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HERO 0 SNEA (Correspondence Asaociated Preis) LONDON'. Dev. 12. The story of a coloiifl of" Austrai'an Infantry who . -vr-i viMindei "ir th? GjIMpoli ivn pjipn nd sent back to Amt'-alia but w;i,.. concealed his ra.ik and revti lisind ai a private to serve with the Australians 'n France has added to the esteem in which Australians are held in' London. Colonel Charles Mel ville Macnagliten, the hero of the eiory", is hailed as' a man of gal lantry and RrW- lif was the son . of Sir Melville MacuaKi ten, chief of the criminal Invi utlpation department of Scotland Yard, says the Daily Mail, and was fr ..t!clnft law. In Australia when the war I'tgan, Ie. was the major in coirtuand of. the firt brigade which lar.dpa at Auzac Cove on( Galllpoli ''peBMisitla. Within two days he was wound-J three times." After recovery In England he returned tp Galllpoli . &jitl led his battalion -in their. Im mortal charge at Lone Pine. After the- eyacuation of ' Galllpoli hp served . far a time In Egypt and a 'put from there to England suf fiTi'ty; fronuwounda and fever. Sur geon refused him permission to re turn to active service and he was i-ent to. Australia as second In com mand of an . Australian Training ca m p. . ' . Dpp day he slipped away from the ramp and Joined a replacement bat tallon , in Queensland' undr the name of Charles Melville and soon afterward was back .in England train In? on Salisbury Plain as Private Melville. He. was. quickly promoted to he corporal and one day was ask c I by his commanding officer. "Cor potal, do you think you could J'-!I' this company?"' Having commanded a tr:pnri. the corporal put the com pany through It's, paces like the vet Tin he was. '. Hack in France galn he was rc osnired by officers who had known Mm In Oalllpoli as the daring and brilliant ifoldler they had called "f'ghttnit Mac." .General Blrdwood. with !fm he had served, at Lone Tine, sent for him and gave him a IMPORTANT NOTICE To Secretaries of CorporaHons Doing Business in Nevada :- ' ..;;t gut incorporated in Other States NOT TOO LRTE TO SAVE $100 R FICTION 1. All foreign corporations doing business in the Stale of month ot March In each year, beginning in the year 1914, publish a alateruent of their last year business -in gome newspaper published in the State of Nevada. If published in a daily newspaper, such statement shall be published for a period of one week, or If published In a semi-weekly or trl-wekijr newspaper, for a period of two weeks; or if published In a weekly newspaper for a period ot four weeks, 6HOTION 2 The secretary of the company publishing the statement shall file a copy with the assessor of -each oounty of the State of Nevada, In which said company is doing business. SHCTION J Any district attorney In the state Is conyieteat to sue to recover the penalty, or the attorney euersd. tfhe first oounty suing through its district attorney shall secure the penalty, end if no stflt 1 brought for the penalty by any dlstrlot attoraey tbe State shall have the right to recorer -through Its attorney-general. TMB TONOPXH DAILY BONANZA WILL MAKE PUBLICATION REQUIRED BY LAW, WHICH IN CLUDI8 TUB" PtLlNQ Of A 8WORN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION WITH THE ASSESSOR OF EACH i.., - j , :,u io i-inisin BUSINESS: AN " 'nt vUUNTIfetS Or THE 8TATE, WITHIN WMIlili tnt v;wmrii. AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION WILL AL80 BE FURNISHED SECRETARIES. ANNUAL STATEMENT --. . (Fill out uJ return) of the Coroaany for tlie yfar cmling December 31, 11 S: .Location of ininr Miuiu8 Ointrki eeuntf;6f- Sute of Nevad DEBIT Dmiembrr 31s 1 17, to cash on liaml ,T MsajiRi;eiits collected during 191S Ta awauats rrceiTed from ather sontves CREDIT Mine expenses ia year 1913 General expenses in 11M8 Takl diridetuls in year 1!MS alsace on hand DefMiilwr "1, 191 f ' Address. ; TCNOPAH DAILY BONANZA f GALUPO KS INTO commission. Not lonR afterwards Colonel Macnaghlvn was again sent as an invalid to Kngland where he was summoned to lliwkinghnm pal ace to receive from the king a deco ration as a companion of the Order of SI. Michael and Si. George which had been conferred upon him several years before for gallantry at Galll poli. While serving in the ranks iu Utah Indians Decimated J SALT LAKE CITY, Jan 22. Cer I tain trilxs of Indians on reservations In rt-ah have been almost decimated I by the influenza epidemic, accord ing io uncontinned reports reaching j J the stable hoard of health here. The j I death of at least 2WU of the differ-i 'lit tribesmen on a part of the Nav ajo reservation in southern Flah and Arizona, one reiwri says, Adiioes from Sun Juan county in the southern part of the state, su : tha' fully 20'iii perished when the epidemic swept the Navajo reser. i- tion. Monies are being tonnrt :n I many out of the way places, rt is re ported, where Indians, men, women and children died alone and far from medical assistance A canvass is be ing made in this section, and it Is feared that one or two small tribes may have been wiped out entirely. Realizing the epidemic character of the disease the Indians wander awav from their tribesmen, ii is said, and strict account of deaths is virtually impossible. The I'in'a reservation., situated in Uinta county, this state, also has had a visitation of the scourage, ac cording to a letter received recently from an employe of the Indian sen " "I IIIIIHIIMMIII I LI ACTION France as "Corporal Melville" he ha.l been personally congratulated by t'te rommanding general for valor a I Messines Ridge. Macnagliten's fighting days are now over and he is compelled to reciigni.-; this fact fo, as one of hi? neii put it, "he is -k'dled like a colander and it Is only his fighting spirit which keeps hiin alive." avages of Influenza iee- at Ouray, I'lnia county, by Thomas Itodmond, former field in spector for the government bureau I of animal Industry. V to New Year's day. says the letter. t2 In dians on the Uinta reservation had did r Influenza. More than 20 I'ncompaghre tribesmen have gone Hvd.julic Cart. idoe. It H iiltru lUtlleuU ullil sollielllll',-.- dump-runs to use ordinary explosives for uiluiii Mi d excavMing Ii. routine. i spaces, i fH,-i ibttt has led t the de- i velopiiteiu of itie hvitriinlir minim: I cartridge. j The rartrldgi; coiisisis of a snl 1 cylinder eonlalliing numerous snnill pisloiis Mm! move ut right angles to the axis of ihe cylluitei and evpand when water is injected inlo them villi ii Im i til pump. After ilrillinu a deei enoiiuh bole lie workmen Insert th cylinder and iben set lo work ai ih liand pump. The tiny pisions expand until Mieli m n lollies benr against the imis of rock with constantly Increasing ,,r"e ami the rock is gradually frnc llin d lllldcl irelllel, dolls pressure. Tie operation it is said, is not only choMp er than I he ordinary blast bin ilisin tegraii's a Innter area of ro. u. Location nottces. proofs of labor, certificates of location, for sale at 'be Uonanza office. PER MONTH Nevada shall, ot later that the Secretary. INSURANCE AGENTS DEMAND HIGHER PAY illy .tuNorhited lre LONDON. Jan. 22. Two thousand agents mnloyed by a London in surance company have notified their employer's officers Ihat they will -trlke unless their weekly wage of about $14.65 is not increased by $5 They have aro inaugurated a move inent to organize the agents of other ompanies, and thus enforce the de land throughout the country. At the preliminary meeting, when to meet the Ureal White Father, the letter says. Members of the Willow Creek tribe have left the reserva tion for the hills and it was not known whether they had suffered. I', 'ter Creek Fit's, from this reserva I on. are s aid to have suffered to -onie etent 8 OVER AMENDMENT NEW YORK. Jan. O oul.l J hardly say Ihat tin douKhlioys li i reached this port today receivtcl wiih ; 'i:!ariiy the news of the ra'ificullon of the prohibition uaiiniial tni'lil. i They had first learned of j tion's impendiiiK drench' at I this iiiornlm:. li'ti roportei j ei tUe t tMiisiiot i HelKic from .i rev i eiiue culler, carryiim copies of, tin New York ninrniiiK dailies with tin 1 news that only three more slate: 1 were needed Io nuike Ihe nation dry I. Ity the lime the llelKic docked tin three additional slates htid ra'i'ii' Ihe aiiiendnietit. I "Sav. what is lliis aliont 111 try oiiiK dry '.' Is thai straight ''" "liood ninht, isn't there any bonze left?" 'isn't there even ativ en here"" "I'm KoiilK hack to France, ,'tool sv eei.'" which is the way a douKli ho says "darned quick" in French. These are sample.: of the remarks shouted from the decks of the -He!-Kic j Some of the men were anpry. de daring it was not fair that the j country should he made dry while they wore away ami had nothing to I say. Others took it philosophically and asserted it did not make any difference to them either way. while there wore a few who said it would probably he a Rood thing for every bodv concerned MINISTER TO BOLIVIA inj .4lM.ftted Prrm MEXICO CITY. Jan 12. Alfonso Silver, according to a semi official organ of the government, has been appointed Mexican minister to Bo livia. DIVIDEND NOTICE To the Stockholders of the West Kud Consolidated Mining Company: Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the board of directors, of the above corporation, held at the office of said corporation.. Syndicate building, Oakland. Alameda county, California, on the 16th day of Jatiu ary, ltflS, a dividend of. five cents per share upon the issued capital stock of the corporation was de clared from the net earnings of the corporation. Said dividend will he paJd on the 18th day of February, 191S. to all stockholders of rceoi J nu the books of the corporation at - 5 o'clock ou the 31st day of January; books will reopen for transfer ou the 1st day of February, 191!, at the hour of S o'clock a. m. WEST END CONSOLIDATED MIN ING COMPANY. GEORGE C. EL-US, Secretary advJHtlO. ABJiKSSMEWT KKVnCB iJOLD ZONK niviriK MTMma mu. PAKT Loofltion of principal plac of hUslnePS. TOnonnh Vva Pmintv . N. vada. Ijooatlon of works. Gold Moun tain. Efimoralda County, Nevada. Notice 1 hereby grlven that at a mwttnff of the Board of directors, hftlrt on the 26th dav of D(omber. iftlft, an asaesBmnt No 4 of on (1 jnt par ahftx was levied upon the Rnttal atork of the corporation, pav ahiH Immediately In Vnlted State arold coin, to the Secretary, at the offife of the company, room 310 State Bank Building. Tonopah. Nevada NOT-liU Any stock upon which thin assess -miiU shntl remain unpaid on the 31st lay of January, 191. will be delin quent and advertised for sale at pub Mr auction, and unless payment la made before, will bp sold on Wednes day, the 4th day of March. 1919. to ay the delinquent apseaament. to gether with costs of advertising and ftxpfnsttft of nale. Bt order of the Board of Director, r. A. FHTtVTTAM. Pec ret a nr. Of fU-e: mat Bank. BulMTne Tonopah. Nevada. P?4jll i ho- jt.jiuuids were formulated, and :he, men appointed a "committee to call on the directors, their leader, David Jones, of Leeds, advised them to make their demands retroactive from January 1. Uils. in order iliat th'i.v might be repaid for the ad vaiii-rd cost of living iu the last yeai of the war "If your demands are refused," said Mr. Jones, "lake con certed action within a mouth" The suggestion was cheered. The men claim that the company NfcW TODAY wQtilpiUs LI 2) I fT LoOK ,or ,he 111 i I Jjfffclj sealed package, but pi ' have an eyc out ii also for the name ' WRIGLEY5 I SlSjffil That name Is your Pro- isli ; BilH tectlon aaalnst inferior ','vl',';': Bpfi imitations. Just as the fj j ggig sealed packace is pro- ggp KillB tectlon aaalnst impurity. g i;S The Createst Name jg Jv Lasts w: r m ry'- A) tern IVO CM EWI NO fauw r j mmmm:rr trw - i s in i i m w m 1 TONOPAHSGOLDFIELD RAILROAD Train 23 leaves 9:30 A. M. Train 24 arrive 6,06 A. M. Daily Except Sunday TO NO PAH & GOLDF1ELD RAILROAD 3iToii Ice Plant and Cold Storage Complete First class condition. Call at HALL LIQUOR CO. TONOPAH CLUB Headquarters for All Sporting Men If he ia in town you will find him her TONOPAH CLUB J. C. McKAY and ED. UREN, pays to its stockholders 40 per cent, free of income tax, on a capltallta- ti.lli Of 13.01)0,000. For the Associated Press service read the Bonanza and keep posted on all events of the world on the day they occur. Lahontan Flour Best by Every Test fonopah Hour and Feed Co. LOWER MAIN 8T. J... - , J TT PHONE 2352 NEW TODAY Proprietors PAR SAVINGS STAMPS IStUED Y THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Assays and Gualltatlve and Quantitative, Teat for TUNGSTEN AND CINNABAR made. Quick, accuratlve and confidential aervlce t i ROBERT KIDD, Midway Office Wittenberg Warehouse AND TRANSFER COMPANY Exclusive Agents FOR Genuine Rock Springs Coal Progress Ba..r Brenfl is uiatf" '.a a rurdanc i w t ' h 'h ( d : ' f1 '..twn oo'l ailnM titration rrlpp spl re'ilu Ions govwrnl ; tbn ni tpi;fot'jre of br.kery prudncts l'rovri l'.akry Ireul U a " el! flaTotJil, ! i?'v and F(ietl.liig Irat, made, ! e.;i.ert bakors, and !a wt! il-;"1 ;! ,.-.t:.- ous. V' urge th- cari nl v t read; It I.-. g,. hc . . c-art far aj th fir.:. PROGRESS BAKERY DCfER FA33I, Proprietor. PHON 4C'4 All Hinds of ST0V Just Received ATTriUVFYS MILTON M. DETCH ATTORNEY-AT-l AW Tonopah Office: Rooms ?09-20-210 State Bank Building Goldtield Off'ces: 20i-20L'ZCS-2O4 Nye A Orrnsby County Drnk Bldj. Wni. FOR MAN LAWVKH 318-319 Stite Itauk ami Truet BulldlriK TONOPAH NKV ADA HUGH H. BROWN ATTORNKY AT Otricn: "12 316 Stan Bant '.:d Treat Cc. Bi liMn TONOPAH : SW ADA n. Pv coosif, ATTORVEY-A-LAW Notary Publ! Offlcea now located on the fifth 'loor State Bank and Trust RulMIng TONOPAH NEVADA DENTIST DR. A Ml'SANTf DKNTIST Roonia 205-206-207 State Bark Bldj PHONE i42 VOPA" : : NKV ADA R. FRED BROWN TOCK BTOKtR Member Sin Francleo tock Exohange 144J Tonopah Phonee W7I 111 Main Street TONOPAH, NEVADA Phone 771 K. C. Smith E. J. Amann Brokers Nest Door Weetern Union Office Memaere S. P. Stook Kaohanga Offle: S, P Reno, TerH. Kaataea eanstlna n. , fLYNN, MMw 6 Al