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Witt TWO tNc toNoiAH &AiL ionAniA, H(olAH, Ni'vABAt yhumoav, oanuahv M, iftii TONOPBH DAILY BONANZA Pubttsaed Trr evening. Bonder axesptea, by the Tonopah Benanse Printing Co., Incorporated. MEMBER ASSOeiATCB HW h MEMBER NEVADA PUSS ASS'N W.W. BOOTH, EDITOR AND MANAGER have $55,000,000 worth of pork in Europe which it is necessary to ispose of immediately. This is approximately the value of 70,000,000 pounds of pork vhieh is to be furnished to Germany in exchange for Gorman iner ant ships under the agreement negotiated by Mr. Hurley. TtMli of HnhaoHnHnvt K A r.n r . - fwvu teg eases is tu VHil DUUtUM S? XfJ,.- 1110 III One Week to AMOoIated Pmm la uolualVAlv nfltia tn fh u a ..nMhiiM . dtaatalie credited to It er mat otherwti credited la this ntoftr w mm mm-ww atmpmrnanvm orewcea 10 It 9T I ana alao Oie local new ptikUahed krln. Kntrs4 at to poatofflce la Tonopah aa eeeea class matter. I RESULTS Or CRITICISM AS a result of the repeated demands of Republicans for a change in the management of the bureau of war risk insurance, the professional "efficiency expert," under whose supervision the at' loirs of the bureau went from bad to worse, has been superseded by mi army oiiieer who has promised to send allotment ehecks to sol tilers ' dependents with as little delay as possible. Colonel Lindsley, the new chief, has told the senate military committee that he will hold himself personally responsible for greater speed in getting out the money in the future. reef ui report iroiu .-secretary ot the Treasury Uluss gives :.ome idea ot the present status of affairs at the war risk office. Ot the 2,,(KUIU0 ehecks for dependents allotments and allowances deducted from soldiers' pay for November and December, only 930,000 have been mailed thus far. In order to catch up with the work cheeks for the two months are being written simultaneously in many cases, and Mr. Glass predicts that before the end of Jan nary the work will be uu to date. If the promised improvement materializes it may be claimed eiy properiy ov tne iiepuiiiieans that it is due to their persistence m airing the conditions at the bureau, and citing some of the numy glaring instances of inefficiency that have characterized the con duct of that office. In practically every case their criticisms have ben answered by the Democrats by statements of the immense amount of work thrown upon the bureau soon after its creation, and the impossibility of attending to it all without some delay. The recent change in executives is an admission of failure in the past and of the truth of the repeated assertions of the Republicans. CONVERT TO HOME PRODUCTION SMALL wonder Australia is looking with so much favor on the policy of protection to her industries. The Weekly Bulletin of tie Canadian department of trade and commerce presents a table recently submitted to the Australian parliament showing certuin increases in Australian imports from Japan of dutiable articles for the jreare 1913 and 1917. In the former "year their aggregate value was $3,088,115, compared with $14,083,510 for the latter. Textiles, filts and furs increased from $2,1 (00,1)00 to over $7,000,0(10, earthen ware, china, etc., from $100,000 to $1,281,000, wood manufactures from $168,000 to $885,000, jewelry from $83,000 to nearly $600,000. liaper and stationary from $44,000 to $250,000, etc. That' is enough to make the Kangaroo state sit up and wag its ears and discuss the protective policy. And that is what they are doing in Australia, led by the redoubtable Minister Hughes. TIMES HAVE CHANGED 1 is amusing to read the plea of Messrs. McAdoo and Oregon given as a reason for sennrsitiriff t)nm,..liB V... service pecuniary responsibilities. For several years these thrift gentlemen have ilden horseback over the peonle. and now thi they see the storm approaching they find it discreet suddenly to oismount ami take to the storm eeliur. Bryan eked out his living oy Chautauqua. All three of gentlement were full of ",h moeracy" and patched pants bourgeoisie when they entered th caomei. i hey wanted it understood that they belonged to common peepul. Hut times have changed. Possibly their posi uoiw anoruu them inside information as to where a considerabl bundle of kale could be garnered if they could sever connections wit ...- Soeniiuent ana glean it while the gleaning was good. So far is the public office heing a public trust was concerned,- well seems they may make of office "stepping stones of their de selves to higher things," lucratively speaking. SHIELDING THE PACKERS TTTUII increasing complaint ot unemployment nroduc.vl hv nr W?nt methods of army demobilization and with the federation of niDor predicting bread lines by May 1. congress is being flooded ioi appeals lor action to reduce the cost of living sent skyward by me war. There is a storm brewing over the policy of the administration in continuing to maintain a high minimum price of foodstuffs under ar legislation designed to stimulate production which, with war ended, is now less imperative and this agitation is destined to crop out when the administration sends to congress the bill appropriate $2,250,(100,000 for stabilizes the nrice of Representative Gould of New York has introduced a resolution L t ! in me nouse calling upon the iood administration to state economic reasons which warrant the continuing of agreements miien tx the price ot food products and explain the reason fo continuing a practice which evidently is directly responsible fo the high cost of living to the consumer, together with detailed in formation as to the number and scope of all such existing agree ments." The administration is already under fire in eonneetimi with (. continued maintenance of a high price for hogs. The packers and lepresemauves er tne hog raisers are to meet in Washington Janu ary 28 to agree with the food administration on the prices to b paid by the packers for hogs in February. The attorney deueral has been Chicago Board of Trade and the New York Produce Exchange to taice steps in ena tne tixmg or prices for hogs which at 17 '-2 nts a pound are pronounced 50 per cent higher than normally would exist, but the attorney general has replied that he can do nothing so long as this control of prices is exercised by the food administration under war legislation still in effect. Food Administrator IToover has been charged with shielding the packers from possible loss by maintaining high pork prices and much of the opposition to President "Wilson's $100,000,000 appropri ation for food for Fnrope arises from the reports that the packers MM LAND SPLIT FOR SMALL FARMING (Correspondence Ataociated Preta) MEXICO CITY, Dee. 26. A pro ject for the division of national lands of Mexico among small farm ers and ranchers is expected to be presented Iby President Carranita to the present session of the Mexican congress. It U proposed to organize aKriculturaJ colonies with state sup port and dupervislon in the states of .'oahuita, N'uevo tieon, Chiapas and 'hlliuahua. The plan involves the de elopment of irrigation projects which already have bean omiwuoil MICKIE SAYS AV IflilKlf UfOf At OOMI YOO'n M6 S CrOlN' TO NV 6 MEBSNS-flME NOV) tAD6 'ROUND M H INK ' FOUN1AN AN' WEN CrO m s-fRou. on he eoss's V.5X FROM NOO, BU 'CAERE'S by the department of development and to comprise conservation of nat ural resources. The outline of a new seriea ol laws to govern the relations between employers and the employed and to limit the working day to eight hours has been submitted to the represent atives in congress. The proposed laUs are intended aiso to protect the wage or workmen, provide hygienic surroundings for workers, compensa tion for industrial accidents, protec tion of women ejmolovs. nnii orv,t. tration of Industrial disputes. ' iMaMaafaftrtaHaiMlii iriAaflrtaWfi i aMaaafi ifni f ihiiaii I Want to know how to dodge tha high-cot-of-clothe? Eajjrl Keep your new garment new and make your old one do. And here'a where you'll find our Mail Ordar Sanrica a bis; htlpl For tha parcel pott brings to your very daor tba F. Tbomaa Parie ian Dyeing and Cleaning Works ol San Frmnciico, . So, why run the riik of having your work dona by "hark raaiii cleaners when you can send it to the most complete aad aaodaraly equipped establishment of it kind in America? Hero yon are atir of fast-color dye luperior workmanship and lowest possible prices. Today write our Mail Order Depart ment ror price use ana expert on your cleaning and problems. Write mmfS liYH VArtn i arUUj ---- - aavice na f I now i yr-.fatf ' J m undred Test Results t Outfit for the Mill in Influenza Mystery it to WASHINGTON, Jan J3.-Dlstln guisnea service medals may never adorn their blouses, but 100 Ameri can bluejackets recently faced possi ble death as unflinchingly as any of the destroyer heroes who battled U- 'boats. These ..ien comprise the "flu squad" of the navy. Under the su pervision f naval surgeons they have time and again exposed them selves to th ceadly germs. Thev have inhs'ed "flu" microbes. Thev bave had the little "flu buaV in. Joated into their veins. Thev hav Uiken them in the cause of the "fin' epidemic in every known form. Ntvy physicians wanted to estah Hsh the nature of the "flu" germ and something of the way in which the d; Is spread. They called for volunteers who would exipose them Slllves to it. as the hand nt horr,ln l:3hjislcians In 1 famous "yellow fever squad" did in solving the mys tery of yellow fever. But to the astonishment of the physicians of the navy and of Hip .iitbllc health service, not a man so opposed or inoculated developed any Vymptoms of the "flu." Medical icienee is bafrled. The "flu mystery" is the title of he public health service's record of he experiments. They were carried ! on In Boston and San Francisco. Thirty men at Hocton were inocu lated with secretions, filtered and untiltered Troiii the upper repository passages of a typical case of influ enza In the active stage of the dis ease. The material was introduced Into the nose anil i)i.-,m. ic .. of the "fiu squad" by sprays Hid f.v.nl3.' Kach of the thirty kept I en r.l.owine the nmut pnuh m. 'i'u6ii,f, itcatiu. Ten volunteers visited the Chelse,, I naval hospital and allowed "flu" ' patients to cough and sneeze in their ! faces. All continued disgustingly healthy. Blood from five DatlenU : with typical cases of "flu" was in- 1 Joe-ted into the veins of ten men of Hie squad. None became ill. i I'ure cultures of the "influpn 1 bacillus." as isolated and determined , hy medical science, were introrincort i In the nostril of members np the squad; a filtered suspension of wash. I ings from the upper air passages of i an acule case of "flu" was rlioppp'1 In the oyes cf the members: nore I was liiiected into anrlher with i Yy nrdermic neel', In.' nine took the "flu." The flu is a mystery, that's all. Science Is atilt bafflaA "Sanitarians will do well " Siircenn General Blue comments, "to eo on applying the general princinles of control that ere based on the justi fiable assumption that the dittease is a droplet infection. I believe, how ever, that we have not given enough consideration to the hands and mouth as a part of infection, nor have we sufficiently emphasized the 'pnssiIHe infectivlty of the earliesl stages of the disease." PI6KV, SMOVILaV DRILL STIlL, POWOM, CA. FUil. SINtL AND VOUBLI JACK ALL MAN . HtM OP COOKIN) UTtNtIL. PONAI. MOM TARS AND MITLI. tOLB RANt, IT, Tonopah&Tidewater RAILROAD Leave Gohlfield 10::I0 a. ui. Mon day. Thursday, Saturday. Arrive Ijs Angeles 8:20 a. ui Tuesday, Friday, Sunday. Connections at Ludlow for Arizon:. and Southwest. Standard sleeper leave Heatty Monday and Thursda for Los Angeles. Leave Los Angelo Tuesday and Saturday. Lahontan Flour Best by Every Test Tonopah Flour and reed Co. LOWER MAIN 8T. PHONS 3352 TONOPAH HARDWARE CO. .UL.iaii.u .1. Nevada First National Bank of Tonopah . CAPITAL, $100,000 ANNOUNCEMENT We are going to epen tae Bsrtrsw Sale im aniidUg aa Sept. 15-18 as a Goodyear ttervice Station with cosaptete stock of Goodyear Tires, Tubes, Belting. Truck Tires mi Tnliillabg. We ara going to reader Goodyear Barvtce as presoiUMd Jy Ue Goodyear Company. -s' CAMPBELL & KELLY ' FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS t'EW TODAT NBW TODAT NTDW TODAY THE TONOPAH BANKING COEPOa ATIOW Tfce Liberty Uoui it Unci lau'i PtouIm to ty u y worth wo.eop.ooe.eti DIRECTORS George Wlngfleld, H. C. Bneugher, W. H. Oeyle, n. .r.n, blyaa A naner, j. b. Humphrey E. W. BLAIR, Cashier. Manhattan Trading & Transfer Co. LIQHT ANBCHAw''hAULINB To any nlace. br the da h. .ZlBPm- Ur, tasnjs nd freight entflU and .re aBb t kJ?T aJTSa lVfm P. O .Bq, m. Msattaa, 70U can't help cutting loose joy'us remarks every time you flush your amuKcspoi wnn rrince Albert it hits you so fair and square. It's a scuttle full of jimmy pipe and cigarette? mating e.,r,cv,. j . . J ..... . auimiiuc tiuu as sausiv- mg as it is delightful every hour of the twenty-four! pturel For P. A. is trigger-ready to give you more t5? th&T CV,er had in smokecaSen That s because tt has the quality. iAdMZ PrinCC AlbCrt yU'U Write h dow" a t not blte your tonSs or parch your throat cu?outSrnrr; ST' Ur eXC,USiv" PeS Pri cuts out bite and parch. Try it for what ails .your tonguS mp ,h 'ooacco tuch pttttct conditio ReTnoU Tobacco Company, Win.tonalm, N. C. EVERY AD mil briim iu waau. It may t rrant, a Htaatiea, aomething to bay, nU or txehaaff. Same pao pl want raomat oma aoBl kava rooma to rent No mattor what tt big n little, mall notio amoB( tha BONANZA waat ad. will tatiafaetion, bacaiat BONANZA Want Ads Bring Sure Results i