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TONIGHT AND TUESDAY GENERALLY FAIR VOLUME XXII. NO. 156 Tonopah BY WITNESS Savs Never Was Intimate With 'Either Murdered Man or Witness Jim Rios CROSS EXAMINATION STRATS Defendant Shows Results Ltn Confinement as Pri soner in County Jail of On court ,a!le.l Of '''I the reconvening the district this morning Judge Averill the calendar and all dates s. s were advanced. Tie' uf George and lonn Aimr-d with tile lliur Dillon. .or of tVali'aee Williams on August 2:'. as i hen called. Mrs. Kate M. H,i vs. who conducts a second liam store was the first witness and the defense resumed ie. I bi' evidence was in iture "f having known the is ;iii. having seen them ,i . ii. Stated she saw re I f I U'ii after the big fire Airs. Dillon who stated they L'uiiL.' to Makel'sfiold. This he first week in September. .all its ' th ii Dill" 'liii'i t'li-or SlHV WiT" was bor Willi I (id not see anything w ron Airs. Dillon's action aft- she sai-1 they were goin-. I lakers! 'i-'ld. Mi's Lena Dillon, wif lii'iiii,'' Dillon and one of ili-l'iinl. nits, was next call-'-the stand. She looks hag ami slews the .strain of her coll fiiiem '.MM' ie. In her testimony she ot name as Lena Dillon ami sai-1 shi! had been in Tono Vli sine last March. At that time she had the Capitol room ing house and later moved to tlir Globe rooming house. Her hiishaml worked at various places Williams and Dillon be came partners in the bootlegging businos about the 4th of June,' DENIES EVERY CHARGE MADE tostifie.l witness "Last time i I your house here?" Answer, "l"-' saw Wallace Williams was after ',..,, Ise. lj0s threat-'iiod mo. ami the fire. Knew Fred Barou who ,om!Uul,.,i money and said I will i'ooiiie.1 at Globe rooming house. I .j voll i jjilVl. him money. " He came to the Globe after i" ))n' j,,.,. tI.j, t. first night the Litter part of May. HeL, ic,.azjer well with Zampotti, wanted me to hoard him. I with Barou in the back seat, the I'laiiied why that I couldn't as; llm,.,jn,. broke down, and Zain liifihand, myself ami W illiums H.ttl took his machine and the Wei,- I could take care of."i tir,.e weut out, stated witness. Wle n asked if Kios ever madej W(. W(,nl , to ,rt, whisky," "y inducement to her sh.' sai-1 : j ..(,.ltinnl.,l witness. "I offered Yes. he asked me why 1 didnt!,, IT't a man." "I told him I had tuisb.ind. Later on. one night Kios came to my bedroom and tried to get in. I di-1 not admit him." ' Thc "Did with y-nir onestion belli!' asKC-l, ; belli!' asKC-1, vou ever have any trouble! from Texas to California. Had Wallace Williams, or didjlivpij , Texas all her lit'-' be husband. George"" Wit- p.,,.,. ,,;,; to California Alter "i'ss answered, "No." ' Di-1 "Wallace Williams ever ! Hake any indecent proposals to, )'u?" Answer. "No. nobody ever di-1.'' 1 hand had confessed, and "When was the lust time you:.,..,,, implicated in the Mw Williams?" ''On August 2:trd." "Did your husband and Wil liams make any money in the moonshine, business?" Answer, "No." "Did the absence of Williams attract your attention?" "My husband said he bad left "'"1 that he was beating hi '"' '" the train. When Williams 1ft he owed me $85 for board oooooooooooooooo THE WEATHER A A 0 Local observer t-:..J o Stateg weather bureau 0 Temperature! 5 a.m. o Current 32 0 Wet bulb ."".'30 o Relative humidity 82 Noon o 40 o 34 o 64 o 0 Temnarat.nrna 0 0 Maximum yesterday 40 o Minimum yesterday 30 m o! 31 0 0 0 0 nn Extension Pioneers Way In Reduction and the auto Ford that we a letter to his I'ui' some mou- purchase of the mad''. lie wrote father asking him y. Evidently tin' money did nut arrive. i(! hi''- g--st oust uf 1 1 il ies fur running the business rami' out of rent of tlii' (ilobi' rooming house; Vrs, I sold drinks at the rooming house. " 'After Wallace Williams left do you rerall what arrangement was made with Kios.' Answer, " Ves, he was to g. mit and help; George at the still, lie said hot knew th business better." When ash,, saw l'.aroii. wi in Bishop Sh lell left To,i of September, had had a 111 She then told an offer for tin ii told ah. I Hie last tune she loess stated he was c said George Dil iah till' eighth day ' ' ( if urge and Kios ss," stated witness, about she had had tin: still, etc. Slnv nit iif 1 1 i t i lt a man she called Fred to drive her and George- Dillon t" Blair .luiietion on Saturday in--rn i iilt. Soptonibcr !. George Dilleii called witness on the telephone from Alina, and "1 talked to him and told him 1 was afraid f Kios," said witness. ''.Met Ivies that nigh' and asked him what he was try inir to do.' He said, "you I. -ok out or I will biinin you el'l " I'pon being ipiest ioli-'d I'-' r-1 -i 1 1 lt the watch that Zampatti gave to officers, now in evidence, wit-' liess said she never saw t In Watch to her knowledge. She testified that on Labor -lay her husband bought a pistol. "1 lost this pistol.," continued wit ness, "or it was stolen from my ; house. This gun was bought af ter Walla-'-' Williams left. Kios ' ol ia, thrcatone-1 my husbands life a number of times before this. 1 1 to1 told my husband about these gard threats." "Did your hits' about thr trouble ing -if the eighth Answer, "Yes, h-' laud toll you on the inurii with Kios,'" told mo that Jii s was goin to kill him." "Did you ever have a gun .Answer, "Yes." "Where did you fret it?" Answer. "From a deputy sheriff in Texas when I was in the res taurant business." ''Whv did vou keen a pun in , ...i,. ,.r (ilt. .still to Zampatti im.I he air reed to take it. 1 told Lee Bell that 1 had turned the keys over to Zampatti who had paid me if.'iO for the still." When asked where she came ,... witness staled sue Mini leaving here she went to Bakers ri-Il. September 11 or 12. Was .invstt.(i ,y two deputy sheriffs. j.( )ffi, told her that her hus- "that 1 murder W..11, Wi linns. I icy used very offensive language- ("ere witness related of the language used ) . . Witness stated that sh-' and Dillon arrived with the officers (111 October Kith. Thought she saw an -attorney first u Monday, the 2")th. Was contined in tlii- jury room. i tliereunon recessed iii 1 1. i I 2 oelock this afternoon. With riH'onvening of (Ids afternoon Mrs. Dillon court was l,;,.,.ted to a searching cross- .i",i' ' - nvHinillJltltUl l).V I'isiri t Attorney She started in n Frank I. I'lum telling where sue was .,... Texas, giving l"'r maiden . 1,'cii.l in Iiai.-e, Tor from childhood. name, ami '-" . ...1.1 .-me i-'.- r tnm one place to an ti in 1 m tile none .n. -, . T - Wt .1 CSlH.c. Worked for the telephone com- i... . -.i M n( and when asVed, Associated Press Report Published Dally onopah SOVIETS ORDER CONSULATES OF MANY TO CLOSE Prance and Ten Other Countries to Cease Business and for Consuls To Leave UNCLE SAM IS NOT AFFECTED Status of China and Japan Has Not Vet Been Ascertained by the Correspondents VLADIVOSTOK. )ee. The Soviet govoiniin nt of vostok, whieh recently tin the a-liniuistrati ' t is. Vladi k over e citv and sit ri'nM 1 1 1 1 it lt tenrtory, known as the ' I'rimoria," to day ordered the consuls of France and ten other countries to elosi their "iisultatos ami leav . I'l iHion.-i hiii the week I 'oiisiilate set' i he I 'uileil States, Great Britain. Italy, Germany .iiid Austria were not ordered closed. No announcement as to tie- consulates of China and Ja pan have been made. tt she SUI'leil W is ,1 in W;, an say inir. "I Wit nos.s Dillon left and that on't re testified 1'-nn i mh she left aid she A Bur cxas. in members. " that tleol-ee Si ptelllber s "II Seltemb- was married ham iit San Fi. She to Georgi Antonio, A lay was 1!H2. Hot Ci n-'Xt marriiiL'-' ex at Trinidad, !H7. ll-r third . Harold 1'ieott to .1 aek I lily w ;is Colo., in niarri.-ig- t- in Xiw Mei and her last Ge-n-o" Dillon De-ember 2:i, Airs Dilb'ti i in March. Ilrjil. m.'iriaoc was to at Bakersfield oil !'21. found out - lius- baud had a wife an dren. Did not know tlir-'e chil whether the oth she r husband was dead when married the hist. "Some- body said he was,' witness re marked. "Guess this is what, you call circumstantial evidence-" When 1 married George Dillon don't know whether other hus band was dead or alive. Heard ho was dead. I met George Dillon one year ago in Tal't, last September. I was in whisky bus iness and was living with him. I came to Tonopah on the first day of .March. Cam.) here on ac count ol reports 1 had heard this was a good town for hotel busi ness. When 1 arrived had in the neighborhood of ijiJlHi. I rented the Capitol rooming house first and two weeks later then rented the Globe rooming house. Thi swas about the ISth of April. I was always on good terms with Wallace Williams. Never had any trouble with him. Last saw him mi the 2oi'd of August, the night of the big fire. He walked out of the Globe at ti ::iil in the eve ning. Never saw him again. Don't know whore he went. Kios went out with him and came back and asked me what that is this to you .' Kios then sai-1 ; 'I will show you what that s of ., will get.' 1 wont to sup- ner with in v husband ami Kios at the Mexican restaurant. We returned to the Globe and my husband and I w.-nt to bed about 12 o'- lock. Kios lett about that time. My husband never accused me of being intimate Willi v h- liams positively no. II. eiised mo of being intimate ac with n man in room No. S. The only time I was at the still was on the Fourt hof July. Went out to get whisky.' "Did Rios at any time after the disappearance of William's, on a trip to Frazicr well, put a -n.h in vour dress pocket ami i , .'that later you dug a noie ai uie i t. . . i . t i. :.. iu. ami Kios II 11 uie waieu 111 ; " -. ' - , . , jf An - swer "Or did yon make this state" Daily T0N0PAH, NEVADA, MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 1922 :NDANT, GREAT ROBBERY IS COMMITED BY 3 BANDITS rk-l! n..! n r i neiieve reiierai Kpsprve imams; . - - - of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars in Denver DK.NVKK, Dec. from an autoiuobil drawn up alongsi-l- 18. Leaving which had; the Federal' K-'si-rve -leiivcrv wagon at th ... ..... muni entrance of the Denver mint, and shouting toward four Federal Kesorvo guards, who wore emerging from the building carrying if'Ul n ll )l it ) in bills, two bandits shot t. ,,i.i,. i'.ti,. .. ,Mu I-uiHiui , e-i..",i injured i iiarios Ijiiitoii. one or the guards, seized the entire eon-' siginnent oi money and sprang : into their motor ear and es-. I'ap-'d. The third member of th- bandit group remained at the wl 1 of the automobile. One of, the bandits is believed to havei been shot while making his es-. -ape. ."so iuiel!y di-1 the bandits work that persons in the im mediate vicinity were unaware of what had happened until the guards from within the mint ruslied to the windows and out ot 118, and a pulse the main entrance, firing at the!Hetioii is irreirular escaping highwaymen, who was assist ing in the currency, fell at shot from the bandits, Linton died at 11 o Linton, ; guarding, the first guns. clock. ; no huow me milliner aim i c xnausted condition or trom in serial of every last $5 bill in!fliienza. Reinfection of of in - I .1. 1 ,. the bunch," declared Director Grant of the mint. "Even if the bandits escape thev cannot cud the money without being in immediate danger of ar rest WELL KNOWN AUSTRIAN IS DEAD OF PNEUMONIA I von Niksich, aged 48 years, and a resident of Tonopah dis trict for the last eight years, died this morning at II) o'clock at, the Mine Operators Hospital from pneumonia from which he had been suffering a week. Niksich had been last employed at the Midway mine, and was well acquainted among the resi dents of Tonopah. He was a member of the Croation society, which organization will have charge of the funeral services. He was born in Austria. incut?" Answer: "1 did Go-irgo Dillon left Tonopah tomber the eighth, goin Bishop. We stopped on eighth day of September at Millers. He planned on going out before. This was the night 1 sold the still to Zampatti. 1 cannot recall the conversation on the night of the fire between Williams. George and 1 at the rooming house. The gun George bought Labor day was lost. Some man tool; it from me. I was down the line drunk and some man took it. I never had trouble with Rios on the night of the fire, August 23." "Did Rios want to stay with you on the night of the 2'ird?" Answer: "No." District Attorney Dunn then. took the witness over a scath ing examination on Rios wanting to stay with her that night- Mrs. Dillon denied that he did. When asked if he was sell 'ing liquor at the Globe, she re plied: "Yes, a few bottles; our trade w as mostly Mexicans. Rios j reported this w inter m the north was not at our house for the I west, the upper lake region, the purpose of boosting the Mexican trade. 1 had to put up with him. Couldnt get rid of him. When arrested in Bakersfield (I had the gun with me in the store where I was working. ! At 3:15 this afternoon District Attorney inmn was tiring ques tions at witness like (Continued on Pc a volley Four) Bonanza ON WALLACE REED, IS NEAR DEATH CahamI flnna CfiA- rui La si ocrtiai uuu vunu.- - tion Has Been Considered Extremely Grave INFLUENZA BELIEVED CAUSE Ovpr.lndoluerirp in Alcohol nnd v'" Narcotics Is Denied by the Attending Physicians 1 I.IS Wallace ANGKLKS, Dec. 18 Reid, movie actor, is on in,, verfe ot death and tor sev- i .ays was not expected to according to All's. Keid, i:.. Ourotliv Davenport, in an inter- view for the Los Angeles Ex aminer given at a Hollywood sanitarium last night. One of the physicians, according to the Kxaniiner, corroborated Airs, liciil's statements, saying: "Mr. Keid has been near death for the past, five or six days. Bis temp crature has repeadtedly reached DW. His pulse is 1:10 as against normal figures of temperature of 72. Bis heart and weak. He has fainted on an average of three times daily, and has lost seventy pounds in weight. The laboratory findings indicate he is suffering either from a complete , .. n fluenza is possible any time and could cause his death. His pres ent illness has no connection with overindulgence in alcohol or nar cotics, authough such indulgences have undoubtedly indermined his strength and system in months gone by. ' Authority in Dublin Area Is Re leased and Tri -Color of the ' Irish Hoisted DUBLIN, Dec. 18. Union WT MOVIE ACTOR UNION JACK IS RETURNING TO DEAR ENGLAND ni)( Jack andauthority, symbolized in s;(,p.iJack and authority, symbolized , to''11 Ireland for so many years, has i... f last of the British soldiers oc cupying the Dublin area, and in its place over the military posts of this city floated the tricolor of the Irish Free State. Cheer ing Sunday, crowds watched the British march to the docks. Richard Muleahy, minister of de fense in the Free State govern ment, saluted the British colors as they came down for the last time. UULiU II 1 lILilli IT IS STATED CHICAGO, Dec. 18 Temper atures lower than any previously ; Great Central valleys, the middle nu west gun states tne soutnen; Rocky mountain region, were re-1 corded last night and todaj, as) another cold wave spread over the great portion of the United States west of Appalachian mountains. The mercury here i went Deiow sero ior me nrst time this season. EAST SUFFERING I III II VFATHFR NLOO JUDICIARY COMMITTEE INVESTIGATES KELLER WASHINGTON, Dee. IS. j j House judiciary eomivittec ap- ! pointed a subcommittee to hives-1 tigate what action, it any, will be taken in connection with t he j refusal of Representative Keller j to testify before the committee .'tu to inrornuition -in which he . , , , ihkwi nnnenc idipiit eiiare-es against Attorney General Dauglrj - --o - '' y 1 TWENTY-THREE SAVED FROM WRECKED TUG SAL'LTSTK MARIE, Dee. 18. Twenty-three uf 27 persons missing since the tug Reliance struck on the rocks off Lizard Island last Wednesday have been saved, according to from the tug Grey, reports which i reached the wreck todav JAP PRINCE IS SICK TOKIO. Doc. IS. Regent Kirohito has rooovorod from his recent attack of measles, but now suffering from an attack of bronchial catarrh, it was an nounced by the imperial house hold department. TWO MEN ARE FOUND FROZEN IN CHICAGO CHICAGO, Doe. IS. Harry T. I Graham, "0 years and a printer, i was toiiud trozen to death in : downtow n alley in a M-below cold. The frozen body of a Zt'ro sec - i ond man. Iimothy lierney. i; , - j railroad watchman, was found j j later near the tracks of the ; Chicago and Western Indiana I railroad i GREAT APPROPRIATION REPORTED FAVOABLY WASHINGTON. Dec. KAn appropriation of $:.)2,:i00,O0O for construction of forest roads and trails and rural post roads as authorized under the Federal Highway act is recommended iu the agricultural bill for the next fiscal year, as proposed to the house. MRS. EMMA WILLIAMS WAS BURIED YESTERDAY The funeral services over the remains of the late Mrs. Emma Williams were held yesterday afternoon at the parlors of Won" aeott & Cavanatigh, where a large number of friends gathered to pay their respects to the mem ory of this estimable woman. The services were conducted by the Christian Science society, and at their close the flower overed cas ket was borne by the following friends: J. E. Beck, W. I. Bray, L. W. Horton, C F. Wittenberg. Cliff , Loring and W. E. Hales. Interment took place in the Ma sonic plot of the local cemetery. DRIVE FOR CUTLERY CONTINUED FOR DAY The committee in charge of the i drive for cutlery for disabled j soldiers at Letterman hospital! iJias decided to continue the drive! (over until Wednesday. This j will give all a day longer in j j which to donate. Remember: ithat small donations are as wel-; I....,.,., oo I....... ........ ,,..,1 .1, ... oil! etfllll. IUI 'T V'llin (111. I lUMl All j money is spent here at home. Everybody should do what they! cm to help. Come through. The boys have given their all, so! can we not now give a utile to them and cherr their sad hours in the hospital? A representative will visit the business houses Xuesdav. Please have your do nation ready. WASHINGTON, Dec. IS. The nomination of Pierce Butler, Minnesota, to be associate jus tice of the supreme court, was reported to the Senate by a unan imous vote of the judiciary committee. METAL QUOTATIONS SILVER B 6 8c SILVER (FOREIGN) 64 6-8c LEAD $720 COPPER 14 PRICE TEN CENTS D ot Ores AS HALVERSON GREATSUCCESS Recovery of Cyanide Pronounc i . . . ,, eu ureaiesi atep in meiaiiur' - gy in Last 30 Years i-MILL ADDITION TO BE BULT Ten Stamps to Be Added With Dorr Classifiers and New Leaf Filter I'ionecring the wav ill times ; touching upon i -luctioii of ores. ; tension Alining ! again taken the milling and re" the Tonopah Kx-C-impany has load by scouring Arthur L. llaU-'r the services of .son, noted mineralogist, who has ' completed installat ioii of tin- 1 lal ! vorseii system of reducing costs of cvanidatiou. The saving that. IS being effected ill the reeovi r.v of cyanide used and its re-use. i will amount, to at least od per jceut, and eventually it is hoped j to reduce the amount 7" per j cent. ' Tile results of tin- new method have been watched with great ; interest by mining and smelting j companies, and the results at - "Itllineil menu tll.-it It,,. 'I',, I . , . i el I. ! Belmont Developmt tit Company's 1 -ii -ii i,,, -,, -i- ,.i , i I 1 1 1 1 -1 , 1 1 1 lie .si in . 1 1,( i i ' I'-'ll'-". mill, as wol las the West End. Desert and Ma.-Namura mills, which will bo shniliarly equipped A representative of the l iiited States Smelting and R finiim Company, serving in the capacity of consulting mineralogist, re cently spent several -lays iu watching the results of Mr. Hal vorseu's efforts find pronounee-l it a success in every particular. It means that eventually the new recovery process will result, in the elimination of the zinc pre cipitates altogether, and is the greatest forward step in eyanr datiou that has been made during the last thirty years. Again pioneering the way from a mili standpoint the To nopah Extension Mining Com pany is adding two additions to its milling plant, which will in- crease the capacity trom 41.) tons to o00 tons daily. I he southwest addition to the mill will bo 2d feet in length, and ton additional stamps will be added, as well as a Dorr classifier. The second addition will be MO by 2n feet in which is to bo installed a lid Leaf filter box for precipitation. The growth of Tonopah Ex tentioti operations lias at all times kept abreast of the times. When the mill was brought into operation on January 2", KMd. the capacity was 'i fo tons daily, Continued on Page Four utler i Theater ! TFPT rTW w w w w w w w w w , Today A Burner Sea Drama Than 2 Ever Before I From Tropic Isle to Underworld 1 ' DOROTHY PHILLIPS IN "HURRICANE'S GAL" Ruler of wild men bnt not of her own wild heart! Destroyers, Hydroplanes, Slinkling Smugglers IT HAKES THRILLS THRILL EIGHT GREAT REELS Lower Floor30c, Balcony 25c Children 20c Tomorrow Marion Da vies in "The Young Diana" A Marie Corelli story. PROCESS KNOWN B 0000000000 living m