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THE WKATHM Tonight ind Saturday, Fair VOL XVIII No. 186 Paris Paper Proposes jjim ToHead the League of Tl SISTERS, N, Y, SOCIAL LEADERS 'El IT ALL' BY SUICIDE IN FRANCE (Hi tuiH-lmrn I'mil llOUDKAUX, Jan. 24. The MlaBes Gladys and Dorothy Cromwell, sis ters of New York, leaped from the rail ot the French steamer La Lor "ralne In ths Qaronne river while bound for New York. Both were LEVI AT H AN BRINGING IN (Ht AaixK'lMlrft Prrul ; WASHINGTON, Jan. 24.-4'he transport. Mongolia "will arrive in New York Jaouary itoh with 100 of ficers and SOW men. III? i.mlil( I'nw) NKW YORK, Jan. 24 More than S704 American troops arrived today iWrJ rive veeoeto. ll laiH PrcMi PARIS, Jan. 21 The allied and as sociated power! today agreed to send i wireless message throughout the world warning all concerned that (title usln4 rma4 force to gain poisswion ot. territory, a claim to which the pete conference may be isked to' determine would "seriously Irtjudlce" the- olalms of those who 8d tore. A 8TOCKHOLM, Jan. 2b. The Rus llAQ Bolshavlkl rnvrnmAnt threat n to keep u jail all Swiss citizens $ Russia until the Swiss govern ment ratifies the appointment of the jfttlclal representative of the Russian fiet in Switzerland. lAV REBUILD TH CUERNAVACA RAILROAD Auorlatril rrraal B MEXICO OrTYt: Jan. 24.H-iRalls and ps are en route to Mexico City for 1 reconstruction of the railway be Jeen the- -capital . and Cuernavaca, Vhlch has been virtually destroyed "furlng the last five years as the re sult of bandit depredations. 5 TOOAY AND A YEAR AGO Offlelftl riaitlnva nf th tiP. A ; omttw by ths United States a r -"-.srTBr at Tonopah: 19 1918 ? 5 m 31 33 10 m 35 33 iz noon 43 41 Maximum, Jan. 23 62 4J f Hmhnum, Jan,4 23 36 24 Relatrf nmtaity at noon " umat. 14 pw Mat A 5,000 MEN! VILD IRK TQ BELLIGERENTS RETALIATION Tonopah MM drowned. The sisters belonged to the i lied Cross and were returning home. I They left a nole of their intention to : end It all." ; : ' llv AaHO-tnlfl IT-., NEW YORK. Jan. 24 The I dls-1 ;atch from Bordeaux telling of the ! hi-ii-i ai a - MiLLtONS 6 10 THE BQL5HEVIKI Illy A,H'hitrl l'rHHl WASHINGTON. Jan 24 Returning to the attack of the $100,000,00" F.ur opean relief bill today Seuator Slier man reiterated his belief that some . I the money would be used to feed, Russian Bolshevists. The peace con-j feren.-e Russian policy, he declared. ; supported thatjinlon. . NORWEGIAN CABINET j M AY BE RETIRED j I II w,-lnrl rvraaat I mi'RXH u:K. Jati 24 Reslgna-i tion of the Norwegian cabinet Is im-j mlnent, according to reports here j from aiparpntly truntworthy sources TAKE 30 lljr Aaaoi'liltrd I'rraal SACRAMENTO, Jan 24 When the time set tor adjournment of the California legislature for a thirty days' recess arrived at noon today the clerks of the senate and assem bly stopped in order to allow legls-1 Laturors to complete the press of the last minute business. The fight against the emergency bill providing financial aid for com pletion and construction of the Sut ter by pass to protect the ranchers of Sutter county from flood danger commenced when Senator Duncan 6E npnvE in 24 Under the new '"""i - -......i.ii.r. i.,l relative to control irfiuinii""" of the German army the power ot the soldiers council win uo diminished. The Prussian minister of war will be supreme chief of the army. LIT A BOLSHEIK ARMY llr AawltU Pr PARIS, Jan. 24 Lithuanian troops Inflicted a defeat on the Bolshevlkl near Koazedary, according to re nnH from Kovno tdoay. Bolshevlkl caaualtie were heavy. Tr m M CALIFORNIA SOLONS ONE IAN POWER !AN ARMY HUANIANS ROUT prUd. -to b lot TONOPAH, NEVADA, FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 24. 1919 ft Y IE WW suicide of the Misses Cromwell ere- ated a BHI1,ulon BOclety circles in . this city. They were members of one . , , . , . , of the cltv s most prominent families, their brother, Seymour Cromwelh be lug president of the society for the fatherless children of France HAVE EYES ON PANAMA BIG DITCH m? tuarimrii I'rraa.i PARIS (Thursday), Jan. 23. The aueslon whether the Panama canal M nWrnato1lied UBder lh, league of nations will depend entlrc- ly (n the attitude of the United States government, according to Uird Robert Cecil, who submitted to the peace congress a draft of the untisn views oa me su-uciure ui um league. DAYS OFF objected to a vote without debate on the resolution by Senator Inman suspending the constitution In order that a vote be taken Immediataly. U GANNERS CAN'T GOT PRICES OF GOODS lljr Aaacclalr' Prcul CHICAGO. Jan. 24. The conven Hon of the National Cannera assocla tloa adjourned today without official expression aa to whether prices of nned goods can (be lowered In the Immediate future. Secretary Frank (larrell said the sentiment. Informal- Iv was that the present scale be maintained until wages and other -osts decline. SUBMARINE VICTIMS REWARD RESCUER II a 4a.iMlalll I'rMll SAN Jl'AN, P. R., Jan. 8. Captain Gaetan Lauro, of the schooner Eva n Douglas, of New Yorki-who rea cued 252 survivors from the eight lifeboats of the steamer Carolina when she was sunk by a submarine last June, grought hla schooner Into San Juan harbor this week on his first visit since- the sinking ot the Carolina. Twenty of the survivors gave a dinner In his honor t a hotel and presented to him gold watch for himself. gold wrist watch tar hi temrhtar aa4 a diamond pin tor hl w Daily MAGNAMARA NAKES BULLION SHIPMENT The MaeNamara bullion ship- merit representing a mill run for the first half of the month, aggregated 10.480 ounces, val- ued at approximately $10,500 PORTUGAL IS BACK AS If lniM-litle1 lf-aak MADRID. Jan. 24. The monarchy i as been proclaimed in Lisbon, the Portuguese capital, according to a tel- gram from 'Valencia, on the Portu gese border. Ilr ,4aMU4-lntrit I'rraal VIGO. Spain, Jan 24. The greater 'art of the Lisbon garrison has gone ver to the monarchists, according o roports from Colmbra in northern Portugal. HI END OF I lljr Assurlaleil rrr) LONDON, Jan. 24 Britain was pre-eminent In the air at the close f the war when the British air force was the largest in the world, according to a report made public Thursday. It fought on more fronts than the air service of any other na tion. NOTRE PROTECTED llr AaaorUtrd Prraal WASHINGTON, Jan. 24 Special government or International action is not necessary to stimulate the produc'.lon of gold now that peace is In sight, according to the report of a committee appointed to lnvestl gate the entire question of the g.i'd tandard.. KEEP MEN IN ARMY UNTIL GIT IRK lllr Aaaoi'lat! frcaa1 WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. To solve the problem of the unemployment of discharged soldiers the war depart ment will order that no soldier be discharged against his wishes until assured of employment In civil life OFF REVOLUTION Rr Auorlalrd 1raai HAMBURG (Thursday), Jan. 23 Government troops are making short work of putting down the Spartacan outbreak hare. Ordinary traffic and tiuimaaa w anted, today. MONARCHY I GOLD MINERS Will HAMBURG Bonanza ARMED APP ON THE WESTERN FRONT REFERRED TO COMMITTEE n taa.nii i-rraai I'AKIS, Jan. 24. -During coiisldera- Hon of the miration of reparation at the setting of the supreme war coun ell, the Paris edition of the London Daily Mall says. President Wilson i of the commission of the league of agreed to the principle that Germany j nations. Reno de Paris today says. ENORMOUS LOSSES FROM KANSAS AND MISSOUR lily AaaueiHiril Prraa WASHINOTON, Jan. 24 losses if the 35th division, comprising Kan- I saa and Missouri national guard, in killed and died of wounds during the i s-s calling for congressional investi entire service in France to Novem-' gation of the reported excessive her was 7827 men, Secretary Baker 1 losses of this division. a a WASHINGTON. Jan 24 Twenty eight states have formally notified iho state department of the action of heir legislatures in ratifying the prohibition amendment to the federal constitution. Included In the II is alifornia where an attempt was made through court action to pre vent the governor from serving no-; Ice to the state department j Hr AatfHatrd Treaal SACRAMENTO, Jan. 24 Lieuten ant Governor Young said he had cer tified to the department of state of California's aotion ratifying the amendment. The certification was made, he said, on the day the mews. ire passed the assembly, when formal notice to Washington had been signed Jointly by himself and Spt.Ut-r Wright of the assembly a-- a fill a ---a - PETROGRAD AT THE OF Illy Aaaoclatrd I'rraai HELSINGFORS, Jan. 24 Petro grad is being left to the mercy of gangs of robbers formed of escaped criminals who are dividing the town into districts tor looting purposes, ac- i-ord ng to the newspaper Russky Llstok l Ilr Aaaivlatid Prtaa) HOUGHTON, Mich., Jan. 24 Cop per miners In. the employ ot the Franklin Mining company agreed to accept a wage reduction of IT per cent, aa announced today In prefer nee ot working thrsvsfoautom ttoMt CALIFORNIA RATIFES DESPITE INJUNCTION MERCY IT REDUCED WAGES COPPER MINERS 13 mm ORTIONMENT iii pay Indemnities in addition to ; . , fu!1 ,.ost of reparation. illly Aaaiii'lnli-il lraal PARIS. Jan 24 President Wilson v. Ill likely be offered the presidency j told the house rules comimlttee to- i A ... , ., "r,,""""," -...iWOu ui n.u- ill aaa .a- t Attorney General Webb today de clared the action of Young was suf ficient and binding, despite the ef fort made through court action to prevent the governor from certifying the ratification. Illy Aaaolnlrl SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 24 Dls missal of the order restraining the governor from certifying to the pro hibition amendment was announced today by the presiding judge ot the superior court. FOR ANOTHER LIFT llv AaNiiolnled I'rraai WASHINGTON. Jan. 24 The sum which congress) will be asked soon to appropriated as an addition to the railroad revolving fund may be $700, iiOO.dOO, It was learned today. IE SLOGAN DF PARTY iHf Araoelaled P'aal Dl'BLIN, Jan. 24. A political as sociation callod the Irish Center party was formally constituted yes terday. The new party, which em braces the Constitutional, National iots and Souther Unionists, stands for home rule for Ireland within the Rrltish empire on similar lines to 'hrse followed by British Dominions. NO SECRET PRISON CAMPS IN GERMANY lllw A audited Pra1 LONDON. Jan. 24 Germany has no secret prison camp here, the authorities have assured the Dutch minister at Berlin, the British com mittee .of ei-prUoaers of war i RA BEGGING IRIS OM METAL QUOTATIONS tILVER 1.01g COPPER 23 LEAD 8.85 QUICKSILVER 95.00 PRICE 10 CENTS Nations The supreme council ot the paace CongresB today decided to appoint a committee to inquire Into the strength of the foms to tu main tained by the allied powers on tho western front during tho period of the armistice. General Talker L 11 isa will represent America. Ilr Aaaorlnlril I'ri-aai PARIS, Jan. 24. Tim Russian soc ial revolutionary party approves without reserve Proiileot Wilson's proposition adopted by the supreme council of the peace conference for a meeting of representatives of the various Russian governments with reprt'sentatlvos of the all es, accord ing to the delopatcs of that party now in Paris OF MUTILATED 81 BERLIN CITIZENS llv laaoclated Trcaal AMSTERDAM, Jan. 24. The body of Rosa Luxemburg, the Spartacan leader who was killed by a mob re cently, was found yesterday in the Landwehr canal, according to a re port from Berlin The body was ter ribly mutilated. BOLSHEVIK! PLAN TO My Aaaut'lnleil r-rraal LONDON, Jan. 24 Plans for a Bolshevlkl movement on the Rand, the rich gold mining region in the union of South Africa, have been un earthed says a Reuter's dispatch from Johannesburg. SWEDEN ORDERS OUT BOLSHEVIKI LEGATION ltv af1fttil I'raaal STOCKHOLM, Jan. 24 Tho Swed ish government has sent an ultima tum to the Bolshevik! legation here demanding its departure from Sweden by January 2rth at the lat est, according to the Poiitiken. BUTLER THEATRE TODAY Special Ten-Reel Program A $1.00 Picture for 11-20-25c D. W. GRIFFITH Produced "The Birth of a Na tion," "Intolerance" and "Hearts of the World" SEE HIS LATEST ONE "THE GREAT LOVE" With practically the same cast as was In his first three pic- tures. A two-reel Sennett comedy and Paramount-Bray Cartoon added to the program, 8EE IT BY ALL MEANS One Matinee and Two Night Shows as usual VICTIM MOB CAPTURE V V ( ' A k a . w a