether at the lalters enl.lii n.,,1 jihey were both drinking heavily. He I did not se(. them again, but on j Thursday went out to . Tonkey's cabin and found It locked, the door j l-eing wired shut. He opened the r. ml went lit and at first did M't s-e Totieky, inn Dually saw a i j foot protruding (tout beneath a io:.t!iiss in the corner. Ho lifted tU. mutlresH al..J say Tonkey's body. lie bail been shot through the had and then dragged Into PRICE 10 CENTS. BRIBERY - TAKlfrK IlIU, IM'V"'Xv! HO. SK OK- brU,t a clever chll- V.VPH1N' 8" en"re Jan. SO.-,' bl i. red KhoW" a good preserc t'g l,iftureB at Uie ( f(iii(inight, among them aft. moon. DEMAND FOR HALIFAX STOCK IS INCREASING There is finite a demand being made on our local brokers for Hali fax stock. The new shaft of the company Is now down 785 feet, the objective point being 1000 feet. When tills depth Is attained cross cutting for the big Helmont ledge will commence. U will not be lone before the remaining 21a feet to be sunk, to reach tho 1000-foot level, will be accomplished. Consid erable of the stock of the. 1.10, 000 allotment is held by Tonopah peo ple and today there was quite a demand for Halifax at $1.25 per share. COXSOIJDATED HAS NEW Al'TO Tit EIGHT TRICK The Consolidated Mines company has placed In com mission a new auto truck which is to be used In delivering supplies from the com pany's stor,e house to the various mines. M. Q. derke will run tho . truck, which is ot two tons ca pacity. Coldlield Tribune. HHAXK IOO OUAItTS OF 11KKR IX SIX HOCUS SAN FKANC1SCO, Jan. 30. Geo. Terry, formerly a clerk with the National Ranking corporation, who pleaded guilty to the embezzlement of $13,000, told the court he drank 100 quarts of beer in glx hours. Part of the money went for payment, of this. The court was skeptical and called a cafe pro prietor, who confirmed the state ment. the comer and covered over with tho mattress. On returning to Gerlach, Bowen reported tho grewsome discovery and a search was made for Ellis, who had returned to Gerlach from Tonkey's cabin Tuesday night and hnd been seen In Gerlach as late as 10 o'clock Thursday morning. Tills was about nu hour before Bowen returned' to Gerlach from Tonkey's cabin. When Ellis returned to Gerlach Tuesday night he had Tonkey's rifle with him and also spent about $20 in Gerlach. This was about the amount of money , Tonkey was known to have had upon his per son. It is not thought, however, tlmt robbery was the motive of the murder, as Ellis did not tak Tonkey's watch. It Is the belief of the district at torney that the two men quarreled while intoxicated and that In the fight Ellis shot Tonkey with his own rifle. The actions of Ellis ar peculiar In that he did not attempt to Pave Gerlach until two day after the murder was committed. i'llder bertft Niehol Lint lilfcut received a telenmm from Sheriff Fern I stating that he had heard that Elli-4 had ;oue east on tho Western raeillc and that he was following hi hi and expected to rap ture Mm In a short time. '