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Associated Press Report Published Daily rtSSOC TONOPA METAL QUOTATIONS SILVER 5-8c 8ILVER (FOREIGN) 64 5-8c LEAD 7 2 COPPER 14 TONIGHT AND SATURDAY FAIR aily Bona PRICE TEN CENTS VOLUME 22, NO. 154 TONOPAH, NEVADA, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 15, 1922 D NZA H ,2 Ambassador Harvey has n m (a Been Called H ome Consultation ALONG SLOWLY BEF0REAVER1LL Mexican Gives Testimony That Looks Bad for George Dillen One of the Defendants SAYS M1.RDER PREMEDITATED Defendants Appear to Be Some what Worried as Trial Is Progressing fir walked tun willi Dillen a little ways beyond tin: .Midway shaft the night of the killing lie lob I me lie was going t'i get W imams. This was about I) o'clock in tie' evening. 1 tri-d to tail; him mil lit' it. 1 told liilll 1 had to colli" hark and asked him to entile hack- "lie said no. and j-'ot down on liis knees and begged ne- to let him alone. 1 left him and re turned to town." In answer to a .pmstion Kios snid he had had tenable with Williams one night. "Williams said 1 was lying about him. 1 invited him to go out of town and fight it out. When 1 I -1" t Tonopah following tin- impiest I went to ( inldl'iidd on the iti. ri 1 1 1: ' stage to moot a woman. My i t i -Taylor, whom 1 had nn-t in So--raineiito ami Tonopah- She wrote me to ro to (ioldl'a-ld find I was to meet her on Main street lit liootl the day I left. She did not keep her date, so 1 went AfiRICULTURAL BILL REPORTED AS FAVORABLE! APPROPRIATION MADE WASHINGTON', 1). C, Dec. 15 After a little more than an hour's eonsideratioii the senate passed the second annual appro priation bill of the present sea- mn, mat lor slate auu jusuee 'partments, carrying about $33,- jllll M 10- i KING ENGLAND PH M KKS HH V ! I IlUlHlUliU IILI1 AMENDMENT OFFERED WASHINGTON', U. C. ilucpi-M. agricultural and indus trial, was proposed today by Sen ator Brookhart of Iowa as an I amendment to the, shipping bill. Senate Approves One Hundred Million Measure to Help the farm Interests to Heattv in about an hour and a hall att'O- arnv with a man who 1 was looking foi tv in the luiins. -at interest still is manifest - ,,1 in the trial of George and Lra Dillon, charged with the murder of Wallace Williams on .r,s! 21, last. The defendants ,:; show ing a nervous strain as r-suh of the trial and they ap- ., . it, iiiv n. minor rather than ;;;;m,s.,c " Damaging testimony hi'"--" H''"; v;'" , .. r i n; ... not tro to work at Ivattv irm eiven nv uios . ,U'iin-t George Dillen but the sM!.' has not yet definitely eon nMed Mrs. Dillen with the mnr-,l,i- ,.:her than that she might . have helped to bury the i.ily : the slain man. It ,, evident the ease will he .'.tiinied far into next week as Mia, mat ion of witnesses is slow ! --lions. The state however b introduced its leading wit MiSs-s and better headway will in il.eilit be made from this time furwiird It seems "certain that Attorney Joseph T. Murphy for lie ih dense will be compelled to Lie,- iu.'h defendants on the in order to refute charges b .lim Zampatti and Mini ms, the latter who charges e lulled with having COIII- 1 the murder. WASHINGTON. D. C, Dee. 15, The hill of Senator Norris of Nebraska to esiablish a Iimi.inmi,- ! (ieil government eorporat ion f' finance the sale ol agricultural products was ordered reported favorably by the senate agricult ural committee- The house riih-s Voted to give pi'lVl- KELLER REFUSES APPEAR BEFORE .THE COMMITTEE Summons Served in Impeach ment Proceedings Brought By Congressman IOiWlOVED0MLEDVns JED 1 1.1- SAIL DEC. 23 TO CONFER Says Economic Stability is the Cause of Great Concern to That Country LONDON, Dec. 15 King George, in a speech for the pro rogation parliament' stressed the need for economic residilatiou of Europe, asserting the task of re storing conditions that will bo favorable to economic stability was causing deep concern and could only be overcome by co ns to t ie ( reen l'eso- - lutinu proposing an amendment POSTPONEMENT IS GRANTED ' ilym, pte ;. e ,,t "lllrh: L. u:.u l. I.-.,., tn cn much . wnicu una eoi Granted iieated debate in the house of commons, received special eon al.Wntirm The kin!? statd the MUCH IN NEED ON REPARATIONS OF JACK KNIVES Mrs. Harvey Will Not Return as Visit of Husband Expected to Be Brief NOTHING IS GIVEN TO PI BLIC Drive Being Made by State 'conference Will Be Relative to Cookie committee to neip Those in Need to the constitution un further issuance of tax ities will be prohibited er seciir- BRITISH RAO AT UNIVERSITY LU YANKED D01 EH ti stand made 1 lln.r lliitte With the reconvening of the e . . . .. ; M :n. t court tins morning .nm Stars and Stripes Hoisted Over , University Pennsylvania With English I'lvi was cross-examined by Attnniey Joseph T. Murphy for th, ,lef,ow.. Up stated that lie unit the partnership with George DiHen in the still business at Fruzi.-r well on the morning of September 9. He remembers tin' date well because this was the illuming that Dillen took a shot at him when he came up behind liim as lie was picking up grav ! from the wash to put in the .ing with which to clean the jug. "lie came up behind me and said: 'You have said your last prayer; you have been intimate with lnv' wife and 1 am going to i.l. .n't v..n with the other mail.' 1 told him he was wrong and to come to town and I would prove it. He said: 'You would Itive me nuav-' I said no. lb' th, tn fire the denial shot. I saw this and ran tiivnrd him to get bold of th awn. He saw me coming lu' ran lil-o a rWr T could not cat eh Tl.Pi. T circled around 1'ii'k of the house into the hills and came into town. Dillen goi Hi the unto an.l beat it lor io nnpah. I never saw Dillen at- tcrwards until he was returneit to Tononnli from Hakerstiekl Dillen returned to the Globe ho tel after tni. Iniirht. and told me 'lmt he had got the son of a 1 then went to bed. 1 8 1 t r, n',.inni- ;.. ti.a innrniiiir anc - ' .7 LIU. IV 1X1 HIV .". e "illeti was up and we had break- last n. lion tor tne SUU about 7 o'clock which was loeat t'd at Prazier well. When g ill (ioldt'ield ive im' a ride, a .job at Tli" man said T did lit left n a short time with a Finland- er and we were both walkiii'-' our destination being Death Val ley Junetioii where we were tol l there w as plenty of w oi l;. The table w as au'.iiu in! roducd in evidence and Wios t"ld bow llilleii said Williams Was siltiuu' :it the table when he killed him "There was blood on the oil- i-loth the next day when Dillen . . . .i . ... ...i.i.. ami 1 wem inrousjn ine ramn where th' still was." continued liie witness. "The oih'lotll was ,m the table. Dillen washed this blood off." When asked where Williams' body was when they entered the cabin next morning the witness said: "1 never saw Williams' body. It was not there ami I never asked Dillon where the body was. I never made any indecent proposals to pilhu's wife- Mrs. Dillen called me bad names at times. I room at the Globe house about one month. I . - . ..... ...... .1 ,.,,i. ..!...) th 0n redirect examination by 1 be ; -. s, ,' , , date Kios testitic.t nun ,. ..... , . . . .. . . ,.w,,.i ti i , ko ' iiams ai . m o i"" " 1 , ' i. ,..;,i,l.) let suffered a paralytic' . upon coin o i eel ... - . . ... l-ill ,l that he was;. stroke in Novembei lllieill .' ni. sentelieod from one to two ea.s. ,.i 1...1 .r.iiltv tor cutting n IH-fllie.l piee; - - 1 .. . .. i ;. e Si it, man.' ne sain. " I Hi months Also a Chairman Volstead Postponement Until Satur day as Requested The ladies in charge of the state cookie campaign have no tified the local committee of a drive throughout the state for cutlery for the disabled over seas veterans in Letterman hospital. The state committee in visit Threatened Rupture of Eng land and France LONDON, Dec. 15. Ambassa dor Harvey has been called home for consultation it was stated at the American atnbassy. lie will sail Dee- 23 and will not be ac companied by Mrs. Harvey, who will leave the preceding day tor 1 a visit to Madeira. as Requested government would do all in its! ing (h( hospital to get informa-; WASHINGTON D i power to alleviate conditions! (io"n as t(, n,nstmas plans, was: , ' 'he absence' of i.TON' D. Dee. lo, against which the laborites h8vej(0,d hy offi(.ers i charge, and!,, xl,,;ulati,in ' 'imj,n.s itive Keller of Mm-: protested. I(1 ,)y tllt, .,,, that they were;. , eurrencv That Mrs. Agnes lluinilton will e the next county clerk for Hto- I'llll.ADKl.r .The iil'itlsh f .cr the eolicg : vel'sil- of l'eui of the I I A. I'e-. 15 in.' flying alone; liall "at the l.'ni s I vania in honor ekland Geil- WASlIIN't Kei.resciitativ u.e iiuiis. j..'..' ""J ...... response to a summons serveu on tLCu I tu lu urriwL. ve:,terdav after he re- pariici.ate further in ti e presentation of his lmpeacll- nt e hal'c.'S airamsi uautrnei iv . ; UJ ,.,.,.ti,. U- as . Limes A. uliey, Huston attor-, , .,. M, ,,.,.,- fP G, S. Ton, a, ah feel able to give in tur handed i hairiiian olstead a v ii.eiimbeiit. announced mshinu these small articles and Ralston an-1.. . ?' ..i ,,, .,,.,. t,, the:p....t. tlmt the different orauni- aim lie nil. ". "11 I 'evi.. oi i at ions will be particularly niter sted in the matter. tor tu itv .titi-iet court that Mrs. Ham greatly in neeil of jack knives I for use in vocational work wnicti is being carried on m tne Hospi tal. The committee will greatly appreciate any assistance, eith er individually or through or whieh the Deonle ot (".. Dec. l.V an official xplanatton impression wincu ianed eurrencv. Ambassador Harvey has been called to Wash ington in connection with the sa nation as to the German repar ations, now threatening a rupt ure between Great Britain and Franc- visit of Sir Am des. British ambassador, was hauled down by order of the po liec ye.sler.lay and run up again with' the Stars ami Stripes over it. uey, Handed nairiiiaii uisieau " Yiimi" incumbent. Idler fi Attorney Kalston an-' . . v ...:ii Illlt HI)(.-l to the uonueiim lbilston had been re-! ' t tlu, finding taiiied by Keller us his counsel . iIu(1,Tf. Lanall in the Storey eoun and askinu r.osl .onement of tur-, .?;.,: '',.,,,,-t tl.nt Mrs Ham tlier iiroeeedim-is until tomorrow Keller's reipiest for a .u.n.o.ieiit w as "ranted. i c.iVol DJ.'U 234 42344 Zm MRS EMMA WILLIAMS IS CALLED TO REWARD After more than a year of pa- 1 lllltted IllHl lie wu ' ... . ;..: c,;i,., t re- MS men in an auiuui"u..v wv. ... -- . six months in jail at Bis hop and years e , ; , & ,)ak m,ssenger in Darby! sence at lonopau auu u !J(, he s,rved fin days. He tlicnp u ... - " " I ft suburb, and robbed lum otiemployed ai va.ious broke jail and came rono,;;... ,s c nan ";hft wf.U20,,NH,, after shooting him in the by toms oci, n'8 ;is test, tied that. wii.'o;..'-. ,-, i vM. Tlu. messenger was c . , in u.e., tlie.iere.i a. ........ ..,.:,, aiiu f,,r navro s Irom the flirs. iiamuum i - fail-! .;t rally. ; - -. ,'mnk U) Dar,,y to daw of Mrs. J. J. McQuillan, and en, was ... , j ; ,ustrial plants in Phil-: with her tmsDand ana j"u..8 N. V. and was C''.t.' 1 ! .whter made her home in Tono- she came to Tono-i'un ip.,, I nah 'for many years- She has a ago. Previous to cnnMPn THMflPiH WOMAN host of friends here who will con- oeooooooooooooooo THE WEATHER o 0 Local observer United o o State weather bureau I jMESMERlS j ROBBED LARGE ! ! SUM OF MONEY :U xrmn V 17 VlttS III U i mnt for the clerkship- Mr. IlHinilton. mdcDendcnt. ws defeated bv Young' demo-j.,,vav from th erat, by eight votes on the face I pleasures which of precinct returns. 1 lie von t enjoy. was' reported as 521 for Young xiie local committee and 513 for bis opponent. l.iro manv who will A count of all votes east, "H ,.0Iltribute to this .dn.lin.T Strrev district showe bene are that Mrs. Hamilton received "--,, or s0 all may have an oppor ELKS CHARITY BALL WAS GREAT SUCCESS The Klks charity b,.Il held last night at the Pythian auditorium drew on' of the largest gather ings that has been witnessed in Tonopah in many mouths. The building was thronged with an array of local and outside people of us; and every one present reported having had a most enjoyable feels there 'time. The Klks did away with want tv the usual bazaar and content", I ' , 1 .l.,l, ..-ill. -1 ......ffrmii r.1' cause au,i; loemsr.i. ...... i- .. J. the nint-l iiancillfi umi ".is mi. ii i.i "i't" small sum of To cents the price of one jack knife, each of us may furnish a few hours of happiness to some disabled man who is shut manv holiday the rest and Young 500. After the votes objected to by attorneys ana in jected bv Judge Langan had been deducted the final vote was given us 4h5 for the woman and 468 for ' . .'Six Men in Automobile Relieve, Young i while walking on the street, which caused her to fall and d fracture a hip bone and since i it,, ..i she had been under treat - Young Man of Twenty Thousand Dollars Young was elected two years ago to the office he now holds after serving as deputy sheriff Mrs. Hamilton returned to the i.-i Pomstoek several months ago ..... r i ...n. ri 1 lUliALU'Ul 111.1, UCt. fJ - - Six men in an automobile held; with her family after a long ab Donations from members ';rr!r::-:i;;;;p:,o,,;;;i r-..WT -i" .- tiv as one dozen and if Rose Logan, (.ray and Morns each one docs his bit the dona- was highly appreeia .,1 and w as ,o from Tonopah will reach considered the very best tha has ,e standard which the generous : been rendered at a dance ,.i a people of our camp have get: long time. !in all other drives of thl kl"J; , BFN OUR SHAFT BEING those wno wish io uwun. ". , leave all knives at the Lothrop ..... itiir in r i tt.t' i i iiint ii -" , . ii ni.dd the latter killed W illiams ; sn and then drove Mrs. Dillen s cai , .... I I II 1 ! ' 1 1 K irom i iK wni. Williams had this car out;yea''s o I m in n. , , , the moonshine," continued un .i,. He also stated that Mrs Dillen tried to make him a pr lv .... i,,... sne nveu m torward in aeim . , Ourav. Golo. She is survived by a daughter' Mrs- Floyd A. Ma lum of Tonopah and a son, Ralph Williams, of Ouray. Funeral services will be held .,t Wonacott & tavanauglis lim IS SIGNALLY HONORED gratulateJieiron her success. r . I BASKETSHOOTERS WILL d Hobson, lor- ........ f JUtt. X UWHUI""'" " mer musical instructor in i; i'""'i lie schools and a sister-in-law of; large delegation of Davis store with .1. M. Gilfoyle Th. who has kindly offered to keep'h has T......l.,.. Flee 1! I . . . . LOWERED WITH SPEED Ben Ilur shaft at Rands- attained a deiuh ot (a) Dec. 19. ( . Kelou- the 300 level and a made niineralized quartz vein has been intersected, according to word re ceived today by K. d. Kelly YERINQTON GIRLS TO from John M. Fox. the s ip rin- . . .. rr Tniinsnnui tendent- ''(Conditions lire re- them until Tuesday, when shipment will b the hospital. satisfactorily." remarked Mr. Kelly and the outlook is favorable for a commer-ial body ,t nf the irold watch with mi- , heldiie schools and a sister-in-iaw oij . . . , , basketball tints on the back but he refused, ' , .. , .))V1,m.llirhs fun-Mrs. R. i- McDonald, has been ... invade Goldfield to ti i nt IT. 110 mum . , lf n (,V .vk Sntl- Oll'cUHI iK'aim-ui " - n nnti I ' I . ' t . !.!! I til ' , 4. 11 .1 1 'a- Ul'h"!' whether the watch ... evidence: - ,ul,ler the auspices; 1923 at theew i fan8 will accompany the p ayers. was the one otterea io m.... !,, (-i.ristian Science society. Don Lewers, iindersheriU' was , . lnent wm he made in the .. . .iinsi -:i ed. lie tes-t,, ..... p ii,. in,,,.i ,.,.me- that he made three trips tol( on her studies t America s old-; the5r car8, am eral oth- t 'iM. . tinct itit v Jir m- j;t ;i in iiiicv.,11 i"w "- - i n niiiiiiniMidii incir iiiLeu w lh Sheriff Thomas. Jim Zara- AMERICAN CONSUL WAS Jatti. and Nick S liade audj gyj SLIGHTLY WOUNDED servatory of Music, Boston, Thpo(lore j0hnson, Edward Cup 1 where she has been studying tor Fr(uik Vl,Vei)jht jame3 Pitney some time past. While carrying d WaUor w Anderson will on her studies at America s old-, . j severai oth- The Yeriugton basket shoot ers, the girls team, wui oe miof ore sjlnrtly putting in its ap Tnnnnoh tomorrow Blld 111 the 1 .. " ""vl'" . .... i-i ucnitiiicf evening will clash with the high, school girls ot lonopau in me t-m nt. the hififh school. The and black team of Tono pah entertain tne visitors i- tin .inn nt a innner nisi uciuic i-.'s. ...... test which is to be called at Sij o'clock- The young people are I J looking forward to the big event is singing proiessionauy in auu around nosion i . . .i. re.-ira or me ers have announced their iuten "";.. ..f l.-nntr nresent. The pre 1 i I I HH1 Wl I ' " ---- . At a dramatic i :. . .. , ,;.i u. with A ereat deal of interest and Jit is assured that a large gath- I . ... 1 1- n tlia cul.1 "" . ? .i erin will De nreseiu m mc "is amo wi 1 start at 7:30i"1"1 . ' . i... ,,u..nvtorv nn'"11"""' . . ".-". i ,yf t ekets las been uhusubiij . m i . ,vi,.-in : - i ... ... i r o i i it i ii m r i isfi ai"i .? " . i i ... 1 1 to. lmi' " v Judge Cuddy- 'lius was wo v a i.i. KIT A. Malta. Dec. 15- .1 ,,MVe,l the of l!!:10 .nu. u",..'Ztu heavy. the body was " .,',,,... Miteh.-ll of New lorK, . ti..ii....p rpvivnl of , 1,1,5 lu"u"'."s r " T" .... ti, v..rin.-ton s.mad s com- . ... i... ...on neeoiiiiianieiii .iiasou ...... rrau em i " - n,;.,!, Qf. um .ova wno win vki - " . . second tup I v ,.;,.,n ,.,,nsu . who was siiol .ir,n.,n, out! act , ., f.f the following: lieatnee hy Mauiml Kios. i';!"11-, ''.."!'.' 1!:iril,,, Tuesday, has re- Fap ... ,,rin.i present : ?"; j" Thrnilkill. Fern Dillon. Mabel; jSherni H1011..1-...... ----- f a "", -j ., ibert wenzei, ioy in:-..u.i. r ;tt.,n Pin. n-iiiii i.i. .i.. -; - , 9 . ,.,. naiie a verv wiuu-i r ....:. R.. ,r John Martin. Riiuunu nil.. "' 'lt ;,.,s,i,in i.n,i audiences ulw"' " VA.. ' T .... 'o....i l,ir Rnehanan. Esther Ryan- Lu-, ..minit : r... '7; : t ... ' ,..11 of the arr, ion. uriini, u,,,.. r ', Veigh. n mm u - Theater ! Today Then- I Pauline J . .. TaVl,.!- Allorin- .u.i . ... , i f ....lui.t P.eorgC Ulllell ami iien-iiu""'- r, On the third trip witness tes tified that the .'hair which was lmrilid was unearthed and was cognized by the w.tness and the testimony regarding his .... ..., the same as mtro- 0 man , -".. " iv th, state. Ul.eeu t sis.e..... . ,ii! t.. i,fl board where the lml- flesh wound in eovere Ji.rllt . Tlis assailant was .11 ted to an insane asylum. hie impression I that filled Conservatory building. ARREST IS MADE IN POISON NEEDLE CASE; ... i :.l Pab on, I die uiCKerson, n" f-oi.trn.le Coddineton. Miss T ; I otlipfin ,naeh will accom- WILL BMir fluu. aviators TOST ! pany the visitors. Th hodv of the ate Oneachea! AVIATOR8 1MB l . 1 , , TnnIlh r u i w s- i - t . tc ir.Hxni i nn imn ncis in liic PA1U. Ie. 15-The first . San.hlo, d,; are a? follows: Ruth FWj i . with Tift ine innr vi-aivia , 4 DabuKo . .trnrn lvmit . ' 'C V: nerdlc enidcmic was M. be shipped tomorrow mormng w . .... . -u .. . ! , ( nnncaneu pu..s.... .. o Maximum yesterday 38 50 o'the et m who said he stuek her in(The brother armed from Ely to pla, thj -ej & 0 Minimum Jesterday 32 36 o ted. "JJ f m. roar) 'the wrist with a needle. day. 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 o o o 0 Thomas Meighan dore Roberts, Stark in "IF YOU BELIEVE IT, IT'S SO" From the popular novel by Derley l'oore Sheehan. New York underworld and country lane linked drama of wondrous appeal. A crook picture that is different and "THE HYPNOTIST" "THE SON OF THE WOLF" n , nek London story ana dewy in a a .ihck i THE STORK'S MISTAKE I a two-reel comedy I t