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-I TWO jf iirwara TONOPflH DAILY BONANZA Pabllsaed erery eveninc Bundey excepted, by tha Tonopah Bunanu Pristine (jo , meorporatea. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS MEMBER NEVADA PRESS ASSN W. W. BOOTH, EDITOR AND MANAGER Tu-m of Subscription br Mall tor Dally Bonauza: On Tear $11 OS 111 One Week 30 HUM Montaa i One Month 1.00 U Hoataa 1.0 Hi Tares Months '. f 1.0 Delivered by Carrlar, $1 21 per Month HKMBKH OK TIB ASHOOIATED PHBSS 3e Associated Prase Is exclusively entitled to the nee (or republication new. dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited Id this paper ue aiso in local newt puousned Bereia. Balered at the postortlce In Tonopah as second olasa matter. PROTECTING THE WEST Wr.SThli.V tiit-ii have ut l is! twn uroiwd to the necessity fur oreseutititf a united fnnit to southern iisjarfssion to seeure their just share nf the jiropuseii hundred million dollar impropriation for preparing; publie hinds for 1 1n- reception of soldiers and sailors. Kvtr nitice the Wilson administration was inducted, the south hns Wn itcciintf morn than its portion of all pithlie moneys. Tliere is no denying this nssertion for the records show that whenever money was to be expended the south was in the .saddle ever ready to tfuib all that could hv had regardless of any latent merit that may have heen nttached to their offering. They have had a ma- lority of the military cantonments on the theorv that the southern ilimatc was more euuahlc and the temperature more conduciv to outdoor trainiiiK. .Swamp lands and malarial sections have been unloaded ou the government for any purpose that would bring in revenue to wily promoters who knew they had the backing of the solid south and would not have to strain at the truth to secure a hearing and possible appropriation. Shipyards were located where the old river and harbor pork bnr'l subsidies were denied through superior pressure of war exigencies. The ternal eroy of money, money and more money was the tocsin sounded all through the south from the banks of the Kio Grande to the Mississippi river while more advantageous locations in the west and north were slighted. Not satisfied with the plethora of puhlie funds lavished during the war, the south is at the same old game by urging con irress to engage in a project for reclaiming swamp lands that can i.ot be made habitable for another generation. The pressure for plunder has not relaxed and it is commendable that the west has arranged to get together movement by which the arid country will have a square deal in the reclamation projects under eonsideration. You have not heard anything of any of the British colonies offer ing swamp lands to the returning soldier They are too practical and have too little money to squander on any such schemes. These countries are after results which they appear to be getting at the expense of the t'nited States which has manifested singular re luctance about engaging in any economic development of the mil lions, of acres lying close to the principal markets and along main lines of railroads. These can be turned quickly into income proper ties and the western men have become aroused to the necessity for insisting that every dollar of the conservation and reclamation fund be disbursed in projects likely to yield the most adequate returns. Western m.-n contend rightfully that the returned heroes should not be handicapped fn their efforts to establish themselves themselves under the most eb-vating conditions which are clearly set forth iu resolutions adopted this week at the conference of western empire builders in Salt Lake. The states represented in he movement arc Nevada, T'lah, Montana. California, Arizona. Wyoming and New Mexico. These states have abundant acreage to furnish, homes for a million farmers and with the assistance of the government there is no reason why there should not ensue a west ward movement that will repay the small amount asked for land and water development. Every state is willing to do its duty to ward the young soldiers by appropriating supplementary funds to assist in colonizing these. The next move is for the Nevada legis lature to demonstrate that it is ready to do tits share in making ettraetive arid wastes which arc as fertile as any lands on OodV footstool and, by interesting soldiers and sailors, destroy the asper won that Nevada is not suitable for agricultural development. FIGHTING THE MEAT TRUST ' TMIK National I livestock association has thrown down the gaunt x et to the packers whose recent statements demonstrate that they were the chief . profiteers of the war. For four venrs the beef growers and sheep men have been urged to greater efforts to in crease the production of meats and wool which, according to tin ."tatements of President Pryor, have reached an acute stage where the superstructure raised by war demands is growing so top henvy that it is likely to topple over and collapse utterly. The live stock men have been forced to accept what they were offered while the f.ockers fixed prices to suit their own sordid aims. With millions more hogs of the four-footed variety reported by the animal bureau census is it a paradoxical fact that the price of bacon and ham shows no evidence of relaxing its tension. Home consumption has been reduced to a minimum until rhe American nation has almost become a nation of vegetarians. The markets are turning away fat I ogs with the explanation that there are too many for the demand. Still there is no relaxation of the climbing tendencies and it is obvious that some other influence of an artificial nature is bolster ing up prices. Millions for our soldiers but not a cent for the enemy is the ulogan that the president has aroused through his demand for a hundred million for distribution in Europe. AVhen our boys are restored to their wage-earning eapieities and absorbed by our in dustries there will be time enough to consider the wants of others. With the British dominions and Ireland claiming economic and political independence it begins to look as though the peace con gress would have a perfect Dounyhrook fair on its hands. The old adage that charity begins a home finds a suitable occasion for exercise just now. Portugal shows a reversion to type through revival of the monarchy. As ft republic that country never was a howling success and the iron hand of royalty may bring order out of chaos. JtlaialasB11aa Nothing equals the unmitigated gall of the Ilun in replying to he terms f the revised armistice that, if he is compelled to restore r.ll the farm implements and machinery stolen during the War lrom unoffending allies he will not have enough left to cultivate his own lauds. Election returns in Germany are coming in about as fast as those of California when that state was the pivotal commonwealth in the election of Wilson to the presidency. nStltllinlMRlH The explanation of the Bolshevik business is that when they took vodka away from the Russians, they had to get drunk on something. W. W. Whole Works' Wilson is the latest and that from a Democratic statesman, too. The people of the I'nited States do not want anything done" t Paris that will tie the can to American. "-- ' M4 . DISMANTLING NAVAL BASE AT QUEENSTOWN many hutments. American officers and men have uiailc a deep Impremnun on tile pen nle of Queeustown and in other parts i MICKIE SAYS Se-t VP SOrAE OP THS COpsi J63T UKt If COMES IN. VMlfHOU-f rAAKlN' MO COIUfeCmONS NCR. NOHn SOME O fH 1NtlXCTuP.L UMTS AttOOH' "THI Hfiftfc NecK O' TMB VNOOOS'O LOSE THEIR. R.6P0-fMONS E. SEllsl' EDDtCWEOl (Correspondence Associated Press) QUEKNSTOWN, Ireland, Dee. 20. -I'lans for the dismantling of the American naval stations In and l' ut Queeustown and in other Darts i W lien you iround Queeustown are going for if niiih Ireland, and relations gen-j you know it ward rapidly. Time will be required i 01 j!.v ,iav'e bpen of the most cordial comeback on lo roraove the baae hoanital at White-! nature. This Is proved liv the fact local news V , H l '-to v if M 4s V V 1 I t .TTlTl fl lisll-WfllkW Want lo knew how to dodge the high-cost-of-dothee? Easjrt Keep your new garments new and make your old ones do. And here's where you'll find our Mail Order Service) a bis; help! For the parcel pout brings to your very door the F. Thomas Paris ian Dyeing and Cleaning Works of San Francisco. So, why run the riik of baring your work done) by "back-room cleaners when you can send it to the most complete and moderrdy equipped establishment of its kind in America? Hero you are sure of fast-color dyes superior workmanship and lowest possible prices. Today write our Mail Order Depart ent for price lut and expert advice on your cleaning and dyeing problems. Write now I I 9 '"W mar,. InP r.s-i-a J tat ind Xfart aVdVss-aaV -antaw R5Sy on yur cleaning and dyeing aS see il in Hie Huikiii'i is true. There is either telegraphic nu :xint, and much' work Will be in volved In removing the maby big warehouses which were ibrought here from America and set up in record 'line. Other important parla of the American plant Include wireless sta tions at Queenstown and Aglada and ti a s s e e REBELS IN MEXICO ARE ALL PACIFIED My AaaiM'Inli-ri I'rml MEXICO CITY, Jan. 22.--Genera' Fortuntrto Maycotte, in charge of the iiaciflcation of the state of Guerrero, lms reported to the war department. tccording to an official announce ment by that branch of the govern ment, that the conquest of the Za Pfita and Marlscal rebels In that tate virtually i completed. General Silvestre Mariscal, former governor )f Guerrero, has been under arrest in the capital since January 25, 1918. mi a charge of disobedience of oi lers. The pacification of the state of Morelos. stronghold of the Zapatas followers, has been almost accom plished, according to official an nouncements, by the forces operating under General Pablo Gonzales. Span ish influenza and famine have played havoc with the bands of Kmlllano Z;ipata and of his lieutenants. Gift From French Republic. Thiw plirn-ies from President Wil- Hons war niessnges will he woven in a rosily GntiHlin tapestry Fninee I having imul.. as a gtft to the city of Philadelphia. 'n. tapenlrv Is to he liutig In the iiiiisviini lu the Qunker city mid is about to be placed In the hands of the workers at the famous Gohelln fin-lory for completion, according to tin exi-hnnge. The tnpestry will be 21 feet hv 1." feet. It will he full of life and color mid will have mi attnonphere of en tliimltiem ami pntrlottim In norfrnv. lug troops departing from I'hilHdelphin I m- Kiimpi- to participate In the war of Jllsliec. Hclow arc three panels containing Itiexe ilirnscs from President Wilson's I ie-nis ; "Hlght is more precious than peace." "We have no selfish end to serve iiml desire no eompictir and ho domina tion." "We shall tight for democracy." Mark Lally Co. Steam and Plumbing Supplies Pipe and Casings oao ' ! Stock at hand ready for ! immediate shipment in all branch stores: ! Oakland San Jose Stockton Fresno Catslogue on reueit oao MARK-LALLY CO. 235-149 Second Street 5- Tehama Street SAN FRANCISCO I hat. a numlier of w eddings have al ready taken place, and more than one American sailor has promised to return for the girl lie must leave be j hind. Queeustown lias prosHrered great- ! !y since the station was established '. here, hut the people declare their regret In seeing the Americans de Connections at I.udlow for Arizona part is because Ihey have become and Southwest. Standard sleeper." accustomed to their presi e and 1 leave Beatty Monday and Thursday like them for the fine fellows they! for MS Angeles. Leave I.os Angeles arB- ' Tuesday and Saturday. Tonopah I Tidewater RAILROAD Leave Cioldfield 10 : :!0 a. m. Man day, Thursday. Saturday. Arrive Los Angeles 8:-0 a ni Tuesday, Friday, Sunday. ITIflfHflli"-'w'-,"l"n' Outfit for the Hills rtGKk, SHOVILsV DRILL ST ML, COWOIR. CAPaV I FUtl. tlNCLI AND DOUBLI JACK, ALL' HAM NIR OP COOKINa UTINtlLS. fONOIt. MO TR1 NB PIITLBts OLs PANi, BTt, ,. i: TONOPAH HARDWARE CO. NEW TODAY NEW TODAY ill! . ' Il Why Meat Prices Vary in Different Stores Prinw it.ri $l3.9ou0.35 Good to choice itMri IT.WHh i.H6 Cummon to medium meeri Iu.7&t lu.ib Yearlinirt. fair to fmit-y lti 0"uJia t Fat co wt itfid heifer H8M15.3fi CeaQning rw trnd heiferi T.'iUia. h:b Bulln. pUtn to bt. b.&"(4-lii.:-o Poor to imncy lve 6.7r".16.76 Weitern runge tteen Il1 OUtults.uu These newspaper quotations represent live cattle prices in Chicago on December 30th, 1918. The list shows price ranges on nine general classified groups with a spread of $13.85 per cwt. the lowest at $6.50 and the highest at $20.35. Why this variation in price? Because the meat from differ ent animals varies greatly in quality and weight. Although the quotations shown are in nine divisions, Swift & Company grades cattle into 34 general classes, and each class into a variety of weights and qualities. As a result of these differences in cattle prices,, (due to differences in weights and meat qualities), there is a range of 15 cents in Swift & Com pany's selling prices of beef carcasses. Nevada First National Bank of Tonopah CAPITAL, $100,000 ANNOUNCEMENT h are zotFg to open the Bertram Sales ratal bulUtlAg. ,oa Se;it 15 18 an a Ooudyear Service Station with a conolt stack of tioodyear Tires, Tubes. &olt:u. Truck Tires Md YulcanUUsfc We are golDg to render (loodyear Service at prescribed by the Oimdyear Company. CAMPBELL & KELLY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS THE TONOPAH BANKING CORPORATION Tie Liberty Bond it Uncle Sun'i Promise u Pay tvatf Re la Worth mo.BOQ.OOO.BOe Dl R ECTOR8 Qeorae WlngfMd, H. a Irouiher, W. N. Oeyle. Hogh H. irown, Clyd. A Heller, J. B. Humphrey E. W. BLAIR, Ctahler. These facts explain: 1 Why retail prices vary different stores. la 2 Why it would be difficult to regulate prices of cattle or beef. 3 Why it requires experts to judge cattle and to sell meat, so as to yield the profit of , only a fraction of a cent a pound a profit too small to affect prices. Swift & Company,U.S.A. Ma n ha tta n Tradi ng & Transfer Co. (Ineorsoratadi i vf uis uay or of u tam. Isr. ..-. ..A . . BVTSmH ;-"- 1 treigni onuita ana are) ahta tm kearu -Um EVERY AD dm bring ite wMta. 1 may be errant, a aitaatiM, sWmetltiDc U buy, tell er exoluafa. Bma peo ple want mnu, oata aopt ltr rooau to rani. v No matter what kg w litt'-a. a email BOhioe tnang,& BONANZA want ad. brug atiafaotioo, becaaet ' BONANZA Want Ads Bring Sure Resiilts IM 1